BEST BUDDIES JOBS POLICIES REGARDING COMPLAINT/ABUSE REPORTING Massachusetts This policy includes information about: The Human Rights Committee of Best Buddies Jobs The Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services Investigating Team Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC) All concerns are to be brought to the Human Rights Committee, regardless of action taken by any other agency or body. The Human Rights Committee of Best Buddies Jobs is a joint effort of the Institute for Community Inclusion at Children’s Hospital, The Boston College Supported Employment Program and Best Buddies Jobs. Consumers are aware of this and receive training and information on an annual basis from the Human Rights Officer regarding their human rights and policies of the Program. The contents of this policy are reviewed annually by all staff. The following information (indented) is taken from The Attorney General’s Guide for Mandated Reporters pamphlet (11/94). DPPC Disabled Persons Protection Commission 99 Bedford Street, Rm 200 Boston, MA 02111-2217 617-727-6465 or HOTLINE 800-245-0062 Vulnerable members of our society who suffer from abuse are not always able to report the abuse inflicted on them. So, it is important for people who interact with children, disabled persons and the elderly to know how, when, and where to report incidents of abuse. Reporting abuse to the proper agency will not only help the person who has suffered the abuse in that particular situation, but will also send out a broader message to everyone what mistreatment will not be tolerated or ignored. Human service and law enforcement agencies not only encourage care-givers and others who come in contact with more vulnerable citizens to report incidents of abuse and neglect, but Massachusetts law also requires certain people report incidents they observe. WHAT IS A MANDATED REPORTER? A mandated reporter is someone who is required by Massachusetts’s law to notify a particular state agency when there is reason to believe that a disabled person, an elderly person or a child has been abused, neglected or mistreated. Mandated reporter laws are designed in part to encourage the earliest possible detection and reporting abuse. If you suspect abuse of adults with disabilities, you must immediately call the Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC), as required by Chapter 19C, Section 10. 45 Bromfield Street, 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02108 Tel: (617) 778-0522 – (866) 33-BUDDY – Fax: (617) 778-0526 – Website: NEXT within 48 hours of your oral report to the agency, you must provide the agency with a written report, which should at a minimum the following: name and address of the person abused…age if known, victim’s sex, description of injuries and history or other abuse/injuries, if known, circumstances of reporter’s learning of abuse, any protective action taken, name and address of reporter, identity of person(s) responsible for abuse, if known, any other helpful information. ARE THERE PENALTIES FOR FAILING TO REPORT? Yes. If you are a mandated reporter and you fail to report an incident of abuse, you can be fined up to $1,000.00 ARE THERE PROTECTIONS FOR REPORTERS? Yes. If you are a mandated reporter and you report an incident of abuse, you cannot be held liable in any civil or criminal action as a result of submitting the report. Staff should notify the Program Manager and make the call to DPPC. Staffs does not need authorization from a supervisor and should not wait for confirmation that a supervisor has been informed before making this call. The function of the DPPC is to make the determination if in fact there is a need to investigate or that there is not a need to investigate. It is the policy of the Supported Employment Program that DPPC is called if there is a question that abuse may have occurred. Department of Developmental Services Chapter 9 Abuse Reporting Procedures A DDS or provider employee is mandated to and shall immediately file a complaint with the senior investigator when he or she has reason to believe that there is an allegation of mistreatment, on illegal, dangerous, or inhumane condition or incident, or medicolegal death of an individual. Mistreatment includes but is not limited to: Physical abuse Mental or verbal abuse Any act of retaliation Use of restraints or behavioral intervention for the convenience of staff or otherwise in violation of regulations Sexual abuse Transfer or threat of transfer for punitive reason Dangerous conditions/incidents: A condition/incident which poses or could have posed a danger to the health or safety or a consumer regardless of whether injury has resulted, and which has not been adequately addressed through administrative action within a reasonable time. Example: a gas leak in a residence is not corrected despite staff and administration’s knowledge a consumer known to eat inedible is left alone in a room with and open household cleaner container, which he attempts to ingest. Illegal condition/incident: A condition/incident in violation of regulation or law which posed a danger to a consumer. A condition/incident in violation of regulation or law which could have posed a danger to a consumer and which has not been adequately addressed through administrative action within a reasonable time. Example: -Unauthorized cashing of consumer’s checks 45 Bromfield Street, 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02108 Tel: (617) 778-0522 – (866) 33-BUDDY – Fax: (617) 778-0526 – Website: -Driving consumers in an unregistered vehicle -Stealing from a consumer using illegal substances Inhumane conditions/incident: A condition/incident inconsistent with the proper regard for human dignity or what which is or was demeaning to a consumer. Examples: -staff swearing at or threatening a consumer -incitement of consumers or others to mistreat a consumer -any unreasonable use of force which is not necessary to protect a consumer from harm -any act in violation of the DDS Standards on client dignity FILING A COMPLAINT When to File a Complaint A complaint shall be filed when you have reason to believe that a non-frivolous allegation of mistreatment, an illegal dangerous, or inhumane condition or incident has occurred and/or exists. A report shall also be made against a person served by DDS in cases of death where death was sudden, unexpected or appears to have resulted from unusual or suspicious circumstances, violence and/or sexual abuse. Also, when you have reason to believe that an individual has suffered a serious physical or emotional injury from an act or omission by a caretaker, you should file a report with the DPPC well as the DDS Senior Investigator in the region. Who should file a Complaint A DDS or provider employee is mandated to and should immediately file a complaint under this chapter with the DDS Senior Investigator for the region. In addition, the DDS or provider employee should file a report with the DPPC when the condition or incident resulted from an act or omission by a caretaker and caused serious physical or emotional injury. Failure to Fine a Complaint Failure by a DDS or provider employee to file a complaint, assist an individual in filing a complaint, or assist in forwarding complaints received from another staff person or individual, constitutes grounds for disciplinary action which may include dismissal. What Happens once a Complaint is Filed All complaints are logged by the DDS Senior Investigator and are assigned a Public Log Number. Upon the receipt of the complaint, the Senior Investigator determines the disposition of a complaint. Based on the complaint the Senior Investigator man: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dismiss the complaint May resolve complaint without investigation Refer the complaint to the DDS Regional Director as beyond the scope and responsibilities of Investigations Division Assign the complaint to a staff investigator for a full investigation Defer the DDS’s investigation pending an investigation by an outside agency. 45 Bromfield Street, 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02108 Tel: (617) 778-0522 – (866) 33-BUDDY – Fax: (617) 778-0526 – Website: Department of Developmental Services If You Have a Human Rights Complaint You May File a Complaint and You will Receive a Response When to Complain: If you feel that your rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with the head of the program. Any condition or incident which is dangerous, illegal, or inhumane must be remedied, if the investigation finds that the incident occurred as you stated. Who May Complain? You, or any other person, including a family member, guardian, or friend may file a complaint on your behalf. Who Will Help? If you want assistance in filing a complaint, you may ask any staff person to help you. You may also speak to the Human Rights Officer. They are required to help you. How to Complain? You, or the person filing the complaint, should get a complaint form from the staff or the Human Rights Officer. You can send or give the form to the head of the program. Or you can give the complaint to any staff person. The staff must give it to the head of the program for you. What Will Happen? If the complaint cannot be resolved in five working days, the head of the program will appoint formal investigator. This person will talk to you about your complaint. If You Are Dissatisfied: You will have the right to appeal to the following persons: Jeff Keilson, Assistant Commissioner for Programs (if you live in the community) OR Mary Cerreto, Assistant Commissioner for Facilities Management (if you live in a state school) And later, if you are still dissatisfied: Elin Howe, Commissioner Department of Mental Retardation 160 North Washington Street Boston, MA 02114 You may have a complete copy of the regulations by contacting the head of the program. You may also be informed of the status of your complaint by contacting that office. The head of the program is Craig Welton Phone: (617) 778-0522 or 1866-33-BUDDY The Human Rights Officer is Janna Rayworth Phone (617) 778-0522 or 1866-33-BUDDY For further information contact: The Office of Human Rights Department of Developmental Services 160 North Washington Street Boston, MA 02114 (617) 727-5608 45 Bromfield Street, 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02108 Tel: (617) 778-0522 – (866) 33-BUDDY – Fax: (617) 778-0526 – Website: BEST BUDDIES JOBS PARTICIPANT SIGN OFF SHEET I have received the information on Individual Human Rights distributed by the Department of Developmental Services through Best Buddies Jobs. I have been informed of my rights and policies regarding abuse reporting. I understand the information as it has been presented to me. Participant Date Guardian (if participant is not own guardian) Date BBJ Representative Date 45 Bromfield Street, 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02108 Tel: (617) 778-0522 – (866) 33-BUDDY – Fax: (617) 778-0526 – Website: