CRYPTEXT ROUND 2 (LEVEL 1) QUESTIONS: 1. Decrypt the following to find the key for next decryption “L HETPMU RET GF DOIYODUFC GP N LEICUUOTS SECIC” (KEY: What two things can you never eat for breakfast?) then decrypt this ” N DSFBEH NICLU GQ SOGOS QYOLN W DWV” (KEY: You will find key in the first encryption statement for the above decryption & key length is 9). (Hint: This cipher was invented by a famous French Cryptographer Felix Delastelle & is a digraphic substitution cipher) (30 points) 2. Decrypt the following to find the key for next decryption “HEBQMMEH R EHAK MK LV QXXPXXWMXX”(KEY: What has 4 eyes but can’t see?) then decrypt this “ LIIHWMQE LK KMYNILH JLGAR LVHTL EOII XMYX” (KEY: You will find key in the first encryption statement for the above decryption & key length is 4). (Hint: Here, combination of 2 ciphers is used. First cipher is also known as Simple Substitution Cipher & relies on a fixed replacement structure while Second cipher acts on blocks of letters (the lengths of the keyword), rather than the whole cipher text) (20 points) Password in capital block letter for Level 2 document: Last word of both (Q.1 & Q.2) the decrypted text. Example: XXXYYY.