SOURCES OF ENERGY CARBOHYDRATES stored as glycogen glycogen provides short term fuel reserve (~ 24 hrs) mainly stored in liver: ~ 24 hr supply for export (note: kidney also contributes to glycogen reserves) muscle: small reserve for own use Neurons: no glycogen stores, glycogen in glial cells excess carbohydrate not needed for immediate use is stored as glycogen or TAGs FATS stored as TAGs in adipocytes long term fuel reserve (~ 3 months depending on individual fat stores) liver: preferred fuel; synthesis of FA for export in form of VLDL muscle: preferred fuel of resting muscle Adipocytes: store TAGs, FA are preferred fuel, export FA brain: cannot use FA because they do not cross BBB, can adapt to ketone bodies PROTEIN: significant source of energy only after prolonged fasting or activity (eg marathon) muscle: major source liver: minor source, uses amino acid "skeletons" for gluconeogenesis, NH4+ detoxification via urea cycle Fuel glycogen signal tissue Fat signal tissue Protein signal tissue Feeding synthesis insulin L,M,K synthesis insulin A, L synthesis insulin various fasting mobilization glucagon L (K) mobilization glucagon A increased degradation starvation depletion mobilization glucagon A continued, but somewhat reduced, degradation excitement mobilization adrenalin L, M mobilization adrenalin A little or no degradation Tissue fuel reserve preferred fuel fuel exported Brain none none Skeletal muscle glycogen (P-creatine) glucose (ketone bodies) strictly aerobic fatty acids: aerobic glucose during vigorous activityanaerobic hormone recep lactate alanine (fasting, excessive activity) adrenalin, insulin heart muscle glycogen (P-creatine) none adrenalin insulin fat cells TAGs fatty acids (glucose, ketone bodies) strictly aerobic fatty acids: aerobic liver glycogen fatty acids fatty acids glycerol glucose fatty acids adrenalin insulin adrenalin glucagon insulin Brain: Fuel reserve: essentially none (small glycogen store in some non-neuronal cells) Metabolism: strictly aerobic Preferred fuel: glucose (obligatory), uses ketone bodies during prolonged fast, can use lactic acid Fuel exported: none High respiratory rate. Accounts for ~ 20% of bodies oxygen consumption in adult. Glucose is an obligate metabolic fuel. Brain utilizes about 120g glucose a day. Because brain does not synthesis or store glycogen it is dependent on a continuous supply of glucose from circulation. Under normal of elevated blood [glucose] rate of blood-tobrain transfer exceeds rate of brain glucose metabolism. At low blood [glucose], blood-to-brain transfer becomes limiting. Can adapt to use of ketone bodies during fast (note: long chain FA cannot cross blood brain barrier and cannot be used as fuel by brain) but still require carbohydrates. KB may account for as much as 60% of fuel after prolonged fast. Skeletal muscle: Fuel reserve: glycogen (P-creatine) Metabolism: at rest or during prolonged activity - aerobic short, vigorous activity - glycolytic Preferred fuel: fatty acids, glucose during vigorous activity Fuel exported: lactate, alanine Hormones: insulin, adrenalin accounts for ~ 30% of O2 consumption at rest. This may increase to as much as 90% during vigorous exercise. At rest - aerobic metabolism, preferred fuels are FFA, also glucose and ketone bodies. effects of exercise short, vigorous (eg 100 M sprint) fueled by P-creatine and glycolytic ATP in 10 sec. sprint muscle P-creatine decreases from 9.1 to 2.6 mM, and ATP from 5.2 to 3.7 mM (what is the effect of this on glycolytic rate?). Blood lactate increases from 1.6 to 8.3 mM and blood pH decreases from 7.42 to 7.24. Acidosis causes fatigue. longer (eg, 1000 M run) aerobic energy, oxidation of muscle glycogen - energy produced at a slower rate so pace is slower (see table below). very long periods of exercise (eg marathon) uses liver as well as muscle glycogen supply - even slower rate of energy production. Muscle and liver glycogen combined