
Preparation of two sheets summary paper for the International Conference on
Modern Electrical Power Engineering (ICMEPE-2016)
A. Author1, B. Author2 and C. Author1
Department of Electrical Engineering
E.T.S.I.I., Vigo University
Campus of Lagoas – Marcosende, 36310 Vigo (Spain)
phone:+34 986 812685, fax:+34 986 812601, e-mail:,
Spanish Association for the Development of Electrical Engineering (AEDIE)
Mailing address
Phone, fax, e-mail
1. Brief introduction
Authors of accepted digests will be requested to submit a
summarized two sheets paper, in English, before May 1,
2016, for inclusion in the ICMEPE-2006 USB Memory
The summarized papers, written in English, have to be
sent as a word and .pdf files to one of the following email addresses: or
Please carefully read and follow these instructions to
ensure a uniform quality and appearance of all
Brief and clearly explain the nature of the problem,
previous work, purpose and contribution of the paper.
paragraph text continues indented at about 0.4
cm from the number.
D. Tables, Figures, Equations, References.
The same instructions that for full paper
3. Further Information
Questions concerning the preparation of summaries and
papers may be addressed to the International Secretariat:
Electrical Engineering Department E.T.S.I.I., Vigo University
Campus of Lagoas-Marcosende, 36310 VIGO (Spain)
Phone/Fax number.: 0034.986.812685
web site:
Key words: Please write the main key words of your
text (4 to 6) separated by commas.
Page Layout
4. Conclusion
Should clearly and brief indicate advantages, limitations
and possible applications.
Summarized papers should not exceed one double
column A4 (21x29.7 cm) page including figures, tables
and diagrams.
C. Title and Headings
In this section financial or other support can be
acknowledged. Do not number this section, nor the
following references section.
1) Title. The title of the paper is place centred at
3.70 cm from the top of the page and run across
the upper portions of both columns.
2) Primary headings. Primary headings (numbered
1., 2., 3.,...) are on the left side of the column
and on separate lines.
3) Secondary headings. Secondary headings
(numbered A., B., C.,...) are place flush left of
the column.
4) Tertiary headings. Tertiary headings (numbered
1), 2), 3),...) have a 0.6 cm indentation. The
[1] A. Author1, Book Title, Publisher, City (1996), pp.
[2] A. Author1, B. Author2 and C. Author3, “Title of
paper”, in Proc. ICEM1996, Vol. 1, pp. 120-126.
[3] A. Author1 and B. Author2, “Diagnosis of rotor
faults...”, IEEE Trans. On Energy Conversion, Vol.
9, No. 1, pp 1232-1238, March 1994.