Poster General Rules ABSTRACT FORMAT (and suggestions) Language English or Italian Info Title: The title must be concise and clearly describe the content of the work Authors: Please indicate the names of all authors and institutions, as follow: Presenting Author1, Second Author1, Third Author2 Institutions: 1 University of XYZ; 2 University of ZYX Presenting Author email: Abstract: a short abstract (250 words max.). Clearly indicate whether the talk proposed is a theoretical or an empirical talk: For theoretical talks, abstracts should summarize the point being made, if a new model is being proposed and how it relates to existing models. For empirical talks, abstracts must indicate the goals of the study or studies, methods used, the most important results, and the most important conclusions. Keywords: maximum 7 keywords Theme: see “Topics” at, if you don’t find your topics within the list, you can propose another one. Format Doc file Contents the objectives of the presentation, conceptual or empirical findings, short bibliography indicating the main references. Font Text: 12 point (Not enough space to fit all your text? Then shorten your text!), sans serif fonts, bright background Deadline 30th October, 2015 Send to