are insufficient to provide fuel required for marathon (require about 150 mols ATP, muscle and liver glycogen provide at most about 105 mols). Difference made up from fat reserves - but this is even slower rate of energy production so pace slow further. (Elite runners stretch out glycogen supply and can maintain faster pace longer. ) Heart muscle: Fuel reserves: glycogen (P-creatine) Metabolism: strictly aerobic Preferred fuel: fatty acids, also uses ketone bodies and glucose Fuel exported: none Hormones: insulin, adrenalin Adipose tissue: Fuel reserve: TAGs, some glycogen Metabolism: aerobic Preferred fuel: fatty acids, also uses glucose Fuel exported: fatty acids, glycerol Hormones: insulin, adrenalin TAGs may account for as much as 65% of weight of fat cell. FFAs bind to serum albumin for transport in serum. receives exogenous TAGs in chylomicron from intestinal system (note: these travel to circulation via lymphatic system and largely bypass liver) high bld glucose - glucose used for FA and TAG synthesis requires source of glucose to make TAGS (lacks glycerol kinase) Liver: Fuel reserve: glycogen Fuel exported: glucose, fatty acids (VLDLs) Metabolism: aerobic Preferred fuel: fatty acids, also uses glucose Hormones: insulin, adrenalin, glucagon Other roles: N detoxification and export of urea, synthesis of serum proteins, synthesis of bile acids, cholesterol (incorporated into VLDLs) critical in maintenance of glucose homeostasis most incoming nutrients are delivered to liver via the portal vein (chylomicron are the exception) where they are processed to fuels and precursors for other tissues. glucose sensors: high Km GluT2, high Km glucokinase, phosphorylase kinase fasting state: glycogenolytic/gluconeogenic/lipolytic fed state: glycogenesis/glycolytic/lipogenic Metabolism of fats used for local P-lipids FFA are major oxidative fuel for liver synthesis of ketone bodies when CHO are limiting and there is large mobilization of TAGs from adipose tissue. AcCoA used for synthesis of FA, cholesterol synthesizes lipoproteins and forms VLDL for delivery of fats to other tissues. amino acids high protein diet - amino acids are used for the synthesis of liver proteins and the majority of serum proteins, including albumin. (Low serum albumin levels is diagnostic of liver pathology.) They are also catabolized to provide precursors for gluconeogenesis and for energy production via the TCA cycle. detoxifies N through formation of urea. high CHO/low protein - most amino acids pass through because of high Km of catabolic enzymes for amino acids. carbohydrate stores CHO as glycogen and exports glucose derived from glycogen and from gluconeogenesis Red blood cell Fuel reserve: none Metabolism: anerobic Preferred fuel: glucose (obligatory) Fuel exported: lactic acid formation of 2, 3 bis-phosphoglycerate for maintenance of low affinity form of haemoglobin role of HMPS in maintaining NADPH and reduced glutathione Kidney role in N metabolism: secretion of NH4+, urea during kidney disease N end products (urea, creatinine, uric acid) accumulate. High CHO diet with amino acids limited to essential amino acids may help regulate this - liver can synthesize non-essential amino acids. secretion of excess ketone bodies some gluconeogenic activity - eg from glutamine via ketoglutarate acid-base regulation: excess H+ secreted as NH4+, during acidosis renal activity for the production of NH4+ increases ( NH4+ , gluconeogenesis) and urea production by liver decreases. During alkalosis liver urea production increases and renal NH4+ secretion and gluconeogenesis decreases. Intestine small intestine: preferred fuel - glutamine colon: preferred fuel : short chain fatty acids produced by bacteria from unabsorbed foods. Excess short chain FA not used by colonocytes pass to portal vein for use by liver. colonocytes also produce ketone bodies that are released into portal vein for use by extrahepatic tissues