Bob Trunzo Thursday

Bob Trunzo Thursday 5
Bob Trunzo
Chief Sales Officer
Good afternoon, welcome to Dallas
and the 2006 CUNA Mutual Sales
Summit. I’m very excited to be here as
your Chief Sales Officer, and pleased
to be able to lead this sales force in a
direction that CUNA Mutual needs to
go, to help ensure a better future for us
Now that’s pretty typical, isn’t it? The
new guy steps into the spotlight for the
first time and makes everybody feel
welcome, tells them they’re going to
have an exciting adventure for the next
few days, and that there’s a lot to learn
and a lot of fun to have, just like he’s
shaking every single hand in the room.
Then he says, “we’ve got a lot of work
ahead of us, so let’s get started.”
Well, if you think that’s how THIS
meeting is going to go, I invite you to
Think again.
take this tip from our new ad campaign:
Think again.
If you think this is going to be one of
those “we’re working hard but YOU
have to work harder” meetings…
If you think this is going to be one of
Think again.
have to work harder” meetings…
If you think we’re going to throw out the
old blueprints and start over from
scratch, just so we can build something
that looks like our competition…
those “we’re working hard but YOU
Think again.
If you think we’re going to throw out the
old blueprints and start over from
scratch, just so we can build something
Think again.
that looks like our competition…
If you think we’re going to stay right
where we’re at because we think
CUNA is already as good as it gets…
Think again.
Think again.
But if you think we’re going to stay right
where we’re at because we think
CUNA Mutual is already as good as it
gets…then ladies and gentlemen I
invite you to Think again, and think
real hard.
Building the New CUNA Mutual
Theme logo
Building the New CUNA Mutual—that’s
what this meeting is about. We’re
embarking on what will be the most
important construction project in our
seventy-one year history with the crew
and many of the tools that have taken
us this far. At one time in our history
we were a groundbreaking company,
and we will be again. But along the
way, we made decisions that eroded
our very foundation, and chipped away
at our strengths. The good news is
that our foundation may need patching
here and there, but it is still very strong.
So, starting today, we’re going to begin
rebuilding on that strong foundation.
We’re going to tear down some old
walls, put in some new windows, and
add a few new rooms. But we need
your help to make that happen.
Together we’re going to build a house
that we can all be proud of, and profit
from: a house we can’t wait to show to
our customers.
Over the next few days, we’re going to
take a close look at what our new
house will look like, and I think you’ll
like what you see. I can tell you right
now that this new house is being built
specifically so that our customers and
our sales force have exactly what they
need to succeed. Our customers will
get the kind of products and services
they need, you will have the
opportunity to produce the kinds of
results the company expects and, as a
result, you will earn the rewards you
deserve for your hard work.
Today, we celebrate success!
As we move toward our new future, we
do want to take time to celebrate our
successes as individuals, and as a
company. That’s how we’ll be
spending the rest of the day today.
Friday morning
Then, tomorrow morning, we’ll begin
(Photo of blueprints)
sharing our blueprint for change for
Blueprint for Change
CUNA Mutual. You will see for yourself
how we’re building on the rock-solid
foundation of our past to create an
even stronger future. You will see our
plans for making CUNA Mutual an
edgier and more proactive competitor.
We’re going to show you the tools
we’ve created that will make your
customers take a longer, harder look at
our new house. And once they step
inside that new door we’ve built just for
them, they’ll feel so welcome they just
won’t want to go anywhere else. I’ll be
back to share more specific thoughts
about our foundation for the future at
that time.
Friday Afternoon, Saturday
Tomorrow afternoon and again on
(Photo toolbox)
Saturday, we will be helping each other
Our new toolbox
learn how to use these new tools to our
best advantage: to grow, to succeed,
and to build the best-looking house this
industry has ever seen.
If you think that sounds audacious, if
you think I’m just blowing smoke
because that’s what I’m supposed to
do, if you still think this is going to be
the same old sales meeting you’ve
been going to for years, I invite you to
take a closer look around this room…
Think again.
(PAUSE and gesture)…and THINK
Saturday night:
We’re so confident that our plans for
Let’s Celebrate!
Building the New CUNA Mutual are
going to succeed, we’ve already
scheduled the celebration. That will be
Saturday night and trust me, by that
time, we will all have reason to
celebrate because this new CUNA
Mutual we are building together is
worth shouting about.
Building the New CUNA Mutual
Theme logo
Any good construction project has to
have a lead architect. He’s the guy
who asked me to join this crew and be
a part of this momentous event in
“He is a CEO who is not sitting idle
while competitors catch up…who is
taking on the tough issues and putting
himself on the line.”
Paul Gentile
Credit Union Times
CUNA Mutual history.
Paul Gentile, editor of the magazine
Credit Union Times, recently wrote an
op-ed piece about CEOs. Here is what
he said about Jeff: He is a CEO who is
Jeff Post
Lead Architect
President and CEO
not sitting idle while competitors
catch up. He’s a CEO who is taking on
the tough issues and putting himself
on the line. Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome our lead architect for
change, our President and CEO, Mr.
Jeff Post!