Proposed Curriculum for

Combined Residency Neurology/Psychiatry
Length of Training: 6 years
8 mo Internal Medicine: MICU, Cardiology, 3 mo of General Medicine Wards, 1 mo Outpatient
Medicine, 1 mo ER, 1/2 mo Rheumatology , 1/2 mo Infectious Disease
1 mo Neurosurgical ICU (Neurology call)
1 mo Stroke Inpatient (Neurology call)
1 mo Inpatient Psychiatry (VA) (Neurology call only)
1 mo Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (No call)
PGY-2: (1/2 day per week Neurology Continuity Clinic)
3 mo VA Inpatient Neurology
1 mo MUSC Inpatient Neurology
2 mo MUSC Inpatient Stroke Inpatient
2 mo MUSC Pediatric Neurology (Consults and Clinic)
1 mo Neuro-Radiology
1 mo EEG Service
2 mo Neurology Consults
PGY-3 (1/2 day per week Neurology (1 year) & Psychiatry (6 mo) Clinic)
Psychiatry Inpatient (7 of 9 of required months)
- 1 mo Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry
- 1 mo Inpatient Dual Diagnosis Psychiatry
- 2 mo Inpatient Adult Psychiatry
- 2 mo Inpatient High Acuity Adult Psychiatry
- 1 mo Inpatient VA Psychiatry
Psychiatry Outpatient/Emergency Psychiatry/Consults (5 mo)
- 2 months of Emergency Psychiatry – Night shifts
- 1 mo Brain Stimulation (ECT, VNS, TMS) – outpt/consults
- 2 mo Psychiatry Consults (CL)
Regular Track Continued…
PGY-4 (1/2 day per week Neuro (6 mo) & Psych (6 mo) Continuity Clinic)
2 mo Inpatient VA Neurology
1 mo Pediatrics Neurology (Consults and Clinic)
2 mo Inpatient MUH Neurology
1 mo Neurosurgical ICU
6 months of Neuro Clinic Outpatient:
(Movement Disorders, Epilepsy, Neuro-Optho/Headache, Neuromuscular, Neuro-Onc, MS)
PGY-5 (1/2 day per week Psych Continuity Clinic)
Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic (Biopsychosocial Approach – Medications, Therapy)
- Needs to include: ½ day per week Child Clinic (1 month FTE)
- Needs to include exposure to various therapies, chronic mentally ill
Electives for 12 months
Minimum of 4 Psychiatry Electives with Above Proposed Curriculum to equal 30 months
Minimum of 4 Neurology Electives with Above Proposed Curriculum to equal 30 months
Research encouraged but not required
Length of Training: 6 years
8 mo medicine to include: MICU, cardiology, 3 months of general medicine wards, 1 outpatient
medicine month, 1/2 month rheumatology , 1/2 month infectious disease
1 mo NSICU (required for neuro intern year, you have to do this to be able to be on call)
1 mo Stroke Inpatient (required for neuro intern year to be on call)
1 mo VA Psych – Inpt (Counts toward inpt 9 months)
1 mo Adolescent Psych – Inpt (Counts toward inpt 9 months) *
PGY-2: (1/2 day per week Neuro Continuity Clinic)
3 mo VA Neurology Inpatient
2 mo MUSC Stroke Inpatient
2 mo MUSC Pediatric Neurology (Consults and Clinic)
1 mo Neuro-Radiology
1 mo EEG (essential be able to function on call as an upper level)
2 mo Neuro Consults (essential be able to function on call as an upper level)
1 MUSC Neurology Inpatient
PGY-3 (6 months ½ day per week Neuro Continuity Clinic)
1 mo Geriatric Psychiatry Inpatient
1 mo Dual Diagnosis Psychiatry Inpatient
2 mo Adult Psychiatry 3 north Inpatient
1 mo Adult Psychiatry 1 north Inpatient
1 mo Adolescent Psychiatry 2 north Inpatient
1 mo VA Psychiatry Inpatient
1 mo Brain Stimulation (ECT, VNS, TMS) – outpt/consults OR Basics of Research month
2 mo Psychiatry Consults (CL)
2 months of night float
DART RESEARCH Track Continued…
PGY-4 (1/2 day per week Neuro Continuity Clinic)
2 mo VA Neuro Inpatient (really need this as well to get enough exposure)
1 mo Pediatrics Neurology (Consults and Clinic)
2 mo MUH Inpatient Neurology
1 mo NSICU (essential be able to function well on call as an upper level)
6 months of Neuro Clinic Outpatient (required by the board and had to drop other inpatient
months to fulfill this requirement)
PGY-5 (1/2 day per week Child Psych Clinic)
½ Time Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic
Needs to include: ½ day per week Child Clinic (1 month FTE)
Need to have exposure to various therapies, chronic mentally ill
½ Time Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic