Systems Analysis and Design Best Practices

Systems Analysis and Design Best Practices with Successes
Fon Sundaravej
College of Business Administration, University of Missouri – St. Louis
8001 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63121
Phone: 314-516-7322
While a system success and failure has been an important concern in systems analysis and
design, there is no theoretical paper attempting to relate the overall systems analysis and design
best practices to system successes. This paper analyzes the systems analysis and design best
practices found in existing information systems (IS) literatures. These practices studied by IS
researchers are compared to the practices proposed by IS practitioners. The findings from this
study confirm that many best practices such as user involvement, executive management support,
clear statement of requirements, proper planning, realistic expectations, competent staff, and
hard-working and focused staff, yield a system success, whereas some other systems analysis and
design best practices such as smaller project milestones, ownership, and clear vision and
objectives, are still challenging IS researchers for their future studies.
1. Introduction
The 1994 CHAOS Report proposed by the Standish Group represents a failure record of IT
application development. Only 16 % of surveyed projects are completed on-time and on-budget
with all features and functions as initially specified. The project success and failure factors are
specified. Unfortunately, little theoretical knowledge is available on how systems are best
designed and analyzed in order to reduce the number of IT project failures and increase more
successes. The Standish Group does not describe theirresearch methodology, resulting in an
invalidity and unreliability of their results (Jorgensen & Molokken, 2006). The objectives of this
research are to learn the systems analysis and design best practices and their successes presented
in IS leading journals and to be able to specify which area in systems analysis and design has
been explored or needs more attention from IS researchers.
2. Theoretical Background
The Standish Group surveyed and interviewed IT executive managers for their major reasons of
a project success and failure. The samples include all size companies across industries. The top
ten project success factors are 1) user involvement, 2) executive management support, 3) clear
statement of requirements, 4) proper planning, 5) realistic expectations, 6) smaller project
milestones, 7) competent staff, 8) ownership, 9) clear vision and objectives, and 10) hardworking, focused staff. The first three factors are major elements of a project success. The
success defined by the Standish Group refers to the project implementation within time and
budget and with initially specified features. Unfortunately, the statistical records presented by the
Standish Group demonstrate only 16% of successful projects, whereas almost 53% of challenged
projects and 31% of impaired projects.
Even if the findings by the Standish Group inform us the situations of the IT project development
and implementation, including how to achieve a project success or to avoid a project failure, a
research method to validate the outcomes of the success or failure factors is not discussed. As a
result, the validity and reliability of these findings are still questionable. In addition, the
definition of each best practice, including processes to achieve the practice is ignored. It would
be more beneficial to practitioners if they are equipped with some guidelines to execute the best
practices in their IT projects. Besides the results offered by IT consultants, it is also interesting to
investigate what IS researchers have presented in terms of the systems analysis and design best
practices towards a success.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The research methodology discusses the data
collection and operationalization of key constructs. The results, including the limitations, of the
study are revealed and discussed. The contributions and implications for theory and practice are
provided at the end of this paper.
3. Research Methodology
The research methodology is differentiated into two sections: data collection and
operationalization of key constructs. How to gather and analyze data for the current study is
discussed below.
3.1 Data Collection
The article search is based on the following author supplied keywords: systems analysis, systems
design, systems development, information systems analysis, information systems design,
information systems development, systems analysis and design, IS analysis, IS design, and IS
development from the EBSCO host research database on the selected top three IS journals. The
journals include MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS),
and Information Systems Research (ISR). These three high-quality journals are believed to be
sufficient representations of majority works of IS researchers. The abstract of each matched
articles is reviewed. Only articles that represent best practices and successes in systems analysis
and design will be selected by the researcher. If the abstract contains unclear information
regarding the best practices and successes, the content of the article is further analyzed.
3.2 Operationalization of Key Constructs
Two key constructs, systems analysis and design best practice and success, are analyzed in this
study. Best practice is defined as a form, manner, and order of conducting actions towards a
success in systems analysis and design. Success refers to a favorable or desired outcome derived
from the best practice. These two definitions are used to determine if an article should be
retained or dropped from the study. The selected articles must contain an empirical study to
prove the association between a defined best practice and success.
