Abstract: Equations to describe the process of time

Many-body approaches to time dependent resonance fluorescence
A.A. Panteleev, Vl.K. Roerich
TRINITI, 142980 Troitsk, Moscow region, Russia
+7(095)-334-52-56, +7(095)-334-51-58, vroerich@triniti.ru
Abstract: The problem of methods to find time-dependent spectra of resonance fluorescence
for a medium excited by a short laser pulse is considered. Using generalized second Born
approximation for BBGKY-hierarchy along with the method of coherent states we derived
the equations to describe time-dependent scattering of a laser pulse in a two-level medium
omitting the rescattering of spontaneous emission. Time-dependent spectra of nonstationary
resonance fluorescence with two components representing elastic and spontaneous emission
have been obtained. By applying the method of Greens functions we have calculated
corrections for radiative relaxation operator of an atom subjected to a superstrong laser pulse.