3rd Grade Question Stems by Priority Objectives
EOG Item Distribution for 3rd Grade:
Goal #1: 5-10%
Goal #2: 62-68%
Goal #3: 23-27%
2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening, or viewing.
According to the chart, which_____?
If you _____ what would be the most important thing____?
Which of the following must be done in the morning and evening?
What is the next step after_____?
What would most likely happen if a person skipped the last part of step 1 before starting
step 2?
What is the best way to describe____?
According to this selection, what would be the best way to ask _____ a question?
What is the setting of this selection?
What would most likely happen if the story continued?
2.02a setting a purpose
What is the most likely purpose of the introduction?
2.02c making predictions
What will most likely happen next?
What would most likely happen if ____ did not_____?
Why is _____ so excited about_______?
Based on the selection, what will____ most likely do next?
2.02e locating information for specific purposes
During what time period did this story take place?
What should the reader do just before _____?
According to the selection, which question would you ask yourself ____?
Which type of ____ best completes the graphic organizer? (Organizer is a labeled 2
column table with one entry missing)
What caused _____?
2.02f making connections
Which of the following is most similar to the experience described in this selection?
Which statement is most likely to cause a person to feel ______?
2.02g using story structure and text organization to comprehend
Why did the author number the steps on the “Instructions” section?
What is the most likely reason the recipe is divided into two lists?
If ____ were to make a list, what would it look like?
2.03a fiction (short stories, novels, fantasies, fairy tales, fables)
Which statement best describes the selection, “_____”?
3rd Grade Question Stems by Priority Objectives
2.03b nonfiction
What genre is this selection?
2.04 Identify and interpret elements of fiction and nonfiction and support by
referencing the text.
According to the selection, _____ was an illustrator of _____. What did ______ do?
What is the main message of this selection?
Which sentence best explains the main idea of paragraph 3?
Where will ______ most likely be found?
In paragraph _, why are some words written in parenthesis?
According to the selection, what does “_____________” mean?
What is the main reason the author says to _____?
In the poem, what is the main purpose in repeating the line “____________”?
What is the result of ___’s thinking_______?
What is a lesson that the reader can learn from this selection?
2.04a author’s purpose
Which of the following statements best describes why the authors wrote these poems?
Why does the author use the name _____ in paragraph 4?
What is the author’s purpose for writing this story?
Based on the selection, what is the purpose of the information in parenthesis?
What is the main purpose of this selection?
Why did the author most likely write this selection?
Why does the author most likely use the words ___ and ___ when describing ___?
What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?
Why did the author most likely write this story?
Why did the author most likely include the third paragraph?
2.04c conflict
What is the problem in the play?
2.04d sequence
Look at this outline of the story: (Events in boxes descending vertically with arrow
between, one box empty) which of these sentences should go in the empty box?
Read this list of events from the story: (same organizer as above) which event should go
in the fourth box?
Which sentence belongs in the empty box? (Same organizer)
What does ____ do first when ____?
What is the first step the speaker takes to ____?
Here is a sequence of events in the story: (a vertical flow map which is numbered, no
arrows) which event should go in the third box?
Read the story map. (Flow map in vertical form) According to the selection, which
sentence should go in the empty box?
Which of the following shows the correct order?
According to the selection, which of these must be done first?
What did ______do immediately before _________?
3rd Grade Question Stems by Priority Objectives
Which of these shows the correct order of events in the selection?
According to the story, which of these steps is missing?
Which event belongs in the blank box? (Vertical flow map)
What happened after _____?
2.04f lesson and/or message
According to the selection, with which statement would ____most likely agree?
What should happen if _____?
What caused _____?
2.04g main idea and supporting details
Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of paragraph 3?
Look at this list: According to the selection, which of these could be the last entry in the
What is this story mostly about?
What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
According to paragraph 5, when did _____ play the game of “suppose”?
According to the poem, who cleans the dog?
Why is _______angry at first?
What is the main idea of this selection?
How did _____ feel when _____?
Where does ______?
Why was _____ delighted to be going _____?
Why did ______?
What is the main idea of this selection?
According to the schedule, what would the class be doing during _____?
2.04h cause and effect
Why did ____change _____?
How does cutting the food into bars help?
According to the selection, what would happen if _____?
