File types zenep


Insert your name: Zenep aljanabi

Read the information and follow the TASK instructions at the bottom of this document

File Types Information

FileType: JPEG

The JPEG format (pronounced “jay-peg”), works best with photographic images. Normally when you upload your photos from a camera to a computer or other device the image will be in JPEG format. Most internet images are JPEG.

The advantages

are that JPEG files are very useful and can be embedded in internet and web pages They can be opened and copied into nearly all applications and exchanged between people.

JPEG format images are ‘compressed’ this is so that file sized is reduced.

A disadvantage with JPEGs is that compression means that image information will actually be lost each time a JPEG is re-saved. So be aware that each time a JPEG is re-saved and compressed the image loses some quality.

File Type: PSD - Photoshop File

When you open or import a new photograph or image into Photoshop and create a new Photoshop file (canvas) or document you create a PSD file.

The advantage of PSD files is that you can do lots of editing by using Layers and tools.

The disadvantage is that PSD Photoshop files will only open in Photoshop and a few other Adobe softwares. PSD files cannot be embedded into internet web pages or opened on most other applications.

PSD files are not compressed so do not lose quality when re-saved. PSD files can contain millions of colours

Insert your name: Zenep aljanabi

You will need to save your PSD as a JPEG File if you want to import it into a web page or a word document.

File Type: GIF files

The GIF format - pronounced “jiff” or “giff” can have a maximum of 256 colours and they are ‘ compressed’ .

The disadvantage is that a GIF can only have 256 colours .

Advantages are that GIF files support transparency and animation, and are used with graphics that have large areas of the same colour.

File Type: BMP – Bitmap Image ‘Bump files’

The advantage of BMP files is that they allow for crisp, high-quality graphics . T hey are used for printing images in the publishing and photography industry. They are not compressed and BMP Files can contain millions of colours.

A disadvantage is that they produce very large file sizes, because of their size BMP images are not suitable for using on webpages.

Insert your name: Zenep aljanabi


1 Change the Orientation of this Word Document from ‘ Portrait to Landscape ’

Insert your name: Zenep aljanabi

2 Change the Margins to ‘Narrow’

3 Create a TABLE with five COLUMNS and five ROWS

4 In column one make a heading: FILE TYPES

5 In column two make a heading: Compressed/not compressed

6 In column three make a heading: advantages

7 In column four make a heading; disadvantages

8 Take information from the File Type Information section on page 1 and transfer selected details into the table

9. SAVE AS (your I drive or Of

Insert your name: Zenep aljanabi

: FILE TYPES Compressed/not compressed advantages disadvantages

FileType: JPEG

The JPEG format (pronounced

“jay-peg”), works best with

photographic images. Normally when you upload your photos from a camera to a computer or other device the image will be in

JPEG format. Most internet images are JPEG.

Yes they are compressed Are that JPEG files are very useful and can be embedded in internet

and web pages They can be opened and copied into nearly all applications and exchanged between people. with JPEGs is that compression means that image information

will actually be lost each time a

JPEG is re-saved. So be aware that each time a JPEG is re-saved and compressed the image loses

some quality.

File Type: PSD - Photoshop


PSD files are not compressed so do not lose quality when re-saved. PSD files can contain millions of colours

The advantage of PSD files is that you can do lots of editing by using Layers and tools.

The disadvantage is that PSD

Photoshop files will only open in Photoshop and a few other

Adobe softwares. PSD files cannot be embedded into internet web pages or opened on most other applications.

File Type: GIF files The GIF format - pronounced “jiff” or “giff” can have a maximum of

The disadvantage is that a GIF can only have 256 colours.

Advantages are that GIF files support transparency and animation, and are used with

Insert your name: Zenep aljanabi

256 colours and they are

‘compressed’. graphics that have large areas of the same colour.

File Type: BMP – Bitmap Image

‘Bump files’

They are not compressed and BMP Files can contain millions of colours.

The advantage of PSD files is that you can do lots of editing by using Layers and tools.

A disadvantage is that they produce very large file sizes, because of their size BMP images are not suitable for using on webpages. fice 365)and Print off this document