4. Results
The search results are presented in Table 1. The first three rows represent the search results of
the three different journals. The last row displays the grand total number of selected and matched
articles, including its percentage. The first column presents the name of the selected three
journals in this study. An article is selected into the study if it represents a relationship between a
best practice in systems analysis and design and a success. The second column shows the number
of selected articles. The selected articles come from a pool of matched articles based on the key
word search. The third column represents the total number of the matched articles. Finally, the
last column is the percentage of the selected articles from the matched articles.
The results from Table 1 inform us that less than one fourth (23%) of the systems analysis and
design articles correlate a best practice to a success. MISQ yields 33 of 163 articles, which
represents 20%. JMIS yields 12 of 44 articles or 27%. Finally, ISR yields 16 of 55 articles or
29%. The detailed of best practices and their successes in the selected articles from the three
journals are demonstrated in Appendix.
Number of
Selected Articles
Total of Matched
Table 1: Search Results
5. Discussion
An analysis of the results of this study leads to six notifications. First, several matched results
represent the best practices with a success specific to a particular context. Second, the findings
from many studies prove many systems analysis and design best practices provided by the
Standish Group. Third, some studies appear to present overlapped best practices due to a lack of
exact definition of each best practice by the Standish Group. Fourth, in some studies, the best
practice appears to be the success and the actual success is missing. Fifth, there are tremendous
volumes of studies that demonstrate best practices but lack a specification of the success to
strengthen their findings. Lastly, some best practices proposed by the Standish Group need more
attentions from IS researchers.
Several matched results represent best practices that lead to a success but are specific to a
particular context. Examples are the geographical information system (Puri, 2007), physicians’
profile system (Kohli and Kettinger, 2004), Teledemocracy (Ytterstad and Watson, 1996),
database (Ahrens and Sankar, 1993), integrated computer-aided software engineering system
(Subramanian and Zarnich, 1996; Banker and Kauffman, 1991), payment processing (Kozar and
Mahlum, 1987), Financial and Accounting Management Information System (Semprevivo,
1980), online relational database management system (Berrisford and Wetherbe, 1979),
electronic data processing (Rittenberg and Purdy, 1978), computer-mediated knowledge sharing
system (Ma and Agarwal, 2007), online searching (Galletta et al, 2006), peer to peer file sharing
networks (Asvanund et al., 2004), expert system (Kim et al., 2000; Gill, 1996; Abdul-Gader and
Kozar, 1990), colonial system (Porra, 1999), decision support system (Sinha and May, 1996;
Kasper, 1996; Houdeshel and Watson, 1987), and executive information system (Wall et al.,
1992; Fowler, 1979). Although these studies provide an evidence of how the proposed best
practices bring a certain type of successes, the generalization of these practices to different
contexts may be doubtful.
The findings from many studies, however, help strengthening the systems analysis and design
best practices provided by the Standish Group such as user involvement (Baskerville and Stage,
1998; McKeen and Guimaraes, 1997; Barki and Hartwick, 1994; Newman and Noble, 1990;
Baronas and Louis, 1988; McNeil, 1979), executive management support (Ravichandran and
Rai, 2000: Banker and Slaughter, 2000; Guinan et al, 1998; Schonberger, 1980), clear statement
of requirements (Sun et al., 2006; Burton-Jones and Meso, 2006; Marakas and Elam, 1998;
Wang, 1996; Tan, 1994; Abdul-Gader and Kozar, 1990; Montazeml and Conrath, 1986), proper
planning (Tam, 1990; Colter, 1984; McKeen, 1983), realistic expectations (Lawrence and Low,
1993), competent staff (Majchrzak et al., 2005; Tiwana and McLean, 2005; Guinan et al, 1998;
Janz et al., 1997; Markus and Benjamin, 1996), and hard-working, focused staff (Guinan et al,
Unfortunately, due to a lack of definition of each best practice by the Standish Group, some
studies appear to present overlapped best practices. Proposed by Kim et al. (2000), the best
practice of visual cues and contextual information in multiple diagrams that facilitate a process
of searching for related information and of developing hypotheses about the target system can be
accounted for either clear statement of requirements, proper planning, or both. There is no clear
boundary between these two best practices. Another example is a study by McLean (1979). The
study proposes that to allow end users to function as their own developers is a way to relieve
workload and to lessen the maintenance load. The best practice represented in this study can be
seen as user involvement, ownership, or both. It is again difficult to classify the best practice of
this study. Thus, there should be a call for a definition or categorization of systems analysis and
design best practices to promote clearer understanding.
