MODULE 19_03 The Deactivation of Excited Singlet States As we have seen in earlier Modules the (stimulated) absorption (annihilation) of a photon by a molecule causes an electronic transition to occur with the concomitant formation of an excited electronic state. Quantum mechanical laws govern the photon-molecule interaction. In photophysics and photochemistry, we focus on the physical and chemical properties of the excited electronic state formed during the absorption process. Excited electronic states have different electronic configurations from the ground states whence they originated and are therefore different chemical species, even though their nuclear framework may be identical or very similar to that of their ground state parent. Excited electronic states are intrinsically unstable and their excess energy can be dissipated in a variety of ways, physical and chemical. We can conveniently categorize the various decay routes into radiative and non-radiative (radiationless) RADIATIVE DEACTIVATION PROCESSES BETWEEN STATES OF LIKE MULTIPLICITY UNLIKE MULTIPLICITY S1 S0 hvF T1 S0 hvP Fluorescence Spin-allowed and strong Phosphorescence Spin-forbidden and weak NON-RADIATIVE DEACTIVATION PROCESSES BETWEEN STATES OF: LIKE MULTIPLICITY UNLIKE MULTIPLICITY S2 S1 heat S1 T1 heat Internal conversion Very rapid Intersystem crossing Usually less rapid since spin-forbidden 1 Energy relationships and rate processes between electronic states are often depicted on a Jablonski diagram (Figure 19.1) FIGURE 19.1 S2 Intersystem crossing T3 T2 internal conversion S1 Intersystem crossing internal conversion T1 absorption phosphorescence fluorescence S0 2 S1 radiative lifetimes are in the range 1 to 100 ns, although some are found outside this range. T1 radiative lifetimes are milliseconds and longer. Recall that the radiative lifetime is the reciprocal of the radiative rate constant. Thus FM 1/ kFM (19.1) and TM 1/ kTM (19.2) Since kFM is equal to the Einstein A coefficient, which is related to the Einstein B coefficient and then to the transition dipole moment fi , and then to the integrated extinction coefficient (J), it should come as no surprise that there is a relationship between kFM and J, thus 1/ FM 2.88x10 9 n3f na f3 1 av d (19.3) where nf and na are the mean refractive indices of the solvent over the fluorescence band and the absorption band, respectively, and f3 1 av is the reciprocal of the mean value of -3 over the fluorescence spectrum. Equation (19.3) is the Strickler-Berg equation (1962). It allows a calculation of the radiative lifetime of fluorescence from a measurement of the absorption spectrum of the fluor. The Jablonski method of presentation 20 (Figure 19.1) is useful but it is energy FIGURE 19.2 18 confined 16 relationships only. Other factors are 14 important when considering rates. An 12 alternative approach is to think in 10 terms of potential energy curves. For to showing energy a diatomic molecule we can construct 8 a potential energy curve such as 6 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 shown in Figure 19.2. In such a internuclear distance molecule, quantized nuclear motions along the inter-nuclear axis provide a series of vibrational energy levels given by 3 1 Ev (v ) (19.4) 2 For diatomics, every bound electronic state has a PE curve such as above. The curves are separated from each other on the energy axis. Different PE curves can intersect with each other depending on the curvature of the function (the force constant) and the value of r0. It is not possible to characterize polyatomic molecules in the same precise manner as for diatomics since they have more than one degree of vibrational freedom. A multi-dimensional surface would be required for an equivalent characterization. However, an inaccurate, but very useful physical picture can be gained for polyatomics, if we imagine that all the individual nuclear oscillators in the molecule are reduced to a single dimension, viz., a generalized nuclear coordinate. On this model we can represent a polyatomic in a Morse-type plot in an analogous way to what we do for diatomics where FIGURE 19.3 now the abscissa label become “general nuclear coordinate”. Another device we can employ is to regard the molecule in question as having a particular bond as the photochemically relevant entity, e.g. alkyl carbonyls. Then we can confine our attention to a “local mode” on that bond. This approximation is useful since it allows for energy level juxtapositions and curve crossings to be visualized. Figure 19.3 shows an example of this concept. Here we see the processes of absorption, internal conversion in S1, intersystem crossing and phosphorescence depicted. The vibrational cascade starts in S 1 and continues until there is a curve crossing between S1 and T1. At that point, the isothermal intersystem crossing process can occur and there is some probability that the system will leave the crossing point on the triplet surface. Subsequent cascade takes the molecule to the v = 0 level of the triplet state whence phosphorescence can occur. In effect, absorption and fluorescence are inverse processes. In solution phase at room temperature, most molecules are in lowest vibrational state (v = 0). Thus, upward transitions 4 originate from v = 0 and terminate at v = 0,1,2,3…in S1 . The transition moments for the v = 0 to v = n set of transitions vary (via the Franck-Condon factors) throughout the series, thus the efficiency of the individual absorption vibronic transitions varies through the series and the observed spectrum is a convolution of the set. At the instant of absorption, the ensemble of molecules in FIGURE 19.3A electronic state S1 will contain some in v 0 , some in v 1 , some in v 2 , and so on (Figure 19.3A). A radiative transition from S1 can therefore originate from any of the set of vibrational states populated in the absorption process. However, all states above v 0 (v 1, 2,3...) are capable of undergoing internal conversion (vibrational cascade) to v 0 . So a v n state is confronted by a choice of competing deactivation channels: Fluorescence: S1 (v n) S0 (v m) Internal conversion: S1 (v n) S1 (v 0) In most molecules the non-radiative process is much more rapid than the radiative one ( knr 1011 s 1 ; krad 108 s1 ). Therefore, as a general rule, the fluorescence transition originates from 1.0 rule. One effect of this is to generate fluorescence chromophores. example of spectra of many Figure 19.4 shows an this for a silicon phthalocyanine in toluene solution. This absorbance (norm) mirror symmetry between the absorption and 1.0 FIG 19.4 0.9 symmetry is only found for molecules 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 550 that undergo minimal nuclear geometry 600 650 700 wavelength / nm change on excitation. 5 750 800 fluorescence (norm) S1 (v 0) . This effect is called Kasha’s FLUORESCENCE MEASUREMENTS Electronically excited states of molecule M can deactivate in several ways, some intramolecular and some bimolecular, as indicated in the accompanying scheme. M + h M(S1) Bimolecular processes M + hF M(S0) + M(T1) + N + N is the product of some intramolecular chemical change, e.g., cis-trans isomerization. All the above processes (and more) may be competing in the de-activation of 1M*, and all are characterized by a rate constant. Only one of the processes is radiative (fluorescence) and by monitoring the fluorescence, either its intensity or lifetime, affords us a useful and convenient way of measuring the rate of decay of 1M*, and thence information on its reactivity. There are two basic experimental set-ups: (1) Steady state: FIGURE 19.5 Continuous light source 6 Measures the fluorescence intensity as a function of wavelength. (2) Time resolved: FIGURE 19.6 Pulsed light source Time-resolved detector Measures fluorescence intensity as a function of time. Steady State Spectrofluorimetry Instrument schematic: FIGURE 19.7 EXCITATION S EMISSION D The source is a broadband lamp (usually Xe arc) operating in a continuous mode. Monochromators are used to select narrow band of wavelengths from the excitation source and the emitted radiation. 7 Such instruments are often used to obtain excitation and emission spectra. Excitation spectrum: fluorescence intensity at fixed EM and variable EX (comparison to absorption spectrum.) Fluorescence Spectrum: fluorescence intensity at fixed EX and variable EM . A typical observation may be seen in Figure 19.8. The FIGURE 19.8 excitation spectrum provides information about the absorption spectrum of the molecules present that fluoresce. In Excitation Fluorescence a pure, uncomplicated sample, the excitation spectrum closely resembles the absorption spectrum. In a mixture where only one component is fluorescent, the excitation spectrum will be that of the fluorescent compound only, but the absorption spectrum will contain additional bands. The excitation spectrum in this case will not closely resemble the absorption spectrum of the mixture. Other factors also intervene to cause excitation and absorption spectra to differ. Quantitative spectrofluorimetry: FIGURE 19.9 Figure 19.9 shows a representation of a fluorescence spectrum. The area under the spectrum (GF) is proportional to the number I F of photons emitted. G area F (GF) under the fluorescence intensity vs. wavelength spectrum is proportional to the nm concentration of fluorescent states: GF [ 1M ] qFM 8 where qFM is the molecular quantum efficiency of fluorescence. In many cases GF I max and in such cases a measurement of the peak intensity can be used to follow changes in [ 1M ] . Under carefully controlled conditions, GF tracks the concentration of fluorescent states. For example, consider the following experiment (Figure 19.10) in which a dilute solution of tetraphenylporphine (TPP) in benzene is examined with three FIG. 19.10 0 mM different concentrations of oxygen in the solution, all under the same conditions of excitation. It is clear that the presence of oxygen causes IF an attenuation of the fluorescence signal. A plot of I 650 vs. [o2 ] has the 2 mM form shown in Figure 19.11. 