KINGTON ST MICHAEL PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON THE 29TH JULY 2010 AT THE VILLAGE HALL, KINGTON ST MICHAEL THAT COMMENCED AT 8.00 PM Present: Councillor: Mrs L Durno – Chairman Mrs J Charge, Mrs M Hall, Mr B Isaac, Miss C Marlow, Mr R Sealy, Mr R Squires, In Attendance: Mrs C Sutton (Clerk) and 6 members of the public Public Question Time It was noted that Mrs Avril Balmforth would be taking on the defibrillator scheme that had been presented at a previous meeting. Mr Alistair Harris from Malt End Cottage informed the PC that he understood that the satellite dish would need to be removed, and was currently in negotiations with the provider to do this. Mr Harris was thanked for the information. It was reported that the bay tree at Marundah needs to be cut back as it is badly overhanging the pavement. The Clerk was asked to contact the owners. ACTION CLERK. MINUTES 10/091 Apologies Apologies had been received from Cllr J Atack and Cllr H Greenman (WC). 10/092 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 10/093 Minutes of Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 24th June 2010 were received approved as a correct record before being signed by the Chair. 10/094 Report on Actions from last meeting (i) Valuation of Recreation Field. It was reported that the valuation of the field would not affect insurance premiums of cover, and the Clerk was asked to contact the District Valuer to arrange an up to date valuation. ACTION CLERK. (ii) Banking. This item was deferred until the next meeting. (iii) The Pound. A figure for the cutting of the grass at the Pound was still awaited from Wiltshire Council. The Clerk was asked to chase this up. ACTION CLERK 10/095 Street Lighting Ken Virr had outlined the scheme from Wiltshire Council to look at turning off street lights between certain times. It was noted that if a scheme were to go ahead it would need the approval of the community and a survey would need to be undertaken. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the PC should ask to be included in the Wiltshire trial scheme, and the Clerk was asked to write to Wiltshire Council to progress this. Cllr Squires to provide the contact details, and Mr Virr to be involved in the project. ACTION CLERK, CLLR SQUIRES. 10/096 Policing There was no update on policing, however further information on the new Neighbourhood Watch Scheme was requested. Cllr Durno agreed to contact Mr M Bridger and ask him to send details of the scheme to Cllr Hall, and the Clerk was asked to contact Mr Bridger and ask him to attend the next PC meeting to provide an update on the scheme and any progress on the signage. ACTION CLLR DURNO, CLERK. 10/097 Planning Matters (i) WC Decisions received a. N/10/01509/TCA – Removal of Cotoneaster Tree at 18 Folly Row, KSM. 1 Application APPROVED 16 June 2010. 10/098 (ii) Planning Applications received a. N/10/02204/FUL – Conversion of stables to dwelling at Cromhall Farm, Easton Piercy. It was noted that following a site visit by some Councillors there did not seem to be grounds to object to this application since it would be replacing an existing dwelling. It was resolved that the response to Wiltshire Council should include a requirement that the bungalow which the conversion would be replacing should be demolished. ACTION CLERK b. N/10/02286/LBC – Listed building application for construction of a boundary wall at Cromhall Farm, Easton Piercy. It was agreed that the response should be to approve the application, provided that the new wall be built with the same materials as the existing stone wall. ACTION CLERK. (iii) Enforcement a. Update on temp stables at Honey Knob Hill. Enforcement number 10/0117/ENF. It was reported that these structures had now been removed. b. Satellite Dish at Malt End Cottage. The information provided earlier by the occupier was noted. Highway Matters (i) Update from Transport Project Group It was noted that a meeting had been arranged for 11th August with Westlea, which would be attended by Cllrs Hall, Durno and Squires. It was noted that a study on 20mph zones was being carried out by Wiltshire Council, and once this had been completed other parishes might be considered for 20mph zoning. This would need to be approached via the Area Board. A response had been received from Wiltshire Council to the PC’s earlier letter, suggesting that the PC join the community speedwatch scheme, which had already been attempted. It had also been suggested that the 20mph zoning and the Tor Hill footpath should be submitted as area board issues. The Clerk was asked to do this. ACTION CLERK. Cllr Squires and the other members of the project group were thanked for their hard work on all the issues. It was noted that Yatton Keynell had been awarded £776 by the Area Board for picket gates. It was proposed that the PC and the transport project group and the PC have a meeting dedicated to transport issues. It was noted that Old Plough Lane had recently been resurfaced, and was now much safer. It was agreed that Tim Royal and the owner of Magpies should be contacted to let them know the proposals for the footpath at Tor Hill. ACTION CLERK. 10/99 Online Backup It was noted that the Clerk had recently signed up with BT for internet services, and would be investigating their provision. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should purchase a printer / scanner / copier up to a maximum of £200. ACTION CLERK 10/100 Recreation Field (i) Kick Wall This was ongoing (ii) Playbuilder Funding It was noted that the playbuilder funding had been cut and the £15,000 was no longer available. The rec field working group would meet to decide if any further action should be taken. (iii) Goal Posts The goal posts had been installed and were in daily use. (iv) Padlock on Gate The padlock had been replaced, and the Clerk was obtaining duplicate keys. (v) Camp Out report It was reported that the camp out had been a success. It was agreed that the PC would pay for the portaloos and the rec field working group would make a donation. 2 (vi) (vii) ACTION CLERK Grass cutting and cable damage It was noted that the cables at the rec field had been damaged by the Wiltshire Council mowers. Wiltshire Council had indicated that they believed the cables should have been more clearly marked, and that some of the damage had been caused by vandals, however Cllr Atack pointed out that the cables had been visible, and that the people repairing the damage did not believe it was due to vandalism. The Clerk was asked to chase up Wiltshire Council’s insurers with a view to them paying for the repairs, with a copy to Cllr Greenman. ACTION CLERK Use of the field for a barbeque A request had been received from the Castle Combe Colts to use the field for an informal end of season barbeque. It was agreed that they could use the field, once they had provided a letter indemnifying the PC from and responsibility for any accident or injury, and had agreed that they would not allow glass to be brought on to the site and they would clear up any rubbish. It was also reported that the rec field working group had received a grant from the Woodland Trust of £100. The lamp at the field had been damaged, and it was noted that this was not on the asset register. 10/101 Village Maintenance (i) Parish Stewards It was noted that the overgrown vegetation at Grove Lane had been cut back , but would need to be done again soon. Mr Farr had photographed flooding problems , and Cllr Durno agreed to contact Kate Davies to set up a meeting with Mr Farr, herself and highways to sort out the issues highlighted. ACTION CLLR DURNO. 10/102 Allotments It was reported that local landowners had been written to asking whether they had any land available for allotments. Further names were provided, and the Clerk was asked to send the letter out to these additional people. ACTION CLERK. It was noted that the land previously occupied by Albert Millard could be a possibility, and Cllr Hall agreed to provide the Clerk with contact details to follow this up. ACTION CLERK/ CLLR HALL. In the mean time the possibility of garden swaps was mentioned, and the clerk was asked to register on the relevant web-site, and to contact the Allotment Society for ideas. ACTION CLERK. 10/103 Local Transport Plan Draft Parking Strategy It was noted that any Councillors wishing to comment should make their own individual submission. The PC would respond to the effect that the bus service between Chippenham and Kington St Michael should not be reduced. ACTION CLERK. 10/104 Councillor Vacancy It was noted that the school hall had been booked for 8pm, and that papers received from candidates would be circulated with the notices for the meeting. ACTION CLERK 10/105 Old Village Hall Lease It was proposed seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the renewal of the lease of the Old Village Hall on the same terms as previously but with an increase in rent. Councillors were authorised to sign the paperwork on behalf of the Parish Council. 10/106 Financial Matters The report for July 2010 was reviewed and approved. 10/107 Exchange of information / reports from members It was reported that the newsletter needed a new editor as Graham Orchard would be stepping down after the August/September edition. This would be put on the agenda for September, and prior to that Cllr Durno would approach Mr Orchard to find out the time spent on each edition and any other relevant information. ACTION CLERK / CLLR DURNO. Cllr Hall reported that Caroline Hooper who manages the allotments for the almshouses was happy to have her details included on the web-site. She also reported that no 82 had been bought by the Bristol Charities, and would be turned into 2 almshouses. Plans were being prepared for submission to Wiltshire Council. 3 Cllr Squires reported that a quote had been received for re-tarmacing the village hall car park, however the amount involved was not enough to qualify for EU funding, and therefore the shop committee were looking into the possibility of converting the ramp into a permanent stone ramp rather than the current temporary wooden one. Councillors were reminded of the next Business Breakfast to be held at 7.45am on the 9th September. 10/108 Correspondence Correspondence received was available for inspection at the meeting, and a schedule was circulated. Meeting closed at 9.33pm Next meeting; 8.00pm 9th September 2010, School Hall NB This meeting to co-opt a new councillor, please note change of venue. 4