Additionally, in some studies, the best practice appears to be the success and the actual success is
missing. For example, Te’eni (2001) uses a model of organizational communication to obtain a
balance between relationship and action, between cognition and affect, and between message and
medium. These balances are believed to reflect a more realistic picture of communication
behavior in organizations. The realistic picture of communication within an organization can be
considered as a realistic expectation. This study can be accounted into a valid study if the author
further investigates what success gained from such realistic communication. The second example
can be represented from a study by Ahituv and Neumann (1984). They claim that each step along
the information systems development life cycle (ISDLC) should be decomposed into several
dimensions, resulting in periodic reviews and revisions whenever the project reaches a certain
milestone. Again, this study would be more valuable if the authors demonstrate a success that is
derived from smaller project milestones. The last example is a study by Shomenta et al. (1983).
They specify that the application approach worksheet is used to identify the characteristics of a
proposed application. Once the application’s characteristics are defined, the user utilizes the
worksheet’s matrix to determine which development method might be most appropriate for the
application. The practice would be strengthened by a specific success obtained from the clear
vision and objectives from the worksheet’s matrix.
Moreover, even if many studies demonstrate best practices, they lack a specification of a success
to strengthen their findings. Sharma and Yetton (2007) claim that training is a critical
intervention to support the successful implementation of information systems innovations when
technical complexity and task interdependence are high. Ba et al. (2001) assert that incentive
management is recommended as an important dimension of any information systems design and
evaluation. Mann and Watson (1984) specify that the level of user involvement in DSS
development varies considerably. These studies are not counted into the current study because
there is no proof to shows that such practices result in what type of successes in systems analysis
and design.
Finally, even though many studies prove the best practices presented by the Standish Group,
there are still some areas of systems analysis and design best practices lacking attentions from IS
researchers, for instance, smaller project milestones, ownership, and clear vision and objectives.
Future researchers should put greater efforts in studying these best practices to completely
validate the results proposed by the Standish Group.
6. Limitations
The main limitation of this study is a single researcher. Even though a definition of systems
analysis and design best practice and success are carefully defined, it is very difficult to avoid
bias from a single researcher to determine a valid article in this study. Without a clear definition
of best practices, it is also challenging for a single researcher to categorize the best practices of
valid articles. To reduce bias, at least three researchers are needed to bring a majority agreement
and more reliable results into the study.
7. Implications
This study benefits both IS researchers and practitioners. The contributions and implications for
theory and practice are discussed below.
7.1 Contributions and Implications for Theory
This study presents a general picture of existing studies regarding to the systems analysis and
design best practices in the IS discipline. There are many areas that prior IS researchers have
been putting their efforts on and helping strengthen the 1994 CHAOS report proposed by the
Standish Group. Still, the future study of systems analysis and design best practices needs greater
concerns. First, researchers should ensure the generalization of their proposed best practices in
different contexts. Second, there are several unexplored areas, especially the best practices other
than top three factors offered by the Standish Group. Third, to strengthen the findings of the
study, researchers should clearly define a definition of best practices, including processes to
achieve such practices. Moreover, researchers should prove that their proposed best practice lead
to a type of successes. With all these considerations, the future studies are hopefully able to
contribute more value to the IS discipline.
7.2 Contributions and Implications for Practice
Without a doubt, best practices in systems analysis and design proposed by the Standish Group is
useful resources for practitioners to be aware of what factors bring a project success or failure.
