INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION WRC-2000 WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE Document 297-E 19 May 2000 Original: Russian ISTANBUL, 8 MAY – 2 JUNE 2000 WORKING GROUP 5A Russian Federation, Ukraine PROPOSALS FOR THE WORK OF THE CONFERENCE PROPOSALS FOR A CONSENSUS ON WRC-2000 AGENDA ITEM 1.6.1 After extensive preparatory work, a great many administrations have presented a considerable number of contributions to WRC-2000, drawing attention to various problems relating to the possible identification of additional spectrum for IMT-2000, in particular the protection of investments made for the development of existing systems, the cost of refarming frequency bands, differences in spectrum requirements and specific features of the transition from existing to new systems, satisfaction of the special needs of the developing countries and so on. Bearing in mind that WRC-2000 is to adopt a decision which should promote the successful worldwide development of state-of-the-art technologies, particularly IMT-2000, we consider that the present conflicting points of view are based not on technical but on regulatory and terminological factors. In accordance with the basic principles of the Radio Regulations, the Table of Frequency Allocations and the footnotes thereto have a strict regulatory status and should employ the established terminology and definitions (Article S1), in particular with regard to the allocation of frequency bands to the various radiocommunication services, the allotment of radio frequencies or a radio-frequency channel for radiocommunication services and the assignment of radio frequencies or a radio-frequency channel to a radio station. Hence the Radio Regulations, on procedural and legal grounds, do not permit the use of non-standard terminology such as the words “identification” or “are intended”, in view of the considerable degree of ambiguity in the meaning of those expressions. Furthermore, all the provisions of the Table of Frequency Allocations in the Radio Regulations and the footnotes thereto impose fairly stringent and unequivocal obligations on national administrations regarding the use of the radio-frequency spectrum. On the basis of the contributions presented by administrations to WRC-2000, to CPM-99 and during the discussions held at WRC-2000, and taking into account the framework for consensus on WRC-2000 set out in Document DT/25(Rev.2), we propose a four-stage procedure for resolving the issue of global allocations: Stage 1 - Amend footnote S5.388 Replace the existing text of the footnote by the following: “Use for IMT-2000 of the bands 862-960 MHz, 1 710-1 885 MHz, 1 885-2 025 MHz and 2 110-2 200 MHz, which are allocated to the mobile service on a primary basis, should be on a worldwide basis in accordance with the provisions of Resolution AAA”. D:\106737381.DOC (109005) 12.02.16 12.02.16 -2CMR2000/297-E Stage 2 - Add a new Resolution AAA “Identification of global spectrum for IMT-2000” RESOLUTION AAA Identification of global spectrum for IMT-2000 The World Radiocommunication Conference (Istanbul, 2000), considering a) that ITU-R has recommended the 1-3 GHz range as the most suitable for IMT-2000; b) that WARC-92 identified the bands 1 885-2 025 MHz and 2 110-2 200 MHz for use, on a worldwide basis, for IMT-2000, including the bands 1 980-2 010 MHz and 2 170-2 200 MHz for the satellite component of IMT-2000; c) the conclusions set out in the CPM-99 Report; d) that, in some cases, the only way of implementing IMT-2000 is through spectrum refarming, which entails significant financial cost; e) that it is necessary to ensure that both the operators of existing commercial systems in the radiocommunication services to which the bands are allocated under the Radio Regulations and IMT-2000 operators enjoy equal market status in order to safeguard investments made in existing networks until such time as demand for the services they provide declines; f) that, in some cases, it is necessary to protect radiocommunication systems in services to which band allocations are currently made in the Radio Regulations until such time as they cease operation, emphasizing that identification under this resolution does not preclude the use of these bands by systems in other radiocommunication services to which they are allocated, and allows national administrations sufficient flexibility in selecting a national strategy for the development of IMT-2000 on the basis of national circumstances, and, in particular, in determing the amount of spectrum required, setting a timetable for the availability and use of spectrum for IMT-2000, planning transition to new systems and so on, noting a) that harmonized use of spectrum constitutes an important factor for global roaming and global access to IMT-2000 services, thereby benefiting manufacturers and operators and fostering the availability of services for consumers; b) that the frequency arrangements for IMT-2000 should take account of the frequency arrangements for existing second-generation land mobile systems, recognizing a) that, in countries which have implemented second-generation systems on their territory, the bands 880-915 and 925-960 MHz may be available for IMT-2000 only in the long term, as and when the use of these systems has declined with the growth in demand for IMT-2000 services; D:\106737381.DOC (109005) 12.02.16 12.02.16 -3CMR2000/297-E b) that, in countries which have implemented second-generation systems on their territory, the bands 1 710-1 785 and 1 805-1 880 MHz may be available for IMT-2000 only in the long term, as and when the use of these systems has declined with the growth in demand for IMT-2000; c) that, in countries which have implemented second-generation systems on their territory, the band 1 880-1 885 MHz may be available for IMT-2000 only in the long term, as and when the use of these systems has declined with the growth in demand for IMT-2000 services, calls upon administrations when deploying IMT-2000 systems, to use the relevant international technical characteristics set out in ITU-R and ITU-T Recommendations, resolves 1 that the bands 1 885-2 025 MHz and 2 110-2 200 MHz are identified as core bands for use by administrations wishing to implement IMT-2000; 2 that the bands 862-960 MHz and 1 710-1 885 MHz are identified as additional bands for use by administrations wishing to implement IMT-2000, instructs ITU-R 1 to develop harmonized frequency arrangements for the terrestrial component of IMT-2000 in the additional spectrum identified under resolves 2 above, taking due account of the current use and/or the transition of existing services already operating in those bands; 2 to develop frequency arrangements for the operation of IMT-2000 in the additional spectrum identified, with the aim of achieving compatibility with existing frequency arrangements for second-generation mobile service systems; 3 to study ways of accommodating, in the frequency bands used by first and secondgeneration mobile communication systems, evolution of such systems to IMT-2000 and other state-of-the-art communication systems; 4 to study means of facilitating global roaming within the different regional frequency allocations in the bands identified for IMT-2000 and other state-of-the-art communication systems; 5 to study sharing issues related to the deployment of IMT-2000 in the frequency bands identified for IMT-2000 and other state-of-the-art communication systems; 6 to maintain a database of national studies and decisions on the selection of spectrum for IMT-2000 and other state-of-the-art communication systems, invites administrations 1 to adopt regulatory and spectrum allocation decisions which protect investments in existing mobile telecommunication systems and facilitate the ability of existing operators to evolve their systems to IMT-2000 and beyond on the basis of market needs; 2 to adopt regulatory and spectrum allocation decisions which afford operators flexibility to provide the services and use the different technologies which best reflect market needs; 3 to give due consideration to protecting investments in other existing radiocommunication services and cushioning the impact on existing users; 4 to develop and adopt appropriate and sound mechanisms for evaluating the cost of refarming and ensure that comparable replacement spectrum is provided in cases where refarming is deemed necessary. D:\106737381.DOC (109005) 12.02.16 12.02.16 -4CMR2000/297-E Stage 3 - Insert MOD S5.388 in the bands identified by the conference as IMT-2000 bands. Stage 4 - Delete Resolution 212 (WRC-97). __________ D:\106737381.DOC (109005) 12.02.16 12.02.16