- California State University, Fresno

Sustainability Subcommittee of Campus Planning
California State University, Fresno
December 18, 2008
Police Briefing Room-Police Department
Members Present:
David Moll, , Ronald Durham, Andrew Jones, Lisa Kao, Lanny Larson,
Ronald Leach, Thomas McClanahan, Michael Mosinski, Gary Nelson,
Jerilane Willis
Amy Allen, Caryl Jacobs, Briana McDonald, Joseph Oldham,
Christopher Pluhar, James Tyner, Nate Wills,
The meeting was called to order by David Moll at approximately 8:33am.
Approval of last meetings minutes: Motion to approve placed by Mr. Leach, seconded by Dr.
Jones and all accepted.
Mr. Moll greeted everyone and wished all a happy holiday.
Mr. Harmin presented the Sustainability Coordinator report:
 Presentation on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Audit. Still needs to input student
commuter data but the two main sources are building energy use and commuting.
 The data needed is located in different areas and forms on campus so the ultimate goal is to
compile the data to generate a general report.
 Would like to talk to Dr Pluhar about a graduate seminar and institutional carbon measure
and management course.
Question was asked as to what the biggest source of emissions was. Data indicates, Mr.
Harmin, feels it may commuter emissions as being the biggest source.
Question was asked regarding how the calculations come about. Mr. Moll mentioned the
spreadsheet is a scientific estimate developed by the organization Clean Air Cool Planet.
Question: Do the calculations include the commuting traffic that is going to the Save Mart
Center, drive through campus because they use Barstow Ave to cut through campus?
Currently those emissions are not part of the estimate.
Concern was also due to the traffic that will increase due to Campus Pointe development.
This may be something we will need to look at in the future.
Alternative Transportation:
 Alternative Transportation meetings that are set up by the Police Department and
Alternative Transportation Services are being held to preparing a report for Chief Huerta to
recommend what needs to take place regarding transportation demand management for the
campus. This may be finalized at the beginning of next semester.
Mr. Moll reported there will be a bus stop placed at the corner of Chestnut and Shaw that has
been approved by Campus Planning Committee contingent upon his inspection of the art
work. Mr. Moll has done this so all is ok from a Risk Management standpoint.
Mr. Moll directed this comment to Mr. Larson - Artwork is blue and stainless steel and I
suggested it needs to be more representative of Fresno State. The design was approved by
Leadership Fresno, so any changes would have to be reviewed by them. Mr. Moll
recommended embedding in epoxy a 100th Anniversary logo when approved and available.
Mr. Larson indicated the logo has been approved and available online so this can be done.
Also, Clovis transit is removing the bus stop near Police Department to be more efficient and
less risk to the bus pulling out into traffic. It will be moved to the Gibson Farm Market.
Mr. Harmin:
 The plans are coming together for the campus involved regarding the existing Red Bike
program expanding it to daily and weekly rentals vs semester rentals. Also positioning the
rental and repair locations in the same spot directly across from Lot Q in a paved area
between the two parking lots.
 The Intercampus planning is to consider purchasing something like Apaches a larger
vehicle similar to the current dog run units that could carry 30-32 students. A survey that
was done found that 500 students per week use the dog run. This could be higher if there is
greater capacity to transport students around the campus.
 Outside of campus there is software called Zimrod that matches up those who need rides
with those who can provide rides. Of course need to consider the risk and liabilities with
this type of software. But as administrators with university we could have a say as to who
has access to the system. The system was released about 1 ½ years ago and has the best at
campus of Cornell and the University of Wisconsin Madison and beginning to be used at
University of California, Santa Barbara. This can be used for short or long commutes.
Mr. Harmin will email the website to committee members for review. Our campus could
benefit from a program like this whether it is Zimrod or another program.
Agenda item #4 no report – Ms. McDonald is not present. (The following information
was provided by Ms. McDonald via email. She requested this update be added to the
Recycling Club update:
The Recycling Club will be participating in the National
Recycle mania contest in the Spring.
The Recycling Club members are writing a Green Pledge for
offices on campus to sign so that they will commit to doing some
kind of "greening" to their office.
The club is working to start a petition to stop the use of plastic
bags on and around campus.
Briana McDonald
National Teach in- done last year at University of Kentucky. Created a day symposium
on campus, held in the Student Union, contacted departmental professors to speak on
their expertise to address questions to sustainability, climate changes, adaptation
strategies and mitigation strategies. It was an all day event. There was also a round table
that was open to the community to a prepared discussion on certain topics. It is
organized on a national scale which is scheduled to take place on Feb 5, 2009.
Mr. Moll pointed out it would be difficult for our campus to plan to participate due to finals
week and faculty are not due back until Jan 15, 2009.