2.04i fact and opinion
Based on the information in this selection, which of the following statements is an
Which of the following supports the fact _____?
What is the best reason why this is a non-fiction selection?
Which of the following is a fact about turtles?
Based on paragraph 3, which statement about _____ is best supported by the selection?
2.04k author’s use of figurative language
What does the author do to help the reader form a mental picture of _____?
What did the author use to make this story entertaining?
What did _____ look like as ____?
In what line does the author give a clue as to _____?
What phrase does the speaker use to let the reader know _____?
3rd Grade Question Stems by Priority Objectives
2.05 Draw conclusions make generalizations and gather support by referencing text.
In stanza 2, who most likely says, “_______”?
Which of the following best shows that this selection is nonfiction?
What other title could be given to the selection?
Based on the sentence in paragraph 3, sentence is provided, what is the meaning of the
word ____?
According to the selection _____ in which of the following ways____?
What conclusion could be drawn if the _____?
What is implied about ____ when _____(action by character)?
Based on the selection, what job would ____ most likely have in the world today?
Which of the following best describes _____?
What step should be done by an adult because it could be dangerous?
Here is a graphic organizer for this selection. (A list with a title and one item missing on
the list) Which of these statements goes on the blank line?
What will most likely happen next in the story?
What can we conclude from the selection?
Why should we conclude that this story could not really happen?
What can we conclude from the end of the story?
How is _____’s dream most like other dreams?
Mom and Dad know _____ because he did which of the following?
Because of ______’s greed, what was the outcome of the selection?
Which of the following sentences states a fact?
According to the selection, which best describes ____?
What could you look for under the heading “________”?
Who could best use the information in this selection?
Which of the following statements is true?
Which event completes the sequence in the graphic organizer? (Organizer is a vertical
flow box)
What is happening in the last stanza?
2.06 Summarize main ideas from written text using succinct language.
Which of these is a good description of paragraph 2?
Which is the best summary of this poem?
Which of these best summarizes the selection?
Which of the following is the best summary for this story?
Which of the following statements is the best summary of the story?
What would be another good title for the story?
Which statement best summarizes _____attitude about _____?
What is the most likely reason______?
3.01 Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical,
and evaluative processes.
What is most likely true about the ____ in _____’s family?
Based on the selection, which of these would ____most likely enjoy doing?
Why might the speaker (the poet) feel ____ when _____?
3rd Grade Question Stems by Priority Objectives
In stanza 3, what is meant by “________”?
In stanza 3, what is shown by the statement, “____________/_____________”? (note
lines in poetry are divided by / in questions)
What would ___________’s advice to students who like to ____most likely be?
How did _____ feel when _______?
What is the most likely reason that ____________________?
3.01a considering the differences among genres
In paragraph 12, what is meant by ____ in that sentence?
In the poem titled, “_____” which lines rhyme?
Which line from “_____” lets the reader know it is a fantasy?
3.01e making inferences and drawing conclusions about characters and events
Which experience most likely helped the author write this selection?
What would be the most likely effect of _____ more ______?
According to the selection, what is one reason _____?
What is the reason ______?
According to the selection, what did _____ think was happening?
Why did Mom create a list?
Why didn’t _____?
How does ______ change from the beginning to the end of the selection?
Which word best describes the character?
Which detail from the story supports the idea that ______?
How does _______ most likely feel at the end of the selection?
3.02 Identify and discuss similarities and differences in events, characters, concepts,
and ideas within and across selections and support them by referencing the text.
What did _____ and _____ have in common?
Which of the following instruments is most similar to a rain gauge?
How are ____ and _____ similar?
According to the selection, what is one reason Grandpa liked _____?
According to the selection, which statement fit in the “Subways” section of the (Venn)
How are the two poems similar?
How does _____ change from the beginning to the end of the selection?
How does _____ mood change from the beginning to the end of the selection?
In the first paragraph, why does ____ most likely compare himself to ______?
Based on the selection, how is _____ similar to _____?
3.03 Use text and own experiences to verify facts, concepts, and ideas.
Which of the following is a statement of fact?
Mitchell’s discussion with Dad is most like which of the following statements?
Which experience most likely helped the author write this selection?
Why does the author mention_____, _____, and _______?
3rd Grade Question Stems by Priority Objectives