Texas State University at San Marcos

Handbook for Educational Diagnostician Program
Texas State University
Table of Contents
I. College of Education at Texas State University ……………………………
Curriculum and Instruction Department ………………………………
Faculty Listing ………………………………………………………...
RRHEC Campus ………………………………………………………
II. Educational Diagnostician Program ………………………………………..
Admission to the Program ………………………………………………….
For students with a Master’s degree seeking certification only………..
For students seeking a Master’s degree and certification
Admission to the graduate school………………………………
Program of work ……………………………………………….
For all students seeking admission to the diagnostician program ……...
Recommended sequence of courses ……………………………………
III. Tips: Course Information to Keep in Mind when Planning for Classes ……
IV. Program Standards ………………………………………………………….
Summary of State-mandated Standards …………………………………
Comprehensive Departmental Examination …………………………….
State-mandated Examination (TExES) …………………………………..
V. Q & A ……………………………………………………………………...
Final Semester Checklist………………………………………………….
I. The College of Education, Texas State University at San Marcos
The College of Education comprises three academic departments: Curriculum and Instruction;
Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology; and Health and Human
Teacher education is a campus-wide commitment at Texas State. Many academic departments
offer core curriculum courses and major/minor courses, and the College of Education offers the
certification courses. Programs leading to teacher certification are available for elementary,
middle, high school and all-level teachers. These are the EC-6 ESL (Early Childhood through
Grade Six, English Second Language), the 4-8 (Grade Four through Grade Eight), the 8-12
(Grade Eight through Grade 12), and All-Level (Early Childhood through Grade 12) certificates.
Students seeking the EC-6 ESL, 4-8, or Special Education certificate will be majors in the
College of Education, and students seeking the 8-12 or All-level certificate will complete an
academic major of their choice in the appropriate department.
The College of Education offers three doctoral degree programs: (a) Doctor of
Philosophy degree with a major in School Improvement; (b) Doctor of Philosophy degree with a
major in Adult, Professional, and Community Education; and (c) Doctor of Philosophy degree
with a major in Developmental Education. More information about these degrees may be
obtained from the Graduate College or from the College of Education website.
The Curriculum and Instruction Department is housed in the Education Building. There are a
dozen departmental programs, many of which offer initial teacher certification and others that
offer support for teachers at different phases of their careers (e.g., New Teacher Induction,
Teacher Fellows Program, Teacher Recruitment). Programs include Bilingual Education, Career
Alternatives in Special Education (CASE), Educational Technology, Gifted and Talented,
Reading, Elementary and Secondary, and Special Education. The departmental website can be
accessed through links under Academics on the Texas State University website.
The Special Education faculty and their contact information are as follows:
Dr. Amanda Boutot
Dr. Russell Lang
Dr. Glenna Billingsely
Dr. Brenda Scheuermann
Dr. Stephen Ciullo
Dr. Marilyn Goodwin
Dr. Larry Wheeler, Graduate Advisor
Round Rock Higher Education Building (RRHEC)
The Round Rock Higher Education Center (RRHEC) is located in the beautiful new Avery
Building located at 1555 University Boulevard (formerly Chandler Road) in Round Rock, 78664.
RRHEC information can be accessed via their website www.RRHEC.edu.
At the current time there are a limited number of special education courses available at the
II. What is the Educational Diagnostician Program?
The educational diagnostician program prepares students to work in the schools with special
needs populations, their teachers and families. One of diagnosticians’ chief responsibilities is to
collect data and administer evaluations required for establishing eligibility for special education
Requirements for professional educational diagnostician certification are:
 A Master’s degree in education
 A valid Texas teacher certificate
 Two years of teaching experience
 Successful completion of required coursework
 Successful completion of the state certification exam, the TExES
Admission to the Educational Diagnostician Program
Prior to applying to the Educational Diagnostician program at Texas State University,
students must possess a valid Texas teacher certificate and two years teaching experience in a
public or accredited private school (special education teaching experience recommended but
not required).
There are two types of students seeking admission to the diagnostician program: those who
currently have a Master’s degree and are seeking certification only, and those who are seeking a
Master’s degree in conjunction with certification. Programs of study will be vastly different for
the two groups for obvious reasons. Programs of study will also vary for individuals with
Master’s degrees because of differences in previous graduate work, amount of time lapsed since
coursework, work experience, previous grades, etc. The Graduate Advisor develops a degree
plan for students seeking a Master’s degree and a deficiency plan for those students who have a
Master’s and are seeking certification only. Therefore, the degree plan or deficiency plan
developed by the Graduate Advisor is the key document for students to follow for planning
coursework throughout the program.
For Students Who Already Possess a Master’s Degree in Education
Students with a Master’s degree in education may seek information prior to making a formal
application to the program by contacting the Graduate Advisor (GA; currently Dr. Wheeler).
Unofficial deficiency plan vs. official deficiency plan. A student who already has a
Master’s in education and wonders how many credits he/she will need to become certified may
send his/her transcript directly to the GA for an “unofficial deficiency plan.” There is no cost
associated with this service. This plan becomes an “official deficiency plan” when the student
decides to pursue it, applies to the graduate school and pays $75 for the Advising Center to
develop, with the input of the GA, an official deficiency plan.
For Students seeking a Master’s Degree in Education in Conjunction with Educational
Diagnostician Certification
Admission to the Graduate School. Students without a Master’s degree seeking to be
admitted to the educational diagnostician certification program must first be admitted to the
Graduate School. The basic graduate school requirement is a 2.75 GPA on the last 60 hours of
undergraduate work and completion of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). The Graduate School
may take one of three actions upon receiving applications: (1) admitted unconditionally, (2)
admitted conditionally, or (3) not admitted. Once students are accepted, the Graduate College
develops a degree plan in conjunction with the special education Graduate Adviser (GA).
Program of Work. Students wishing to obtain a Master’s degree and certification as an
educational diagnostician concurrently will need to complete a 36-hour degree program. Students
should list their major as special education (24 hours required) with a specialization as
educational diagnostician. They should list their minor as cognate (12 hours, non-special
education courses).
In general, the following coursework should be completed. This listing is by category; the
recommended sequence of courses follows in the next few pages.
Characteristics, Legal, and Ethical Foundations (6 hours)
SPED 5360 Survey of Exceptionality
SPED 5385 Educational Diagnostician Ethics, Standards, and Procedures
Curricula and Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities (9 hours)
SPED 5313 Educating Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders
SPED 5340 Principles and Practices in Effective Instruction for Students with Disabilities
SPED 5327 Educating Students with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Psychoeducational and Other Diagnostic Procedures (9-12 hours)
SPED 5334 Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Disabilities
COUN 5305 Standardized Testing (optional; some overlap with SPED 5334)
SPSY 5376 Psychoeducational Assessment
SPED 5390 Practicum (last course taken)
Cultural Diversity (3 hours)
SPSY 5394 Psychological and Cultural Aspects of Instruction and Remediation
CI 5330 Multicultural Teaching and Learning
Behavioral and Social Skills (6 hours)
SPED 5375 Classroom and Behavior Management Strategies for Students with
SPED 5380 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in Schools
For All Students Seeking Admission to the Educational Diagnostician Program
Each applicant must submit the following information to the Graduate College at Texas State
University for admission into the university:
• an online application through ApplyTexas - visit www.gradcollege.txstate.edu for online
• one official transcript from each senior-level post-secondary institution attended
• official results of the verbal/quantitative GRE (NOT REQUIRED FOR STUDENTS
• special education departmental application (this application is in addition to the Graduate
College application and does not substitute for it) – visit www.education.txstate.edu/ci/sped for
special education departmental application
• one-to-two page letter of intent stating career goals
• resume
• two letters of recommendation from persons familiar with your professional work, including at
least one supervisor
• copies of certifications or licensures if applicable
Applications are due June 15 for the fall semester, October 15 for the spring semester, and April
15 for summer sessions.