Mr. Harmin stated this could also be done in line with Earth Day. Mr. Moll indicated maybe
we can do a formal Earth Day event on campus. Mr. Harmin is willing to meet with
whomever to coordinate for this. Mr. Moll suggested a bulletin announcement regarding the
National Teach-In Day for Sustainability but Fresno State will be participating on Earth Day
Wednesday, April 22, 2009. Mr. Harmin feels it is important to include all professors on
campus to encourage their students to attend and proof of attendance can be provided. Mr.
Moll recommends that Dr. Jones and/or Dr. Pluhar make a presentation at the Faculty Senate
on this and seek their guidance and cooperation. Let them know the Sustainability Committee
is supportive of the recommendation to pursue this idea for Earth Day. We need to have the
Senate say we are going to do this because this is an academic event. Vintage Days is April
16-19, 2009 so maybe we should have a booth to promote it. Need to reserve the Satellite
Student Union now for the event. Maybe we can get some of the energy management
companies to do some displays in the lobby.
Mr. Moll: Update on Recycling Center upgrades.
 Reminder that the $50,000 funds were revoked due to the budget cuts. Still have
$100,000 to improve the center instead of moving it for now. Mr. Harmin will be
responsible for guiding the improvements
 Mr. Harmin: Basic plan will involve fencing in the recycling area to keep it cleaner and
better management as well as being more secure. Will be able to consolidate paper in one
bin, beverage containers in one bin because Sunset has to sort once the bins are back at
their facilities.
 Install pavement to help with the traffic in and out. This will also help with the forklift
that is used.
 Safety will be increased in the area due to re-entering the Barstow traffic.
We may have area opened one Saturday a month to help monitor and control the public
drop off. This will help keep the left of e-waste and items removed from bins.
Other then that we can have it open daily Monday-Friday.
Will need improved signage as to our hours are and alternative drop off locations when
we are closed.
Ms. Kao gave an update for E-waste arrangement.
Other than the upgrades mentioned by Mr. Harmin, we have a new contract with a new Ewaste company who is willing to pay us vs us paying them. This will allow us to open it
up to the public again but will need to change the way we do it. The company is out of
town but we will use roll off bins that are kept locked. So the items dropped off will be
secured. We can schedule this during the Saturday we schedule for the recycle area.
Question was asked if the E-waste includes TVs because there maybe increase for this due to
the move to HD to get people to get rid of old units. Anything with an electrical cord is free
for drop off. There will be a charge for batteries and light bulbs.
Ms. Kao will find out how the company handles destroying the memory on hard drives
because they do not shred like the previous company. We can give ideas to the community on
how they can do this.
Mr. Moll indicated it is a good idea for the university to get back into the E-waste collection
No report for Fresno Green Team.
The following information was provided by Mr. Moll and Mr. Harmin from their meeting
with Fresno Green Team. Mr. Harmin mentioned there was some discussion regarding Green
Business Certification program. The university will partner with the city in certifying green
business in the city. We could have certain businesses on campus i.e. the Kennel Bookstore
to being green. The certification can be displayed for all to see and encourage other
departments on campus to be green. This might encourage graduating students who may start
their own business to be green.
Mr. Larson reported the Climate Report has been pushed to January 13, 2009. Mr. Moll is
going to ask Vice President Matson to talk to Dr Welty about getting the word to the new
Mayor of Fresno Ashley Swearingen the importance of the report. Mr. Larson suggested that
Mr. Schecter is also someone to contact to talk to Mayor Swearingen once she is in office.
Mr. Harmin presented a DRAFT of the Sustainability Policy. He will send via email to all
committee members for review and suggestions. He will need input from all areas that this
policy will impact. Please review before our next meeting so we can have some discussion.
Mr. Moll mentioned if we miss Earth Day there is a now National Sustainability Day October
22, 2009.
Dr. Jones – The Grant for the EPA was due yesterday, December 15, 2008, status unknown at
this time. Certificate in sustainability progress; Dr Jones will start meeting with Deans and
Department Chairs Spring 2009 semester.
Mr. Harmin – Announced he is now a college graduate.
Mr. Nelson – Nothing new to report.
Mr. Durham – Question has the campus developed a logo regarding sustainability? Lanny
will talk to Bruce regarding this.
Mr. Leach – Using less gas throughout the campus and other then that business as usual.
Mr. Mosinski – update on the composting project. New project regarding the aerated compost
cover. We are doing research for a company in Washington who needed some research on air
quality from food waste and green waste combination. We are getting help from Sunset
Waste and receiving some food waste from other company who brought in food waste so we
can do this. Bin has been received in process to implement. Sunset may help with the route
to get food waste to the pile.
Mr. Larson – there was a press release regarding the climate change report. If needed media
training is available through my office. Dave mentioned the Chancellors office has a tips to
handle the media handout. Lanny will try and get copies.
Dr. McClanahan – Mr. Moll will send a copy of an email he received about a grant tip.
Ms. Kao – Nothing more to report.
Motion to adjourn at 9:470am made by Mr. Larson
Seconded by Mr. Mosinski
All approved.