LOGICAL FRAMEWORK MATRIX – LFM Wider Objective: To achieve graduation of highly competent veterinary surgeons recognized by EU and Serbian veterinary legislation and needs of the veterinarian labour market. Specific Project Objective/s: To upgrade veterinary curricula focused on "clinical teaching" methodology, introduce modern veterinary specialist courses and novel course in organic livestock production. To obtain a broad overview of the present status and perspectives of the veterinary profession in Serbia and the place of veterinary education within the profession. Outputs and Outcomes: Indicators of progress: Application of higher quality students from RS and more students from EU and non-EU countries. Improved career opportunities. How indicators will be measured: Evident increase in quality and number of national and foreign students. Increased quality of veterinary services and livestock production. Indicators of progress: Introduction of upgraded/new courses and effective implementation of clinical teaching methodology. How indicators will be measured: Assumptions & risks: Students achieve standard knowledge and Legal support of ministries for education competences; formal approval of RS and agriculture. faculties at EU level Delayed/insufficient external (state) investments needed to support the expansion of the clinical block. Comprehensive data on veterinarians Published strategic study: "Present state Motivation of veterinarians to participate. opinion on veterinary profession; plans for of the veterinary profession in Serbia and suggested reforms. vision for the future". Indicators of progress: How indicators will be measured: Assumptions & risks: WP1 (DEV): Upgrade of graduate veterinary curricula at FVMB and DVMNS in compliance to EAEVE standards, with special emphasis on "veterinary clinical teaching" methodology 1-1 Weaknesses in existing curricula identified 1-2 Upgraded curricula/syllabi adopted 1-3 Reports on teachers exchange submitted 1-4 Students diaries on experience in EU submitted 1-5 Equipment installed and functioning Weakness analyzed, amended curriculum proposed, exchange of staff and students, equipment purchased. curricular amendments adopted, reports on staff and students exchange submitted, equipment installed and running. - Potential major amendments of SOP EAEVE may delay the process. - Insufficient patients case load at clinics and necropsy samples at pathological anatomy. WP2 (DEV): Development of 5 specialist courses required by Serbian Law on Veterinary Matters Specialist competences defined, new curricula and teaching material prepared, students enrolled, students survey Legal document issued, new curricula adopted, teaching material available, courses started, students opinion on new - Parliamentary election within project period may delay some planed activities. - It should be vital to maintain continuous 2-1 Legal document issued by VD 2-2 Specialist curricula jointly adopted 2-3 Teaching resources available 2-4 Students enrolled, courses launched 2-5 Students evaluation of courses performed. courses implemented. communication between FVMB, government and professional associations in all topics strategically important to the state. WP3 (DEV): Development of the undergraduate course "Organic Livestock Production" at EUSK 3-1 New curriculum adopted by Senate 3-2 Equipment installed and functioning 3-3 Teaching resources available 3-4 Students enrolled, course launched 3-5 Reports on teachers exchange submitted Draft curriculum defined, equipment purchased, teaching material prepared, students enrolled, exchange of teachers. New curriculum adopted, equipment activated, teaching material available, courses started, reports on teachers exchange submitted. - The city of Svilajnac, where a livestock branch of EUSK is located, is appointed canter for OLP (Government decision, 2010). - Delay in administrative procedures on a state level may delay realization of some planned activities. Respondents identified, questionnaire adopted, survey results gathered. - Proposed approach should be sufficient. Vet database compiled, questionnaire uploaded for filling, survey results analysis - Prolonged consultation on questionnaire content. completed. WP4 (DEV): Survey: "Present state of the veterinary profession in Serbia and vision for the future" 4-1 Respondents defined, and advised 4-2 Joint agreement on questionnaire 4-3 Results of survey gathered 4-4 Results analyzed and interpreted WP5 (QPLN): Quality control and monitoring 5-1 Reports on internal quality control 5-2 Minutes on inter-project coaching 5-3 External quality report WP6 (DISS): Dissemination 6-1 Project Web-site on-line and up-to-date 6-2 Approval of project scope by teachers and students 6-3 Approval of project scope by veterinarians 6-4 Strategic study published 6-5 Increased quality of new students Internal quality assessment duly performed, inter-project experience exchanged, external quality control performed. Web-page constructed, Info Days organized, national conference organized, strategic study written. Corrective measures undertaken upon quality reports, minutes from inter-project meeting distributed. - Each participant is aware of the potential benefits brought by the project. - "Project fatigue", a common threat to project activities, may arise at certain institutions along the way. - Planed activities should be sufficient to ensure successful dissemination. Web-page up-to-date and running, - Difficulties in implementing conclusions increased apprehension of Tempus scope among teachers, students and