UCCS PES 110 Astronomy Lab II

UCCS Astronomy Lab II PES 110 Far Side Moon Lab Spring 2010
M T W Th
Please identify the following features of the moon using the attached map: moon_farside.pdf
Use a 25 question type scantron on each side (i.e. 50 questions total).
1. Mare Moscoviense is located in the following Lunar coordinates:
a. 142°E - 153°E & 20°N - 30°N
b. 142°W - 153°W & 20°N - 30°N
c. 142°E - 153°E & 20°S - 30°S
d. 142°W - 153°W & 20°S - 30°S
2. Mare Orientale is directly surrounded by:
a. Montes Cordillera
b. Maunder Crater
c. Montes Rook
d. Hohmann Crater
3. Leibnitz is located at the equivalent longitude of the international date line on planet Earth with a latitude at its
center of:
a. 38°N
b. 38°S
c. 179°E
d. 179°W
4. Crater Runge is located in which Mare?
a. Mare Marginis
b. Mare Australe
c. Mare Smythii
d. Mare Tranquilitatis
5. 166°W & 36°S depicts:
a. Maksutov
b. Rumford
c. Chaffee
d. Oppenheimer
6. Green-coded topography key includes elevations in the measure of:
a. – 6.0 km
b. + 4.0 km
c. Equivalent of sea level on Earth
d. – 2,000 m
7. Korolev is surrounded by:
a. High elevation features
b. Low elevation features
c. 0 elevation features
d. Below 8,000 meters
8. By looking at the colour map the deepest feature would be found at:
a. Leavitt
b. Finsen
c. Riedel
d. Grissom
9. Goddard’s Crater is located in:
a. Mare Smythii
b. Mare Serenitatis
c. Mare Imbrium
d. Mare Marginis
10. Feature found at 13°N & 104°E is:
a. Nobel
b. Alter
c. Hertz
d. Robertson
11. During a new moon the far side faces the: __________ .
a. Earth
b. Sun
12. The only time the far side is completely dark is at: __________.
A. Full Moon
B. New Moon
C. Penumbra
D. Umbra
13. The far side of the moon can never be seen from the Earth.
A. True
B. False
14. A faint light illuminating the “dark” portion of the Moon’s face is often called the:
A. Glow
B. Umbra
C. Penumbra
D. Ashen light
15. A __________ occurs when the Moon lies directly between the Sun and the Earth, so that the Moon’s shadow
falls on the Earth.
A. Lunar eclipse
B. Solar Eclipse
C. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
D. Total Lunar Eclipse
16. The moon rotates once on its axis in the same time that it makes a single orbit of Earth, a trait called:
A. Synchronous orbit
B. Geo-stationary rotation
C. Synchronous Rotation
D. Angular momentum
17. A __________ occurs when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth.
A. New moon
B. Full moon
18. Because of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, the Moon appears to move _________ from night to night
through the constellations of the zodiac.
a. Westward
b. Eastward
c. Northward
d. Southward
19. By looking at the northern polar map attached: moon_np.pdf “Nansen Crater” is on the __________ of the
a. Far side
b. Near side
20. By looking a the southern polar map attached: moon_sp.pdf “Ashbrook Crater” is on the __________ of the
a. Far side
b. Near side