EMOTION SCRIPTS IN ORGANIZATIONS: A MULTI-LEVEL MODEL DONALD E. GIBSON Dolan School of Business Fairfield University North Benson Road Fairfield, CT 06611 (203) 254-4000, x2841 dgibson@mail.fairfield.edu Emotion Scripts Organizations: A Multi-Level Model A paradox of emotions is that they are simultaneously in our control and out of our control. “In our control” implies that emotions tend to follow particular patterns and are thus amenable to prediction and regulation; “out of our control” suggests that they are idiosyncratic, difficult-to-predict states. Experientially, this paradox is seen in the fact that strong feelings of anger may elude our control, but even in a fury we rarely break our most precious objects (Frijda, 1988). Our theorizing about emotion also illustrates this paradox. Emotions have been conceived as interruptions (Mandler, 1985), as ineffable bodily states (James, 1884), and as largely automatic responses out of our conscious control (Bargh & Chartrand, 1999; Damasio, 1994), yet emotions also follow predictable patterns, even “laws” (Frijda, 1988), and current theories now focus on emotion regulation, emphasizing how commonplace emotion control is in daily life (see Gross, 1998). It is my contention that this in-control / out-of-control paradox can be fruitfully examined by conceiving of emotions as scripted responses. Emotions exhibit a script-like structure. They are seen, experientially (by laypeople) and conceptually (by researchers) as sequences of events based on an if-then goal-directed logic. At the same time, social norms, individual differences, and differing contexts produce infinite variations in these scripts. Thus, the existence of scripts suggests that control is possible, but variation sets limits on that control. This article examines emotional experience and expression from the perspective of script theory. I present a model integrating a variety of script approaches as a multi-level model (see Figure 1). The purpose of the model is to integrate various viewpoints, to accentuate connections between disparate strands of literature rather than to add new strands. Script theory is useful in this purpose because scripts reveal both the descriptive content of what “typically” happens 2 when emotions are felt and expressed, and they also offer clues into what ought to happen, the normative content of what we expect to occur and what we regard as appropriate. I will assert here that examination of emotion scripts is especially helpful in understanding the nature of emotion in organizations. Organizations are boundedly rational structures that constrain individuals’ experience and expression of emotion (Mumby & Putnam, 1992). In this context, many interactions have a scripted quality; for example, researchers have analyzed performance appraisals (Gioia, Donnellon & Sims, 1989), selection interviews (Poole, Gray & Gioia, 1990), and sales calls (Leigh & McGraw, 1989) as representing cognitive and behavioral scripts. At the same time, the complexity of the variables involved—phenomena at the individual, group, and organizational level—adds to the variation in scripts. Anger may not be (and typically is not) expressed in the same way in two different organizations, in two different groups, even with two different target individuals. However, as researchers begin to refine their work in emotions and seek to demonstrate the utility of their theories to practicing managers, they are drawn to identifying antecedents and outcomes of emotions. Script theory offers a template against which to compare and contrast this complexity and variety. It applies the logic of sequences of events to discovering how emotions might play out in organizational situations. As this Research Companion will attest, there are myriad ways of viewing and researching emotion. Often, these varied approaches are set up as opposing dichotomies. The “biological” and “cognitivist” perspectives are said to be “competing conceptualizations in the literature” (Forgas, 1996: 278), while the “universalistic approach” (that there are basic emotional responses characterizing all global cultures) is competing with the “cultural relativity approach” (that cultures significantly shape the experience and expression of emotions), and this competition is seen as a “major controversy” (Scherer & Wallbott, 1994, p. 310). One purpose of 3 this article is to show how these dichotomous views are interrelated, and in fact, can be thought of different levels of emotion scripts rather than as competing explanations. As evidence for the usefulness of scripts in integrating different levels of analysis, researchers have concluded that scripts offer a way to reconcile the universalistic versus cross-cultural variation approaches to understanding emotion meaning (Russell, 1991b; White, 2000). I begin by defining how emotion scripts have been used in the extant emotions literature. I then show how scripts have been evoked at a variety of levels: the biological level, the cognitive level, the social level, the relational level, and the organizational level. I emphasize that understanding emotion scripts at the organizational level depends on understanding scripts at the preceding levels, and explore how the emotion script approach offers a methodology and conceptual framework that can heighten our understanding of emotions in organizations. Definitions: Scripts, Schemas, and Related Phenomena Scripts are a type of knowledge structure; they are individuals’ structured ideas about how thoughts, feelings and actions are carried out in particular situations. More formally, schemas will be defined here as “organized representations of past behavior and experience that function as theories about reality to guide a person in construing new experience” (Baldwin, 1992, p. 468). A cognitive script is a type of schema representing individuals’ ideas about the appropriate sequences of events that occur in specific situations (Schank & Abelson, 1977; Baldwin, 1992). Well-known examples include the “restaurant script,” depicting individuals’ ideas about the stereotypical order of events in ordering food in a restaurant (Schank & Abelson, 1977). Scripts for social situations are seen as characterized by 1) declarative or descriptive knowledge that helps the perceiver describe what behavior tends to be followed by what responses (“asking for the menu in a restaurant is typically followed by the person ordering food”), and 2) procedural knowledge that offers a guide to the perceiver’s behavior (e.g., “If I 4 respond negatively to this person, they are likely to respond negatively back to me.” See Baldwin, 1992; Cantor & Kihlstrom, 1985). Scripts are goal driven. Scripts represent a temporally based hierarchical structure consisting of “in-order-to” relationships between action elements (Lichtenstein & Brewer, 1980). That is, an activity is performed in order to accomplish subsequent activity which is higher up in the hierarchy. Selection of food on the menu, for example, is done in order to reach the goal of eating in a restaurant. Effective performance appraisal interviews are structured as a specific sequence of events as a way as to achieve the goal of providing useful feedback to an employee. This structure implies that scripts are organized as goal-subgoal hierarchies, characteristic of human goals in general, and add structure to both memory and behaviors (Austin & Vancouver, 1996; Lord & Kernan, 1987). In addition, scripts are adaptable; they are easily elaborated upon to incorporate new experiences (Abelson, 1981; Bower, Black, & Turner, 1979), a phenomenon called “tagging” (Lord & Kernan, 1987, p. 267). Having shared scripts—common understandings of goal-directed behavior chains in well-known situations—is functional in that it facilitates interactions and reduces ambiguity. Researchers suggest that in the organizational context when employees share the same script this is beneficial because it “creates convergence of knowledge and action, offering a strategy for reducing conceptual divergence among individuals and teams confronted with the same situation” (Zohar & Luria, 2003, p. 841). Emotion Scripts This article will focus on a particular type of script, an emotion script, which refers to an individual’s knowledge of emotion episodes and the prototypical sequence of events characterizing particular emotions. As with cognitive scripts, emotion scripts contain both descriptive elements (e.g., the ability of individuals to describe what causes feelings of anger and 5 what anger expressions look like) and normative elements (e.g., the ability of individuals to identify contextual expectations and sanctions attached to anger expressions) (Fischer, 1991). I will refer to the contents of an emotion script as a person’s specific ideas about what occurs, for example, when one feels and expresses emotions such as anger or fear or surprise. Abelson expresses this idea succinctly when he argues that, “A sizeable set of inferences can be made from the knowledge that, say, ‘John is angry.’ A negative thing has happened to John; he blames it on someone; he regards it as unjust; he is aroused, flushed, and prone to swear or lash out; he may seek revenge on the instigator, and so on” (1981, p. 727). Emotion script theory suggests that individuals’ knowledge structure for emotions is scriptlike; emotions are best thought of as prototypical sequences of events that comprise an episode (see Fehr & Russell, 1984; Lazarus, 1991; Russell, 1991b; Shaver et al., 1987). An emotion episode is typically comprised of four primary elements: 1) an antecedent or triggering event; 2) a physiological reaction, and an awareness of “feeling” the emotional reaction; 3) expression or behavior or effortful regulation of expression or behavior, and 4) an outcome, which may include the individual’s own reaction to the episode as well as the reactions of others. I depict the general contents of four typical emotion episodes in Table 1 (derived from Shaver et al., 1987). The script concept is useful in that, when elicited, it helps to show how social reality is constructed, and also indicates how “constructions of reality translate into social behavior through action rules” (Abelson, 1981, p. 727). Two further distinctions are in order. First, emotion scripts differ in the degree to which there is agreement among individuals as to the specific contents of the script. When there is substantial agreement about the antecedents and consequences for a particular emotion in a particular setting, this is considered a strong script. A weak script is one exhibiting less agreement on common antecedents and consequences (Abelson, 1981). For example, 6 individuals’ understanding of what happens when an employee expresses anger in a staff meeting may be substantially shared: there may be substantial agreement that such expressions are inappropriate and will elicit sanctions from the leader of the meeting. However, employees’ understanding of what happens when anxiety is expressed may be less elaborated; there may be less common agreement on what the causes and consequences of this emotion expression are. Second, emotion scripts vary to the degree to which they originate from idiosyncratic or shared experiences (Fischer, 1991; Frijda & Mesquita, 1994). Individuals may have their own emotion scripts developed on the basis of their own upbringing and family experiences. Other scripts are widely shared based on cultural norms, for example the norm to feel sadness and cry at funerals and feel happiness and smile at weddings (Hochschild, 1979). A person may use this emotion script knowledge to their advantage. For example, an employee may be aware that in professional roles the expression of extreme emotions is typically sanctioned (e.g., Gibson, 1997), but may have an individually developed script suggesting that expressions of extreme emotions may, at times, generate the desired effect in others (see Pierce, 1995). In line with the idiosyncratic approach, Tomkins (1979) developed a script theory suggesting that individual personalities are made up of more or less salient scripts, driven by emotions. He argued that individuals form scripts based on three criteria: 1) when they experienced the most “intense and enduring affect” (1979, p. 223); 2) when affect changed during an event suddenly (from positive to negative or the opposite); and 3) when sequences of affect were repeated (e.g., an individual experiences a change from positive to negative affect every time an event happens). While I acknowledge the existence of idiosyncratic scripts, the emphasis in this article will be on the extent to which biological, cognitive, social, relational, and organizational normative forces constrain and shape these idiosyncratic scripts. 7 A Multi-Level Model of Emotion Scripts Given this basic idea, that emotions can be conceptualized as scripted sequences of events, researchers have turned to the question, “Where do emotion scripts come from?” The answer this chapter provides is that scripts emerge at multiple levels. These levels are depiected in this model (from bottom to top) in terms of the relative effect of context and script specificity (see Figure 1). The first level, the biological script, is considered the most basic and operates primarily automatically and unconsciously (see LeDoux, 1996; Plutchik, 1980). Biological scripts provide the basic map on which the succeeding layers operate. The second level, the cognitive script, emphasizes the degree to which emotions arise from individuals’ appraisal of specific situations. Cognitive scripts are more specific than biological scripts in that particular antecedents (for example, the accomplishment of an important task) are predicted to lead to specific emotions (for example, joy). They are not regarded as culturally specific, however; cognitive scripts are assumed to operate intrapsychically to explain the connection between cognitions and emotions. The third level, social scripts, suggest the degree to which emotions are socially constructed and driven by power relationships and cultural norms (see Kemper, 1990; Russell, 1991b; Scherer & Walbott, 1994). The fourth level, relational scripts, involve emotion scripts enacted primarily in dyadic relationships (see Baldwin, 1992; Fehr et al., 1999; Fitness, 2000). The fifth level, organizational scripts, are characterized by substantial complexity (involving multiple individual and group relationships; power and gender effects, among others), and specificity: organizations are seen as providing relatively specific scripts for the feeling and expression of emotions (see Fitness, 2000; Gibson, 1995, 1997; Hochschild, 1983). This model is not meant to be comprehensive in the sense of including all possible levels of scripts. Depending on one’s perspective, additional layers could be added and their listing reordered. Rather, I illustrate this multi-level model as a way of providing a foundation for 8 understanding the focus of this chapter: the emergence of emotion scripts in organizations. It is my assertion that we cannot understand the intricacies of scripted emotion experience and expression in organizations without first understanding what drives and anticipates these scripts. Biological Scripts From this view, emotions are considered basic and hard wired, and our tendencies to act are largely pre-programmed. This view has emotions driven by biology; they are primarily adaptive responses to aid survival of species. While complex emotional responses exist and cultural and social forces shape emotional responses, the biological view emphasizes that human emotional responses, prior to the intervention of conscious cognition and cultural overlays, have a basic quality that is largely universal: all humans respond to needs in their environment with relatively similar emotional expressions representing relatively similar feelings (see Ekman, 1992, 1994; but see critiques in Russell, 1994; Wierzbicka, 1994). In The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals Darwin (1872/1998) argued that while the developing anatomy of a species could be explained as adaptive responses to an organism’s environment, Darwin also realized that evolution applied not only to anatomy, but to an