Changes to degree/deficiency plan. Once a student is admitted, the GA develops a Degree Plan
(for those seeking a Master’s) or a Deficiency Plan (for those seeking certification only). If
substitutions to either plan are requested by the student, he/she must apply to the GA, who will
decide if it is appropriate and then will initiate the change with the Advising Center.
Recommended Sequence of Courses. Following the development of a student’s
degree/deficiency plan, he/she should know the specific courses needed and should complete a
planning worksheet. As some courses are prerequisites to others and some are offered only
during one semester a year, this planning is crucial to timely completion of courses and
graduation goals. A copy of the planning form can be accessed via the website above.
First Sequence:
SPED 5334 Assessment & Evaluation of Students with Disabilities
SPED 5360 Survey of Exceptionality
Second Sequence
SPED 5385 Educational Diagnostician Ethics, Standards, and Procedures* (can also be taken
at end of program, prior to or concurrent with SPED 5390, Practicum)
COUN 5305 Standardized Testing (optional)
Third Sequence
SPED 5313 Educating Students with Emotional/Behavior Disorders
SPED 5340 Principles and Practices in Effective Instruction for Students with Disabilities
SPED 5327 Educating Students with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Fourth Sequence
SPSY 5376 Psychoeducational Assessment (prerequisite: SPED 5334)
Fifth Sequence
SPSY 5394 Psychological/Cultural Aspects of Instruction/Remediation
(prerequisite: SPSY 5376)
CI 5330
Multicultural Teaching and Learning
SPED 5375
SPED 5380
Classroom Behavior Management Strategies
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports in School
Final Sequence
SPED 5390 Practicum for Educational Diagnosticians (prerequisites: all coursework; a B or
better in SPSY 5376; and prior approval of instructor and GA)
For further information contact:
Graduate Admission
Graduate Dean
Graduate College
Texas State University – San Marcos
San Marcos, Texas 78666
(512) 245-2581
Dr. Larry Wheeler
Professor and Graduate Advisor, Special Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Texas State University – San Marcos
San Marcos, Texas 78666
(512) 245-2037
III. TIPS: Course Information to Keep in Mind When Planning and
Registering for Classes
1) COUN 5305 is not a prerequisite to SPSY 5376. It is no longer a required course but can
be taken if you need hours to complete your program. You may ask for a substitution if
there is another course you prefer to take in lieu of it. SPED 5334 Assessment and
Evaluation of Students with Disabilities is a prerequisite to SPSY 5376. You should have
a strong basic knowledge of tests and measurement terminology before taking 5376.
2) SPSY 5376 Psychoeducational Assessment is a hands-on testing course where you learn
to give the individualized, standardized, norm-referenced tests that are part of a
diagnostician’s basic repertoire. It is intensive, time-consuming, and requires finding
students on whom to practice administering the tests. Keep the time requirement in mind
when planning your semester. PLEASE NOTE: This is considered a core class which
teaches essential testing skills; therefore, students must obtain a B or higher in order to
progress to the next courses in the program. Students making a C or lower must re-take
the class until competency is attained.
3) There are currently two courses for diagnostician students only. They are: SPED 5385
Ethics, Standards and Procedures, and SPED 5390 Practicum.
4) SPED 5385 covers standards, laws, ethics, policies and procedures and is taught only in
spring semester at the San Marcos campus. It was envisioned as a course to be taken
early in the program but can be taken whenever it fits your schedule, even at the end of
the program if need be. Taking it toward the end of the program may better prepare you
to take the TExES.
5) SPED 5390 (Practicum) should be the last course in your program. It is site-based,
meaning that you will need an educational diagnostician or an LSSP in your district to
agree to be an on-site supervisor. If you are not currently employed, we can help you find
a district and an on-site supervisor.