10 mM Oxygen is said to be a quencher of / nm the fluorescence. The data obtained can N2 saturated FIGURE 19.11 be employed to extract quantitative information about the kinetic properties of the fluorescent species, as we see IF Air-saturated below. O2 saturated [O2] A KINETIC SCHEME FOR FLUORESCENCE QUENCHING Assume we have a solution of a fluorophore (such as the TPP above) in some solvent and there are no complications. Singlet states are populated in a continuous way by absorption of photons from the excitation light beam at the appropriate wavelength. 9 The S1 states are depopulated via a variety of competing pathways: hv A M 1M * REX 1 M* M hvF k FM 1 M* kTM 1 M* M kGM 1 M* Q M Q' kQM 3 M* Q represents a quencher of S1 such as oxygen, and Q’ represents the effects of the quenching act (non-specific). This quenching interaction is a bimolecular process. The excitation parameter, Rex, is a measure of the rate at which photons are absorbed into the sample. Since each photon absorbed generates one 1M* state, it also gives the rate of S1 production (in molecules per second). For a fixed REX ( you must be aware of the need for this) the amplitude of the fluorescence signal will depend on the competition between the fluorescence process (via k FM ) and all the other deactivation routes. In the absence of quenchers, i.e., [Q] = 0 d 1 * [ M ] REX (kFM kTM kGM ) [1 M * ] dt (19.5) REX i ki [1 M * ] (19.6) Under continuous, low-intensity irradiation, the concentration of 1 M * rapidly builds up to a low constant level and the steady-state approximation can be used, i.e., d 1 * [ M ]0 dt when [1 M * ]ss REX / i ki (19.7) 10 and since GF [1 M * ] b[1 M * ] then GF0 b REX / i ki (19.8) The superscript '0' is used to indicate that [Q] = 0, and b is a proportionality (instrument) constant that takes into account light absorption, light gathering power, and detector sensitivity, etc. When the quencher is present, i.e., [Q] > 0, another deactivation channel is added and d 1 * [ M ] REx (i ki kQM [Q])[1 M * ] dt (19.9) and proceeding as above and using the steady-state approximation: GF b REX / (i ki kQM [Q]) (19.10) and with b and REX arranged to be constant k k [Q] GF0 i i QM 1 kQM M [Q] GF i ki (19.11) where M1 i ki It is usual to replace the product kQM M by KSV, the Stern-Volmer constant. Then, GF0 1 K sv [Q] GF (19.12) The procedure is named the Stern-Volmer kinetic analysis, after the originators. The Stern-Volmer Equation The quantity GF0 / GF is an observable, and is a linear function of the concentration of the quencher. Figure 19.12 represents a FIGURE 19.12 Stern-Volmer plot of the data in Figure 19.11. G0/G Note that the intercept is unity as required by the S-V equation. 1.0 [O2] 11 Whenever you make a S-V plot and it is not linear or does not have an intercept of unity you must suspect that the kinetic scheme you are using is incorrect. Since K sv kQM M kQM / i ki this competition kinetics approach evaluates a ratio of rate constants (bimolecular/unimolecular). Even though kQM and i ki can be very large, (approaching the theoretical limit), their relative magnitudes are available through the technique of competition kinetics. There is no requirement for time-resolved equipment to evaluate K sv . The Stern-Volmer constant informs us how effectively the quencher can compete with the combination of the unimolecular deactivation pathways. RELATIVE QUENCHING EFFICIENCIES In a series of molecules, all of which will quench a given fluorescent S1 state, their individual kQM values express the different quenching efficiency. Since kQM M K sv , for quenchers Q1, Q2, Q3,...., we can write: kQ1M : kQ2 M : kQ3M ... K sv (1) : K sv (2) : K sv (3) ... (19.13) ( M is an intrinsic property of the fluorescent state and is independent of the quencher.) Thus, we can evaluate the SV coefficient ratios and, if we can obtain an absolute value for one kQM value, we can obtain the absolute values of the others. What is M ? We defined i ki as the sum of the rate constants that relate to intrinsic decay processes of 1 M * . Further more we defined its inverse as being equal to a quantity we labeled M. The dimensions of k i are s 1 , thus those of are s. Suppose a collection of S1 states is produced by a brief flash of light incident upon a solution of M. After the end of the flash, REX 0 , thus, when [Q] = 0 d 1 * [ M ] i ki [1 M * ] k M [1 M * ] dt 12 (19.14) 1 (Here kM i ki M ) The above is a linear first-order differential equation, the solution of which can be written down, viz., [1 M * ] [1 M * ]0 e kM t (19.15) [1 M * ] [1 M * ]0 et / M (19.16) or After the flash, the population of excited states decays exponentially with time. At time t = M, [1 M * ] M [1 M * ]0 e1 (19.17) Thus M corresponds to that time at which the concentration of excited states has fallen to 1/e of the initial value. (19.18) M 1/ i ki 1/ kM is termed the FLUORESCENCE