animal’s mind and expressive behavior as well. Darwin viewed emotions, and specifically their expression, as functional responses by animals to survive in their environment. Expressed emotions acted as signals and as preparations for action, and communicated information to others about intentions. Thus, there is an evolutionary connection between an animal baring hits teeth and the snarl of a human being, the similarity in laughing expressions by monkeys and humans, and the universal tendency for one’s hair to stand “on end” in conditions of anger and fear. Darwin emphasized that many, but not all, emotional expressions are unlearned or innate. He showed, for instance, that emotional expressions appear in very young children in the same form as adults, before much opportunity for learning has occurred, and some expressions appear 9 in similar form in widely distinct races and groups of humans. Darwin’s contribution is the notion that emotional expressions are largely universal, and thus have a biological basis, rather than being culturally bound. Since emotions serve evolutionary functions, they must exist, though modified, in observable patterns throughout the world. The evolutionary view is supported by more recent lines of research. Ekman (1972, 1992) drew on and extended Darwin’s ideas by showing that people from widely ranging cultures can relatively accurately recognize emotion expressions for six basic emotions: surprise, happiness, anger, fear, disgust, and sadness. Ekman argued that “there are distinctive movements of the facial muscles for each of a number of primary affect states, and these are universal to mankind” (Ekman & Friesen, 1969, p. 71). However, he also cautioned that while the movement of facial muscles shows universal tendencies, the evoking stimuli, subjective feelings, emotional “display rules” and the behavioral consequences “all can vary from one culture to another” (1969, p. 73). His research, then, is largely consistent with a “dual-phase” model in which biological affects are primary, and cultural or cognitive processes are a secondary, though critically important, overlay (White, 2000, p. 32). Plutchik (1980) in a “psychoevolutionary synthesis” argued that because all organisms face “common survival problems,” including “finding food, avoiding predators and locating mates” (1980, p. 130), emotions serve as behavioral patterns that help organisms adapt to these problems by providing internal preparations for action as well as external behavior appropriate to controlling the environment. Thus, anger successfully prepares the body by increasing the heart rate and heightening attentiveness, and seeks to control environmental forces through facial expression (e.g., snarling, hair raised) and action (aggressive approach) designed to elicit fear in others. Viewing emotions from this evolutionary functional approach, Plutchik argues that there are eight basic emotions (anger, fear, anticipation, surprise, acceptance, disgust, joy and sadness) 10 corresponding to the needs of any organism to respond to existential crises, including protection, exploration, and reproduction. Recent neurological research has provided some support for the evolutionary point of view. Summarizing his own and other research examining fear centers in the brain, LeDoux expressed his view as: “I believe that the basic building blocks of emotions are neural systems that mediate behavioral interactions with the environment, particularly behaviors that take care of fundamental problems of survival” (1996, p. 125). He also argued that different “basic” emotions rely on unique centers and pathways in the brain rather than indicating an “emotional center” for a variety of responses. He concluded that human brains are largely programmed by evolution to respond in certain ways to significant situations, so there is a large dose of automaticity in our emotional responses. Determining significance is a combination of evolutionary history and our own memories of past experiences. While much of our initial reactions are automatic, when we become conscious of this neural activity, we can be said to “feel”—we can have the strong subjective reactions we think of as emotions. Emotions, then, are “unconscious processes that can sometimes give rise to conscious content” (1996, p. 269). What are the implications of the biological approach for emotion script theory? First, biological approaches provide support for the notion that emotions can be considered as sequences of events beginning with sensing the environment for survival clues, reacting in patterned physiological ways, and ending in behaviors or intended behaviors. Second, biological approaches, by emphasizing the existence of relatively discrete “basic” emotions, suggest that there are identifiable, and relatively strong emotion scripts surrounding a certain small number of feeling states. The fact that researchers using the biological approach have not been able to agree on the identity or number of basic emotions has been critiqued (see e.g., Russell, 1994). While this lack of agreement hinders the development of universalistic scripts, the proposal of basic 11 emotions has provided a foundation to allow script researchers to explore families of scripts, especially those for anger and fear (see Fehr & Russell, 1984). What the biological view means for thinking about emotion scripts is that at its primary level, our emotional responses are following biological scripts. Even researchers who emphasize cultural differences note the importance of a biological “core”; for example, Russell (1991b, p. 437) states about emotional expression, “There is a core of emotional communication that has to do with being human rather than with being a member of a particular culture.” As biological scripts play out in real interactions, they are typically interrupted by consciousness and by willful self regulation (Frijda, 1986). The level of regulation depends on the significance of the event (how fearful one is, for example), and on the strength of the conscious scripts that are invoked to alter the basic biological script. We examine these more conscious scripts next. Cognitive Scripts While the biological and evolutionary approaches emphasize the relative automaticity of basic emotional responses, cognitive approaches emphasize the degree to which cognitions impinge on nearly every aspect of feeling and expressing emotions. From a cognitive perspective, how a person interprets or appraises a meaningful event and how emotions are conceived as knowledge structures influence how different emotions are perceived, understood, labeled and expressed (Fitness & Fletcher, 1993). Two research streams, one focused on emotions as prototypes and one focused on cognitive appraisals of emotion, exemplify the cognitive perspective on emotion scripts. The prototype approach suggests that individuals conceive of emotions as “fuzzy sets” of attributes. Emotions have been notoriously difficult for researchers to classically define because there is not a set of conclusive necessary and sufficient features (such as would be true about the category of even numbers, for example—see Shaver et al., 1987). Indeed, the difficulty 12 researchers have had in defining emotions (see Averill, 1983; Buck, 1990), combined with the fact that laypeople have a strong intuitive sense of what emotions are and how they operate, speaks to the applicability of the prototype approach (Fehr & Baldwin, 1996). According to this approach, individuals categorize emotions based on whether they bear a resemblance to what they think of as prototypical instances of emotion (see Rosch, 1975). Thus, just as “chair” is a prototypical subcategory of “furniture,” “anger” and “fear” are considered by laypeople to be prototypical subcategories of “emotion.” Shaver et al. (1987), found, for example, that when 135 emotion terms were subjected to hierarchical cluster analysis, five “basic” level emotion words emerged: love, joy, anger, sadness and fear. They concluded that a large number of emotion lexical terms could be tied to a small number of prototypical emotions. The