Advanced in vivo imaging techniques for studying IBD and liver

Gastro lab
Principle Investigator – Dr. Eran Elinav, PhD, MD.
‫מעבדת גסטרו‬
MD ,PhD ,‫ ד"ר ערן אלינב‬-‫חוקר ראשי‬
Co-principle Investigator – Dr. Chen Varol, PhD.
PhD ,‫ ד"ר חן ורול‬-‫חוקר משני‬
Advanced in vivo imaging techniques for studying IBD and liver diseases
As part of our studies in mucosal immunology we employ a unique research tool, the murine
colonoscopy system. This miniaturized system enables repeated and safe endoscopic
procedures, and reproducible quantification of disease severity in inflammatory and tumor
models in mice and rats. In addition, the system enables for biopsy taking for histology and
molecular biology needs without sacrifice of model animals, as well as local injections into
diseased areas. As part of our research, we acquired ample experience in animal models of
IBD, that are based on Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS), 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid
(TNBS), Oxazolone, cell transfer colitis models, as well as spontaneous colitis in various Tg
mice. Recently, we have introduced and published a novel protocol for performance of
repeated laparoscopy in mice, enabling safe and repeated visualization and manipulation of
virtually every intra-abdominal organ while avoiding mouse sacrifice and inter-animal
variability (Shapira et al; PLoSone, 2009). Our employment of this novel imaging modality
allows continuous assessment and
manipulation of liver chronic disease and cancer models.
Chronic liver disease models
Another major research aspect of our group is the role of leptin in modulation of liver innate
and adaptive immune responses and other resident liver cells such as hepatic stellate cells.
Accordingly, we employed in our lab various models of chronic and acute liver diseases such
as liver fibrosis and Fulminant Hepatic Failure (FHF). We have accumulated much
experience and thus are familiar with the fast growing literature, experimental procedures and
analytical methods in this field.
For further information:
Dr. Chen Varol
Gastro lab
6 Weizmann St, 64239, ISRAEL
Tel: 229-3-6224996
Cellular: 229-79-2360397