LIFETIME of the molecule M (absence of any bimolecular processes). Even though we have defined through a consideration of excited state concentrations, it could equally well have been arrived at by considering fluorescence intensity time profiles, hence the name fluorescence lifetime. Note that, in general, the reciprocal of any unimolecular rate constant (s-1) has the dimensions of time and can be referred to as a lifetime. For example, FM 1/ kFM (19.19) is termed the RADIATIVE LIFETIME. We can employ fluorescence lifetime measurements in a similar way to the intensity measurements. Thus when [Q] = 0 and when [Q] > 0 M 1/ kM 1/ i ki (19.20) 1/ (kM kQM [Q]) (19.21) then k M 1 QM [Q] kM 1 kQM M [Q] 1 K sv [Q] (19.22) (19.23) is here defined as the measured lifetime when Q is present. Values of M are usually in the range of 10-11 s to 10-7 s, with the largest representation being in the 1 to 10 ns range. 13 Examples covering the range are: Rose Bengal in water 80 ps Rose Bengal in CH 3CN 2 ns Anthracene in cyclohexane 4 ns Naphthalene in cyclohexane 95 ns Pyrene in cyclohexane 450 ns Some practicalities of quenching kinetics From the above table it is apparent that fluorescence lifetimes are short and any technique that intends to measure such lifetimes must have a high time resolution. This is even more necessary when quenchers are present because then the lifetimes are even shorter. Moreover, any bimolecular reaxn that is to effectively quench fluorescence must possess a high bimolecular rate constant, since, from above 1/(kM kQM [Q]) (19.24) kM' kM kQM [Q] (19.25) kM kM' kM kQM [Q] (19.26) or and kM is the rate constant difference caused by the presence of Q. Effective quenching can be said to occur when kM' / kM 5 , or more. If kM is 108 s-1 (10 ns lifetime), then kM = 4x108 s-1, or kQM[Q] = 4x108 s-1. The product kQM [Q] can be varied for a given Q by changing [Q] within the limits of solubility. Thus, when [Q]= 102 M, the above kQM [Q] product requires kQM 4 1010 M 1s1 It turns out that such a value for a bimolecular rate constant between normal-sized molecules in a mobile solvent represents the "diffusion-limited" value. Molecules that are free to diffuse in fluids will collide with each other at a rate which is governed by molecular size, solvent size, solvent viscosity, and temperature, if the species are uncharged; when charged, a Coulombic factor is involved (see a later Module). In solvents such as cyclohexane at RT, this diffusionlimited rate parameter has a value of ca 2 1010 M 1 s 1 (bimolecular, since collisional). This 14 defines the upper limit of bimolecular rate constants for reactions that require collision. Many reactions have k values less than this because there are energy or entropic factors, which cause the efficiency on collision to be less than unity. QUANTUM EFFICIENCIES AND QUANTUM YIELDS The molecular quantum efficiency of fluorescence (qFM) is defined as the ratio of the number of photons emitted by an ensemble of molecular fluorophores to the number of molecules excited into the fluorescent (S1) state (which is equal to the number of photons absorbed). qFM k FM [1 M * ]/ I a k FM / i ki (19.27) k FM M Under conditions when some of the fluorescent states are quenched (by quencher Q) the fluorescence intensity is less than qFM and we use the term molecular fluorescence quantum yield (FM) to express this. In general X = Number of molecules of X converted per photon absorbed = Rate of X conversion Rate of light absorption = Rate of X conversion Rate of all processes involved FM kFM [1 M * ]/{kFM kNR kQM [Q]}[1 M * ] e.g., = k FM / (kFM k NR kQM [Q]) kFM qTM kTM / (kFM kNR ) kTM M (19.28) (19.29) (19.30) when quencher is absent. The combination of quantum yield and lifetime measurements allows evaluation of the individual rate constants. SIGNIFICANCE OF FLUORESCENCE STUDIES Fluorescence arises from S1 S0 transition, i.e., is a property of an electronically excited state of a molecule. Thus we can learn about how the state deactivates and how it reacts with other molecules. Fluorescence spectra give information on: 15 ' Vibrational spacing in S 0 ; efficiency of v 0 to v 0,1, 2... transitions (through FM). Fluorescence lifetimes give information on: Effectiveness of the radiative process. Bimolecular rate constants and the reactivity of S1 (towards energy transfer, electron transfer, proton transfer, atom transfer, and other physical quenching processes) SPECTROFLUORIMETRY: Practical considerations As we saw above, under steady state excitation With [Q ] 0 [1 M * ]0ss REX / (k F k NR ) With [Q ] 0 [1 M * ]ss REX / (kF kNR kQM [Q]) Where k NR kTM kGM The most often used detector is a photomultiplier tube (PMT). Each dynode stage contributes an FIG.19.13 amplification factor or 3-4 depending on applied voltage. With 11 stages of gain (typical) 311 411 , i.e., 2 105 4 106 thus I anode I cathode You could check out these web sites for information about optics, instruments, etc. (1) (2) The PMT acts as a current