Indigenous Law Journal Conference - University of Toronto Faculty

The John and Mary A. Yaremko Forum on Multiculturalism and Human
“Indigenous Law and Legal Systems:
Recognition and Revitalization”
University of Toronto Faculty of Law ▪ January 26 & 27, 2007
Thank you to our partners, the Aboriginal Law Students’ Association at the University of Toronto, the Indigenous Bar
Association, the Law Foundation of Ontario, the Law Society of Upper Canada, the Métis Artists’ Collective, and the
University of Toronto Faculty of Law.
Friday, January 26, 2007
All sessions take place in Bennett Lecture Hall (BLH), unless otherwise indicated.
9:00 am
Registration and Breakfast
10:00 am
Opening Prayer
 Elder Lillian McGregor
 Kathryn Bird and Karen Drake, Editors-in-Chief, Indigenous Law
 Professor Darlene Johnston, Faculty Advisor to the Indigenous Law
 Dean Mayo Moran, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
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10:30 am
Panel Discussion: Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
 Associate Dean Lorne Sossin: Moderator
 Alan A. Farrer, Thomson Rogers
 The Honourable Frank Iacobucci, Torys LLP
 John Phillips, Doane Phillips Young LLP
11:45 am
"Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples"
 J. Wilton Littlechild, O.C., Q.C., I.P.C.
12:15 pm
 Sponsored by the Law Society of Upper Canada
1:30 pm
Panel Discussion: Indigenous Legal Systems in Canada
 Professor Ian Lee (TBC): Moderator
Professor Bradford Morse: “An Overview of the Implicit and Explicit
Recognition of Indigenous Law in Canada”
Professor Gordon Christie: “Culture, Self-Determination and
Colonialism: Issues around the Revitalization of Indigenous Legal
2:30 pm
“From Gathering Dust back to Gathering Strength: First Nations children
lead the way”
 Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director, First Nations Child and Family
Caring Society of Canada
3:00 pm
Nutrition Break
3:30 pm
Panel Discussion: Aboriginal Title and Sovereignty
 Professor Jim Phillips: Moderator
Professor Kent McNeil: “Indigenous Nations and the Legal Relativity of
European Claims to Territorial Sovereignty in North America”
Professor Brian Slattery: “The Metamorphosis of Aboriginal Title”
4:30 pm
Keynote Address: “Indigenous Law and its Contribution to Global
 Professor James Anaya, James J. Lenoir Professor of Human Rights Law
and Policy, James E. Rogers College of Law, The University of Arizona
5:30 pm
Reception: Rowell Room, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
 Dean Mayo Moran, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
 Jeffery Hewitt, President, Indigenous Bar Association
 The Honourable Harry S. LaForme, Ontario Court of Appeal
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Saturday, January 27, 2007
9:00 am
9:30 am
Eagle Feather Ceremony
9:45 am
“Aboriginal Traditions of Tolerance and Reparation”
 Professor Darlene Johnston, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
10:30 am
“Translating Traditional Laws into Western Forms”
 Jean Teillet, Pape Salter Teillet
11:00 am
Nutrition Break
11:30 am
“Comprehending First Nations Jurisprudence”
 Professor James (Sakej) Henderson, I.P.C., Professor and Research
Director, Native Law Centre of Canada, University of Saskatchewan
12:15 pm
Information Session for Students: The Intensive Program in Aboriginal
Lands, Resources and Government (room FLB)
 Professors Shin Imai and Benjamin Richardson
1:45 pm
“Aboriginal Law Specialists and Indigenous Lawyers: Perspectives on the
Practice of Law”
 David Nahwegahbow, I.P.C., Nahwegahbow, Corbiere
2:15 pm
“Ethical Space: Transforming Relations”
 Professor Willie Ermine, First Nations University of Canada
3:00 pm
Spotlight on Up-and-Coming Scholars
Up-and-coming scholars present their work in three concurrent panels:
Panel Discussion: The Canadian Context (room FLA)
Alexis Alyea: Moderator
Sarah Clarke: “Ending Discrimination and Protecting Equality: A
Challenge to the INAC Funding Formula of First Nations Child and
Family Services Agencies”
Julaine Eberhard: “The Crown and Aboriginal People in Canada: A sui
generis obligation to restore the meaning of honour”
Panel Discussion: Focus on Particular Regions (room FLB)
Patrick Dolan: Moderator
Sarah Atchison: “Individual versus Collective Rights: Is there a Real or
Artificial Boundary? A Northwest Territories Case Study”
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Sara Mainville: “Manidoo Mazina’igan: an Anishinaabe perspective of
Treaty 3”
Panel Discussion: International Perspectives (room FLC)
Judith Rae: Moderator
Brenda Gunn: “Reconciling Laws: Exploring Consistencies and Clashes
between Canadian, Indigenous and International Laws”
Mohammed Saif-Alden Wattad: “Israeli Arabs: Between the Nation and
the State”
4:00 pm
Nutrition Break
4:30 pm
“Protecting Indigenous Peoples through Socially Responsible Investment”
 Professor Benjamin Richardson, Osgoode Hall Law School
5:00 pm
“Challenges to the Recognition of Indigenous Laws and Legal Systems in
Latin America”
 Professor Shin Imai, Osgoode Hall Law School
5:30 pm
Closing Prayer
 Elder Lillian McGregor
6:00 pm
Indigenous Law Journal Launch Party
 All are invited to celebrate the launch of Volume V of the Indigenous Law
 Featuring musical performer Marc Nadjiwan
 Location: East Common Room, Hart House, University of Toronto