This study, however, informs practitioners that not every best practice is confirmed to yield a
desirable result. Some best practices need further explanation on their definition, categorization,
or process to achieve a project success. To apply these practices into a real setting, practitioners
should keep in mind that some best practices suggested by the Standish Group may not valid and
reliable. Some best practices do not bring a clear success. On some occasions, a success is even
8. Conclusion
The 1994 CHAOS Report proposed by the Standish Group suggests the top ten systems analysis
and design best practices that lead to a project success. A literature review from the three leading
IS journals validates many of these best practices. User involvement, executive management
support, clear statement of requirements, proper planning, realistic expectations, competent staff,
and hard-working, focused staff are found supported by the literatures. Yet, some best practices
need more validation by researchers. There is vague or no evidence per se to prove smaller
project milestones, ownership, and clear vision and objectives as best practices that result in a
success in systems analysis and design. Researchers should explore these areas in their future
research to generate more validation and reliability of the 1994 CHAOS Report. Practitioners
who consider applying the best practices from the 1994 CHAOS Report should place concern on
the context and selected practice and its success.
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MIS Quarterly (MISQ) yields valid 33 out of 163 matched results. Details of best practices and successes are explained below.
Best Practice
The use of geographical information systems (GIS) for land
management in India had made possible effective action leading
to a significant rise in the water levels, which in turn allowed
beneficial changes in the cropping patterns. These changes also
came as a result of the associated redefinition of the
relationships between scientists and community members, and
the restructuring of the institutional framework.
A cooperative learning strategy called collaborative elaboration
provides a theoretical and practical basis for stimulating client
learning during an IS design process. Teams using more
collaborative elaboration had more client learning and teams
with more client learning achieved better IS design-phase
A physicians’ profiling system (PPS) was used to monitor and
benchmark physicians’ clinical practices and outcomes resulting
in changed practice behaviors in closer congruence with
management’s goals. It reduced clinical procedural costs and
adopted practices benchmarked to produce better outcomes by
legitimize managerial authority to a better understanding of how
to informate autonomous professionals.
A model of organizational communication provides a balance
between relationship and action, between cognition and affect,
and between message and medium. Such a balance is believed
to reflect a more realistic picture of communication behavior in
Software quality goals are best attained when top management
Rise in the water levels
Beneficial changes in the cropping
Puri, 2007
Client learning
Better IS design-phase outcomes
Majchrzak et al., 2005
Closer congruence with
management’s goals
Reduced clinical procedural costs
Kohli and Kettinger, 2004
More realistic picture of
communication behavior in
Te’eni, 2001
Software quality
Ravichandran and Rai,
creates a management infrastructure that promotes
improvements in process design and encourages stakeholders to
evolve the design of the development processes. All elements of
the organizational system need to be developed in order to
attain quality goals and piecemeal adoption of select quality
management practices are unlikely to be effective.
Increased behavioral flexibility of IS specialists, the ability to
switch roles in different circumstances, would improve
organizational effectiveness and IS specialist credibility.
Risk analysis enables appropriate risk resolution strategies to be
placed in effect before the prototyping process breaks down. It
facilitates consensus building through collaborative decision
making and is consistent with a high degree of user
A job design perspective of expert systems adoption can be a
valuable tool in predicting user acceptance and ultimately
systems usage.
Teledemocracy is used as information technology implemented
in Norway to enhance political work in supporting the exchange
of documents between politicians and local government
To avoid the lack of familiarity with database design methods
and increase effective implementation of the database
management packages, the solution would be for end users to
learn required database design skills from software tutors. The
tutors were based on a modified Entity-Relationship database
design method. Empirical comparison of the tutors tested the
teaching effectiveness of the facilitators.
The user perception of representation is the most significant
influence on user satisfaction.
Organizational effectiveness
IS specialist credibility
Markus and Benjamin,
Consensus building
Baskerville and Stage,
Predicted user acceptance and
systems usage
Gill, 1996
Exchange of documents
Ytterstad and Watson,
Familiarity with database design
Increased effective implementation
of the database management
Ahrens and Sankar, 1993
User satisfaction
Lawrence and Low, 1993
The application of modern information systems development
methodology does not decrease maintenance time. However,
time spent on emergency error correction, as well as the number
of system failures, decreased significantly with the application
of modern methodology.
An order of magnitude gain in software development
productivity and the importance of reuse in integrated
computer-aided software engineering (ICASE) as a driver in
realizing this result was indicated. In addition, the viability of
the firm’s information systems strategy was demonstrated. It
offered new ideas for code reuse and software development
measurement that could be applied in development
environments that emphasize reuse.
System implementation represents a threat to users’ perceptions
of control over their work and a period of transition during
which users must cope with differences between old and new
work systems. User involvement is effective because it restores
or enhances perceived control.
Up-to-date payment processing would provide information
valuable to generating increased organization revenues. The
backlogged project was given life by having the users, with
tutoring and guidance, perform tasks usually assigned to
systems analysts.
Traditional user/analyst interactions display primarily errorprone characteristics, and that the new organizational learning
interaction methodology successfully generated more valid
information with increased detection of errors.
Factors contributing to the success of the Management
Information and Decision Support System (MIDS) include a
committed senior executive sponsor, carefully defined systems
and information requirements, a team approach to systems
Decreased time spent on emergency
error correction and the number of
system failures
Dekleva, 1992
Code reuse
Banker and Kauffman,
Enhanced perceived control
Baronas and Louis, 1988
Increased organization revenues
Kozar and Mahlum, 1987
More valid information with
increased detection of errors
Salaway, 1987
Better information
Improved communications
An evolving understanding of
information requirements
Houdeshel and Watson,
development, an evolutionary development approach, and
careful computer hardware and software selection. MIDS’
benefits include better information, improved communications,
an evolving understanding of information requirements, a testbed for system evolution, and cost reductions.
Managers’ information preferences were not influenced by their
characteristics but were influenced by the decision task. The
managers demonstrated an understanding of information uses,
providing support for user specification of MIS information
The use of cognitive mapping for information requirements
analysis provides three benefits. It aids in the identification of
irrelevant data. It can be used to evaluate the factors that affect a
given class of decisions. It enhances the overall understanding
of a decision maker’s environment, particularly when it is illstructured.
Each step along the information systems development life cycle
(ISDLC) should be decomposed into several dimensions,
resulting in periodic reviews and revisions whenever the project
reaches a certain milestone.
One methodology for fully utilizing human resources to
implement effective computer systems has been maximizing
productivity by stressing team effort.
The combination of systems analysis tools ensures complete
analysis products.
The application approach worksheet is a document used by midlevel and senior user management to identify the characteristics
of a proposed application. Once the application’s characteristics
are defined, the user utilizes the worksheet’s matrix to
determine which development method might be most
appropriate for the application.
A test-bed for system evolution
Cost reductions
Understanding of information uses
User specification of MIS
information requirements
Nutt, 1986
Identification of irrelevant data
Evaluated factors that affect a given
class of decisions
Enhanced the overall understanding
of a decision maker’s environment
Montazeml and Conrath,
Periodic reviews and revisions
Ahituv and Neumann,
Fully utilizing human resources
White, 1984
Complete analysis products
Colter, 1984
Determined characteristics of a
proposed application
Shomenta et al., 1983
Systems which spent more time in the analysis phase required
less time to code, resulting in greater user satisfaction, and were
developed in agreement with established budgets and deadlines.
The major advantage of the mis-en-scene approach, a
framework used in file criticism, is that it allows the
information analyst to classify, document, and interpret
important factors which usually remain at the subconscious
A Dictionary/Directory Facility (DDF) of the integrated online
Financial and Accounting Management Information System
(FAMIS) proved to reduce significantly the amount of
conventional computer programming required to develop
FAMIS. It also proved to be a valuable aid in facilitating
systems, and user and management interaction.