source, which is run to ground via a load resistance ( RL ). A voltagemeasuring device (CRO, digital device, etc) registers the voltage developed across RL . Thus VL I a RL (Ohm’s Law), and VL is the measured quantity. Now I anode I cathode Fcollected Femitted photon flux (cm2 s 1 ) 16 VL m Femitted RL m’ is an instrument constant V mFem i.e., For a fluorescent sample under S-S illumination for [Q] = 0: [1 M * ]0ss REX / i ki Fem0 [1 M * ]0ss k FM Fem0 REX k FM REX k FM M i ki and Vss0 mREX k FM M REX is the rate at which 1M* species are generated by the absorption of light REX ( ) I a ( ) [The excitation source usually has a distribution] REX ( ) I a ( ) I 0 ( )(1 10 A( ) ) Vss0 mk FM M I 0 ( ) (1 10 A( ) ) [remember that A( ) ( ) C ] For non-monochromatic light sources and broadband absorbers, this needs summing over overlap region. 1 10 For small values of A( A A And thus Vss0 mk FM M I 0 ( ) cM or Vss0 k FM M . qFM (19.31) where = mI 0 ( )CM and can be kept constant in a particular experiment. Thus the quantum efficiency of fluorescence is directly proportional to the measured steady state voltage when the instrument conditions are carefully controlled. 17 Also, when a quencher is present: Vss0 / Vss qFM / FM M / 1 K SV [Q] (19.32) Thus, the ratios Vss0 / Vs s for a series of [Q] measured in a spectrofluorimeter under constant irradiation and absorption conditions allow ratios of quantum yields to be determined and K SV values to be extracted. SOURCES OF ERROR IN SPECTROFLUORIMETRY Self-absorption (inner filter effect) The emitted photons must pass through the sample to reach the detector and will thus need to pass absorber molecules, when they have a chance of being reabsorbed. The probability of reabsorption will depend on the extent of the spectral overlap (see red segment of Figure 19.14). The higher the absorbance in the overlap region, the more the blue edge of the fluorescence will be distorted FIG.19.14 . The rule of thumb is to minimize absorbance in the overlap region by working at Aexc < 0.05 per cm. 18 Poor energy distribution-see schematic SAMPLE Optics are designed for maximum excitation at and light collection from the center of cuvette. If the absorbance at the excitation wavelength > EXCITATION 1, very little exciting radiation reaches center of sample and weak and distorted signals result. In all fluorescence experiments keep the absorbance at the excitation wavelength as low as possible, consistent with sensitivity. EMISSION 19 FLUORESCENCE LIFETIME INSTRUMENTATION124-126 Part of the following material has been excerpted and adapted from a review (hence the nonstandard reference numbering) entitled “Photochemical Techniques” written by Kevin Henbest and myself for the series Electron Transfer in Chemistry, edited by Vincenzo Balzani and published by VCH in 2001 Introduction Photon absorption by molecules can generate excited states that are fluorescent. The spinallowed radiative process of fluorescence will be in competition with non-radiative deactivation modes and any bimolecular reactions and thus several processes will contribute to the overall decay of the excited state. The intrinsic lifetimes of fluorescent molecular states are typically in the range from 10-11 s to >10-8 s. The occurrence of bimolecular reactions involving the fluorescent state will shorten its lifetime , and thus measurement of changes of this quantity as a function of reactant concentration allows a computation of the rate constant for bimolecular reactions such as electron transfer. The kinetic scheme describing this situation has been discussed extensively above and in this addendum we focus on measurement techniques. In the past twenty years, time resolved measurements for fluorescence lifetime determination have become highly developed and they have been much used in electron transfer, energy transfer, proton transfer and other areas of research. Sensitivity and specificity of fluorescence detection Fluorescence detection is a very sensitive technique capable of measuring concentrations as low as one part in 1010. In comparison, absorption spectrophotometry is ca 103 times less sensitive. The superior sensitivity of fluorescence arises because fluorescence signals are measured relative to a zero background. The photomultiplier (or other detector) measures either photon arrival or no photon. In absorption spectrophotometry, the signal is determined from the difference between two light intensity measurements, one the test and one the reference. As the concentration of absorber is reduced, the test and reference signals will approach each other in magnitude and eventually the measurement of the small difference between two nearly equal large signals will become subject to large random error. 