General Permit Application (DOC

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
General Permit Application for:
• Threatened species and ecological
communities (section 201)
• Migratory species (section 216)
• Whales and dolphins (section 238)
• Listed marine species (section 258)
If the person completing this form is representing a
small business (i.e. a business having less than 20
employees), please provide an estimate of the time
taken to complete this form.
Please include:
the time taken spent reading the instructions, working on the
questions and obtaining the information; and
the time spent by all employees in collecting and providing
this information.
Purpose of this form
This form is for an activity which will affect any species or ecological community listed under the EPBC Act in the above categories where
that activity is within a Commonwealth Area, and for whale/dolphins where the activity is within the waters of the Australian Whale
Sanctuary, or internationally.
Complete this form in addition to either Supplementary Form A, B or C described in question 1 on the next page. Please return it, along
with the relevant Supplementary Form to the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.
Note that it is a requirement of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 that details of this application (which
may include the applicant's name) and any supplementary forms (A, B or C) be provided to persons or bodies registered with the
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities under section 266A of the Act, for the purposes inviting
submissions from those persons or bodies regarding permit applications.
Do not use this form for permits in:
• The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. These permits are available at:
• A Commonwealth park or reserve (e.g. Kakadu National Park). These permits are available at:
Additional information
Please ensure that you have read the following information sheet:
Permits required for activities affecting EPBC Act listed species in Commonwealth Areas including the Australian Whale Sanctuary
This information sheet is available at Further information is also available by
contacting the Department on phone: (02) 6274 1111 or email:
Incomplete information
Applications that are incomplete or contain insufficient information cannot be assessed. Delays will occur whilst further information is
sought from the applicant.
If you need more space
If there is insufficient space on this form to fully address any of the questions please attach additional pages and list these attachments at
question 10.
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12 Oct 2011
Which of the following best describes the purpose of this
Research on
 You will also need to complete
Whale and Dolphin
 You will also need to complete
Import/export of
whale/dolphin parts
or products
Is the proposed permit holder an individual?
 Go to next question
 Give details below of each individual to whom
the permit would be issued. If insufficient
space, attach a separate list.
Prof Justin Marshall
Residential address:
70 Birkin Road
Bellbowrie, QLD 4070
Supplementary Form A for
Whales and Dolphins
Now go to 2
Postal address: Queensland Brain Institute
University of Queensland
St Lucia QLD 4072
Telephone No.:
Supplementary Form B for
Whale and Dolphin Watching.
Now go to 2
Fax No.:
Mr Alan Goldizen
12 Minkara Street
Indooroopilly QLD 4068
Postal address: Queensland Brain Institute
University of Queensland
St Lucia QLD 4072
Telephone No.:
 Please contact the Cetacean
Fax No.:
Research and Policy Section
on 02) 6274 1111.
(07) 3365 4063
(07) 3346 6424
Email address:
Dr Wen-Sung Chung
Residential address:
1/46 Mitre St
St. Lucia QLD 4067
The permit holder can be a group such as a business,
company, or corporation?
Postal address: Queensland Brain Institute
University of Queensland
St Lucia QLD 4072
Is the proposed permit holder a group?
 Go to next question
Telephone No.:
 Give details below
Fax No.:
(07) 3365 1357
(07) 3346 6424
Email address:
Group Name
Street address:
Residential address:
Supplementary Form C
Listed species / ecological
community, listed migratory
species or listed marine
Now go to 2
End date:
(07) 3365 1397
(07) 3346 6424
Email address:
 You will also need to complete
Period of permit requested
Permits are usually not issued for more than 5 years.
Start date:
Supplementary Form A for
Whales and Dolphins
Now go to 2
To conduct an activity
that will have an
incidental impact on
E.g. whales and dolphins
are not the purpose of the
activity but they will be
indirectly affected
To kill, injure, take,
trade, keep or move a
listed species or
ecological community
in Commonwealth areas
 You will also need to complete
Dr Adrian Flynn
82 Parsons Street
Kensington Vic 3033
Residential address:
Postal address:
Telephone No.:
Postal address:
Telephone No.:
0421 693 120
Fax No.:
Fax No.:
Email address:
Email address:
Now go to 5
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Dr Matthew Edmunds
82 Parsons Street
Kensington Vic 3033
Residential address:
Postal address:
Telephone No.:
(03) 9376 2397
Give the relevant qualifications and experience of all people
who will carry out the activities. If insufficient space, attach a
BSc (Hons), DPhil. 30
years experience marine fieldwork, deep sea
research and marine animal husbandry. Animal
capture, handling, husbandry, euthanasia,
tissue sampling and processing, observation,
behaviour and neurophysiology experiment
design and conduct.
Ms Dianne Bray
Mr Alan Goldizen
4.5 yrs University, Lab
Animal Technologist. >30yrs experience
biological fieldwork, animal capture, husbandry
and research. 20yrs vertebrate and invertebrate
marine animal capture, handling, husbandry,
euthanasia, tissue sampling and processing,
record-keeping, behaviour experiment design
and conduct.
Postal address:
Museum Victoria, GPO Box 666,
Melbourne 3001 Victoria
(03) 8341 7751
Fax No.:
Email address:
Qualifications and experience:
Residential address:
Telephone No.:
Prof Justin Marshall
Qualifications and experience:
Fax No.:
Email address:
Dr Wen-Sung Chung
Qualifications and experience:
BSc, MSc, PhD. 15 years
experience marine fieldwork, deep sea
research and marine animal husbandry. Animal
capture, handling, husbandry, euthanasia,
tissue sampling and processing, observation,
behaviour and neurophysiology experiment
design and conduct.
