Business Communication

Business Communication—SAMPLE
Course Site found at
Course Overview
Persuasive Communication is a vital component to so many aspects of business life.
From investment banking to advertising, from entrepreneurship to corporate planning,
knowing the techniques of persuasion will be an invaluable addition to every Stern
student’s portfolio of knowledge. This course introduces the basics of communication
strategy and persuasion: audience analysis, communicator credibility, message
construction, and delivery. Deliverables will include written documents and oral
presentations, as well as both individual and team presentations. The team presentations
will derive from cases studied together in this class, and you will receive feedback to
improve your presentation effectiveness. In the final team presentation, your challenge is to
craft an oral presentation that will persuade your audience to accept your strategic
recommendations. As a team member, you will need to negotiate with colleagues to
decide the best approach. By doing this, you will see why ideas, data and advocacy are
combined for a professional, persuasive presentation.
1. Read Guide to Presentations in its entirety.
2. Read and prepare to discuss the Brigadoon Company Case. You can find it in
Blackboard under “Course Documents.”
3. Prepare a one-page memo as directed in this syllabus, page 3.
4. Prepare a 3-minute “benchmark” oral presentation. Choose one of the following
 Tell us about the best or worst business advice you ever received.
 Describe an event at work that involved a communication breakdown.
This presentation will also serve as your chance to introduce yourself to your
classmates; be sure to include some basic personal information as you tell the
story so that we know you a little bit better by the end of the presentation.
Materials and Texts
All materials may be purchased at the Stern bookstore:
Required: Munter and Russell, Guide to Presentations. Prentice Hall, 2001. This
book is bundled with Guide to Managerial Persuasion at a minimal additional
cost. Available at Stern Bookstore or Amazon.
Required: Disney’s America Case. To purchase this case, officially named the
Darden Digital Case 'Third Battle of Bull Run' for B01.2105, go to the NYU
Bookstore web site above.
Required: SEC Guide to Plain English Writing. Available at Stern Bookstore or
Recommended: Roman and Raphaelson, Writing that Works, Harper Collins,
2000. Available at Stern Bookstore or Amazon.
Since this is a core course, grade distribution will follow the determined standards of the
Stern School of Business. Your final grade will be based on both class participation and
your completion of the following assignments:
Benchmark Presentation (Individual)
Brigadoon Memo 1 (Individual)
Video Self-Evaluation (Individual)
By 3
Brigadoon Memo 2 (Individual)
By 3
15 %
Benchmark Presentation (Team)
In 3
10 %
Performance on final project (Individual)
10 %
Performance on final project (Team)
30 %
Final Business Report (Individual)
Post 6
20 %
Participation (includes * items above)
Throughout course
15 %
Grade values, based on 100%:
80-82, etc.
Due date
All written deliverables should be submitted via Blackboard’s
Assignments tab. Follow prompts and attach your document
as directed.
1. Benchmark Presentation (Individual)
Benchmark your presentation skills and begin to get comfortable presenting in the course.
Prepare a 3-minute “benchmark” oral presentation. Choose one of the following topics:
 Tell us about the best or worst business advice you ever received.
 Describe an event at work that involved a communication breakdown.
You will deliver your presentation in session one. It will be videotaped for your benefit,
but not graded. It is a portion of your participation grade.
2. Brigadoon Case Memo #1 Benchmark (Individual)
Benchmark your business writing skills and begin to see the principles of effective
communication and persuasion in a work-related setting.
Read the Brigadoon Case found under ‘Course Documents’ on the blackboard site. At the
end of this brief case, follow the directions (part A only) to create a business memo based
on the case information.
Create a one-page memo analyzing the current situation and making recommendations.
Use standard business memo style. Submit your Memo prior to 9:00 am on the first day
of class. Please bring a copy of your memo with you to class. Have your full name in the
footer for identification.
3. Video Self-Evaluation (Individual)
Analyze your strengths and weaknesses in presentations.
Read “How to Review Your Videotape” (available on Blackboard). Watch your video.
Download and complete the “Self-Evaluation Form” (available on Blackboard).
Download and complete the “Self Evaluation of Benchmark Videotape” form (available
on Blackboard). Submit on Blackboard by 12:00 noon, Wednesday 1/18. Bring a copy of
your self-evaluation with you on Wednesday.
