Acute Mental Health Bulletin October 2009 This monthly bulletin covers topics relevant to staff working in acute mental health settings, including adult inpatient services, child and adolescent inpatient services, forensic and emergency psychiatry services, eating disorders, liaison psychiatry and mental health nursing. Many of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland eLibrary. Please use the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete list of available online journals and registration for ATHENS can be found at If the article you require is not available via the NHS Scotland e-Library and you would like to request a print copy, please submit your request online at This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base, and is not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when appraising the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and accuracy of the information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable sources. NHSGGC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites. Contents: Page: Recent publications – Scotland, UK and International Eating Disorders Emergency Psychiatry Services Forensic Services Inpatient Services (Adults) Inpatient Services (Children and Adolescents) Liaison Psychiatry Working in Acute Mental Health New resources available from NHSGGC Library Network 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 6 7 Compiled by: Tracey McKee Specialist Librarian (Mental Health Partnership) Maria Henderson Library Gartnavel Royal Hospital T: 0141 211 3913 F: 0141 211 0348 E: 1 Acute Mental Health, October 2009 Tracey McKee, Specialist Librarian (MHP), NHSGGC Library Network Recent Publications – Scotland, UK and International Consultation on the Review of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 New consultation from the Scottish Government [Last accessed 18.09.09] Index to Scottish policies and strategies from Scottish Public Health Observatory This link will take you directly to the mental health and well-being documents. alhealthwellbeing [Last accessed 18.09.09] Implementing recovery: a new framework for organisational change A Position paper from the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health [Last accessed 18.09.09] Well? What do you think? (2008): The Fourth National Scottish Survey of Public Attitudes to Mental Wellbeing and Mental Health Problems New report from the Scottish Government [Last accessed 22.09.09] Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival 1st-22nd October 2009 [Last accessed 22.09.09] Eating Disorders Services Couturier, J., & Mahmood, A. (2009). Meal support therapy reduces the use of nasogastric feeding for adolescents hospitalized with anorexia nervosa. Brunner-Mazel Eating Disorders Monograph Series, 17(4), 327-332. Zeeck, A., Weber, S., Sandholz, A., Wetzler-Burmeister, E., Wirsching, M., & Hartmann, A. (2009). Inpatient versus day clinic treatment for bulimia nervosa: A randomized trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 78(3), 152-160. Zeeck, A., Weber, S., Sandholz, A., WetzlerBurmeister, E., Wirsching, M., Scheidt, C. E., et al. (2009). Inpatient versus day treatment for bulimia nervosa: Results of a one-year follow-up. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 78(5), 317-319. Emergency Psychiatric Services Catanese, A. A., John, M. S., Di Battista, J., & Clarke, D. M. (2009). Acute cognitive therapy in reducing suicide risk following a presentation to an emergency department. Behaviour Change, 26(1), 16-26. Dieppe, C., Stanhope, B., & Rakhra, K. (2009). Children who harm themselves: Development of a paediatric emergency department triage tool. Emergency Medicine Journal, 26(6), 418-420. 2 Acute Mental Health, October 2009 Tracey McKee, Specialist Librarian (MHP), NHSGGC Library Network Jones, L., Asare, J. B., El Masri, M., Mohanraj, A., Sherief, H., & van Ommeren, M. (2009). Severe mental disorders in complex emergencies. The Lancet, 374(9690), 654-661. Kennedy, A., Cloutier, P., Glennie, J. E., & Gray, C. (2009). Establishing best practice in pediatric emergency mental health: A prospective study examining clinical characteristics. Pediatric Emergency Care, 25(6), 380-386. Park, J. M., Park, L. T., Siefert, C. J., Abraham, M. E., Fry, C. R., & Silvert, M. S. (2009). Factors associated with extended length of stay for patients presenting to an urban psychiatric emergency service: A case-control study. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 36(3), 300-308. Forensic Services Birtchnell, J., Shuker, R., Newberry, M., & Duggan, C. (2009). An assessment of change in negative relating in two male forensic therapy samples using the person's relating to others questionnaire (PROQ). Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 20(3), 387407. Crichton, J. H. M. (2009). Defining high, medium, and low security in forensic mental healthcare: The development of the matrix of security in Scotland. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 20(3), 333-353. Kumpula, E., & Ekstrand, P. (2009). Men and masculinities in forensic psychiatric care: An interview study concerning male nurses' experiences of working with male caregivers and male patients. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30(9), 538-546. Reynolds, K., & Miles, H. L. (2009). The effect of training on the quality of HCR-20 violence risk assessments in forensic secure services. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 20(3), 473-480. Schaap, G., Lammers, S., & de Vogel, V. (2009). Risk assessment in female forensic psychiatric patients: A quasi-prospective study into the validity of the HCR-20 and PCL-R. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 20(3), 354-365. Inpatient Services (Adults) Ajdacic-Gross, V., Lauber, C., Baumgartner, M., Malti, T., & Rossler, W. (2009). In-patient suicide--a 13-year assessment. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 120(1), 71-75. Bergstrom, J., Andersson, G., Karlsson, A., Andreewitch, S., Ruck, C., Carlbring, P., et al. (2009). An open study of the effectiveness of internet treatment for panic disorder delivered in a psychiatric setting. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 44-50. 3 Acute Mental Health, October 2009 Tracey McKee, Specialist Librarian (MHP), NHSGGC Library Network Gray, B. (2009). Psychiatry and oppression: A personal account of compulsory admission and medical treatment. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35(4), 661-663. Henderson, C., Flood, C., Leese, M., Thornicroft, G., Sutherby, K., & Szmukler, G. (2009). Views of service users and providers on joint crisis plans: Single blind randomized controlled trial. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 44(5), 369-376. Hope, M. L., Page, A. C., & Hooke, G. R. (2009). The value of adding the quality of life enjoyment and satisfaction questionnaire to outcome assessments of psychiatric inpatients with mood and affective disorders. Quality of Life Research, 18(5), 647-655. Jespersen, S., Chong, T., Donegan, T., Gray, K., Kudinoff, T., McGain, L., et al. (2009). Reflections on facilitated discharge from a mental health service. Australasian Psychiatry, 17(3), 195-201. Johnson, S., Gilburt, H., LloydEvans, B., Osborn, D. P. J., Boardman, J., Leese, M., et al. (2009). In-patient and residential alternatives to standard acute psychiatric wards in England. British Journal of Psychiatry, 194(5), 456-463. Khalifeh, H., Murgatroyd, C., Freeman, M., Johnson, S., & Killaspy, H. (2009). Home treatment as an alternative to hospital admission for mothers in a mental health crisis: A qualitative study. Psychiatric Services, 60(5), 634-639. Larue, C., Dumais, A., Ahern, E., Bernheim, E., & Mailhot, K. P. (2009). Factors influencing decisions on seclusion and restraint. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 16(5), 440-446. Lewis, M., Taylor, K., & Parks, J. (2009). Crisis prevention management: A program to reduce the use of seclusion and restraint in an inpatient mental health setting. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30(3), 159-164. Lloyd-Evans, B., Slade, M., Jagielska, D., & Johnson, S. (2009). Residential alternatives to acute psychiatric hospital admission: Systematic review. British Journal of Psychiatry, 195(2), 109-117. Peek-Asa, C., Casteel, C., Allareddy, V., Nocera, M., Goldmacher, S., Ohagan, E., et al. (2009). Workplace violence prevention programs in psychiatric units and facilities. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 23(2), 166-176. Ratschen, E., Britton, J., & McNeill, A. (2009). Implementation of smoke-free policies in mental health in-patient settings in England. British Journal of Psychiatry, 194(6), 547551. Ries, R. K., Yuodelis-Flores, C., Roy-Byrne, P. P., Nilssen, O., & Russo, J. (2009). Addiction and suicidal behavior in acute psychiatric inpatients. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 50(2), 9399. 4 Acute Mental Health, October 2009 Tracey McKee, Specialist Librarian (MHP), NHSGGC Library Network Silva, N. C., Bassani, D. G., & Palazzo, L. S. (2009). A case-control study of factors associated with multiple psychiatric readmissions. Psychiatric Services, 60(6), 786-791. Sly, K. A., Lewin, T. J., Carr, V. J., Conrad, A. M., Cohen, M., Tirupati, S., et al. (2009). Measuring observed mental state in acute psychiatric inpatients. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 44(2), 151-161. Spandler, H. (2009). Spaces of psychiatric contention: A case study of a therapeutic community. Health & Place, 15(3), 841-847. Speziale, J., Black, E., Coatsworth-Puspoky, R., Ross, T., & O'Regan, T. (2009). Moving forward: Evaluating a curriculum for managing responsive behaviors in a geriatric psychiatry inpatient population. Gerontologist, 49(4), 570-576. Steffen, S., Kosters, M., Becker, T., & Puschner, B. (2009). Discharge planning in mental health care: A systematic review of the recent literature. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 120(1), 1-9. van der Merwe, M., Bowers, L., Jones, J., Simpson, A., & Haglund, K. (2009). Locked doors in acute inpatient psychiatry: A literature review. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 16(3), 293-299. Yoon, J., & Bruckner, T. A. (2009). Does deinstitutionalization increase suicide?. Health Services Research, 44(4), 1385-1405. Inpatient Services (Children and Adolescents) Lamb, C. E. (2009). Alternatives to admission for children and adolescents: Providing intensive mental healthcare services at home and in communities: What works? Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 22(4), 345-350. McDougall, T. (2009). Nursing children and adolescents with bipolar disorder: Assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and management. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 22(1), 33-39. Potegal, M., Carlson, G. A., Margulies, D., Basile, J., Gutkovich, Z. A., & Wall, M. (2009). The behavioral organization, temporal characteristics, and diagnostic concomitants of rage outbursts in child psychiatric inpatients. Current Psychiatry Reports, 11(2), 127133. Singh, S. P. (2009). Transition of care from child to adult mental health services: The great divide. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 22(4), 386-390. Smith, C. (2009). Mental health of children and young people in hospital. Paediatric Nursing, 21(5), 28-31. 5 Acute Mental Health, October 2009 Tracey McKee, Specialist Librarian (MHP), NHSGGC Library Network Williams, R., & Hazell, P. (2009). Implementing guidance and guidelines for developing and delivering equitable child and adolescent mental health services. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 22(4), 339-344. Liaison Psychiatry Birt, M. A., Dumitrascu, D., & Sandor, V. (2009). Liaison psychiatry--A new clinical subspecialty? Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 9(1), 119-125. Kapur, N. (2009). Self-harm in the general hospital. Psychiatry, 8(6), 189-193. Lyne, J., Hill, M., Burke, P., & Ryan, M. (2009). Audit of an inpatient liaison psychiatry consultation service. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 22(3), 278288. Potts, S., & Masterton, G. (2009). Transplant psychiatry. Psychiatry, 8(6), 228-232. Wright, M. T., & Roberts, L. W. (2009). A basic decision-making approach to common ethical issues in consultation-liaison psychiatry. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 32(2), 315-328. Working in Acute Mental Health Currid, T. (2009). Experiences of stress among nurses in acute mental health settings. Nursing Standard, 23(44) Dewar, A., Osborne, M., Mullett, J., Langdeau, S., & Plummer, M. (2009). Psychiatric patients: How can we decide if you are in pain? Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30(5), 295-303. Gleeson, M., & Higgins, A. (2009). Touch in mental health nursing: An exploratory study of nurses' views and perceptions. J Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 16(4) Koukia, E., Madianos, M. G., & Katostaras, T. (2009). "On the spot" interventions by mental health nurses in inpatient psychiatric wards in Greece. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30(5), 327-336. MacCulloch, T., & Shattell, M. (2009). Clinical supervision and the well-being of the psychiatric nurse. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30(9), 589-590. Mullen, A. (2009). Mental health nurses establishing psychosocial interventions within acute inpatient settings. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 18(2), 83-90. 6 Acute Mental Health, October 2009 Tracey McKee, Specialist Librarian (MHP), NHSGGC Library Network Quinn, C., & Browne, G. (2009). Sexuality of people living with a mental illness: A collaborative challenge for mental health nurses. Int J Mental Health Nursing, 18(3) Vuckovich, P. K. (2009). Strategies nurses use to overcome medication refusal by involuntary psychiatric patients. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30(3), 181-187. New resources available from the NHSGGC Library Network A selection of recently published resources held across the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Libraries. Items can be sent to your nearest site for collection. If you would like to search the full NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Library Catalogue you can do so from any NHSNet PC via the following web address: Scottish Government, Adults with incapacity (Scotland) act 2000: revised code of practice for persons authorised under intervention orders and guardians 2008 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital W 32 SCO 2008 Booker, Owen Averting aggression:safe work in services for adolescents and young adults 2nd ed Russell House, 2004 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WS 462 BOO 2004 Morgan, Louise Brief guide to involving mental health service users in research UK Mental Health Research Network, 2006 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 20 MOR 2006 Kuyken, Willem ; Padesky, Christine A. ; Dudley, Robert Collaborative case conceptualization: working effectively with clients in cognitive-behavioral therapy Guilford Press, 2009 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 425 KUY 2009 Greig, Anne ; Taylor, Jayne ; MacKay, Tommy Doing research with children 2nd ed Sage, 2007 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WS 20 GRE 2007 Lapham, Robert ; Agar, Heather Drug calculation for nurses: a step-by-step approach 3rd ed. Hodder Arnold, 2009 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital QV 748 LAP 2009 7 Acute Mental Health, October 2009 Tracey McKee, Specialist Librarian (MHP), NHSGGC Library Network Girden, Ellen R. Evaluating research articles:from start to finish 2nd ed. Sage, 2001 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital H 62 GIR 2001 Lanyado, Monica ; Horne, Ann The handbook of child and adolescent psychotherapy:psychoanalytic approaches 2nd ed Routledge, 2009 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WS 350.2 LAN 2009 Roberts, Michael C. Handbook of pediatric psychology 3rd ed Guilford Press, 2003 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WS 105 ROB 2003 Barbaree, Howard E. ; Marshall, William L. The juvenile sex offender 2nd ed. Guilford Press, 2006 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WS 463 BAR 2006 Royal College of Psychiatrists, Links not boundaries: service transitions for people growing older with enduring or relapsing mental illness 2009 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WT 150 ROY 2009 David, Anthony S. ; Fleminger, Simon ; Kopelman, Michael D. ; Lovestone, Simon ; Mellers, John D.C. Lishman's organic psychiatry: a textbook of neuropsychiatry 4th ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 220 DAV 2009 Motz, Anna Managing self harm: psychological perspectives Routledge, 2009 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital HV 6546 MOT 2009 Scottish Government, ; NHS Scotland, ; Royal College of General Practitioners (Scotland), ; Royal College of Nursing Scotland, ; Royal College of Psychiatrists., Mental health in Scotland: improving the physical health and mental well being of those experiencing mental illness Scottish Government, 2008 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 30 SCO 2008 Videbeck, Sheila L. ; Acott, Kevin Mental health nursing 1st UK ed. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2009 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 160 VID 2009 8 Acute Mental Health, October 2009 Tracey McKee, Specialist Librarian (MHP), NHSGGC Library Network O'Herlihy, Anne ; Pugh, Kathryn ; McDougall, Tim ; Parker, Camilla Safe and appropriate care for young people on adult mental health wards National Institute for Mental Health in England, 2009 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 30 OHE 2009 Newbigging, Karen ; Bola, Manjit ; Shah, Ajit Scoping exercise with black and minority ethnic groups on perceptions of mental wellbeing in Scotland NHS Health Scotland, 2008 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WA 305 NEW 2008 Ougrin, Dennis ; Zundel, Tobias ; Ng, Audrey V. Self-harm in young people: a therapeutic assessment manual Hodder Arnold, 2010 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital HV 6545 OUG 2010 NHS Education for Scotland, Spiritual care matters: an introductory resource for all NHSScotland staff NHS Education for Scotland, 2009 Central Library Southern General Hospital 174.2 NHS Forrester Cockburn Library, Yorkhill Hospital 174 NHS Robert Lamb Library, Inverclyde Royal Hospital 200.1 NHS Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 61 NAT 2009 Gartnavel General Hospital Library and eLearning Centre WM 61 NAT 2009 James Bridie Library Victoria Infirmary 174.2 NHS Western Infirmary Library and eLearning Centre WM 61 NAT 2009 Scottish Government, Towards a mentally flourishing Scotland: policy and action plan 2009-2011 2009 Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 30 SCO 2009 Please note that the journal articles you are accessing may be protected by copyright legislation so there may be a limit on the number of articles you can download or print from any single issue of a journal. If you obtain a copy via your local library's document request service, you may be required to complete a copyright declaration form. Consult your local library with any queries, or for further information see the website of the Copyright Licensing Agency at If you have any questions regarding this or any other library services please contact Library staff – contact details are at the beginning of the bulletin. Sources used for this bulletin : Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, Cinahl, The Cochrane Library, British Nursing Index, ISD Scotland, Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, National Prescribing Centre, The Kings Fund, The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Mental Health Foundation, Scottish Government, The Department of Health, Scottish Public Health Observatory, Lancet, BMJ, Mental Health Practice, SIGN, NHS QIS, NICE, Audit Scotland, SCIE, CEBMH CAB, NHSGGC Library Catalogue. 9 Acute Mental Health, October 2009 Tracey McKee, Specialist Librarian (MHP), NHSGGC Library Network