Notes on Cryptography - Edward Bosworth, Ph.D.

Notes on Cryptography
We now present an introduction to cryptography, which appears to be the basis for much of
modern information assurance. We begin by examining different variants of substitution
ciphers and then discuss a number of popular algorithms that are a bit more sophisticated.
We begin with a number of definitions
A cipher is a system whereby each letter or symbol in a message is translated individually
into another letter. The process of applying a cipher is called enciphering. The process of
retrieving the clear text from an enciphered message is called deciphering.
A code is a system whereby each word in a message is translated to a set of letters (that is
often shorter than the letter count in the word). The process of translating a word to code is
called encoding. The process of retrieving a word from its code is called decoding. It
should be noted that the primary purpose of codes is often something other than secrecy;
many commercial codes were developed in the days of telegraphy to reduce the per-letter
charge of transmitting an order.
In earlier days, there was a process of first encoding a message and then enciphering the
code. This process, called super-enciphering, may or may not be in current use. One
imaginary example will illustrate. Suppose we want to apply both code and ciphers to the
message “MIDWAY IS OUT OF WATER”, by first applying the code “AF” for the name
“MIDWAY”. We then encipher the message “AF IS OUT OF WATER”, say to something
Encryption is the term applied to either enciphering or encoding, while decryption is the
term applied to the reverse process, be it either deciphering or decoding. The original form
of a message is called a plaintext and the encrypted form is called ciphertext.
Cryptanalysis is the process of retrieving the meaning of intercepted ciphertext. Here we
make one point that should be the major emphasis of this chapter – that the study of
cryptography is really the study of cryptanalytic methods. One cannot devise encryption
methods that are useable unless he or she has a good background in breaking encryption.
The history of codes and ciphers is littered with a number of “unbreakable” ciphers that were
easily defeated. For example, the monoalphabetic substitution ciphers appear unbreakable,
having 26!  4.0331026 possible keys until one realizes that frequency analysis will easily
defeat them. As we shall see a bit later, complexity of the algorithm does not often equate to
difficulty in cracking the cipher. Most of us should use commercially available ciphers.
There are two simple forms of enciphering: substitution ciphers and transposition ciphers.
We shall view substitution ciphers as permutations in which each letter is replaced by another
letter. The Caesar cipher is a specific permutation cipher in which the permutation is
specified by a given formula. More sophisticated substitution ciphers can be viewed as
application of a sequence of different permutations to the plaintext.
Substitution (permutation) ciphers
A simple substitution cipher can be viewed as a permutation of the letters. Consider the
Caesar cipher in which each letter is replaced by the letter three places after it. The following
table can be used to specify the cipher.
If we use the notation of a permutation to specify the above cipher, we need give only the
second row as the first row is assumed. As a permutation, the above cipher is defined by
There is an important statement to be made about these ciphers. Mathematically, we say that
the composition of two permutations is another permutation. To illustrate what is meant by
that statement, we consider three substitution ciphers as applied to a seven-character alphabet
with letters in the set {A, B, C, D, E, F, G}. We consider three permutations
F1 =
F2 =
F3 =
- offset by 2
Suppose that we apply multiple encryptions in an attempt to gain security. Will this be
successful? To consider this strategy, suppose that we encipher first with F1 and then with
F2, so that the function may be viewed as G1(X) = F2(F1(X)) for X being the character.
G1(‘A’) = F2(F1(‘A’)) = F2(‘C’) = ‘G’
G1(‘B’) = F2(F1(‘B’)) = F2(‘D’) = ‘C’
G1(‘C’) = F2(F1(‘C’)) = F2(‘E’) = ‘D’
G1(‘D’) = F2(F1(‘D’)) = F2(‘F’) = ‘B’
G1(‘E’) = F2(F1(‘E’)) = F2(‘G’) = ‘F’
G1(‘F’) = F2(F1(‘G’)) = F2(‘A’) = ‘E’
G1(‘G’) = F2(F1(‘G’)) = F2(‘B’) = ‘A’
Note that G1 may be represented as another permutation.