variability in emotion words tend to specify either the intensity of a basic emotion (i.e., rage being more intense than annoyance; jubilation being more intense than satisfaction) or the antecedent context in which the emotion arises (i.e., disappointment tends to be preceded by differing antecedents than grief). Consistent with a prototype approach, these findings suggest a hierarchy in which a range of emotion words (such as grief, annoyance, jubilation) are subordinate to a basic level (love, joy, anger, sadness, fear) which is subordinate to a superordinate level (emotions). The hierarchical structure of these prototypes has been supported in several studies (see summary in Cropanzano et al., 2003). In examining individuals’ knowledge structures of emotions, researchers further discovered that these structures conceive of emotions as containing prototypical sequences of events. That is, if asked, individuals not only provide good examples of what they think an emotion is (e.g., “I felt really angry when my supervisor accused me of being late!”), they also conceive of anger in terms of whether it fits a likely sequence of events (“When he accused me, I felt tense and sweaty—I had the urge to yell at him, but managed to control it.”). As noted above, 13 individuals conceive of emotional feeling and expressions in terms of event sequences, or scripts. As Fehr and Russel (1984) and Russell (1991a) depict these structures, emotions are categorized depending on their prototypical features. These features are organized cognitions and “knowable subevents: the causes, beliefs, feelings, physiological changes, desires, overt actions, and vocal and facial expressions” of emotions. They are ordered “in a causal sequence, in much the same way that actions are ordered in a playwright’s script” (Russell, 1991b, p. 442). Similarly, Shaver et al. (1987) characterize laypeople’s emotion scripts as episodes beginning with an interpretation of an event as good or bad, helpful or harmful, consistent or inconsistent with a person’s motives (see also Roseman, 1984). Depending on whether a situation is perceived as being motive consistent or inconsistent, the individual then assesses whether action is necessary. Based on an individual’s appraisal of the event (Is this a threat to me? Am I justified in taking action? Does this event make me feel good?) a pattern of possible responses is initiated. These action responses (including action tendencies, cognitive biases, and physiological patterns) are seen as arising fairly automatically. However, individuals tend to also simultaneously engage in self-control efforts, which can be initiated at any point in the emotion process and directed at any of the components (appraisal, physiological response, and emotion expression (see Frijda, 1986; Gross, 1998). Closely related to the prototype approach, the cognitive appraisal approach focuses on one aspect of this prototypical sequence: how an individual’s appraisal of the situation leads to specific emotional responses (Lazarus, 1991). These researchers argue that it is an individual’s evaluation or interpretation of events, rather than the events per se, that determine whether an emotion will be felt and which emotion it will be (Roseman, 1984). The particular emotion felt by an individual depends on their appraisal of the situation based on several dimensions. For example, Roseman (1984) identifies an individual’s appraisal of perceived power (weak versus 14 strong), the probability of an outcome (uncertain versus certain), and his or her motivation state (seeking to avoid punishment versus seeking to attain reward), among others (Roseman, 1984). For example, anger is seen as resulting from the absence of a reward or presence of a punishment that is caused by other people when a positive outcome is deserved (see Roseman, Spindel, & Jose, 1990). Cognitive appraisal theorists differ from biologically-oriented theorists in their emphasis that emotions are not primarily hard-wired unthinking processes, but rather, based primarily on cognitive interpretations (appraisals) of situational cues (Lazarus, 1991). Social Scripts The notion of universal, evolutionary bases of emotion have come under attack (Scherer & Wallbott, 1994; White, 2000). Sociologists and anthropologists argue that culture is not simply an overlay to biological and cognitive patterned responses; it is fully integrated and essential to emotional experience and behavior. Social constructionist psychologists (e.g., Averill, 1982; Gergen & Davis, 1984) contend that while emotions have physiological components, they are largely a result of social processes, especially expectations and norms for how and when people are expected to feel and express emotions (Parkinson, Fischer & Manstead, 2005). Geertz (1973:81) concisely summarizes the point of social constructionists by arguing that “Not only ideas, but emotions too, are cultural artifacts.” Hochschild (1979, p. 552) proposes a two step process in the social experience of emotion, one in which factors in the structure of the situation (such as how much power we have, or whether we are appreciated as part of a group) arouse primary emotional responses (we are angered when a boss yells at us) that are then “managed” by secondary acts. These secondary acts are cultural and organizational norms, described as “feeling rules,” that stipulate how we ought to feel in given situations. Social constructivists thus put relatively more importance in the effect of societal norms on how we conceive of emotions rather than on biological responses. One such example is the 15 Japanese feeling and expression of amae. Amae means to presume upon another’s love or indulge in another’s kindness; it is a sense of helplessness in which one is a passive love object (see LeDoux,1996). While the script for amae is well known in Japan and considered an essential part of the Japanese personality structure, there is essentially no strong equivalent for this script in the western tradition, indeed no comparable word for it in European languages. Social constructivists use examples such as these to show that emotions are typically culturally determined rather than essentially hard-wired. From an emotion script approach, I argue that while evolutionary psychologists provide the neurological and biological “rules” that govern emotional feeling and expression, sociologists such as Hochschild provide the social rules that shape and guide these basic physiological responses (see also Kemper, 1990). There is a layer of biological responses that form the foundational script for emotional response. Overlaid on that script is a more refined social script that provides the connection between these basic responses and the needs and expectations of social situations. Russell (1991b) uses a script theory of emotions to reconcile the universalistic and cultural relativity approaches. He argues that those cultures which have languages containing fewer emotion categories have more general emotion scripts. These scripts have fewer specific features and cover a broad range of phenomena (we have termed these “weak” scripts above). Cultures with languages with many emotion categories have more specific scripts—each script “would have more features and cover a narrower range of phenomena” (1991b, p. 443). In this way, scripts vary to the degree they are universal or specific, depending on the culture. Within the script, antecedents of particular emotions will also vary from universal to specific, as will action tendencies (Frijda, 1986), facial or vocal expressions (Ekman, 1972), and physiological 16 changes (Ekman, Levenson & Friesen, 1983). But the nature of emotions-as-scripts exists across cultures. Relational Scripts The previous work cited has primarily been at the neurological and intrapsychic level— emphasizing a focal person’s thoughts, physiological changes, and reactions. However, most emotions are felt in response to and in relation with other people, and thus emotion scripts should include an interactional or relational component (Fehr et al., 1999; Parkinson et al., 2005). The approach of researchers employing relational scripts is that, based on past experience, individuals develop cognitive structures representing their expectations around how their actions are likely to lead to reactions by another person (Baldwin, 1992). In terms of emotion, this approach holds that we learn over time how other people are likely to react to our expressions of particular emotions. If I have learned that expressing my anger to my partner increases the chances that he or she will react with defensiveness and avoidance, for example, this experience pattern will affect my current expectations around what expressing anger means and others’ likely responses, shaping the patterns of my new relationships (see Baldwin, 1992). Work in the area of relational scripts has focused on determining whether there are normatively held interpersonal scripts for emotional expression, and then examining the specific contents of those scripts. Gergen and Gergen (1988) cite a series of studies in which they gave participants a scenario in which an emotion was expressed, then provided a series of possible responses. For example, they had participants read a scenario about a young married couple. In the first scene, the husband mildly criticized the wife’s cooking. The participants then rated a range of behavioral options that the wife could take in response (from embracing and kissing to physically striking). Following their choice of an option, the participant then read that the wife had escalated the hostility—she had responded by criticizing her husband. The story is again 17 interrupted, and participants are asked to rate the husband’s probable reactions, along with their desirability and advisability. Through this methodology Gergen and Gergen (1988) found predictable patterns of escalation based on whether primarily aggressive or conciliatory tactics were used in early stages of anger expression. Fitners and Fletcher (1993) examined love, hate, anger and jealousy in marital relationships. They first examined whether respondents, in outlining their experiences of these emotions, showed evidence of prototypical knowledge structures. They found, using profile analysis, that respondents cited cohesive elements for each emotion, allowing researchers to construct summary prototypes. In second and third studies they also showed that by presenting prototypical emotion elements, respondents could differentiate and identify specific emotions based on the nature of the event and the appraisals offered by protagonists. The more information provided in the vignette (the more complete the script), the more accurate was their identification of the emotion. Anger has been the most common focal emotion in studies of emotion scripts in relationships; this is not surprising, given its prototypicality ratings (Fehr & Russell, 1984; Shaver et al., 1987). Fehr et al., (1999) studied anger in close heterosexual relationships. Rather than having respondents generate their own experiences of anger episodes, they provided respondents with basic elements of an anger script and explored whether common patterns emerged. They were particularly interested in whether there would be gender differences in the understanding and implementation of anger scripts. Based on previous research and pilot testing, they presented respondents five causes of anger (e.g., betrayal of trust, negligence, unwarranted criticism—each with specific examples), six possible anger reactions they could anticipate engaging in (e.g., avoid, aggress directly, talk it over/compromise), and responses they would anticipate from their partner (e.g., avoid, deny responsibility, mock or minimize). Analyzing 18 these responses, they found that betrayal of trust was the most anger-provoking elicitor in these close relationships, and that respondents anticipated that they and their partners would react to an anger-provoking situation by talking things over rather than expressing aggression (similar to previous research; see Averill, 1982). They also discovered gender differences: women found the events to be more anger provoking overall, and were more likely to say they would express hurt feelings and behave aggressively, if necessary. These responses arose more frequently in instances in which there was negligence (e.g., forgetting a birthday, or personal criticism). An important finding of this study, however, was that while men and women held similar anger scripts in some situations (e.g., when an angered person chooses to express anger in a positive way), under other conditions men’s and women’s anger scripts were different. Specifically, when an angered person chose to react in a negative way, such as aggressing directly, women were more likely than men to expect that their partner would deny responsibility; men were more likely to expect that their partner would express hurt feelings, avoid them or reject them. This study, then, showed both that individuals hold similar scripts for the expression and reaction to anger, but that other variables such as gender can shape the content of the script and script selection. Fehr and Harasymchuk (2005) found that emotion scripts differed in the context of relationships between friends versus romantic partners. They found that people’s emotional reactions were based on the responses they expected from a romantic partner or friend when they expressed dissatisfaction. Specifically, they found that when a romantic partner expressed dissatisfaction and received a response of neglect (a passive, destructive response) they responded in a much more intense and negative way than when a friend responded to dissatisfaction with neglect. Their study showed that the same event had different meanings in 19 the context of different relationships, and produced different types of emotional behavior (see Whitesell & Harter, 1996). Overall, these studies of emotion scripts in close relationships provide substantial support for the idea that interpersonal expectations for emotional expression can be empirically examined, and the findings suggest that relational scripts for emotions are cognitively represented as if-then contingencies between self and other (Fehr & Harasymchuk, 2005). This work adds further complexity, however, by emphasizing that individual differences such as gender shape the expectations and contents of emotion scripts. Organizational Scripts The notion that emotions may best be represented as scriptlike phenomena has special relevance to the organizational context, which constrains and organizes human behavior, often through patterned sequences, such as rituals and routines (Lord & Kernan, 1987). Cognitive researchers have applied script concepts to organizational behavior, arguing that scripts perform two functions: to serve as guides to appropriate behavior; and to provide a means for making sense of the behavior of others (Gioia & Poole, 1984). From a cognitive schema approach, organizations themselves can be seen as “systems of shared knowledge and meaning composed of repertoires of schemas that guide comprehension and action” (Poole et al., 1989, p. 272). Schemas provide a system for individuals to aid in understanding the onrush of organizational decisions, behaviors, and interactions. In applying cognitive schema models to organizations, however, observers argue that emotions are often missing from the picture. Organizations are portrayed as shared systems of meaning exemplified in routines and tacit assumptions, and scripts are portrayed as behavioral and cognitive structures. For example, an analysis of the script for employee performance appraisals (Gioia et al., 1989) contains little reference to likely emotional responses. 