St Luke’s C.E. First School Curriculum Information For Parents Spring Term 1 2015 CLASS: Year 4 (Mrs Leach) THIS TERM WE ARE LEARNING ABOUT: ‘The BFG’. Literacy Skills: Punctuation; speech marks; spelling rules including letter strings and patterns. Fiction: Descriptions of settings Poetry: Creating Images/Similes. Non-Fiction: Viewpoints; Recording a science experiment Numeracy Position, movement and angle: Recognise horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines in relation to other lines; Identify acute, obtuse and right angles; Know that angles are measured in degrees and that one whole turn is 360°; Use the eight compass points to describe direction; Describe and identify positions and plot points on a grid of squares Shape and symmetry: Compare and draw polygons and classify them by identifying their properties; Visualise 3-D objects from 2-D drawings and make 3-D models using construction kits; Identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes and patterns; Identify right angles in 2-D shapes; Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres and metres Fractions and decimals: Count in tenths and hundredths and recognise the equivalence between decimal and fraction forms of tenths and hundredths; Compare, order and round decimal numbers with one decimal place; Use diagrams to identify equivalent fractions; Find fractions of numbers, quantities or shapes; Use diagrams to add and subtract pairs of fractions with the same denominator P.E. Day: Tuesday. Homework Arrangements: Reading, spellings and timetables. Homework sent out for the half term in a block and returned the week before the end of the half term. Weekly Spellings: Set on Monday and tested on Friday. ANY OTHER INFORMATION: Reading books: Reading books (the books the children take home) can be changed as soon as completed. Year 4 blog: Please encourage your child to use our blog. They can comment using their school email address. Expectations: Now settled into Year 4, the oldest class in the school, children are still expected to ‘rise to the occasion’. They are expected to set good examples to others as independent learners, creative thinkers, when reflecting on their abilities, when managing their motivation and emotions and when working together as a team. These are good skills that will serve them well as they move on through childhood and beyond. Please encourage your child to be the best that they can be.