If needed, you can take another course concurrent with practicum. It is not recommended that
you try to take two courses in addition to practicum in one semester. You should talk to the
practicum instructor and/or the Graduate Adviser if you are not sure of when to take the
practicum and which courses, if any, to take concurrently.
Requirements of the practicum:
 You can do the practicum while continuing in your current job. You need to get the
support of your principal and whomever else to whom you report (supervisor). With
the proper permission or supports in place, there should be no surprises when you
begin because you may need to take personal days, switch your hours or schedule
around for a short period, etc.
 The duty of the on-site supervisor is making sure that you have all the experiences to
complete your requirements, including finding referrals and co-signing your reports
 The specific requirements of the syllabus may change somewhat from semester to
semester, but probably will not basically differ from the following:
 5-6 full individual evaluations (FIES) with students with different
disabilities; you do all testing and report writing
 5-6 meetings, including different types of ARDs and staffings; you write
narrative summary notes for each
 Functional Behavioral Analysis and a Behavior Intervention Plan (one each)
 an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
This practicum is experience-based, not hours-based, meaning that there are no set
hours per week. Some weeks you may spend 12-15 hours and some weeks, very
little time. It will depend upon when the referrals are made, students are
available, meetings are set, etc.
Weekly meetings on campus are not held. Typically students in practicum meet in a
group with the instructor two or three times as needed over the course of the
SPED 5390 is credit/no credit.
6) Summer Course Offerings: Courses that are being offered this summer will probably
also be offered next summer, but there is no guarantee of that. The SPED and EDP
faculty recognize that it would be better for you if more courses were offered in summer,
but there are many factors that decide summer course schedules. This uncertainty in
course offerings is a very good reason for getting your course sequences in order as early
in the program as possible. Several special education courses are usually offered in
summer. SPSY 5394 may be offered in summer. SPSY 5376 and SPED 5390 will
probably never be taught in summer for both academic and practical reasons. (Access to
public school students and time are issues).
IV. Program Standards
Two sets of professional standards serve as guidelines for the coursework in the diagnostician
program at Texas State University and the competencies required of its graduates. National
standards were developed by the international special education professional organization, the
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). These standards include knowledge of:
 laws and policies related to assessing individuals with exceptional learning needs
 factors that influence the overrepresentation and stigmatization of individuals with
cultural and linguistic diversity
 influences of diversity on assessment results
 range of individual abilities within categories of exceptionality
 communication about assessment purposes, methods, results and implications to team
 basics of assessment:
* skills necessary to administer and interpret tests
* standards for test validity and reliability
* use of standard error of measurement
* understanding possible sources of test error
* selection of assessment instruments based on technical quality
* use of formal and informal observation techniques
A second set of standards for diagnosticians in the state of Texas was developed by the State
Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). These standards for educational diagnostician
certification serve as the foundation for the required state certification examination (the TExES),
the professional growth plan, and continuing professional education activities for diagnosticians.
A summary of these standards follows:
Standard I. The educational diagnostician understands and applies knowledge of the
purpose, philosophy, and legal foundations of evaluation and special education.
Standard II. The educational diagnostician understands and applies knowledge of ethical
and professional practices, roles, and responsibilities.
Standard III. The educational diagnostician develops collaborative relationships with
families, educators, the school, the community, outside agencies, and related service
Standard IV. The educational diagnostician understands and applies knowledge of
student assessment and evaluation, program planning, and instructional decision making.
Standard V. The educational diagnostician knows eligibility criteria and procedures for
identifying students with disabilities and determining the presence of an educational
Standard VI. The educational diagnostician selects, administers, and interprets
appropriate formal and informal assessments and evaluations.
Standard VII. The educational diagnostician understands and applies knowledge of
ethnic, linguistic, cultural, and socioeconomic diversity and the significance of student
diversity for evaluation, planning, and instruction.
Standard VIII. The educational diagnostician knows and demonstrates skills necessary
for scheduling, time management, and organization.
