COEN Student Shop Waste Management SOP Introduction It is important that waste materials generated in the student shop are properly handled. Waste materials will typically be in the form of waste stock from sawing and machining processes, disposal of absorbent materials used in workpiece and shop cleaning and chemicals that are not longer needed. Disposal of Waste Stock While waste stock in many cases can be recycled, it is important to remember larger pieces can be saved to be used on smaller projects. If you have leftover stock that is large enough for someone else to use, bring it to the Shop Supervisor. If the aluminum or steel waste cannot be reused, place it in the appropriate recycling bin. If you have plastic or wood waste, consult the Shop Supervisor. Disposition of Absorbent Waste The student shop uses disposable towels, rags, and other absorbent materials in the routine cleanup of tools, parts and work areas. Also, other items such as disposable gloves are used in the shop. It is important to ensure these items are properly contained after use until they are picked up from the shop the shop for disposal. The exact disposition of absorbent items that have been contaminated with shop chemicals will depend on what they have been contaminated with and how much they have absorbed. Saturated materials are typically treated as hazardous waste and must be segregated from non-hazardous waste while some types of waste can go into the normal trash. Very lightly soiled absorbent materials may go into the normal trash container. More heavily soiled absorbent materials must go into the covered, container for flammable materials. Do not through normal trash into this container, as it will add to the hazardous waste disposal expenses of the College. When in doubt, consult with the Shop Supervisor or Safety Liaison. Disposition of Solvents and Other Chemical Wastes Normally, solvents and other chemical wastes will be treated as hazardous waste and segregated from other wastes. A satellite accumulation area is available nearby for any chemical waste no longer needed by the shop. Please consult with the Shop Supervisor or Safety Liaison if you have any of these wastes. 12/05/2011