G1 = (G, C, D, B, F, E, A)
One should note that this single permutation offers no more security than either of the
permutations F1 or F2. To make this point more clearly, consider G2(X) = F3(F2[F1(X)]).
We see that G2(‘A’) = F3(‘G’) = ‘A’, G2(‘B’) = F3(‘C’) = ‘B’, G2(‘C’) = F3(‘D’) = ‘C’, and
in general G2(X) = F3(F2[F1(X)]) = X for all letters X. Thus, we have made the permutation
so complicated that we accidentally undid all of the ciphering and have produced the identity
permutation. The rule is that the composition of two or more substitution ciphers is no better
than a given substitution cipher and may be considerably worse.
Does Multiple Encryption Offer Advantages?
The student who has read this chapter will now have seen two examples of encryption in
which multiple encryption offers different outcomes. There is Triple DES, which seems to
be “better” than Single DES in that it is the equivalent of Single DES with a key of twice the
length. We have examines the triple substitution cipher and shown it to be no better than a
single substitution and possibly much worse. This should show that the question of multiple
encryptions has no general answer. It always takes longer and the results vary.
There are two goals for this discussion.
1) The student should realize that complexity does not always equate to security.
2) The student should realize that what works for one algorithm (DES) may
completely fail for another algorithm (substitution).
More On Permutation Ciphers
As noted above, these ciphers can be viewed either as a permutation of the set of letters to be
enciphered or as a simple function that assigns to each letter in the alphabet another letter in
the alphabet; mathematically F:   . Mathematically speaking, we require that the
function has an inverse, so that we can decrypt the ciphertext. To be specific about an
inverse function, consider the permutation G1 defined above.
G1 = (G, C, D, B, F, E, A)
The implication of this notation is that the alphabet is  = (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) and that the
function G1 maps the letters of the alphabet as follows.
G1(‘A’) = ‘G’
G1(‘B’) = ‘C’
G1(‘C’) = ‘D’
G1(‘D’) = ‘B’
G1(‘F’) = ‘E’
G1(‘G’) = ‘A’
G1(‘E’) = ‘F’
The requirement that we be able to determine the unique plaintext that gave rise to the
ciphertext implies that the encryption function be invertible. We show that G1 is invertible
by displaying its inverse.
G1-1(‘A’) = ‘G’
G1-1(‘B’) = ‘D’
G1-1(‘C’) = ‘B’
G1-1(‘D’) = ‘C’
G1-1(‘F’) = ‘E’
G1-1(‘G’) = ‘A’
G1-1(‘E’) = ‘F’
Given the inverse function, we can ask questions such as “What letter encrypted to ‘E”?”
The answer is the letter ‘F’. In case the inverse appears somewhat similar to the original
function, one should note that it is quite possible to create functions (permutations) that are
inverses of themselves. The following permutation is its own inverse
H = (B, A, D, C, F, E, G)
Cryptanalysis of Permutation Ciphers
We now begin our discussion on cryptanalysis of substitution ciphers, including the Caesar
cipher. We first note the obvious (and very inefficient) method that will always crack a
substitution cipher – the brute force method of guessing all of the keys until one is found
that produces good results. When this method can be automated, it should not be totally
disregarded; indeed this is the way many of the German enigma messages were cracked.
For an alphabet with 26 characters, there are 26!  4.0331026 possible keys. Were one to
insist that no method, other than brute force, existed to crack this cipher, he or she could
conclude that the substitution cipher is secure as it would take a prohibitive time to guess the
key without some outside assistance (such as bribing a cipher clerk).
But we all know that the simple substitution cipher can be quickly cracked using frequency
analysis of letters, digrams, and trigrams as found in the base language. The inventor of a
substitution cipher might not notice such an attack but a cryptanalyst would; this observation
is the basis for my statement that one must study cryptanalysis in order to understand ciphers.
Multiple Permutations and the Vigenere Tableau
A way to make ciphers more secure is to defeat the frequency analysis tools that will crack
the simple substitutions. Many of these can be viewed as a sequence of permutations applied
one at a time – the first permutation is applied to the first letter, the second permutation is
applied to the second letter, etc. until the first is used again. The tool of choice for this is the
Vigenere tableau, which is a table with 26 columns of 26 rows each. The key to the cipher
indicates which row or column is used to encipher or decipher as appropriate. There are a
number of methods that can crack this cipher for a key of finite length, but they are more
complex than the simple frequency counts used to attack the simple substitution cipher.
One general rule is that the longer the ciphertext, the easier the task of cryptanalysis. For a
sufficiently long text enciphered under the Vigenere tableau, one can make assumptions
about the length of the key and observe the frequency distributions. When one has the
correct key length, the frequency distribution of the cipher letters will show. For example,
suppose that the key has three characters. We then write the cipher letters in three columns
and produce three sets of statistics, one for each of the columns. The use of session keys is a
response to the general rule. A session key is a key generated at the time an on-line session
begins and used only for that session, thus limiting the amount of ciphertext produced with
that key. Almost any short ciphertext can resist cryptanalysis.
There are a number of basic ciphers built upon the Vigenere tableau, such as the book cipher.
Many of these appear clever, but given enough ciphertext they can be cracked.
Transposition Ciphers
Not all ciphers require the use of a key. The columnar transposition method illustrates such
an algorithm. One imagines the text as rows in a rectangular array and then reads the letters
by columns. Consider the message “THIS IS A GOOD ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM”.
The first thing to do is to remove all spaces – it is better not to give any clues to the word
length. Thus we encrypt the message “THISISAGOODENCRYPTIONALGORITHM”.
The only thing to do now is to select the number of columns. I shall opt for 7 columns.
The first thing to note is that the message is 30 characters long. For this reason, I must pad it
with five extra characters in order to fill five rows of seven characters each. The suggestion
that infrequent letters be used to pad the columns might give some clue to their size.
The ciphertext for this method is “TGRAHHOYLMIOPGASDTOBIEIRCSNOIYACNTZ”.
There are a number of problems with this method, among them the ease of guessing the row
size. We shall see the use of this technique as a part of other ciphers.
Product Ciphers
Most modern ciphers are product ciphers in that they are combination of substitution and
transposition ciphers. As is the case with all tools, these combinations must be used well or
the resulting cipher may be weak. I shall quote from page 55 of the text.
Just because you apply two ciphers does not necessarily mean the result is any
stronger than, or even as strong as, either individual cipher.
Properties of Good Encryption Methods
The first principle of good encryption is that neither the key nor the algorithm by itself will
suffice to decipher the ciphertext. The requirement that both key and algorithm be known
means that the loss of either will not greatly facilitate cryptanalysis. Recall that most
methods of cryptanalysis postulate the algorithm and try to derive the key.
Another goal is that the loss of a fragment of ciphertext and its known plaintext will not
facilitate the cryptanalysis of other fragments of ciphertext. There are many tricks based on
getting the enemy to transmit a known document as an enciphered text to get the material for
comparison. Having such material would allow immediate solution of all future substitution
ciphers transmitted and be of great help in many other ciphers.
This attack on ciphers suggests one of the most important controls on the use of ciphers.
This is that one should always paraphrase known text before enciphering and transmitting it.
This protocol should be followed even for the more sophisticated ciphers in which the
possession of a considerable length of plaintext with associated ciphertext will not lead to the
successful decryption of any new ciphertext.
Two qualities of a good cipher are confusion and diffusion. Ciphers designed with these
two principles in mind are seen to be more resistant to cryptanalysis. The principle of
confusion states that an interceptor “should not be able to predict what will happen to the
ciphertext by changing one character in the plaintext”. The principle of diffusion means that
the information from one plaintext character be spread over the entire ciphertext message.
This last requirement is not really possible in most algorithms done by hand but is easily
done by computer. Remember ASCII code.
As an example, consider the plaintext “ACE”. Encoded with 8-bit ASCII, this becomes the
24-bit string 0100 0001 0100 0011 0100 0101, where we have highlighted the bits for the C.
Suppose that we do a 5-column transposition on this. The results are
We read this out as 00010 10001 01010 00001 01101 and the image of the letter ‘C’ has been
diffused throughout the message.
Properties of Commercial-Grade Cryptosystems
As stated above, the history of cryptography is littered with many failed cryptosystems. One
may ask how to select a cryptosystem that is appropriate to his or her application. There are
a few rules that can apply. For most users the first rule is “Don’t roll your own”; thus do not
try to invent a cryptosystem as you are likely to invent a weak one. The characteristics of a
good-quality cryptosystem are the following.
1) It is based on sound mathematics. For example, the mathematical basis of the Caesar
cipher is correct but not sound as it is much too simple.
2) It has been extensively analyzed by competent experts and not found to have any
known flaw. Review of an algorithm by outside experts will either expose a flaw or
increase the confidence that no flaw exists.
3) It has stood the “test of time”. This is related to the second point. Although extended
analysis cannot guarantee the lack of flaws, one suspects that the more challenges the
algorithm has survived, the more likely it is to survive future challenges.
We shall discuss three commonly used encryption algorithms: DES, AES, and RSA.
The DES (Data Encryption Standard)
The DES (more properly DEA for Data Encryption Algorithm) is a system developed under
the sponsorship of the U.S. government for transmission of sensitive, but unclassified,
information. Because the U.S. military organizations did not want to reveal any of their
methods for transmitting classified information, the project was initiated by the NBS
(National Bureau of Standards, now called NIST or National Institute of Standards and
Technology) The DES is a product cipher incorporating both substitution and transposition.
The original DES, now called “Single DES” involved the use of a 56-bit key for encryption.
The length of the key has always been a source of concern and becomes even more so as it is
now computationally feasible to crack the encryption by brute-force testing of all possible
keys. There are 256 possible keys for Single DES. As an exercise we estimate that value.
Since the base-10 logarithm of 2 is 0.30103, we calculate 256  (100.30103)56 = 1016.858, and
conclude that 256  X1016, where X is the antilog of 0.858. We know that the base-10
logarithm of 3 is 0.47712, so conclude that the log of 6 is (0.30103 + 0.47712) = 0.787815,
from which we can conclude that 256 > 61016.
We also know that log(8) = log(23) = 3log(2) = 0.90309, thus 61016 < 256 < 81016. In
1998 researchers build a special DES-cracker that could find a DES key in approximately
four days. Since one day is 86,400 seconds, this involved calculating about 1.51014 keys per
second – a feat that must have involved quite a few CPU’s.
Does this above success imply that Single DES is insecure? The answer depends on one’s
definition of the word “secure”. The most common usage is to define an algorithm to be
secure if the only ways known to break it involve the use of brute-force generation of all
possible keys. Thus substitution ciphers are not secure in that there are known attacks that
require substantially less work. Under this criterion, the DES is secure. The algorithm has,
however, been overtaken by raw computing power, so that the NIST has stated publicly that
“Single DES will be permitted for legacy systems only”.
One immediate answer to this problem is called Triple DES. This process uses two keys and
can be represented by C = F( G-1[ F(M) ] ), where
M is the plaintext message,
C is the ciphertext produced,
F is the encryption with the first key, denoted E(K1, M) in the textbook, and
G-1 is the decryption with the second key, denoted D(K2, C) in the textbook.
The author of these notes prefers to use a named function to denote encryption and its inverse
to denote decryption as decryption undoes what encryption does.
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
The AES is the result of a competition sponsored by the NIST (formerly the NBS). The
algorithm for the AES was submitted in 1997 and approved in 2001. It is a block cipher,
breaking the plaintext into 128-bit blocks and having a key length of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
At this point, there is not much more to be said about the AES. Given that the AES is known
to be based on sound mathematics and have survived four years of intense scrutiny by
experts, one can expect that it is a good encryption algorithm. One can certainly assert that it
remains computationally infeasible to compute all 2256  71076 possible keys.
Public Key Encryption
Public key encryption, an example of an asymmetric encryption system, is a theoretical
construct with two known implementations – the RSA and Merkle-Hellman algorithms.
Each of these cryptosystems uses two keys – one that is public (and should be widely
published) and another that is private.
The book denotes the algorithms again using the E and D notation, with
C = E(KPUB, M)
denoting encryption with the public key, and
denoting decryption with the private key.
Using my notation, I would say
C = F(M)
F denotes encryption with the public key
M = F-1(C)
F-1 denotes decryption with the private key.
We shall immediately focus on the more common implementation of public key encryption.
The RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman) Cryptosystem
The RSA is the best-know public key cryptosystem, with the only known flaws being due to
flaws in its use. The statement in our textbook best states the consensus on its security.
RSA has been the subject of extensive cryptanalysis, and no serious flaws have
yet been found. Although the amount of analysis is no guarantee of a method’s
security, our confidence in the method grows as time passes without the
discovery of a flaw.
It should be noted that the security of this algorithm depends on the fact that factoring large
(more than 200 digits) into two prime factors is a very hard problem. Should an easy way be
found to factor integers, the RSA would become a weak cryptosystem. Needless to say, no
professional mathematician expects that the problem of factoring integers is an easy one.
The RSA is based on a pair of keys, one public and one private. At one level, the two keys
are equivalent in that either can be the public key and either can be the private key. One
picks one of the pair arbitrarily and, keeping it private, publishes the other.
The RSA is implemented using some results of number theory. The following description of
the cryptosystem is taken from my paper on Public Key Encryption. In the RSA public key
cryptosystem, the user creates a public and private key pair as follows.
1. Select two large prime numbers p and q, with p ≠ q. The prime numbers should be
chosen by some random process, so they cannot be guessed. The strength of the
encryption depends on the size of the numbers, so that the primes should each have
at least 150 digits. 512 bit numbers are good candidates. Note that
2512  10154.13  1.34•10154, a 155 digit number.
2. Compute n = p•q.
3. Select a small odd integer e that is relatively prime to (n), the Euler phi function. It
can be shown that (n) = (p – 1)•(q – 1) for n = p•q, as both p and q are prime.
4. Compute the integer d as the multiplicative inverse of e, modulo (n); thus
e•d  1 mod (n). For e and (n) as defined, it can be proven that the multiplicative
inverse exists and is uniquely defined.
5. Publish the pair P = (e, n) as the RSA public key.
6. Keep secret the pair S = (d, n) as the RSA private key.
For use of the cryptosystem, a string of ASCII characters is considered to be a large integer
represented by the bit pattern. Both the encryption and decryption functions involve taking
powers of these integers, modulo n = p•q. Let M be the integer representing the plain-text
message to be encrypted and C be the integer representing the encrypted message.
Then C = P(M) = Me (mod n)
M = S(C) = Cd (mod n)
One should expect from the above description that execution of the RSA algorithm involves
a lot of computation, thus making it much slower than symmetric encryption. For that
reason, a hybrid system is often used.
Mixed Usage and Session Keys
The hybrid system used is to use the RSA cryptosystem to transmit a session key. Here is a
typical scenario that is repeatedly seen in electronic commerce.
Suppose George logs onto the website of Frank’s Fruit Company and wants to purchase a
bushel of red delicious apples. George wants to use his credit card number, but wants to
insure that it is sent securely so that no eavesdropper could copy it and use it for other
purposes. He also wants other details of the order to be secure from other parties.
The scenario is as follows:
1) Frank sends the public key F (really just the public key pair) to George.
2) George’s computer computes K, a large random number, for use as the session
key, encrypts C = F(K), and sends C to Frank,
3) The transaction between Frank and George takes place using symmetric encryption
with the private key K used for only that session.
Theory of Public Key Encryption
Private key encryption usually involved the application of a key to transform the clear text
message into a cipher text for transmission to the recipient who then uses the same key to
decrypt the message. Any eavesdropper possessing the key would be able to read all
messages without difficulty; for this reason the key must be kept private.
One major difficulty with private key encryption is key distribution. One must have a secure
channel, distinct from the messages themselves, for distributing the keys to all users who
have need to read the messages. One method commonly used is hand transmission via
trusted couriers. There are a number of other difficulties, including the impossibility of
“digital signatures” – basically certificates of the authenticity of the message. If a number of
users have the secret key, then any one of them might have sent it.
In mathematical terms, the important feature of private key encryption is that given the
encrypting function F it is straightforward to obtain the decrypting function F-1.
The key development in public key encryption was the discovery of a class of mathematical
functions, often called “trap door functions” for which it is not computationally feasible to
derive the inverse function F-1 given only the function F.
In a public key cryptosystem, each user has two keys – a public key that is widely
disseminated and a secret key that is closely guarded. In the RSA cryptosystem, each key
comprises a pair of integers. One integer, the product of two large prime numbers, is
common to each key. The public key is often denoted (p•q, e) and the secret key (p•q, d),
where p•q is the product of two large prime numbers p and q.
The reader should note that public key encryption is not identical to RSA; RSA is just one
(and at present, the only) implementation of public key encryption. The remarks in this
section, except where noted, apply to all possible implementations of the public key system.
Consider two users Frank and George. Frank has public key represented by function F and
secret key represented by the inverse function F-1. George’s keys are represented by the pair
of functions G and G-1 respectively. Each of the two users publishes the public key: Frank
publishes F and George publishes G. These are the functions used to encrypt messages sent
to Frank and George, respectively. Thus, if George wants to send an encrypted message M
to Frank, he computes C = F(M) and sends this to Frank. The presumption is that only Frank
can compute M = F-1(C), because Frank has kept the secret key secure.
Should Frank, or anyone else, want to send an encrypted message to George, he computes
C = G(M) on the assumption that only George can apply G-1 to obtain the original message.
We now consider an unusual idea: the use of the secret key to encrypt a message. Suppose
Frank calculates X = F-1(M). Note that the message is not secure because any user having
Frank’s public key can compute M = F(X); it is assumed that the public key is widely known.
However there is another assumption here. If a user, other than Frank, computes M = F(X)
for a given encrypted message X and produces a coherent text, the assumption is that it could
have been produced only by Frank; thus authenticating the message.
In this scenario we see one of the strengths of the public key cryptosystem. Suppose Frank
wants to send a message that only George can read and that is authenticated as having been
written by Frank. He computes C = G(F-1(M)) and George computes M = G-1(F(C)); the
message is secure and authenticated. The actual practice differs somewhat from this
example, but the important features are the same.
The security of a public key cryptosystem depends on the computational infeasibility of
determining the decrypting function F-1 given only the encrypting function F. Note that
infeasibility is not the same as impossibility; for example, it would probably be satisfactory if
it were possible to compute F-1, but only given 1000 years of computing time. Most users
would be happy with a key that resisted cracking for only 100 years.
The security of the RSA cryptosystem depends on the infeasibility of computing the factors
of a large (300 digits or more) integer which is the product of two large prime numbers; thus
given the number p•q it is not presently feasible to determine either p or q from the produce
alone if both p and q are large enough (150 digits). Obviously if it were possible to factor
very large composite integers efficiently, the RSA cryptosystem would not be secure. It is
important to note, however, that even assuming the infeasibility of factoring very large
integers does not guarantee the security of RSA as it may be vulnerable to other attacks. All
that can be said is that RSA has withstood intense scrutiny and that no other attack has been
found. While not a proof of security, this is a fairly good certificate.