Updated PSD R&A Stats - General

Updated PSD R&A Stats
- General
Mark V. Sykes
Planetary Science Institute
Over the past decade, PSD R&A proposal selection rates have declined by about half
from ~40% success to ~20% on average. The plot below is for all programs for which
statistics are available.
The decline in rates cannot be attributed to “proposal pressure” – that the volume
proposals submitted have increased so much in the context of limited resources,
that the fraction selected for funding has necessarily declined. Numbers of
proposals have increased by ~15%, compared to the 50% drop in selection rates.
The decline in selection rates cannot be attributed to increases in award sizes.
Awards have risen slowly in size compared to the rapid drop in number of proposals
selected for funding in sample core programs.
In sample core programs, the net funds allocated for new awards has steadily
declined (the divot in 2005-2006 was a reallocation from PSD research programs to
human exploration).
CONCLUSION: Low selection rates have
been a consequence of policy decisions
by PSD management and Administration
to reduce resources for basic research
and data analysis in order to free up (a
small amount of) resources for activities
they consider higher priority.