20 Sociologists of emotion, however, argue that organizations, as situations in which vertical power relations and horizontal group cohesion play a large part, are situations likely to generate strong emotional responses (see Collins, 1981; Gibson, 1997; Kemper, 1978). Collins (1981) argues that organizations can be seen as “marketplaces” of emotional and cultural resources, where resources are compared through conversational rituals and loyalties and power are negotiated. Organizational participants “monitor what each is feeling toward the other and especially toward those in authority” (Collins, 1981: 994). Three studies have extended the idea of emotion scripts into the sphere of organizations. What we find, in comparing these script analyses to the previous levels we have examined, is an increasing level of complexity. Biological scripts indicate the degree to which particular emotions fulfill discrete functions and exhibit unique action sequences. The prototype and cognitive appraisal approaches more specifically identify these action sequences and focus on antecedents and appraisals as determining the shape and structure of the emotion script. Research on close relationships introduces at least two new variables to these existing scripts: the reactions of a target and the critical variable of gender. In organizational contexts, a range of additional variables must be considered, including hierarchical status and power relationships, multiple interactants (i.e., group emotion scripts), and organizational culture. In the first study, Fischer (1991) interviewed 56 employees reflecting on anger and fear episodes in both “public” (organizational) and “private” spheres. In constructing scripts based on her interviews, she examined respondents’ appraisal of the event, their action tendencies, the perceived intensity and duration of emotional experience, the emotion words used to describe the episode, their actual behavior, and whether they consciously tried to regulate their emotion. In examining anger, Fischer noted that individuals tend to have a “general anger script” similar to the prototype identified by Shaver et al., (1987). Individuals then refine this general script by 21 adding specific elements depending on the context (in this case, public versus private settings), where these differing contexts are likely to evoke different expectations, and thus, different scripts. She found that the primary difference between anger scripts in private and public situations is how one appraises the expected reactions of others. In private situations respondents “do not wish to hurt others,” but they want to “show commitment to others by expressing their anger” (1991: 151). In public situations, however, “one is far more concerned with how others will evaluate one’s anger, so anger seems primarily to be used as a device to maintain or improve one’s position” (1991: 151). She found a few gender differences in terms of likely antecedents of anger: men were more likely to mention unjust reproaches in private situations and more likely to refer to the negative behavior or others in public situations. Women more often got angry because of rule violation in private situations and because they got “passed over” in public situations. Overall, Fischer found support for the idea of a “general anger script” driving respondents’ knowledge structures. There were wide differences in the types of antecedents cited, however, making anger scripts specific to particular public and private settings more difficult to compare. An example of how anger scripts became more contingent on context is in the expression of anger. Overall, respondents regarded expressing anger as desirable. It was considered to promote a healthy relationship in intimate settings, and it was necessary to show one’s commitment in professional settings. At the same time, there were limits to this script: respondents noted that if anger was expressed uncontrollably, negative consequences tended to result. Gibson (1995, 1997) applied Plutchik’s (1980) evolutionary model as a way of understanding scripts for eight emotions in organizations: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, 22 joy, acceptance and anticipation. He constructed scripts by coding and categorizing respondents’ recollections of an emotional experience at work (n = 143 MBA students) into antecedents, agents (who were the instigator of emotion), whether the emotion was expressed and to whom, and the perceived consequences of emotional expression or non-expression. He found that there was substantial agreement by respondents on scripts for particular emotions, and analyses of variance indicated differing feeling and expression patterns across the different emotions. Qualitatively, Gibson (1995) found, for example, that fear episodes revolved around a general theme of uncertainty, especially about one’s actions (see Table 2). In this script, 53% of episodes were explained by the top three categories, which included the failure of the respondent to carry out a task appropriately (27% of antecedents), threats to survival, either personal or career (13%) and threats to the organization itself (e.g., to merge or be bought out, 13%). Fear tended to be caused by individuals superior to the respondent (43%) and tended not to be expressed. Anger episodes, similar to previous findings (e.g., de Rivera, 1977; Russell, 1991a) were characterized by a theme of perceived injustice. Criticism of the respondent characterized 16% of these episodes, and another 16% surrounded instances when respondents’ suggestions or comments were ignored by others. At the organizational level, respondents were angered by the company acting in an unjust way (e.g., by laying off workers—16% of the response). Agents of anger were primarily superiors (39%) or the company itself (22%), and were often expressed: respondents expressed their anger to the agent in 53% of the episodes. Gibson (1997) reported exploratory findings indicating that status of the agent made a difference, noting that when superiors were the agent of emotions, there was less likelihood of emotion expression than if peers or subordinates were agents. Interestingly, this occurred for both positive (aggregating joy, acceptance and anticipation) and negative (aggregating anger, fear, sadness, and disgust) emotions. In terms of gender, though the small sample size made his 23 findings speculative, Gibson found that women both felt and (for some emotions) expressed their emotions to a greater degree than did men. Women, he proposed, typically had to engage in more regulation of emotion, since they their emotions significantly more strongly than did men, yet expressed them at about the same level. Gibson concluded that these emotion scripts indicate that there is a small number of emotions that are considered appropriate to express in organizations, primarily “approach” emotions such as anger and acceptance, while many emotions—primarily those indicating avoidance or vulnerability—are rarely expressed, such as fear, sadness, and joy. He argued that this kind of limitation in emotion scripts could have implications for organizational decision making and interpersonal processes. If employees’ full range of emotions are not allowed to be expressed in organizational settings, for example, group decision-making in organizations may be limited by a constricted set of data. Fitness (2000) examined anger scripts in the workplace, using a sample of 175 episodes. She explored script differences that depended on the focal person’s hierarchical status in the organization, whether the anger was directed to a supervisor (80 respondents), to a co-worker (57 respondents), or to a subordinate (38 respondents). She elicited scripts through an interview schedule that asked respondents to “remember a time when you felt really angry with someone at work,” and then to describe the antecedents to their anger, how they thought and felt at the time, how they behaved, and whether they thought the incident had been successfully resolved. As with previous studies, there was substantial agreement over prototypical anger-eliciting events. For example, 44% involved “being directly and unjustly treated by another.” Other prominent antecedents included immoral behavior (23%) and job incompetence (15%). Importantly, Fitness also found differences in antecedents depending on who was perceiving the anger; for example, 69 of the superior-instigated incidents involved directly unjust treatment, while only 28% of co24 worker and 16% of subordinate-instigated offences were considered