Louisiana - Then and Now! Project

Student Name ______________________________________________
Date ____________________
Louisiana – Then and Now!
Grade 4 Project-Based Learning Unit Checklist
Group Project Participation:
Create a Who’s Who on the Bayou Louisiana Celebrity Almanac.
Create a Reader’s Theater script based on an original Louisiana legend/myth.
Create a solar cooker as means of alternative energy.
Create a class map of Prominent Louisiana Citizens and their birth/death locations.
Re-create a dance from a specific culture that has influenced Louisiana.
Create a food dish from a culture that has influenced Louisiana.
Learn and sing a song from a culture group that has influenced Louisiana.
Create a 200 Years of Louisiana History Timeline with famous Louisiana citizens’ births, deaths, accomplishments, etc.
Individual Product/Project Completion:
Create a map of the Louisiana’s natural resources.
Create a split-page notetaking chart for Louisiana’s natural Resources – Then and Now!
Create a poster display on “Louisiana Energy Sources – Then and Now!”
Write a persuasive essay on “Why should we celebrate Earth Day?”
Create a Louisiana Historic Travel Plan based on modes of travel throughout Louisiana history.
Create a display about one item that can be reused/recycled. Can be in the form of: 1) digital presentation, 2)
Publisher Document, 3) trifold display board, or 4) other publishing source.
Create a Who’s Who on the Bayou Louisiana Celebrity Almanac entry.
Create a “Cell Phones from the Past” conversation overview for times before 1900 and from 1900-present.
Create an illustrated myth or legend that centers on Louisiana now and/or its past.
Write a persuasive letter to an author to convince him to set his next story in a specific Louisiana location and for his
next book to contain their original Louisiana myth/legend.
Create a floor plan of their house and calculate the approximate square footage using the formula to find the area of
a rectangle.
Create a model of a source of energy (windmill, oil well, nuclear reactor, etc.) commonly found in Louisiana using
materials on hand.
Create a Famous Louisianian Trading Card.
Create a Famous Louisianian poster.
Create a 30-second (maximum) video wherein the student dresses up as and talks about a famous Louisiana citizen –
past or present.
Create a “Louisiana Entertainment – Then and Now!” Interview Summary as assigned.
Write an illustrated original non-fiction story based on the entertainment interviewee responses.
Create a Venn Diagram comparing entertainment in Louisiana – Then and Now!
Create an Entertainment History in Louisiana poster display.
Create a Famous Louisiana Citizen timeline containing major events in the person’s life.
Create a musical instrument commonly found in Louisiana music from recycled materials.
Total Opportunities Available
Number of Products/Projects Completed
Points per Opportunity
Student Score