MUSI 222, K-8 Methods Dr. Chuck Neufeld 2 Credits Lander

MUSI 222, K-8 Methods
2 Credits
Dr. Chuck Neufeld
Lander University
Elements of Music
Silence - The absence of sound.
Rhythm - Organization of sound in time. Pulse or beat, tempo, meter, syncopation, patterns.
Melody - Succession of sounds that belong together. Pitch, conjunct or disjoint motion, melodic
shape, range, tessitura, organized by phrases, major and minor scales, accidentals, tonality (key),
Harmony - Simultaneous sounds, typically organized within the framework of a tonality. Triad,
chord, scale degree, tonic, dominant, sub-dominant.
Texture - Number of melodic lines and the quality of relationship among multiple melodic lines.
Monophonic, homophonic, or polyphonic
Timbre - Quality or color of sound.
Phrasing – The expressive shaping or manner of execution of melodic lines.
Text - Poetry, prose, or syllables.
Expression - Tempo, dynamic, and articulation of sound. Slow, fast, piano, forte, accent.
Communication – Meaningful transmission of ideas.
Form - Overall organization of sound into a coherent whole, often based on repetition or contrast.
Binary (AB), ternary (ABA), rondo (ABACA), bridge (ABACABA), fugue, theme and variations.
MUSI 222, K-8 Methods
2 Credits
Dr. Chuck Neufeld
Lander University
Elements of Music
Element Identification
Identify the appropriate element in the blank next to its definition. Use the definitions page to check
your answers.
1. _____________________________
Quality or color of sound.
2. _____________________________
Simultaneous sounds, typically organized within
the framework of a tonality.
3. _____________________________
Tempo (slow/fast), dynamic (loud/soft), and
articulation (attack/release) of sound.
4. _____________________________
Meaningful transmission of ideas.
5. _____________________________
Overall organization of sound into a coherent
whole, often based on repetition or contrast.
6. _____________________________
Poetry, prose, or syllables.
7. _____________________________
Number of melodic lines and the quality of
relationship among multiple melodic lines.
8. _____________________________
Succession of sounds that belong together.
9. _____________________________
Organization of sound in time.
10. _____________________________
Expressive shaping or manner of execution of
melodic lines.
11. _____________________________
Absence of sound.
MUSI 222, K-8 Methods
2 Credits
Dr. Chuck Neufeld
Lander University
Elements of Music
Write the letter of the correct definition in the space next to the name of each element of music.
Use the definitions page to check your answers.
_____1. Timbre
A. Quality or color of sound.
_____2. Text
B. Simultaneous sounds, typically organized within the
framework of a tonality.
_____3. Expression
C. Tempo (slow/fast), dynamic (loud/soft), and articulation
(attack/release) of sound.
_____4. Harmony
D. Meaningful transmission of ideas.
_____5. Form
E. Separation of sound into its constituent parts.
F. Overall organization of sound into a coherent whole, often
based on repetition or contrast.
_____6. Silence
G. Poetry, prose, or syllables.
_____7. Phrasing
H. Number of melodic lines and the quality of relationship
among multiple melodic lines.
_____8. Rhythm
I. Succession of sounds that belong together.
_____9. Texture
J. Mood and emotion of sound.
_____10. Melody
K. Organization of sound in time.
_____11. Communication
L. Absence of sound.
M. Expressive shaping or manner of execution of melodic