to be unjust. For co-workers who instigated anger, the primary event involved morally reprehensible behaviors, such as laziness or dishonesty; for subordinates who instigated anger, the primary antecedent was job incompetence. In terms of behavior, Fitness found expected differences in whether anger was expressed depending on status. Only 45% of respondents angered by superiors immediately confronted them during the course of feeling anger, compared with 58% of respondents angered by coworkers, and 71% of respondents angered by subordinates. Fitness’ study demonstrates the importance of studying context in order to outline and understand emotion scripts. She identified two distinct anger scripts, depending on power. That is, high power respondents were likely to be angered by different eliciting events, likely to express their anger to a greater degree than low power respondents, and were more likely to think that the anger incident had been successfully resolved. She also noted that she discovered no gender differences in this setting: rather, in the organizational context the variable of power appeared to overwhelm gender in affecting emotion scripts. While there are few studies specifically examining organizational emotion scripts, numerous other studies have implications for a script approach, though they might not specifically use the terms of script theory. For example, Sutton (1991) found that respondents in a bill collection agency were well aware of specific norms around how to express emotions to debtors they wanted to collect money from. There were norms, for example, to express neutrality to angry debtors and norms to by more easy-going (at first) with distressed debtors. These normative instructions are clearly indicative of an emotional script for these transactional dyads. Moreover, in the negotiations literature, studies now examine how emotional expressions by negotiators affect their targets, and vice versa (Van Kleef, DeDreu & Manstead, 2004). 25 A particularly important direction for emotion script research is the recognition that knowledge of emotion scripts may allow participants to express their emotions strategically, knowing that they are likely to elicit a particular response. Clark, Pataki and Carver (1996) argue that because people share assumptions about the script (its structure, antecedents and consequences), people can “learn to present emotions to others to accomplish specifiable social goals” (1996, p. 248). Indeed, negotiations researchers are finding that negotiators who strategically display particular emotions are able to affect the outcome of the negotiation (Kopelman, Rosette & Thompson, 2006) and qualitative studies of professionals—such as lawyers—show frequent use of strategic emotions (Pierce, 1995). As Forgas notes, this emphasis on the strategic nature of scripts suggests that “affect is not merely a private experience, but at the same time is a public event” (1996, p. 282). Implications and Conclusions This article outlines a multi-level model of emotion scripts. It provides a way of conceptualizing scripts that helps to integrate widely divergent approaches to emotion. Scripts are both observed sequences of events and they are understandings about how sequences of events tend to occur. On one hand, this combination of descriptive and normative elements accounts for their explanatory versatility across a range of widely divergent research landscapes. On the other hand, this eclecticism may have also impeded further study into scripts. By addressing a range of approaches, the script approach offers a metaphor and a methodology for studying sequences of behaviors, but its very applicability and consequent lack of specificity may also be its undoing. Compared to general cognitive appraisal approaches (e.g., Lazarus, 1991; Scherer, 2001) or sociological/normative approaches (e.g., Kemper, 1990), the development of script research has been less well developed. 26 The fundamental outlines of prototypical emotion sequences are well developed and well supported (see Fehr & Russell, 1984; Shaver et al., 1987). But the development of scripts in differing contexts is much less well developed. Studies of anger predominate in script theory (see Gibson, 1995, 1997 for an exception), while scripts for other emotions (other than fear) have received far less attention. The issue, for the future of emotion script research, will be to develop scripts at a level of detail that can help in understanding organizational problems while not being so specific that they are only applicable to one context (see Fitness, 2000 for one illustration of such meso-level scripts). Future Directions in Emotion Script Research Studies of additional emotion scripts. In parallel with emotions research more generally, emotion script research needs to expand its focus from anger and fear to other critical discrete emotions (see Gibson, 1997). While anger and fear offer a cohesive prototypical view, they also offer only one slice of organizational life. For example, while most studies of emotion have focused on negative emotions and moods, in fact, linkages to organizational outcomes such as individual and group achievement, decision-making effectiveness, and creativity tend to be far more compelling for positive emotions (Lyubomirsky, King & Diener, 2005). While emotion scripts have been relatively well-articulated for anger and fear, we know much less about happiness and liking/acceptance. Studies of strategic displays of emotional expression (e.g., Clark et al., 1996) indicate that displaying happiness (and suppressing anger and sadness) is related to ingratiation behavior and increasing the liking of a target, both phenomena of interest to organizational researchers (Jones & Pittman, 1982). More refined scripts for organizational envy (Cohen-Charash & Mueller, in press), sadness, and shame/guilt (Poulson, 2000) would also be in line with current research inquiry. 27 Individual differences and scripts. A continuing avenue of research will be to discover under what conditions individual differences shape the execution of scripts. Because they are focused on sequences of events, studying scripts can uncover findings about contingencies that would not be revealed in correlational work or work focused on intrapsychic, context-free environments. For example, Fehr and Baldwin (1996) point out that the commonsense understanding that women are more likely to cry in response to anger may not be the whole story. Rather, what their findings indicate is that women may not be more likely to respond with crying and hurt feelings whenever angry, but rather, they “are more likely to experience being angered in situations when hurt feelings are a key element of the anger experienced (e.g., the betrayal of trust)” (1996, p. 240). That discovery was only possible by researchers examining the antecedents of anger, since different kinds of people may be more or less sensitive to different kinds of instigators, may have different kinds of experience with them, may have different styles in terms of emotion regulation, etc. Thus, script methodologies may be especially well suited to discovering different contingencies related to individual differences, gender being a prominent, but not the sole, example. Degree of Script Convergence. A primary approach to determining whether organizational participants share a script is to measure the degree to which participants cite a particular element in their narrative of an episode. For example, Fitness (2000) found that 69% of anger episodes in her sample were caused by superiors who unjustly treated their subordinates (see also Gibson, 1997; Fischer, 1991). While these proportional approaches provide good overall support for the level of agreement in terms of the existence of common scripts, more specific and accurate measures need to be developed. Studies of cognitive scripts, for example, have used videotaped interactions and more elaborate qualitative methods to assess the degree of cohesiveness in organizational scripts (see Gioia, Donnellon, & Sims, 1989; Poole, Gray & 28 Gioia, 1990). Advancing methods in