Book Report for Historical Fiction Book

Book Report for Historical Fiction Novel
Hooray! You have finished your first book in the 8th grade! You are amazing! Here are
the requirements for your book report. For this book report, you will be making a
symbolic poster and of course, writing an essay.
Writing Assignment
You will write a 1 ½ page Problem Solution Essay in the form of a letter to a character in
your book about a problem he/she is having.
Paragraph one: Describe the problem of your character
Paragraph Two: Propose (suggest) one way the problem can be solved. Be sure and
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the solution.
Paragraph Three: Propose (suggest) another way the problem can be solved. Be sure
and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the solution.
Paragraph Four: Propose (suggest) a third way the problem can be solved. Be sure and
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the solution.
Paragraph Five: Recommend to the character which solution you think is the best
solution and tell why.
Drawing Assignment
Think about all the types of mementos you would put in a scrapbook. Then, create a
scrapbook for your favorite character as if he/she created it. The scrapbook must have at
least four pages representing important occurences in the character’s life during the
course of the book.
Cover: The cover should include the character’s name, the title of the book, the author’s
name and your name. The cover should include some kind of a picture as well and reflect
the character’s personality.
Pictures and Photographs: Three pictures or photographs should be included. “Photos”
should be drawn and should accurately reflect the character and the time period. They
should illustrate the following:
1. The main character in a scene from the book
2. The character’s family or friends
3. The main character’s major accomplishment
4. The setting of the story.
With each of the “photos” include a 3 sentence caption as an explanation. You should
include at least three 4x6 pictures. Color your photos and use ink for your captions.
Souvenirs and Momentos
Draw, color, create, collect or find at least 4 souvenirs that the main character
would have placed into the scrapbook. These objects should reflect events in the story or
important aspects of your character’s personality. Include a three sentence explanation
next to each object describing its significance to the main character.
Choose one of the following two options:
1. Compare two characters in the novel. Be sure to mention personality
traits, life skills they use, and how they handle problems. Which character
think is a better person and why? (1 ½ pages)
do you
2. Think of a situation (or several situations) that occurred to a person in the book.
Give a brief explanation of what the character did. Decide whether you would have
done the same things as he/she did or something different. Then write what you
would have done and why (this should be the main part of the essay). (1 ½ pages)
Symbolic Poster Instructions:
The poster you will be making will be centered around the characters in your novel. Be
sure and include the following:
1. On the front, draw sketches of the main characters (you should draw
at least four characters). Be sure and include a background and make sure it is
2. On the back attach symbols that represent the characters. You will
need to create at least three symbols for each character. These symbols
should tell us about the character’s personality, wants, desires, looks,
and role in the book. Symbols should be made by you out of construction paper (no
computer images), colored and attached to the poster in some fashion (you could
make little pockets out of paper or envelopes). You should also write a brief
explanation (at least three sentences per symbol) about what the symbols mean for
each character and attach those to the poster as well.