Mr David Whillas
262 Safety Bay Road
Safety Bay 6169 Western Australia
Residential address:
Postal address:
Telephone No.:
(08) 9592 6680
BSc(Hons) (Marine
Biology), PhD (Marine Science), Director
(Fathom Pacific Pty Ltd), Honorary Research
Associate (Melbourne Museum). Over 15 years
of experience in marine biodiversity surveys and
offshore operations in tropical, temperate and
arctic environments. Published research on the
Coral Sea spawning aggregation phenomenon
that is the subject of this research permit
application. Significant experience in marine
animal sampling and handling. Particular
experience in the deep-sea mesopelagic
environment that is the subject of this permit
application. Author of several reports related to
the East Marine Bioregional planning process
and Coral Sea Key Ecological Features reviews.
Mr John Rumney
Residential address:
Lot 10 Cook Highway
Mowbray, Port Douglas QLD 4877
Postal address:
PO Box 128
Port Douglas QLD 4877
Telephone No.:
(07) 4098 5417
Fax No.:
Email address:
Dr Adrian Flynn
Qualifications and experience:
Fax No.:
Email address:
Dr Matthew Edmunds
Qualifications and experience:
BSc(Hons) (Marine
Biology), PhD (Marine Science). Over 18 years
of experience in marine biodiversity surveys
and offshore operations in tropical and
temperate environments.. Significant
experience in marine animal sampling and
handling. Particular experience in ROV
Applicant details (if different from proposed permit holder(s)
Residential address:
Postal address:
Telephone No.:
Fax No.:
Email address:
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Ms Dianne Bray
A proposed permit holder is taken to have been convicted of
an offence if, within 5 years before the application is made,
the proposed permit holder:
• has been charged with, and found guilty of, the offence
but discharged without conviction; or
• has not been found guilty of the offence, but a court has
taken the offence into account in passing sentence on
the proposed permit holder for another offence.
Qualifications and experience:
MSc (Zoology). Senior
Collections Manager, Sciences Department,
Museum Victoria. Over 15 years experience in
ichthyology, field collection, taxonomy and
museum collection management. Dianne is an
editor and author of Fishes of Australia's
Southern Coast, published in 2008, and the
three-volume Zoological Catalogue of Australia,
Volume 35, Pisces. Museum Victoria is the
lead Victorian agency for Redmap Australia,
and Dianne is the regional representative. She
is also a member of Museum Victoria's Animal
Care and Ethics Committee.
Section 6 of the Crimes Act 1914 deals with being an
accessory after the fact. Sections 7 and 7A and subsection
86(1) of the Crimes Act 1914 and sections 11.1, 11.4 and
11.5 of the Criminal Code deal with attempts to commit
offences, inciting to or urging the commission of offences by
other people and, conspiracy to commit offences.
Mr David Whillas
Part VIIC of the Crimes Act 1914 includes provisions that, in
certain circumstances, relieve persons from the requirement
to disclose spent convictions and require persons aware of
such convictions to disregard them.
Qualifications and experience:
ROV pilot / Tech, ADAS
ROV Instructor. ROV Pilot Tech 14 Years ,
Work Class ROV Supervisor. Manager / Owner
SeaBotix Australia , Service and support for
Asia Pacific SeaBotix ROV equipment ,
extensive experience with specimen collection
& observation with ROV working with Catlin &
Google Seaview Survey, Australian Institute of
Marine Science , University of Queensland and
various science consultancies
Has the proposed permit holder been convicted of, or subject
to proceedings for an offence under any of the following?
a. offences under the EBPC Act or Regulations
b. a law of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory
about the protection, conservation or management of
native species or ecological communities;
Mr John Rumney
c. section 6, 7 or 7A, or subsection 86(1), of the Crimes
Act 1914 (Commonwealth) or sections 11.1. 11.4 or
11.5 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth)
in relation to an offence under a law mentioned in (a)
or (b) above; or
Qualifications and experience:
Master IV, ME01
Engineering. 23 years marine research and
documentary coordination, remote fieldwork
planning, conduct and logistics. Development
and implementation of Osprey Reef Minke
whale, Nautilus, and shark research programs;
Raine Island tiger shark and turtle research
programs; and the Great Barrier Reef
Bioerosion Project.
d. a provision of a law of a State or Territory that is
equivalent to a provision mentioned in (c) above.
 Attach details
Have you applied for or obtained any other approvals, permits
or licences relating to this activity under Commonwealth, State
or Territory legislation?
 Go to next question
 Attach copies
Have you previously held a permit from the Australian
Government to conduct this activity?
 Go to next question
 Give details below
Permit number
Date permit expired
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10 Attachments
Indicate below which documents are attached.
Additional permit holders
See question 4
Additional qualifications details
See question 6
Copies of other approvals/permits
See question 7
Details of offences
See question 9
Other supporting documentation
List all additional documents below
Titles of all attached documents (include the document title,
the specific section(s) and the page number(s) on which the
information appears)
1) University of Queensland Animal Ethics
approval QBI/236/13/ARC/US AIRFORCE
2) Application for modification of above approval
to include work under this Listed Marine Species
permit application. This document includes a
concise, non-technical description of our work
plans and methods.
11 Declaration
I declare that the information contained in this application Is
correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of applicant
Name of person signing
Justin Marshall
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