20 Instrumentation Fluorescence Time Profiles IF ideal not so clean time The ideal has an instantaneous rise because the excitation pulse is very short compared to the decay lifetime. The “not so clean” has excitation and decay proceeding in the same time window. We seek the ideal but sometimes have to compromise. The shorter the timescale, usually the worse things become. Photoelectric DC Recording In this method (see schematic) we use a light source that produces a short pulse to generate a fluorescence profile, then we pick up the emitted light in a collection system (lens), select a wavelength of interest and finally steer the fluorescence beam to a detector/signal processing unit. The needs are for 1) A generating impulse of zero width (a -function). 2) A detection system of infinite temporal bandwidth and zero noise. 21 Generating impulse: These days unbelievably short pulses are available from lasers (the current record is about 6 fs). So given the necessary financial resources, the generating function is not a problem. We discuss the technicalities later. Detection system: Three important factors: 1) Detector sensitivity. 2) Detector time response. 3) Processor time response. Sensitivity: The detector has to convert photons to electrons thus the quantum efficiency of the photocathode (how many photons per photoelectron?) needs to be high and the noise background has to be low (Signal-to-Noise ratio). Photomultipliers are excellent in these respects and the Oriel website has lots of detail on response, noise and so forth. Time response of PMT: Approximate electron energy is 500 V, or a 10 cm velocity of 4x106 ms-1 If distance traveled ~10 cm (cathode anode), time taken is 2x10-8 s = 20 ns. Thus, the transit time for PMT is ca 20 ns. This can be improved somewhat by good design, but few ns is typical. Thus the input light pulse produces a replica electron pulse at anode, delayed by the transit time, of the PMT, tTr. Transit time per se is not the problem, since all it does is delay the appearance of the anode signal. What really matters is the dispersion of transit times that arises from differences in the electron trajectories. Since the electron speeds are finite, different trajectories will result in different arrival times at the anode, even though they start at the same time. This represents degradation in information content. 22 dynode h Anode electron pulse This transit time dispersion is the Tr limiting determining factor the in time resolution of the detector. time Time Constant of the Signal Processor The current output of the PMT is processed in an amplifier where a voltage is generated. The simplest amplifier is a resistor since VL = IaRL (Ohm’s Law). Thus for a given value of Ia we can increase output voltage by simply increasing RL. But all electrical circuits have an intrinsic capacitance (C), which has to be charged by Ia. This leads to a phase lag in the voltage waveform. The rise time of a voltage signal caused by the impedance of the circuit is given by R RLC . Thus, amplification by increasing RL leads to longer time constants which in turn reduces our capability of resolving rapidly changing signals. Typical minimum values of C are in the region of 20 pF and the industry standard for the input impedance of amplifiers is 50 Then R 50 x 20 pF 1000 ps 1ns This tells us that the laws of physics impose a nanosecond barrier for properly resolving temporal changes in voltage waveforms and this time constant consideration limits the use of direct photoelectric recording to fluorescent signals with lifetimes of a few nanoseconds. In order to resolve more rapid voltage changes we somehow have to defeat the laws of physics! Time Correlated Single Photon Counting,125-131 Time correlated single photon counting (TCSP) has proven to be a much-used method for measuring fluorescence lifetimes. It is highly sensitive inasmuch as it requires only one photon to be incident on the detector per excitation cycle and statistical analysis of the experimental data 23 gives lifetimes with well-defined error limits. Commercial systems are available which allow lifetimes from 50ps to many tens of nanoseconds to be measured with relative ease and high precision. Figure 19.15 shows a typical schematic diagram of a TCSP system. Power Supply Lamp power Supply Start photodiode lamp Sample Cell Monochromator Monochromator Thyratron gate Fast (stop) phototube Start pulse Discriminator Stop Pulse Delay Time -to amplitude converter Delay Amplifier Dual input counter MCA Figure 19.15 Discriminator 2-pen plotter IBM-PCXT A schematic presentation of a time-correlated single photon counting instrument (see text). The experimental set-up requires an excitation source, sample chamber, a sensitive photomultiplier detector, and electronics that allow precise timing of the interval between the arrival of the pulse from the excitation source and the arrival of first fluorescence photon at the detector. In a typical experiment, a hydrogen flash lamp excitation source produces low intensity light pulses of a few nanoseconds duration (in many systems today mode-locked laser sources 24 are replacing flash lamps). Each pulse produces a fluorescence pulse, the fluorescence photons are