First Announcement 3rd International Symposium Chronic Radiation Exposure: Biological and Health Effects, Chelyabinsk, October 24-26, 2005 Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine Organized by the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine under the sponsorship of Federal Department Medbioxtrem of the RF Ministry of Health European Commission World Health Organization Chelyabinsk Oblast Administration Russian Federation Ministry for Emergencies Southern-Urals Research Center, RAMS Invitation to the 3rd International Symposium Chronic Radiation Exposure: Biological and Health Effects, Chelyabinsk, Russia, October 24-26, 2005 It is our great pleasure to extend to you our cordial invitation to attend the 3 rd International Symposium “Chronic Radiation Exposure: Biological and Health Effects” which will be devoted to discussions of health effects, biological, dosimetric, epidemiological aspects of protracted radiation exposure in humans, and ecological impacts of radiation accidents. Our Third Symposium is dedicated to the 50 th anniversary of the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine (URCRM) established in 1955 with the purpose to render specialized medical assistance to exposed residents of the Techa River villages and to conduct analyses of radiation health effects. The tradition to hold international symposia on issues related to radiation exposure in humans every five years was established by the URCRM in 1995. So far, two international symposia have been held (the 1 st one on late effects of chronic radiation exposure in 1995, the 2nd on biological markers of chronic radiation exposure in 2000). Both our previous symposia served as important landmarks in the implementation of our research programs and collaborative projects, they allowed us to highlight the results of our work, exchange views on the approaches to the solution of research tasks, evaluate the resultant data and the inferences made based on the new data. Symposium-2005 will be held in Chelyabinsk, a large administrative, industrial, scientific and cultural center of the Urals region situated on the borderline between Europe and Asia. The city is located within 100 km of the Mayak Production Association (PA), a plutonium separation facility put on line in the late 1940s. In the early years of its operation, due to imperfect technology, a significant number of the Mayak PA personnel as well as lay population living in the vicinity of the plant were chronically exposed to ionizing radiation. In 1949-1952 population exposures resulted from discharges of radioactive wastes from the plant into the river Techa, the only source of drinking water for many riverside communities. In 1957 and 1967 two more radiation accidents occurred which led to contamination of extensive territories and overexposures of a large group of population. The experience in monitoring of environmental contamination and follow-up of health effects among exposed individuals gained by the scientific community of the Urals region over the past fifty years represents a unique basis for further development and improvement of the radiation protection concepts and practice. We sincerely hope you will be able to participate in the Symposium and we look forward to seeing you in Chelyabinsk. Also it would be highly appreciated if you could pass on the information on the Symposium to your colleagues. Symposium Chair: Symposium Co-Chair: Prof. Alexander Akleyev, URCRM Major Scientific Thematic Areas - Radiation biology - Estimation of radiogenic effects risk - Human health effects - Genetic effects of radiation exposure - Retrospective dosimetry - Biological dosimetry and biomarkers - Effects on biota and ecosystems - Medical-dosimetric databases Dr. Peter Jacob, GSF Presentations Contributions to the Symposium may be oral presentations or posters. The official languages of the Symposium will be Russian and English. Consecutive translation will be provided. Organizing Committee A. Akleyev, Russia P.Jacob, Germany R. Aleksakhin, Russia G-N. Kelly, EC V. Bebeshko, Ukraine G. Podtyosov, Russia N. Bochkov, Russia M. Repacholi, WHO W. Burkart, IAEA I. Romanovich, Russia N. Gerassimova, Russia Ya. Shoikhet, Russia Yu. Glagolenko, Russia A. Tsyb, Russia L. Holm, Sweden V. Uiba, Russia L. Ilyin, Russia Yu. Zakharov, Russia Scientific Programme Committee L. Anspaugh , USA V. Kostyuchenko, Russia M. Balonov, IAEA L. Krestinina, Russia A. Bouville, USA Yu. Kudryashov, Russia L. Buldakov, Russia K. Manton, USA E. Burlakova, Russia A. Nikiforov, Russia A. Bushmanov, Russia I. Pelevina, Russia M. Degteva, Russia D. Preston, USA Yu. Dubrova, UK S. Romanov, Russia A. Edwards, UK E. Ron, USA A. Guskova, Russia A. Skryabin, Belarus P. Hall, Sweden V. Stepanenko, Russia V. Ivanov, Russia R. Tachauov, Russia M. Kisselyov, Russia M. Tirmarche, France I. Kolyado, Russia A. Trapeznikov, Russia N. Koshurnikova, Russia E. Vasilenko, Russia A. Wieser, Germany A. Vazhenin, Russia Publication of Symposium Materials Accepted abstracts will be published in the Symposium proceedings (in English and Russian) after being subject to refereeing by the Symposium Program Committee. All abstracts should be submitted to the Secretariat (as below) before January 31, 2005. Authors are kindly requested to submit abstracts in English and Russian in electronic form, either on a diskette or via e-mail ( as an attachment, and a typed copy signed by all authors by regular mail. Abstracts (1-2 pages) should be formatted for A4 page size using Word for Windows, Time New Roman 14 points, a single space, 1 cm indentation of the first line of a paragraph, margins: 3.5 cm left, 2 cm right, top and bottom, full justification. The title should be typed in bold capital letters (without division of words), and centered. The next line should indicate the authors’ initials and surnames, names and locations of their institutes and e-mail addresses. A line space should be left between the list of author(s) and the text of the abstract (See the example below). Example of title, list of author(s) and abstract GENOMIC INSTABILITY INDUCED BY LOW DOSE RADIATION I. Pelevina1, V. Gotlib1, O. Koudriashova1, A. Serebryany2 1 2 Institute for Chemical Physics, RAS, Moscow, Russia Institute for Biochemical Physics, RAS, Moscow, Russia Purpose: To study the cell manifestation of genomic instability……………… Symposium Registration Fee € 200 to be paid upon arrival. Symposium Secretariat: Svetlana Bolshakova, Scientific Secretary Alexandra Kruglyak, Deputy Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Medgorodok, Chelyabinsk 454076, Russia Phone: (3512) 608-974 Fax: (3512) 344-321 E-mail: THIRD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “CHRONIC RADIATION EXPOSURE: BIOLOGICAL AND HEALTH EFFECTS” Chelyabinsk, October 24-26, 2005 Reply Card Name................................................................ Title............................................................... Affiliation…………………………………….. Mailing Address..................................................... .................................................................... Phone............................Fax................................ E-mail.............................................................. [ ] I plan to make an oral presentation [ ] I plan to present a poster [ ] I plan to attend Please send your abstract and return this card to the Symposium Secretariat before January 31, 2005 by e-mail ( or regular mail. THIRD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “CHRONIC RADIATION EXPOSURE: BIOLOGICAL AND HEALTH EFFECTS” Chelyabinsk, October 24-26, 2005 Symposium Secretariat Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Medgorodok, Chelyabinsk 454076, Russia