4. Brigadoon Case “B” Memo #2 (Individual)
Demonstrate the principles of effective business communication and persuasion through a
written memo.
Using part ‘B’ of the Brigadoon Case, follow the directions from the case and create a
second business memo to the audience indicated in the case.
Create a one-page business memo as directed. Have your full name in the footer for
identification. Submit on Blackboard by 6:00 Wednesday 1/18. Bring 3 copies of your
memo with you on Wednesday. This memo will be graded and returned to you with
5. Disney’s America Case Benchmark Presentation (Team)
This assignment gives your team the opportunity to be videotaped and subsequently
receive feedback. As a result, you will be able to establish personal and team goals for
your final presentation. In this presentation, your team will examine the situation from
the perspective of the opposition.
As a team, determine whether you are members of the Piedmont Environment Council
(PEC) or the Protect Historic America group. Now, assume that the Washington Post’s
Editorial Board (comprised of its publisher, editor-in-chief, and editorial director) has
invited your team to its offices. The Post has asked your team to speak to them about the
key issues driving public opinion against Disney’s America theme park.
Review Guide to Presentations, chapters 1-3, and 6 with special attention to chapter 6.
Use the Presentation Planner from the Assignments > Benchmark Presentation (Team)
folder on Blackboard to assist your preparation. Communicate your ideas to each other in
advance of class.
 A 10-minute presentation during session three. All team members must speak.
You must use visual aids although they will not be evaluated for a grade.
2 copies of slide deck printed out and handed-in before the presentation.
 Post your Power Point file to Blackboard (Communication > Group Pages >
YOUR GROUP NAME > File Exchange) prior to the start of class. This must be
done to minimize time spent setting up each presentation.
6. Disney’s America Case Final Presentation (Team and
Apply the course principles for effective presentations and persuasion.
Assume your team is part of the Strategic Planning group and will be presenting to Eisner
and his executive staff. Your team will speak on one of the following options:
1. Continue with plans and improve public opinion
2. End the project in Haymarket and start again elsewhere in Virginia
3. End Disney’s America project indefinitely and focus on repairing Disney’s image
Consider the following questions in preparing your presentation:
 How will your recommendations benefit the firm?
What appropriate data will provide quantitative evidence to support your
How can the company implement your recommendations?
 Team presentation lasting 20 minutes, which includes questions/answers. All
team members must speak.
2 copies of slide deck printed out and handed-in before the presentation.
1 electronic copy of your group PowerPoint (please use your group name in the
file name).
Post your Power Point file to Blackboard (Communication > Group Pages >
YOUR GROUP NAME > File Exchange) prior to the start of class. This must be
done to minimize time spent setting up each presentation.
Presentation reminders:
Organize your presentation so that you can effectively and efficiently
communicate your key messages in the allotted time.
Remember to provide a preview of the presentation in the opening.
Employ visual aids that enhance and support your message.
Use graphs and charts in your PowerPoint presentation to communicate
quantitative data clearly and visually.
Expect questions to come at any time in your presentation and prepare for them.
Have back-up data available to answer specific questions, if necessary.
7. Final Written Report (Individual)
In place of a final examination, the final written document is used to demonstrate your
mastery of course principles. You have three options, detailed below. Specifically, your
task is to write a document that synthesizes and applies the principles of strategic
communication (“AIM”) along with persuasion theory, as discussed in the text and in
class. Criteria for evaluation:
In-depth analysis
Use of concrete examples and, where appropriate, citations from readings
Lucid structure, appropriate tone and grammatical use of language
Formatted in business style for clarity and ease of reading
Please choose one of the following topics and prepare a short report (2 pages maximum).
Option One: Given what you’ve learned in Business Communication, analyze
your present or past business work environment in terms of communication and
write a short report recommending changes. Your analysis may apply to your
specific department or division, or to the organization as a whole. For example,
you could consider how your company has organized communication both
internally and externally. Include examples of both effective and ineffective
communication in your workplace as they apply to specific, concrete situations
that you have encountered or observed. Determine who in your workplace would
be the best recipient for your recommendations; address the document to that
person. In a short note at the end, please provide background information about
the intended reader.