emitted over a range of times after excitation with more photons being emitted earlier, and fewer emitted later as the excited state decays. Single photon counting relies on the fact that highly sensitive photomultipliers are able to give measurable current output pulses after a single photon strikes the photocathode. This allows the delay time between the excitation pulse and the arrival of individual photons to be determined. The key to the precise timing is the time to amplitude converter (TAC). The TAC is a device that starts to charge a capacitor linearly upon command from the start pulse generated by a photodiode that senses the excitation pulse. It ceases to charge when commanded by the arrival of the fluorescence (stop) pulse. It subsequently outputs a voltage pulse whose amplitude is derived from the stored charge and is thus proportional to the time interval between start and stop pulses. The voltage pulse produced by the TAC is fed to the multichannel analyzer (MCA), and stored in a specific channel according to its amplitude, and hence time post-excitation. The probability of a single photon event being counted is high at early times post-excitation and decreases with time. Repetitive operation of the TAC produces a probability histogram for the detection of fluorescence photons, which is identical to the fluorescence decay curve. The fluorescence lifetime is obtained from this curve by an iterative curve-fitting program that deconvolutes the lifetime from the instrument response profile (IRF). This latter describes how the instrument responds to scattered excitation pulses. A typical scattering solution used to obtain an IRF is colloidal silica, or even a weak suspension of coffee creamer. The results of a typical experiment are shown in Figure 19.16. The plot consists of three traces, the instrument response function, the raw experimental data, and the numerical fit obtained from the fitting program. The data are usually displayed with a logarithmic ordinate in order to scale the intensity response that is usually arranged to cover over four decades and to clearly show any deviations between data and fit. The deviations between the experimental data and the calculated best fits are often too small to be seen by eye and an assessment of the best fit is normally carried out using statistical tests such as point by point weighted-residuals and autocorrelation functions. Full details of data analysis and evaluation can be found in the relevant literature.125,126,131 25 Figure 19.16 1000 Co 100 unt s 10 1 0 20 Time / ns 40 The time profile for the decay of fluorescence from a solution of anthracene in degassed hexane. The data were obtained with a time-correlated single photon counting instrument such as shown in Figure 8. The figure shows the raw data with a super-imposed linear fit and the instrument response function. The extracted lifetime was 5.14 ns.. (Courtesy of Dr. F. N. Castellano). Fluorescence up-conversion132 Fluorescence up-conversion (also called fluorescence sum frequency mixing) is a technique used to measure fluorescence lifetimes with time resolution in the sub-picosecond time scale. The upconversion method allows significant improvements in time resolution over the above-discussed time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) method. The latter has time resolution (with deconvolution) approaching 20ps. Barbara and co-workers have described an up-conversion instrument with a minimum 300-fs full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) response function.132 Up-conversion is an all-optical method of time resolving fluorescence, analogous to an optical boxcar and akin to the pump-probe absorption method (see later). It involves frequency mixing of non-coherent fluorescence from a sample with a coherent probe pulse. This is accomplished in a non-linear crystal such as KDP or LiIO3. Time resolution is obtained by delaying the probe pulse relative to the excitation pulse, using an optical delay stage. The apparatus can be divided into three main sections, laser pulse production, amplification and fluorescence up-conversion. The ultrafast lasers employed for up-conversion will be described later. The experiment is a cross-correlation between the fluorescence pulse and the laser pulse. 26 At time t = 0, the sample is excited by the ultrafast laser pulse. The resulting incoherent fluorescence (frequency = fl) is collected and mixed in a non-linear crystal (such as KDP) with the gating pulse (frequency = 1) derived from the excitation source and arriving at time t = . This frequency mixing of the fluorescence and probe beams generates light at the sum frequency, sum sum = 1 + fl (19.33) The theory of sum frequency conversion of incoherent light can be found in the literature. 