San Mateo County Medical Center Medical Psychiatry Services 222

San Mateo County Medical Center
Medical Psychiatry Services
222 W. 39th Ave.
San Mateo, CA 94403
PLACEMENT OPENINGS: Spanish Speaking Post-Doctoral Psychology Fellowship
Placement Information
 Full time Fellowship (40 hours/week). Stipend. No Benefits.
 One-year agreement
 50% of time in the Medical Psychiatry Services
 50% of time in various rotations described below
 Fellows maintain at least 20 hours of direct clinical services per
Main Placement
Medical Psychiatry Services
The Medical Psychiatry Services (MPS) provides an integrative approach to psychology,
psychiatry, and medicine for the majority of the outpatient medical clinics and their
respective staff. These medical specialties include but are not limited to: Primary Care,
Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Neurology, OGBYN, Oncology, Rheumatology,
Cardiology, and Dermatology. The majority of our referrals are from the Primary Care
Clinic and each Fellow is integrated into the new integrative care clinic where they work
alongside primary care physicians, nurses, and medical assistants, providing the most
comprehensive care available for our patients. Referrals typically consist of depression,
anxiety, bipolar II, or adjustment disorders related to their medical, psychological, or
social issues. In general, we provide individual and group therapy, with occasional
opportunities to engage in couples and family therapy. Fellows also have the opportunity
to provide neuropsychological and psycho-diagnostic testing. We serve the residents of
San Mateo County and are very proud of the diversity of patients seen in any given week.
Medical Psychiatry Services provides linguistically-sensitive and culturally-competent
evaluations and treatment to its adult monolingual Spanish-speaking population with
psychiatric issues. These issues include: acculturation, culture shock, immigration abuse/
trauma, somatic complaints, language, spirituality, religion, limited education, difficulty
maintaining tradition and family, building community and connections. In addition,
Fellows utilize a variety of test measures to objectively assess a client’s level of
psychiatric symptoms, such as; depression, anxiety, physiological complaints, and
memory problems. Fellows provide patients with a multitude of Spanish-speaking
psychiatric services such as: individual psychotherapy, group therapy, psychoeducational
groups, and referrals to medication consultations. Fellows work in close collaboration
with Spanish-speaking Psychologists to provide this service.
Medical Psychiatry Services Rotations
Rotations are set up by semester, with the change taking place mid-year. Fellows are not
expected to fulfill every rotation, and efforts will be made to match the rotation with the
desires of the incoming Fellow.
Consult-Liaison Service: Fellows participate on the psychiatry Consult-Liaison Service,
a collaboration of the psychiatry residents and psychiatrists, proving comprehensive
psychiatric/psychological care for those who are residents on the inpatient or long term
care medical units. Psychiatry rounds take place twice per week, with one day
incorporating 45 minutes of didactic training focused on a specific medical-psychiatric
issue. Topics range from medical topics such as dementia, delirium, cardiac, endocrine,
or gastroenterology issues, to legal matters such as capacity declaration and how to assess
for competency.
In-Patient Psychiatric Services – Group Therapy Rotation: The in-patient psychiatric
unit at San Mateo Medical Center is a 34 bed acute care facility. The unit provides care
and stabilization for patients with acute psychiatric illnesses. Many of the patients are
diagnosed with schizophrenia, bi-polar I disorder, psychosis, and severe depression. The
group therapy rotation allows Fellows the opportunity to work closely with patients
considered seriously mentally ill. Fellows also work with the inpatient psychiatry team
consisting of psychiatrist, nurses, nurse assistants, and discharge planners. Groups are
designed and co-led by the psychology Fellows and interns. Groups established thus far
are: mindfulness, coping strategies, psycho-education, cognitive behavioral techniques
and dialectical behavioral therapy. Fellows are expected to design and run a minimum of
two groups per week.
Behavioral Medicine Rotation: The behavioral medicine rotation offers Fellows an
opportunity to participate in an innovative program that integrates behavioral medicine
and endocrinology, functioning as part of the diabetes specialty team. More appropriate
treatment for patients with diabetes-specific distress could be targeted toward assisting
patients in better managing their treatment regimen, helping them to develop more
realistic cognitions surrounding their diabetes, and providing education and guidance in
order to optimize their care. Fellows will learn to conduct a brief psychosocial
assessment and subsequently provide short-term interventions to help alleviate patients’
psychosocial barriers to effective diabetes management. Fellows will utilize a wide range
of psychosocial services, including teaching patients to better manage their diabetes, as
well as provide brief individual and group treatment, teach stress reduction skills, and
collaborate with medical specialists. This rotation provides a unique opportunity to be
creative, integrative, and innovative, and to develop a clinical specialty area in a
multidisciplinary environment.
Health Psychology Consult Service: Fellows have the opportunity to work within the
Primary Care Clinic, providing consultation to medical providers. Consultations can
consist of brief assessment, crisis intervention and solution-focused therapy. The goal of
this work is to support the medical team and engage prospective patients.
Palliative Care: Palliative care focuses on relief of the pain, stress, and other
debilitating symptoms of serious illness. At San Mateo Medical Center, our Palliative
Care Program provides interdisciplinary, culturally sensitive care to our patients with life
limiting illnesses. We provide high-quality; client focused medical, psychosocial, and
spiritual care and support for our patients and their family members to alleviate pain and
discomfort at the end of life. The Fellow will provide real-time consultation to patients
with life limiting illness and/or their family members. The Palliative Care rotation meets
weekly to discuss cases and learn about the psychological support surrounding end of life
issues. Therapy with patients and their family members may last from just a few visits to
several months and each patient is a unique encounter.
Training and Supervision
2 Hours weekly
2 Hours weekly
1 Hour weekly
2 Hours monthly
1 Hour weekly
Individual Supervision (primary and secondary supervisor)
Group Supervision
Didactic Seminar: Medical Psychiatry and Neuropsychological topics
Didactic Seminar/Psychiatry Case Conference
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services – Psychiatry Grand Rounds
To apply: Submit electronically to Dr. Maria Moran including:
Cover letter
Current CV
3 Letters of recommendation
Legal name must be used on application
Note: Students must have completed their dissertation before the start date of Fellowship.
Offers are dependent on clearing all background checks.
Deadline: Until filled
Training Director:
Maria Moran, Psy.D.
Phone: (650)573-3457
Assistant Training Director:
Charlene Fuentes, Psy.D.
Phone: (650)573-2699