Math: Unit 12 UNIT TITLE: Compare Fractions Grade: 3 Domain: Geometry (CC.3.G) Suggested Pacing 13 days 5/07/15 – 5/26/15 Stage 1 – Desired Result Established Goals/Unit Outcome Highest Level of Understanding: Describe, classify, and compare quadrilaterals based on their sides and angles and draw quadrilaterals. Describe, classify, and compare triangles based on the number of sides that have equal length and by their angles. Partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area as a unit fraction of the whole. Average Level of Understanding: Describe angles and line segments in plane shapes. Solve problems by using the strategy “Draw a Diagram” to classify plane shapes. Most Essential Level of Understanding: Identify and describe attributes of plane shapes. Common Core Learning Standards: CC.3.G.1: Reason with shapes and their attributes. Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories. CC.3.G.2: Reason with shapes and their attributes. Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. Mathematical Practices: CC.K-12.MP.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. CC.K-12.MP.3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. CC.K-12.MP.6: Attend to precision. Essential Questions: What are some ways to describe and classify two-dimensional shapes? (OVERALL) What are some ways to describe two-dimensional shapes? (Lesson 12.1; CC.3.G.1) How can you describe angles in plane shapes? (Lesson 12.2; CC.3.G.1) How can you use line segments and angles to make polygons? (Lesson 12.3; CC.3.G.1) How can you describe line segments that are sides of polygons? (Lesson 12.4; CC.3.G.1) How can you use sides and angles to help you describe quadrilaterals? (Lesson 12.5; CC.3.G.1) How can you draw quadrilaterals? (Lesson 12.6; CC.3.G.1) How can you use sides and angles to help you describe triangles? (Lesson 12.7; CC.3.G.1) How can you use the strategy “Draw a Diagram” to classify plane shapes? (Lesson 12.8; CC.3.G.1) How can you divide shapes into parts with equal areas and write the area as a unit fraction of the whole? (Lesson 12.9; CC.3.G.2) Content: How to classify polygons. How to describe a triangle using its angles and sides. How to classify quadrilaterals. How to categorize quadrilaterals according to attributes. How to partition a shape into parts with equal areas. How to use the strategy “Draw a Diagram” to classify polygons. Skills: Use the number of sides and the number of angles to identify polygons (e.g., hexagon, trapezoid, or rhombus) Describe triangles using sides and angles. Classify quadrilaterals using sides and angles. Describe the attributes that quadrilaterals share. Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. (e.g., a square partitioned into 8 equal sections/each section represents 1/8 of the square’s area.) Solve problems by using the strategy “Draw a Diagram” to classify plane shapes. Terms / Vocabulary: closed shape endpoint line line segment Lesson 12.1 open shape plane shape point ray two-dimensional shape Materials: angle MathBoard right angle Lesson 12.2 Counting Tape vertex Bendable Straws decagon Scissors hexagon Ruler octagon Pattern Blocks pentagon Lesson 12.3 Color Pencils/Crayons polygon quadrilateral side triangle intersecting lines Lesson 12.4 parallel lines perpendicular lines rectangle rhombus Lesson 12.5 square trapezoid Venn Diagram (Lesson 12.8) area Lesson 12.9 fraction Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Task: Other Evidence: Diagnostic: Show What You Know Pg. 481 Formative: Critical Area Tasks A-D: Crafty Kids AG pp. 235-240 Lesson Quick Check Mid-Chapter Checkpoint – Pg. 499-500 Summative: Chapter Review Test – Pg. 521-524 Chapter Test – Pg. 191-196 (A.G.) Stage 3 – Learning Plan Standard CC.3.G.1 CC.3.G.1 Go Math Lesson Objective Lesson 12.1: Describe Plane Shapes Lesson 12.2: Describe Angles in Plane Shapes Essential Questions What are some ways to describe twodimensional shapes? How can you describe angles in plane shapes? Vocabulary Materials closed shape endpoint line line segment open shape plane shape point ray two-dimensional shape MathBoard, Counting tape angle right angle vertex MathBoard, bendable straws, scissors, Assessment Differentiation Supplemental /Substitute Lessons Quick Check 4&8 Reteach: Describe Plane Shapes My Math 14.1: Hands On: Angles Enrich: Shape Up! Quick Check 4&7 Reteach: Describe Angles in Plane Shapes Counting tape Enrich: Look at My Angle! CC.3.G.1 CC.3.G.1 CC.3.G.1 CC.3.G.1 CC.3.G.1 CC.3.G.1 Lesson 12.3: Identify Polygons Lesson 12.4: Describe Sides of Polygons Lesson 12.5: Classify Quadrilaterals Lesson 12.6: Draw Quadrilaterals Lesson 12.7: Describe Triangles Lesson 12.8: Problem Solving – Classify Plane Shapes How can you use line segments and angles to make polygons? decagon hexagon octagon pentagon polygon quadrilateral side triangle MathBoard, Counting tape How can you describe line segments that are sides of polygons? intersecting lines parallel lines perpendicular lines MathBoard, Counting tape How can you use sides and angles to help you describe quadrilaterals? rectangle rhombus square trapezoid How can you draw quadrilaterals? How can you use the strategy “Draw a Diagram” to classify plane shapes? Reteach: Identify Polygons MathBoard, Counting tape MathBoard, straws, scissors, Counting tape Quick Check 3&4 Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Reteach: Describe Sides of Polygons Quick Check 3&6 Reteach: Classify Quadrilaterals Quick Check 2&3 Enrich: Quadrilateral Riddles Reteach: Draw Quadrilaterals Quick Check 2&3 Enrich: Why Doesn’t it Belong> Reteach: Describe Triangles Enrich: Side by Side Enrich: Sorting Triangles Venn Diagram My Math 14.2: Polygons Enrich: Name That Polygon MathBoard, ruler, Counting tape How can you use sides and angles to help you describe triangles? Quick Check 4&7 MathBoard, Counting tape Quick Check 3&4 Reteach: Classify Plane Shapes Enrich: Triple Trouble My Math 14.4: Quadrilaterals My Math 14.3: Hands On: Triangles CC.3.G.2 Lesson 12.9: Investigate – Relate Shapes, Fractions, and Area Literacy Connections: The Whole Picture How can you divide shapes into parts with equal areas and write the area as a unit fraction of the whole? area fraction MathBoard, pattern blocks, color pencils, ruler, Counting tape Quick Check 4&6 Reteach: Relate Shapes, Fractions, and Area Enrich: Secret Message Differentiated Instruction Grab-and-Go Differentiated Center Kits Games: N/A Activities: Card # 11 Fish for Fractions Card # 18 Classification Act Figure It Out What Figure? Go Math Intervention Activities (ELLs, RTI, and SWDs): ELLs Strategy: Rephrase (Lesson 12.1: pg. 483B) Strategy: Identify Relationships (Lesson 12.2: pg. 487B) Strategy: Creative Grouping (Lesson 12.3: pg. 491B) Strategy: Define (Lesson 12.4: pg. 495B) Strategy: Explore Content (Lesson 12.5: pg. 501B) Strategy: Draw (Lesson 12.6: pg. 505B; Lesson 12.7: pg. 509B) Strategy: Model Language (Lesson 12.8: pg. 513B; Lesson 12.9: pg. 517B) RTI Lesson 12.1: Tier 1: Visual/Linguistic (Whole Class/Small Group) Pg. 483B Tier 2: Visual/Spatial (Small Group) Pg. 483B Lesson 12.2: Tier 1: Visual/Spatial (Whole Class/Small Group) Pg. 487B Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) Pg. 487B Lesson 12.3: Tier 1: Visual/Spatial (Whole Class/Small Group) Pg. 491B Tier 2: Visual/Spatial (Small Group) Pg. 491B Lesson 12.4: Tier 1: Visual/Spatial (Whole Class/Small Group) Pg. 495B My Math 14.7: Partition Shapes Tier 2: Visual/Spatial (Small Group) Pg. 495B Lesson 12.5: Tier 1: Visual/Spatial (Whole Class/Small Group) Pg. 501B Tier 2: Visual/Spatial (Small Group) Pg. 501B Lesson 12.6: Tier 1: Kinesthetic/Visual (Whole Class/Small Group) Pg. 505B Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual (Small Group) Pg. 505B Lesson 12.7: Tier 1: Visual/Kinesthetic (Whole Class/Small Group) Pg. 509B Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) Pg. 509B Lesson 12.8: Tier 1: Kinesthetic/Visual (Whole Class/Small Group) Pg. 513B Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual (Small Group) Pg. 513B Lesson 12.9: Tier 1: Kinesthetic/Visual (Whole Class/Small Group) Pg. 517B Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual (Small Group) Pg. 517B SWDs Additional Support Strategies: Fractions: Choose a peer to work with the student on problems involving fractions. Develop a reference sheet for fractions (comparing fractions). Provide the student with manipulatives which represent the fractions involved in solving a problem. Provide the student with many concrete experiences to help him/her learn to use fractions. Provide the student with enjoyable math activities involving fractions which he/she can perform for drill and practice either alone or with a peer. (computer games, manipulatives, etc…) Problem-Solving: Provide short and concise word problems that require a onestep process. Teach the student clue or key words to look for in word problems that indicate mathematical operations. Have the student simulate situations which relate to math word problems. Have the student solve word problems by manipulating objects and stating the process used. Allow the student to use a calculator when solving word problems. Games/Activities Key: Computation and Mental Math Geometry and Measurement Challenge