133-134 The intensity of the sum frequency light at a given delay time is proportional to the correlation function of the fluorescence intensity with the intensity of the 1 beam. A time profile of the fluorescence intensity is obtained by changing the arrival time of one of the pulses using an optical delay line. Frequency Domain (Phase Shift) Method 91,135 Over a substantial number of years the phase shift or frequency domain method has been employed for the measurement of fluorescence lifetimes. The technique requires the continuous excitation of a fluorescent sample with a source of varying intensity. The fluorescence response would normally be expected to increase and decrease to reflect the changes in excitation intensity. However, in a frequency domain experiment the excitation beam is modulated at a high frequency, =2f, to produce a sinusoidally changing intensity given by: I0 (t) =A + Bcos( t) (19.34) If the fluorescence from the sample has a lifetime much shorter than a half period, the fluorescence signal will vary in a sinusoidal manner, without phase shift. If the decay time is comparable with that half period, the sinusoidal signal from the sample emission is phase shifted with respect to the excitation. For a single exponential lifetime , the fluorescence response from the sample is I(t) = C .[A+ Bcos( t- ) ] (1+ 2 t 2 )1/2 (19.35) The value can be obtained directly from the measurement of the phase angle, , between excitation and fluorescence. tan t 27 (19.36) The modulation ratio M is another valuable parameter that describes the modulation of the fluorescence intensity relative to the excitation intensity: 1 (19.37) (1 ( t ) 2 )1/ 2 Most commercial spectrometers contain a Debye-Sears Cell,136 which employs a quartz crystal M cos oscillating at a specified frequency to modulate the intensity of the excitation beam. A crosscorrelation detection technique is generally used to measure phase angles at a frequency with the gain of the photomultiplier modulated at a frequency + , where is of the order of a few hertz. The detector signal contains a component at frequency , which is filtered and used to obtain with high precision using digital signal-processing techniques. At a single modulation frequency, a single value is obtained and only single exponential lifetimes can be determined. However, if the excitation intensity is modulated at two different frequencies in consecutive experiments, the and M values should yield the same lifetime if the fluorescence decay is truly exponential. Alternately the two sets of and M values can be used to obtain 1 and 2 for the sample exhibiting bi-exponential decay. The laboratories of Lakowicz and Gratton have both been very active in developing frequency domain fluorometry.91,137-139 An important development in the phase shift technique is the use of a radio-frequency synthesizer as the driver for the Pockels cell modulator. In this way the excitation beam can be modulated at any frequency between 1 and 200 MHz.137-139 This approach allows use of CW lasers such as He-Cd laser and even mode locked lasers139 to be used as an excitation source. If and M are measured at six to ten suitably spaced frequencies, least squares curve fitting techniques can be employed to obtain lifetimes with greatly enhanced precision. Typical data obtained by this multi frequency technique has the ability to measure decay times as short as 10ps. Gratton and co-workers have developed other curve fitting procedures to analyze data obtained on a multi-frequency phase-shift fluorimeter. These experiments include the construction of time resolved spectra,140 measurements of rotational relaxation times from fluorescence anisotropy data141 multi exponential analyses142-143 and determination of distributions of lifetimes as continuous functions143-144 and greatly increase the power of the phase shift technique. 28 References [124] G. R. Fleming, in Light, Chemical Change and Life: a source book in Photochemistry, (Eds.: J.D. Coyle, R.R. Hill, D.R. Roberts), Open University Press, Milton Keynes, 1982, chapter 4. [125] J. N. Demas, Excited State Lifetime Measurements, Academic Press, New York, 1983. [126] D. V. O’Connor, D. Phillips, Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting, Academic Press, London, 1984. [127] W. R. Ware, in Creation and Detection of the Excited State, Vol. 1., (Ed.: A. A. Lamola), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1971, chapter 5. [128] I. Isenberg, in Biochemical Fluorescence, Vol. 1, (Eds.: R.H. Chen, H. Edelhoch), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1975, p. 43. [129] M. G. Badea, L. Brand, Methods Enzymol., 1979, 61, 378. [130] L. J. Cline Love, L. A. Shaver, Anal. Chem., 1976, 48, 364A-371A. [131] D. A. Holden, in Handbook of Organic Photochemistry Vol.1. (Ed.: J. C. Scaiano), CRC Press Inc, Boca Raton, Florida. 1989. [132] M. A. Kahlow, W. Jarzeba, T.P. DuBrull, P. F. Barbara, Rev.Sci. Instum. 1988, 59, 10981109. [133] F. Zernicke, J. E. Midwinter, Applied Nonlinear Optics, 1973, Wiley, New York. [134] Y. R. Shen, The Principles of Nonlinear Optics, 1984, Wiley, New York. [135] F. W. Teale, NATO Adv. 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