MINUTES OF NPA MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING ON 16th SEPTEMBER 2012 AT RUGBY PRESENT David Barraclough – President; Evan Murray - Chairman; Graham Giddings – Secretary; Gary Eaton; Mark Rudd; Andy Lowe. ITEM 1 – INTRODUCTION BY THE CHAIRMAN 1. The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a very special welcome to Gary Eaton who was attending after his recent operation and had made the long journey to be at the meeting. Gary said he was pleased to be back, but was taking things easy to speed his recovery. The Chairman went on to comment that it was good news that the membership had increased this year. ITEM 2 - APOLOGIES 1. Apologies were received from Jim Mullan, Steve Rumsby and Graham Bates. The Chairman commented that when dates are circulated for meetings, they are not set in stone and can be altered to suit where possible so everyone can mark their diaries and work around them, in future can all Committee members bear this in mind. ITEM 3 - DRAFT MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 12th FEBRUARY 2012 1. Mark Rudd proposed and Andy Lowe seconded, that these minutes were an accurate record of this meeting; Carried. ITEM 4 - DECISIONS BY CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY BETWEEN MEETINGS 1. There were no decisions made as was very quiet in the pigeon world at the moment. ITEM 5 – RING SECRETARY/TREASURER’S REPORT 1. The Secretary informed the Committee that at the 1st of September, 738 members had joined or renewed their membership to the NPA, the bank balance stood at £11,237, 32,990 rings had been sold, 683 birds had been transferred and the website had received 321,768 hits since it went live which is a great achievement. Ring sales had gone well and only have a few A, B and E rings left, the order for rings for 2013 has been adjusted with extra D,E and F rings being ordered. He went on to say that from December the members would be able to pay by PayPal as long as there is a membership form sent as well to tie up with the money transmitted. He confirmed that the Newton Steel Trophy was at Swansea Show and would be given to another show, as really there should be only one NPA Trophy at Shows other than the National, Francis Bradborn to be contacted regarding the trophy and organise return. The EE had put a 50-cent tax on all birds shown at stand-alone breed club shows in Europe. The President and Chairman said that they would cover the issue of repatriating lost pigeons while the Secretary was on holiday, which he thanked them for doing. ITEM 6 – NPA MANAGEMENT 1. Mark Rudd said that he would look into a licence and the legal aspect for the proposed £100 monthly prize draw which he thought was about £70, he had also had done a small survey and confirmed that most members would be happy with the idea, perhaps doing the draws at some shows. A long debate followed on the feasibility of the monthly draw with various ideas discussed and was decided that the best time to commence would be with membership renewals 2014 where it can go on the membership form and be sold in through the bulletin which every NPA member receives at the end of the year. The ballot could be used to gauge interest in this idea. 2. The Secretary informed the Committee that there had been two new applicants for joining the NPA Management Committee (John Thomson and Colin Ronald) as well as Evan Murray and Jim Mullan standing for re-election, which will result in a ballot. 3. There have been two new proposed additions to the rulebook received, which will go to ballot in the normal way. 4 The AGM was discussed and was decided that it should not be held at a Championship show as always a bit rushed but at a separate venue and not in the show season so that it can be given the attention it deserves. Mark Rudd proposed the Brownsover hotel in Rugby on the 24th of February, seconded by Gary Eaton; carried. 5. As far as the Secretary was concerned and the fact the membership had increased the idea of giving 10 free rings to members was a success. The Chairman said past comments regarding the feasibility of this scheme were proved to be unfounded. It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Mark Rudd that the trial be continued for another year; carried. 6. The cost of membership was discussed; the idea of raising the price of adult and partnership to £20 was thought not the right thing to do in the current climate although Mark Rudd said that the members he had asked about this idea did not mind as long as the money was not given away. The Secretary proposed that a two tier adult membership be trialled for a year £18 for members who buy rings and £10 for non-ring buyers who just 1 wanted to be member, this was based on the success of a recent small mail shot to lapsed members. This was seconded by Andy Lowe; carried. 7. The Chairman said he would ask the Chairman of the RPRA if he would be scrutineer for the NPA ballots. ITEM 7 – PUBLICITY 1. The Secretary said that he had a received a few articles in for the bulletin but not enough which were disappointing. The President and Chairman both said they would prepare something and also the Bradford Club are doing a history for inclusion. 2. The Secretary informed the Committee that he had put an NPA ad in Squill’s year book and the British Homing World calendar ITEM 8 – CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS 1. It was decided to add at the top of the Championship Show return form an area for the show secretaries to write the name, breed and owner of best in show and also the best exhibit and name of the winning juvenile. We can then put a list in the bulletin of achievements over the show season, so adding more interest to the publication. 2. The Secretary informed the Committee that in the letter he sends to all show secretaries with the certificates, rosettes etc, he has asked them to award a NPA certificate to any bird that wins best in show that had not been awarded one if in an AOV class. 3. The Secretary said that because of economics he had made the fee that any show pays a minimum of £10. 4. A letter that had been received from the Sufex Columbarian Society was read out and discussed at length but really the show calendar is so full clashes in dates will always occur and nothing can be done about it. The Chairman said that the membership chooses what shows they want to go to. 5. The Fantail club have asked if they could award NPA certificates at the show they have in Stafford; this to be discussed at next meeting as is the feasibility of bringing all stand alone breed club shows back inside a Championship Show. 6. Sections of pigeons at Championship shows, Mark Rudd said in light of the publication of the “Dome” schedule and others for the 2012 season, the English fancy has not moved on with this even since the letter from Van Strickland some years ago regarding breeds being in the wrong sections. Now is the time to inform show secretaries what pigeons come under what sections especially when there is a ruling regarding judges & sections. A general heading of Posture Tumblers that is used should not get a certificate, as there are 6 or 7 breeds under the name of Posture Tumbler. Mark Rudd said he would do a guide for the next meeting. The Chairman enquired how the list of sections differed from the current EE - list for Fancy Pigeon Breeds, Mark Rudd responded that all the foreign breeds were in the correct sections according to Country of Origin, the breeds that appeared in the wrong sections in the EE-list were actually our own British Breeds, prime example are the “Flyers”. The Chairman asked Mark Rudd to contact John Elsdon on this subject. ITEM 9 - WELFARE 1. A disturbing letter from John Surridge regarding the current situation in Germany with respect to animal rights activists that had been recently circulated was discussed as could be brought up in the UK. This situation needed careful monitoring. ITEM 10 – AWARDS 1. There had been two nominations for awards for Master Breeder (Tommy Elton for Modena’s and Ian Jackson for Fantails) and after discussion both were deemed worthy of the award. 2. It was disappointing that there had been no nominations for Hall of Fame or Junior Fancier of the Year. ITEM 11 – GENERAL 1. The Secretary said he was concerned that the NPA was not doing anything at all for the Juvenile members; this had to be rectified somehow. Mark Rudd suggested the Helen Seed would be a good co-ordinator and would contact her to see if she had any ideas to promote the juveniles. ITEM 12 – PROMOTING THE NPA 1. As Jim Mullan was absent this was postponed until the next meeting. David Barraclough said he had a few ideas and would bring them to the meeting in February. ITEM 13 – STANDARDS & RING SIZES 1. Mark Rudd reported that of the 43 British breeds that needed to have a standard approved by the EE, 3 had been approved, 3 will be approved at next EE meeting (West, Show Homer and Short Faced Tumbler) 11 had been sent to the EE for consideration, 22 were at various stages of being formulated by the clubs and 4 needed starting. The EE will not talk to individual breed clubs and will only communicate through one point of contact which is a shame as some points can be lost in translation. Mark Rudd went on to explain that some pictures for our English breeds do not exist, and had approached Mr R Bennion about drawing up the missing drawings. A NPA ring list audit had been carried out by Mark Rudd with help from John Eldon, John Surridge, John Graves 2 and David Richardson to which the NPA are indebted to; the result being that 54 ring sizes appear to be wrong according to the country of origin. This situation disappointed the present committee. The 12mm ring is not used in the UK, unlike in Europe; this situation would be rectified for the 2015 season. There will be a new list implemented by the NPA for the 2015 season, this change will be well publicised so that all members can order the correct ring size for the breeds they keep. ITEM 14 - GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED 1. The secretary read out an e mail that had been sent by an old stalwart of the NPA Brian Emmett which was a little sad, and that he had decided not to renew his membership to the NPA. 2. Mark Rudd had received a letter from the South Coast Show complaining about the secretary who had told them that their schedule was of poor quality and was not fitting to be sent out with the name NPA Championship Show on it. The secretary replied that it was extremely poor and did the show no favours at all; the secretary was charged by the Committee 3 years previous to try and upmarket the schedules and this is what he is doing. 3. The Mookee club has asked if their breed club show could have Championship status; this could not be granted as the NPA were endeavoring to bring all stand alone breed club shows back into main Championship shows. 4. Mark Rudd read out a letter received from Mr Elton regarding a reprimand he had received from the National Modena Club. He went on to say that this matter should have been a club issue, but since the reference to breaking NPA rules was mentioned then explanation was required. Based solely on the contents of Mr Elton's letter it was agreed by the committee that no NPA rules had been broken. However the matter of the reprimand has nothing to do with the NPA. ITEM 15 – ANY OTHER BUSINESS 1. Andy Lowe had received a complaint from the secretary of the Wolverhampton Tumbler Club that he was using a judge they did not approve of. As the club was not affiliated to the NPA not a lot the NPA can do about it as the judge in question was on the judge’s list. 2. There was a discussion about how judges names submitted by Eire Limerick Tumbler Club were denoted on the NPA judging list as discussed at the April meeting. It was agreed that it was”Xenaphopic” to single out only certain names on the judging list and an “F” is to be used to denote UK judges names put on by the Irish breed club. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 15.20 with thanks offered to the Chair. Graham Giddings Secretary 3