Option Two: Consider your final team presentation and imagine you were
delivering it in your current workplace: would organizational norms or constraints
have led you to organize or present the material differently? Write to the members
of your team (“cc” your instructor) and recommend how you would change this
presentation for delivery in your workplace. Describe current organizational
practices for preparing and delivering presentations. In your document, you may
also include discussion of visual aids and the handling of Q&A.
Option Three: Choose one of the teams in your Business Communication course
section and analyze its final presentation. Provide specific recommendations for
improving structure, content, visual material and delivery. Watch the streaming
video and apply the criteria found on the Final Team Presentation Evaluation
Form (on Blackboard and distributed in class). Write this report to the specific
team and “cc” your instructor.
Submit the report by Saturday, 1/28, at 5:00 pm via Blackboard. Have your full name in
the footer for identification.
Business Communication Agenda
The times are approximate.
Read Munter’s Guide to Presentations in its entirety
Read the Brigadoon Case (on Blackboard)
Read the Disney Case
Prepare a 3 minute Individual Benchmark Presentation
Prepare and submit a 1 page memo on the Brigadoon Case
9:00 – 9:45
Session One
Saturday, January 14: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Course Introduction
Individual & Team Introductions
Communication Strategy
9:45 – 10:30
Brigadoon Company Case Discussion
Introduce the Disney Case
Discuss Team Benchmark Assignment
10:30 – 11:30
Individual Benchmark Presentations.
Computer Lab time / Team prep for
Team Benchmark.
11:30 – 12:30
Computer Lab time / Team prep for
Team Benchmark.
Individual Benchmark Presentations.
12:30 – 1:30
1:30 – 2:15
Organization of ideas and structuring the message
Nonverbal delivery techniques
2:15 – 3:30
Intro to Business Writing
Debrief Memo #1 Benchmark
3:30 – 4:00
Debrief Class
Review of Homework
Read “How to review your video tape” from Blackboard
Meet with team; prepare Team Benchmark Presentation
Complete video self-evaluation and submit via Blackboard by Wednesday
1/18, 12:00 noon
Complete Part B of the Brigadoon Case and submit via Blackboard by
Wednesday 1/18, 6:00 pm
6:00 – 6:15
Session Two
Monday, January 16: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Discuss Presentation Planner
6:15 – 7:30
Team Presentation Techniques
Persuasive Communication
7:30 – 7:45
7:45 – 8:45
Team Benchmark Presentation group time
8:45 – 9:00
Debrief Class
Review of Homework
Prepare Team Benchmark
Complete video self-evaluation and submit via Blackboard by Wednesday
1/18, 12:00 noon
Complete Part B of the Brigadoon Case and submit via Blackboard by
Wednesday 1/18, 6:00 pm
6:00 – 8:30
Session Three
Wednesday, January 18: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Team Benchmark Presentations
8:30 – 8:45
Debrief Benchmark Presentations
Debrief Video Self-Evaluation
Discuss Final Presentation
8:45 – 9:00
Debrief Class
Review of Homework
Begin working on Final Team Presentation
9:00 – 10:30
Session Four
Saturday, January 21: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Debrief memo (Brigadoon B)
Discuss Final Presentation Evaluation
Schedule Team Meetings
Challenging Questions
Challenging Questions Activity
10:30 – 10:45
10:45 – 12:30
Designing Effective Visual Aids
Displaying Financial Data in a Visual Way
12:30 – 1:30
1:30 – 2:30
Team Final Presentation group time (focus on visuals)
2:30 – 3:00
Visual Aids / Financial Data Activity (present a slide to the class)
3:00 – 3:30
Final Presentation group time (revise visuals)
3:30 – 3:45
Visual Aids / Financial Data Activity (present revised slide to the class)
3:45 – 4:00
Debrief Class
Prepare for Individual Team Meeting
Review of Homework
Session Five
Monday, January 23: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Individual Team Meetings
Teaching Fellow—meets each team
Professor—meets each team for a
for a run-through and strategy /
run-through and delivery skills
content design session. Room KMCsession. Room KMC 5-80.
 Rehearse with your team for final presentation.
6:00 – 8:30
Session Six
Wednesday, January 25: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Final Team Presentations
8:30 – 8:45
Debrief Final Presentations
8:45 – 9:00
Discuss final assignment
Debrief class