sequence analysis (see Abbott, 1990), and reliability ratings (Forrest & Abbott, 1990) will provide important means of gathering these data. Measuring the degree of convergence would represent a significant advance in understanding emotion scripts. One application of this research would be to examine the effect of diverse versus homogenous scripts on organizational behavior and performance. For example, Barsade et al. (2000) showed that similarities in affective disposition in top management teams led to increased performance in top management teams. Future research should examine organizational members’ emotional scripts to determine whether similarity in scripts also contributes to team effectiveness, and under what conditions. Scripts as Methodology. I have argued that scripts offer both descriptive and normative material for analysis. The script approach is particularly applicable to emotions, since laypeople tend to think of emotions in terms of prototypical sequences of events (see Shaver et al., 1987). Following this line of reasoning, in addition to identifying scripts and assessing their convergence, script data is very useful for identifying and understanding organizational emotion norms and culture. Recently, scholars have called for more research on the nature of organizational cultural norms for emotion expression (see, e.g., Barsade et al., 2003). However, gathering data on norms (without directly observing behavior), is often difficult. Having respondents outline their perceived scripts for emotional expression may be one means to illustrate organizational norms. For example, Van Maanen and Kunda (1989) identified emotion norms stipulating that employees at Disneyland express positive emotions while cloaking their dissatisfaction, and participants in a high technology company express passion around the firm’s products. While these authors determined these norms through participant observation, an alternative method would have been to interview participants on the structure of emotion scripts in their 29 organization. While identifying generalized norms may be difficult for participants, experiential learning with scripts suggests that they may more readily generate episodes of emotional expression (Gibson, 2006) that can be useful in determining normative scripts. Similarly, while it may be difficult for employees to discuss risky issues such as gender and power in their organization, having them discuss emotion scripts may indirectly lead to these issues (see Fitness, 2000). A caution here, of course, is one of social desirability: there may be a tendency on the part of employees to provide “acceptable and warrantable public explanations” for their behavior, rather than a faithful recollection of events (Forgas, 1996, p. 284). Forgas argues that a wider variety of methods, including experimentation approaches (see, e.g., Clark et al., 1996) would help to address this concern. New approaches in negotiation research (see Kopelman et al., 2006; Van Kleef et al., 2004) apply similar methods focusing on specific emotions (e.g., happiness and anger) to determine more specific antecedents and consequences. Conclusion The explosion of emotions work in the organizational context has advanced the field in many ways: as this research companion demonstrates, advances in the definition of emotions, its specificity and methodologies have stripped away some of the mystery and “conceptual and definitional chaos” that once characterized emotions research (see Buck, 1990, p. 330). I am recommending emotion script theory as one advance that deserves more attention. While scripts have been invoked in emotions research almost as long as we have examined emotions themselves, work using this approach has advanced unevenly. Scripts provide clues to the basic, biological nature of emotions, and they allow us to examine how additional levels of normative structures inherent to relationships and organizations are laid over this basic foundation. They provide vital clues to how we live out our emotional experiences in organizations. 30 Specificity More Specific More General FIGURE 1 Emotion Scripts: A Multi-Level Model Level Organizational Script: Emotions shaped by structure (delineation of groups, hierarchy), power, and gender Individual, Group, Organization Relational Script: Emotions shaped by interactions with significant others and their reactions Dyadic Social Script: Emotions created and shaped by the structure of the social situation and cultural norms Individually internalized social and cultural norms Cognitive Script: Emotions shaped by intrapsychic appraisals of situations and prototypical ways of responding Intrapsychic (within individual) Biological Script: Emotions primarily serving evolutionary survival functions Neurological 31 Table 1: Generic Emotion Scripts (adapted from Shaver et al., 1987) Emotions Described by Respondents Script Elements Antecedents Joy A desirable outcome; getting what was wanted (68%)1 Task success, achievement (54%) Receiving esteem, respect, praise (33%) Behavioral Responses Smiling (72%) Communicating the good feeling to others (or trying to) (40%) Positive outlook; seeing only the bright side (40%) Self-Control Procedures Anger Love Fear Judgment that the situation is illegitimate, wrong, unfair (78%) Having spent a lot of time together, having shared special experiences (33%) Threat of harm or death (68%) Real or threatened physical or psychological pain (57%) P finds O attractive (Physically and/or psychologically) (28%) Violation of an expectation; things not working out as planned (54%) O offers/provides something that P wants, needs, likes (22%) Verbally attacking the cause of anger (69%) Feeling happy, joyful, exuberant, etc. (52%) Feeling nervous, jittery, jumpy (48%) Loud voice, yelling, screaming, shouting (59%) Smiling (44%) Picturing a disastrous conclusion to events in progress (42%) Thinking “I’m right, everyone else is wrong” (38%) Suppressing the anger; trying not to show or express it (20%) Redefining the situation (11%) 1 Feeling warm, trusting, secure, etc. (43%) Being in a novel, unfamiliar situation (43%) Threat of social rejection (28%) Being alone (walking alone, etc.) (28%) Talking less, being speechless (31%) Acting unafraid, hiding the fear from others (23%) Comforting oneself, telling oneself everything is all right, trying to keep calm (22%) Percentages indicate the percentage of 120 subjects mentioning that feature. Subjects could identify multiple categories; thus these percentages do not sum to 100%. 32 Table 1: Organizational Emotion Scripts (adapted from Gibson, 1997) Emotions Described by Respondents Script Elements Joy Anger Liking Fear Theme: Personal Success Job or Project completed (47%)* Respondent receives recognition or promotion (24%) Job or Project beginning (12%) Theme: Injustice Criticism of respondent (16%) Suggestions ignored by Agent (16%) Company initiates layoffs (16%) Theme: Bonding Camaraderie in groups (53%) Positive relationship with a particular other (40%) Respondent receives recognition or promotion (7%) Theme: Uncertainty Failure by Self (27%) Threats external to the organization (13%) Lack of corporate support for respondent (13%) 82% explained by top 3 categories 48% explained by top 3 categories 100% explained by top 3 categories 53% explained by top 3 categories Agents Work itself (38%) Superiors (25%) Superiors (39%) Company (22%) Team/peers (67%) Superiors (43%) Self (21%) External agents (13%) Expression/ Behavior Expressed to agent (19%) Did not express (81%) Expressed to agent (53%) Did not express (47%) Expressed to agent (60%) Did not express (40%) Expressed to agent (20%) Did not express (80%) Consequences None listed (47%) Bonding with group or peers (24%) Nothing; no one cared (21%) Outcome favorable (21%) Outcome unfavorable (16%) Bonding with group or peers (47%) Positive feedback from agent (27%) Respondent receives sympathy, emotional support from others (33%) Nothing; no one cared (27%) Antecedents 1 Percentages indicate the percent of respondents mentioning each script element. 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