The Elements and Fundamental Concepts: Scope and Sequence Note: All skills specified in the early grades continue to be developed and refined as students move on through the grades, whether or not the skills continue to be explicitly mentioned (The Arts, 2009, P. 13). Use of the Creative Process is to be integrated with the use of the Critical Analysis in all facets of the arts curriculum as students work to achieve the expectations (The Arts, 2009, P. 19). Music - Introduction of Elements Grades: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I = Introduce and experience the concept which is then extended and reinforced across grade levels. Arrow and shading represent increasing complexity. Duration beat, rhythm; beat vs. rhythm I tempo: fast, slow I I tempo: very fast (presto), very slow (largo) I tempo markings e.g., allegro, adagio, and others I tempo markings e.g., vivace, largo tempo markings in repertoire encountered I 2/4, 4/4 metres I I 3/4 metre 6/8 metre I compound metres, e.g., 9/8, 6/4, 5/4; pick-up notes (anacrusis) I quarter note, two eighth notes, quarter rest I rhythmic ostinato, e.g., ta ta ti-ti ta I I half note, half rest, whole note, whole rest I dotted half note, sixteenth notes, eighth rest I syncopation (eighth-quarter-eighth); fermata dotted quarter+eighth, dotted eighth+sixteenth, eighths+2 sixteenths, 2 sixteenths+eighth I I triplets I rhythms in repertoire encountered I Pitch high and low; melodic contour; simple melodic patterns; so-mi; so-mi-la I do-re-mi-so-la, high do', simple melodic ostinato; melodic patterns I melodic patterns using notes of a pentatonic scale e.g., do-re-mi-so-la I low so, low la; (fa, ti), higher and lower pitch; pitch/melodic contour I melody maps, 5-line staff, pitch names in treble clef (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) I major and minor tonality, major scale, intervals (unison, step, skip, leap) I key signatures e.g., no sharps/flats, one sharp, one flat; accidentals (sharp, flat, natural) I key signatures (e.g., D major, G minor) and clefs in music played ledger line notes; major, minor and perfect intervals e.g., major third, perfect fifth blues scale, grand staff, keys in repertoire performed major and minor tonality, keys in repertoire performed I I I I Music - Introduction of Elements (continued) Grades: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dynamics and Other Expressive Controls loud and soft (dynamics); accent, smooth and detached (articulation) I I crescendo and decrescendo (dynamics); legato and staccato (articulation) I soft-piano 'p', loud-forte 'f' (dynamics), other expression markings encountered I changes in dynamics: sforzando; articulation: phrase markings I dynamics and articulation as encountered and their signs I dynamic levels: pianissimo 'pp', fortissimo 'ff'; articulation: slurs I dynamics and articulation as encountered e.g., marcato, maestoso I all intensity levels; changes in levels (dynamics) Timbre Vocal quality e.g., speaking voice, singing voice I body percussion I sound quality of instruments e.g., non-pitched and pitched percussion I environmental and found sounds classification of instruments e.g., wind [woodwind, brass], stringed, electronic, membrane, pitched percussion I I I classification by sound production e.g., strumming, striking, shaking, blowing, scraping I ensembles e.g., orchestra, choir, percussion I sound sources for particular purposes e.g., use of trumpets for a fanfare I electronic sounds, other ensemble sonorities e.g., drum line, guitar, marching band I complex ensembles, e.g., jazz, gamelan, choral, orchestral world music ensembles and instruments e.g., gamelan, shakuhachi, doumbek… I Texture and Harmony single melodic line in unison (monophony) I I unison song with simple accompaniment (homophony), bordun pattern (do and so) I simple 2-part rounds, partner songs, canons I simple 2-part piece (simple polyphony) I homophonic & polyphonic repertoire e.g., Orff, singing, recorder; chord progressions I, V I layering of electronic sounds; chord progressions: I, IV, V I major and minor triads I monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic music Form phrase; call and response section; AB (Binary) ABA (ternary) verse/chorus; introduction and coda rondo theme and variation 12 bar blues forms in repertoire performed (e.g., minuet) I I I I I I I I