Executives or even various stakeholder groups may assume
active leadership where warranted by the circumstances. With
design leadership correctly placed, project purpose may be more
carefully identified and design activities may be properly
channeled to meet those objectives.
The executive intelligence system was used as a design strategy
for providing managers with relevant information for choosing
courses of action.
The diversity of client characteristics and of output media which
can be handled through the functional interface standards for all
software run on its central processing facility has made possible
an extraordinary corporate growth rate in excess of 25% per
year, with a corresponding expansion in client base and MIS
To meet the demand of computer-based information systems,
one solution is to allow end users to function as their own
developers, relieving workload and lessening the maintenance
User satisfaction
Agreement with established budgets
and deadlines
Determined analysis
McKeen, 1983
Reduced amount of programming
Systems, user, and management
Semprevivo, 1980
More précised project purpose
Schonberger, 1980
Relevant information for managers
Fowler, 1979
Corporate growth
McNeil, 1979
Relieved workload and maintenance
McLean, 1979
Kendall and Kendall, 1981
A structured group process as a decision-oriented approach is
used to generate both critical decisions and information needs
for a manufacturing firm. The approach is effective, particularly
for organizational units that are line oriented.
Heuristic development simulates user capabilities early in the
systems development process. Such approach is made possible
by the use of an online relational-type Database Management
System. Introduction of such user capabilities allows users to
interact with the system and heuristically determine information
Upgrading of internal auditor expertise in EDP systems appears
to be the key to improved acceptance.
Critical decision and information
Henderson and West, 1979
User and system interaction
Determined information
Berrisford and Wetherbe,
Improved acceptance
Rittenberg and Purdy, 1978
Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) yields valid 12 out of 44 matched results. Details of best practices and successes
are explained below.
Best Practice
Team creativity results primarily from integration of
individually held expertise of team members at the team level
through the process of expertise integration.
Creativity techniques are strategies for strengthening system
analysis skills, especially of novice systems analysts, in the
problem-solving approaches during an information requirement
The cognitive interview was found to be both more effective
and more efficient than standard interviewing techniques in
eliciting episodic knowledge from reference librarians, resulting
in a richer recall of details relevant to the task domain.
Not all user participative behaviors were equally effective in all
Team creativity
Tiwana and McLean, 2005
Strengthening system analysis skills
Schenk et al., 1998
A richer recall of details relevant to
the task domain
Moody et al., 1998
User satisfaction
McKeen and Guimaraes,
situations. Depending on the level of task complexity and
system complexity, some user participative behaviors resulted
in imported user satisfaction, while others had no relationship
with satisfaction.
While employee autonomy may lead to increased levels of
satisfaction and motivation, the level of team development and
an organization’s learning capacity may be more important in
achieving improved work outcomes.
Superior performance was observed when the process-oriented
tool was applied to the process-oriented task. For the objectoriented task, however, the performance effects of cognitive fit
require further investigation since there was no difference in
subject performance across the two tools.
The protocol-based method, which was used to formalize
procedures for object-oriented analysis, produced analyses that
more closely matched the problem. It required less time to
complete an analysis, and it was perceived as easier to use than
the structured analysis method.
For integrated computer-aided software engineering (ICASE)
projects, function points accounted for 74 to 82 percent of the
variance in software development effort. Technical complexity
factor, however, had only a small indirect effect on software
effort. Productivity was significantly higher for the rapid
application development method in comparison with the
productivity associated with the traditional systems
development life cycle method. Higher levels of tool experience
were associated with significant increases in software
A framework for injury assessment and reduction of legal
liability that can be used to guide computer-based systems
(CBS) developers in assessing the possibility of injury resulting
Improved work outcomes
Janz et al., 1997
Superior performance
Agarwal et al., 1996
Analysis that is more closely
matched the problem
Less time analysis
Ease of use
Wang, 1996
Software productivity
Subramanian and Zarnich,
Safer systems
Bordoloi et al., 1996
from development flaws might provide safer systems to avoid
harming individuals.
