All Hallows Church of England Primary School STEPHEN LAWRENCE EDUCATION STANDARD AND PROMOTING EQUALITY LEAFLET 2015 This leaflet has been designed and written by the staff and children on the Stephen Lawrence Education Standard working party. We have written this leaflet for the information of all our parents, carers, families, friends and local community. By reading this leaflet you will learn all about what happened to Stephen Lawrence, and help us to prevent anything like this ever happening again. You will also find some important information on our core ethos to promote equality and respect for all people. Please sign and return our RESPECT and MISSION STATEMENT (there is space for both child and parent to sign). Thank you for your time. About Stephen Lawrence Stephen Lawrence was an eighteen year-old sixth form student who was stabbed to death in Eltham, South London, in 1993. It was not long afterwards that it became clear that his death was motivated by racism. Stephen was born on 13 September 1974. At the time of his death he was 18 years old 5'8" tall, and of slim build. He was a gifted athlete, training and competing regularly as a sprinter with his club, Cambridge Harriers. From his parents Stephen had learned or inherited a certain seriousness about life, and classmates and teachers knew him for his calm and thoughtful nature. In short he was good company, a good friend, and a good son. After leaving school Stephen continued his studies. He had ambitions to be an architect and was studying part of the time at school and part at Woolwich College in pursuit of the qualifications he needed to get into university. On the night of 22 April, 1993, Stephen and his friend Dwayne were waiting for a bus. In a brief and sudden attack, Stephen was violently stabbed by a group of young white men, one of whom shouted racial abuse. Stephen staggered to his feet and managed to run 130 yards before he finally collapsed. He died shortly afterwards of massive blood loss. Within hours the police had received tips suggesting the same group of suspects, but it would be two weeks before any arrests were made. And no one was actually tried for the crime until 1996, when Stephen's parents felt compelled to bring a private prosecution, only the fourth of its kind in Britain in 130 years. An annual architectural award, the Stephen Lawrence Prize, was established by the Royal Institute of British Architects in Lawrence's memory. His mother, Doreen Lawrence, said, "I would like Stephen to be remembered as a young man who had a future. He was well loved, and had he been given the chance to survive maybe he would have been the one to bridge the gap between black and white because he didn't distinguish between black or white. He saw people as people.” THE STEPHEN LAWRENCE EDUCATION STANDARD HAS BEEN DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF STEPHEN IN THE HOPE THAT SUCH A HORRIBLE INCIDENT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. ANY FORM OF BULLYING OR RACISM OR ANY FORM OF HATE CRIME IS NOT TOLERATED AT OUR SCHOOL (please see our Mission Statement and Equality Statement). All Hallows welcomes and values the contribution of cultural diversity both within the school and the community as a whole. What All Hallows does: At All Hallows we are committed to promoting race equality, good race relations, and tackling unlawful discrimination and any form of hate crime. We believe that All learners are of equal value We recognise and respect difference We foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging We observe good equalities practice in all areas We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist We consult and involve widely We hope to impact upon our local community and society as a whole. We work in partnership with the wider community to tackle hate crimes and promote equality. We encourage, support and enable all pupils and staff to reach their full potential. We give a clear message that hate crimes, prejudice and inequality will not be tolerated. WE ARE PROUD TO BE WORKING TOWARDS THE NEXT LEVEL OF THE STEPHEN LAWRENCE EDUCATION STANDARD. The standard is a powerful framework for school improvement, enabling schools to develop and promote equality and community cohesion. We have a working party which involves parents, staff, and the local community, as well as us children, and you can join our group. We also: Support the victims of hate crimes Deal with the behaviour by investigating any reported incidents; report any incidents via the county form; support the person(s) responsible for the incident in accordance with the Equality Policy. Monitor all incidents. Monitor the performance of all groups of pupils. Monitor and review all policies. Make equality a key item in our development plans. Value diversity. Involve all pupils in writing our key equality policies. PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY RACIST/HATE BEHAVIOUR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND BE DEALT WITH IN LINE WITH THE FOLLOWING POLICY: First incident in an academic year will result in a Red Card (see the school organiser for details) Second incident in an academic year will result in a further Red Card Any further incidents could result in more severe interventions. I would sincerely hope that none of the above will come into play, but it is crucial that your child is given a consistency of message both at home and in school. Our Equality Policy is based on the following core values as expressed in this school’s aims and mission statement. We want all our children to: Experience a broad and balanced curriculum Develop lively enquiring minds and a love of learning Have high self esteem Work with independence Value and care for others Be successful Have their achievements celebrated Feel safe Become good citizens Become positive contributors to the international community Care for their environment Be self-disciplined and courteous We want all staff to: Continue raising our high standards of teaching and learning Develop professionally Feel valued and supported Be successful Have job satisfaction Enjoy a healthy work-life balance We want all parents to: Feel welcomed in school Work in partnership with teachers Be well informed by clear communications We want governors to: Work as friends and partners of the school Know the school and staff well Offer constructive advice Promote the school in the wider community We want the wider community to: Develop good relations with our school Broaden our horizons We aim to encourage a love of learning and thereby make every day a rewarding experience for children and staff. Contacting the school If parents/carers have any worries about how their child is being treated at school then please call 0115 9568277 or email All matters will be dealt with in the strictest confidence. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. All Hallows CE Primary School RESPECT CHARTER AND MISSION STATEMENT (please sign and return to school) The children, staff, parents and governors are wholly committed to the achievement and further development of the Stephen Lawrence Education Standard and the equality and respect agenda. As a school team, we pride ourselves upon our inclusive environment and curriculum, but wish to pursue ways in which we can embed this further for the benefit and well being of all children. We recognise that the school does not accept any form of racist/hate behaviour, and acknowledge that clear sanctions are in place to respond quickly to any incidences. Our aim is to successfully work towards each criterion, and to carry forward and extend the essential messages and learning into the future of the school and wider community. Signed: Parent/Carer Signed: Child Date: September 2015