here - The Staten Island Foundation

Staten Island’s shore neighborhoods were some of the most severely impacted in the region by Hurricane
Sandy. The entire 7 by 14 mile-Island, home to nearly 500,000 residents, suffered a multitude of serious
challenges that followed the storm. We are grateful for the outpouring of support in many forms from
organizations and individuals from across the city and the nation to assist in our community’s recovery. Local
service organizations have been on the front line responding to those devastated by the storm, despite the
fact that many of these same organizations and their staff members are also storm victims.
The Staten Island Foundation is committed to supporting nonprofit service providers and strengthening their
capacity to continue to meet the long-term challenges caused by this disaster. We are hopeful too, that we
can address disaster preparedness planning and that lessons learned from this experience.
In response to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, we have created a special fund, THE STATEN ISLAND
FOUNDATION NONPROFIT RECOVERY FUND (“SIFNP Recovery Fund”). The Staten Island Foundation will
match the first $500,000 from other philanthropic sources to this fund. Grants will be awarded, with the
approval of the Foundation’s board of directors, to nonprofits serving Staten Island in order to both address
immediate relief needs, and to help build the long-term recovery, collaborative capacity and resilience of
Staten Island nonprofits.
Examples of immediate relief assistance we may provide include:
Unreimbursed repairs to nonprofit facilities and grounds
Supplemental funding for documented decreased fundraising/cost of business interruption
Going forward, the Foundation will focus on longer-term recovery, capacity and resilience assistance.
Examples of assistance we may provide include:
Providing direct and immediate support for the longer term post-disaster needs of nonprofit
organizations serving Staten Island and its residents
Fostering cross-sector engagement for community-wide impact
Innovative ideas for service provision and collaboration
Efforts to Improve Disaster Preparedness
Application Criteria: To be eligible for consideration, an applicant must be a not-for-profit
organization providing services to Staten Island and have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Applicants will
be asked to state anticipated outcomes of SIFNP Recovery Fund support in specific, measurable terms.
Application Access: Potential applicants must e-mail a letter of intent to and The letter of
intent should address one or more of the SIFNP Recovery Funds needs categories listed above. Upon
review of the letters of intent, eligible applicants will be sent a link to apply online.
Ineligible Requests:
Activities for which no outcome has been articulated
Organizations or groups without 501(c)3 status
Organizations that provide only emergency relief
Requests from organizations that have not submitted required reports on prior grants
Deadlines: There are no deadlines for the SIFNP Recovery Fund applications. The Foundation’s Board
will meet on a regular basis to consider requests and decide upon grants to be awarded as funds are
raised and available in the next three years. A final report will be required a year after grants have
been awarded. Final Reports will include a financial report that describes how funds were spent and a
report on the actual outcomes that resulted from grant funding.