The effective communication between systems analysts and
clients is the outcome of complex processes that are influenced
by the personal and situational characteristics of the
In learning to specify information requirements, novice analysts
performed more effectively when trained to use a methodology,
when familiar with the application, and when they used
procedural methodology knowledge rather than declarative
methodology knowledge alone.
The Coherence Method proved useful in facilitating the
understanding of the experts’ discourse, especially in early
knowledge acquisition interviews.
Effective communication between
systems analysts and clients
Tan, 1994
Novice analyst performance
Vessey and Conger, 1993
Understanding of the experts’
Abdul-Gader and Kozar,
Information Systems Research (ISR) yields valid 16 out of 55 matched results. Details of best practices and successes are explained
Best Practice
IT features that facilitate computer-mediated knowledge sharing
are those supporting virtual co-presence, persistent labeling,
self-presentation, and deep profiling.
Data flow specification and data flow analysis are two basic
components that increase analytical rigor to business process
management by detecting data flow anomalies such as missing
data, redundant data, and potential data conflicts.
Delay, familiarity, and breadth factors collectively impact
performance and user attitudes, in turn affecting behavioral
intentions to return to the site which are concerned as the
cognitive costs and penalties that users incur when making
Member satisfaction and knowledge
Ma and Agarwal, 2007
Analytical rigor to business process
Sun et al., 2006
Improved performance and attitude
Behavioral intention
Galletta et al., 2006
choices in their search for target information.
Five conditions (minimality, determinism, losslessness, weak
coupling, and strong cohesion) of the good decomposition
model that explains the degree to which conceptual models
communicate meaning about a domain to analysts result in
effectively domain communication.
In peer to peer file sharing networks, a proper amount of
contribution from users helps increase resource sharing. At
some point the costs will exceed the value the users provide to
the network.
High investment in software quality practices such as structured
design is not economically efficient in all situations. Instead,
organizational mechanisms in promoting efficient design
choices are encouraged.
Visual cues and contextual information in the multiple diagrams
facilitate a process of searching for related information and of
developing hypotheses about the target system is involved.
The mean-risk measure in expert system which has consistent
and separable properties helps decision making under risk.
Colonies in colonial systems can be used as a metaphor to
design new human systems that capture a greater degree of
humanness than do the models of machines and organisms.
Certain question types during system analysis phase are
associated with increased accuracy of logical representations
regardless of analysis experience level.
A computer-based design assistant, an integrated and
comprehensive framework for decision support, provides
effective and efficient assistance in solving routine design
Effectively domain communication
Burton-Jones and Meso,
Resource sharing
Asvanund et al., 2004
Reduction of costs and errors
Banker and Slaughter,
Understanding a system by multiple
Kim et al., 2000
Decision making under risk
Mookerjee and Mannino,
Degree of humanness
Porra, 1999
Accuracy of logical system
Marakas and Elam, 1998
Decreased routine design problems
Sinha and May, 1996
Expressiveness, visibility, and inquirability are requisite
components of the DSS design for user calibration.
Team skill, managerial involvement, and little variance in team
experience enable more effective team processes than do
software development tools and methods.
User participant, conflict, and influence play a key role in the
satisfactory resolution of conflict.
The executive information system can be addressed through a
design theory of vigilant information systems which denote the
ability of an information system to help an executive remain
alertly watchful for weak signals and discontinuities in the
organizational environment relevant to emerging strategic
threats and opportunities.
Four processes of user involvement: learning, conflict, political,
and garbage-can occur in different stages of system
development and contexts. Such processes lead to a two stage
model of user involvement for complex design situations. The
two stages are structuring of conflict and its development and
conflict resolution.
Concept induction that infers concept description from sample
instances of the concept is a viable tool to automate the process
of knowledge acquisition by shortening the development cycle.
User calibration
Kasper, 1996
Effective team processes
Guinan et al., 1998
Resolution of conflict
Barki and Hartwick, 1994
Executive alertness
Walls et al, 1992
Resolution of conflict
Newman and Noble, 1990
Knowledge acquisition
Tam, 1990