veterinarians, emerging from strategic study. strategic study published and distributed. WP7 (EXP): Sustainability 7-1 "Rulebook" integrated in faculties Statutes 7-2 Faculties approved by EAEVE 7-3 National (re)accreditation accomplished New knowledge, experience, methodology and improved human resources, self-evaluation according to SOP-EAEVE performed, documentation for national accreditation prepared. Rulebook on VTH applied, faculties approved by EAEVE, new course(s) accredited. - Prolonged inadequate animal patients caseload. WP8 (MNGT): Management of the project 8-1 Project manual adopted by consortium 8-2 Task force teams appointed and active 8-3 Action conducted & monitored, early warnings issued 8-4 External audit report 8-5 Minutes from coordination meetings Activities: Project manual adopted, task force teams working, documentation and reporting on progress issued ad distributed, minutes of the meetings contain corrective measures and plans for future. - Experience of the consortium sufficient to ensure a successful management. - Unexpected changes in the consortium staff during the project. WP1 (DEV): Upgrade of graduate veterinary curricula at FVMB and DVMNS in compliance to EAEVE standards, with special emphasis on "veterinary clinical teaching" methodology 1-1 Analyze if existing curricula and clinical training provide for required "dayone skills" 1-2 Upgrade curricula/syllabi where noncompliance to standard detected 1-3 Veterinary teachers exchange: experience, advice and implementation of "clinical teaching" 1-4 Veterinary students mobility (RS to EU): to be involved in proper clinical training 1-5 Purchase equipment to upgrade teaching facilities, self learning and library system WP2 (DEV): Development of 5 specialist courses required by Serbian Law on Veterinary Matters Project draft manual prepared, task force teams appointed, project action timely executed, consortium meeting attended. Inputs: Nearly 3000 working days of various staff. Equipment FVMB: Thermal cam, port. ultrasound, bronchoalveolar lavage, milk analyser, metal detector, pH meter, percussion set, flexible/rigid probe, field surgery, urinary cateter, vaccination applyer, Desvac Kit 3, dissection set, needles, por. glucometar, freezer, infusion set, animal shaving machines, stationary box, elevator for cattle, equine speculum, chemistry analyzer, LAN eqp, informatics eqp, refract meter, textbooks, students lab, microscope, ECG, infusion pump, ophthalmoscope, otoscope, perfusion pump, X ray, dental unit, LANA anaesthetic eqp, instrument table, surgical set, vet lab station, thermostat, lab water bath, colony counter, freezer, lab burner DVMNS: Thermo cycler, electrophoresis, incubators, centrifuges, Bunsen burner, Assumptions, risks and pre-conditions: What pre-conditions are required before the project starts? What conditions outside the project’s direct control have to be present for the implementation of the planned activities? 2-1 Define specific competences within each specialist field 2-2 Define curricula for veterinary specialist courses 2-3 Identify teaching resources, develop teaching methodology and material 2-4 Enrol students, launch veterinary specialist courses 2-5 Perform students evaluation of specialist courses WP3 (DEV): Development of the undergraduate course "Organic Livestock Production" at EUSK 3-1 Define curriculum, modules, syllabi, ECTS and learning outcomes for undergraduate course 3-2 Purchase equipment to upgrade teaching facilities and library system 3-3 Identify teaching resources, develop teaching methodology and material 3-4 Enrol students, launch graduate course 3-5 Teachers exchange (RS/EU) WP4 (DEV): Survey: "Present state of the veterinary profession in Serbia and vision for the future" 4-1 Identify statistical mass and inform respondents on upcoming survey 4-2 Prepare the questionnaire 4-3 Execute survey 4-4 Analyze and interpret survey results WP5 (QPLN): Quality control and monitoring 5-1 Conduct internal quality control of the project activities prior to each plenary consortium meeting 5-2 Conduct inter-project coaching shakers, inhal. anaesthesia, infusion, surgical eqp, port. RTG, trimming machine, libra, dental unit, urine analyzer, coagulometer, microscope+cam, microtome, water bath, informatics eqp, blood analyzer, pH meter, dissection set, refract meter, trichineloscope. EUSK: Various informatics eqp, textbooks, forage quality test set, milk quality test set, ELISA kit, Soxlet & Kjeldahl kit. Mobility Staff: 62 RS to EU; 32 EU to RS; 9 EU to EU; 10 RS to RS Students: 24 RS to EU. 18 books published. 5-3 Conduct external quality control prior to mid-term and final report WP6 (DISS): Dissemination 6-1 Develop, update and maintain project Web-site 6-2 Organize cross-faculty "Tempus Info Days" for teaching staff and students 6-3 Organize national conference on Tempus project scope and outcomes 6-4 Publish strategic study "Present state of the veterinary profession in Serbia and vision for the future" 6-5 Organize annual "Vet/Agro Info Days" for high school graduates WP7 (EXP): Sustainability 7-1 Prepare "Rulebook" for the foundation of VTH 7-2 Conduct EAEVE evaluation procedure 7-3 Prepare documentation for national (re)accreditation WP8 (MNGT): Management of the project 8-1 Prepare "Project manual on management and finance procedures" 8-2 Build the project "management team" and partner institutions "DEV task force" teams 8-3 Regular co-ordination and internal communication activities 8-4 Conduct audit on financial statement prior to final report 8-5 Regular plenary and RS meetings of consortium members