FEATURES OF REFLECTION SPECTRA METAL-JAGGREGATE STRUCTURES WITH SURFACE PLASMONS (COMPUTER SIMULATION) P.G. Sychev, V.F. Nazvanov Saratov State University E-mail: sychev-pavel@yandex.ru ; Vasily.Nazvanov@sgu.ru In modern science the interest to surface plasmons may be explained by the possibility of extensive applications of this phenomenon in modeling and solving a number of problems in modern nano-optics and for the novel design of optoelectronic devices based on surface plasmons. The unique properties of surface plasmons allow to describe this phenomenon as one of the most perspective directions of nano-optics [1-5]. In recent years many studies have been devoted to the interactions between the surface [5-6] or localized [6] plasmons and excitons in organic compounds. In particular, in our opinion, is very relevant study of the reflection spectrums of metal - J-aggregate structures on surface plasmons due to the manifestation of the effects of interaction of surface plasmons with Frenkel excitons of Jaggregates organic dyes. This paper was carried out on the basis of previous work [1]. We have made computer modeling of the reflectance spectra of glass - dielectric (silicon oxide) - metal - j-aggregate – air structures with long range surface plasmons (in geometry of long-range surface plasmon). In this analysis the reflection coefficients are calculated depending on various material parameters. Modeling is carried out using a software package MathCAD, where the reflectance were calculated using the Fresnel formulas [6] for a five layer structures in which as a fourth layer taken three types of cyanine dyes: TC, OC and PIC. When calculating the reflectance spectra of these structures dispersion laws for metal and dyes were used [7]. Table 1. Parameters cyanine dyes: E0 - frequency of transition corresponding to the center of the absorption band; γ - the width of the contour; f - the reduced oscillator strength [7]. CYANINE Е0 ( eV ) γ ( eV ) f λ ( eV ) DYES TC 2,68 0,066 0,9 462,6 OC 3,04 0,039 0,01 407,2 PIC 2,13 0,033 0,1 582,1 Fig. 1 The wavelength dependent reflection coefficient spectra of the incident light at different angles Θ. 5 layers. (J- Aggregate TC). As can be seen from the figure 1, at using the dye of the J-aggregate in the structure with long-range surface plasmons in the reflection spectra are exhibited two minimums: one of them is due to plasmon resonance, the other - the interaction of surface plasmons and excitons dye ТС. In particular, using figure 1 at an angle Θ = 45 * deg, we can determinate approximately the Rabi splitting [1, 6-10] = 0,077 eV. References 1. P.G. Sychev, V.F. Nazvanov. Spectry otraozheniya structur metal-dielectrick (JAGREGAT) na poverhnostnykh plasmonakh (kompjuternoe modelirovanie) / Materialy vserossyiskoy nauchnoy shkoly-seminara / Pod red. Prof. D.A. Usanova – Saratov: izdatelstvo «Saratovsky istochnick» , 2014. Str. 111-113. (In Russian). 2. Poverhnostnye polaritony. Electromagnitnye volny na poverhnostnyh plazmonakh i granitsakh razdela sred. / Pod red V.M. Agranovicha, D.L. Millsa. –М. : Nauka. 1985. (In Russian). 3. V.V. Klimov Nanoplasmonika.- М.:FIZMATLIT, 2009.-480s. (In Russian). 4. M.N. Libenson Poverhnostnye electromagnitnye volny v optike //Soros. Obras. Journal. – 1996. - №11. –Str. 103-110. (In Russian). 5. M.N. Libenson Poverhnostnye electromagnitnye volny opticheskogo diapasona. // Soros. Obras. Journal. –1996. - № 10. –Str. 93-98. 6. de Bruijn Helene E., Kooyman Rob P.H. , and Greve J. // Optics Communications. -1991. –P. 425-432 7. V.S. Lebedev, A.S. Medvedev Effecty plasmon-exitonnogo vzaimodeystvia pri pogloschenii i rasseyanii sveta dvukhsloynymi nanochastitsami metal/j-agregat // «Kvantovaya electronica». 2012. т. 42, № 8. -Str. 701-717. (In Russian). 8. Symonds C., Bonnand C., Plenet J. C., Brehier A., Parashkov R., Lauret J. S., E Deleporte and Belessa J. «Particularities of surface plasmon–exciton strong coupling with large Rabi splitting.»// New Journal of Physics - 2008. v.10, 065017 (11), -P. 1-11. 9. Bellessa J., Bonnand C., and Plenet J.C. // «Strong Coupling between Surface Plasmons and Excitons in an Organic Semiconductor» // Physical revive letters – 2004. v. 93, №3, P. 1-4. 10. V.S. Lebedev, A.S. Medvedev «Opticheskie svoistva trekhsloynikh metalloorganicheskikh nanochastits s vneshney obolochkoy molecularnikh J-agregatov» // Kvantovaya electronica – 2013, т. 43, №11. Str. 1065-1077. (In Russian).