Standard IX. The educational diagnostician addresses students' behavioral and social
interaction skills through appropriate assessment, evaluation, planning, and instructional
Standard X. The educational diagnostician knows and understands appropriate curricula
and instructional strategies for individuals with disabilities.
These standards are incorporated into coursework for diagnosticians, particularly in EDP
5376, SPED 5334, SPED 5385, and SPED 5390. Candidates should become familiar with both
sets of standards.
Comprehensive Departmental Examinations
Students seeking a Master’s degree in conjunction with certification as a diagnostician must take
departmental comprehensive exams. Comprehensive examinations are administered during the
final semester of the student’s coursework to assess the student’s level of knowledge gained
throughout the Master’s degree program. Students should be aware that high grades in courses
do not necessarily guarantee success on the comprehensive exam.
State-Mandated Competency Examination, the TExES: During the last semester of
coursework, students in the graduate program for educational diagnosticians should take the
required TExES exam. The scheduled dates and procedures for registering and taking the
examination are available on the SBEC website (www.sbec.state.tx.us ).
Questions & Answers
Q: When are the graduate classes in special education needed for diagnostician
certification usually held?
Special Education graduate classes are usually offered at 5:00 or 6:30 in order to accommodate
students’ work schedules. Some educational psychology classes have been offered at 3:00 but we
have been working with that program to ensure that diagnostician students can access needed
classes with a later start time.
Q: How do I register for departmental comprehensive examinations?
Contact the Graduate Advisor at the beginning of the semester in which you plan to take your
comprehensive exams (the semester in which you plan to graduate). Examinations are scheduled
during all three semesters.
Q: How should I prepare for departmental comprehensive examinations?
The department offers a study guide to help students in their preparations.
Q: When can I take my TExES for Educational Diagnostician certification?
This is a rigorous state competency examination that should be taken during your last semester in
the program.
Q: How do I go about registering for and taking the TExES?
The student should contact the Graduate Advisor early in his/her last semester to obtain
permission to take the exam. The GA then forwards the student’s name to an officer in the
College of Education, who will email the student with a number code that allows the student to
register online.
All information needed for registering and taking the TExES is available on the SBEC website
(www.sbec.state.tx.us ). The student is responsible for registering and passing the TExES and for
meeting all deadlines in order to become certified.
Q: What can I do to prepare for the TExES?
The SBEC website offers a preparation manual for educational diagnosticians that can be
downloaded and studied prior to taking the TExES. This manual contains 17 questions that are
similar in format and content to the questions on the exam.
Neither a review session nor preparation manual specifically for diagnosticians is offered by the
department at this time. However, students should keep in mind that the required diagnostician
coursework and the TExES exam are based upon the same SBEC standards. Some students have
found it helpful to form study groups to help prepare themselves for this exam.
Q: How do I become certified?
After completing your coursework, the comprehensive exams (if needed), and the TExES, you
apply to SBEC online by filling out their form. SBEC then forwards that form to the Texas State
designated certification officer.
Q: Do I have to renew my certificate?
Yes, certificates are currently good for five years. The holder of the certificate needs 200 hours
of continuing education (or about 40 hours per year) to renew the certificate.
Last Semester Checklist **
Prior to your last semester, set up your practicum experience (see
handbook under “Practicum”).
____ Begin Diagnostician Practicum
____ Apply for Graduation via Catsweb on the Texas State website
____ If participating in the graduation ceremony, order cap, gown, and
____ Send a copy of all classes taken to Dr. Wheeler at
____ If receiving a master’s degree, request permission to take written
comprehensive exams by notifying Dr. Wheeler
____ Complete comprehensive exams
____ Request permission to take the state certification test, the TeXes
Diagnostician Exam by notifying Dr. Wheeler
____ Once you have received your approval code from the university,
register for TeXes Exam through SBEC website
___ Complete the TeXes Exam
____ Complete Diagnostician Practicum and turn in portfolio
____ After you have passed all exams and graduated, register for
Diagnostician certificate through SBEC website
** Prepared by students in their last semester of the program as an aid for future