
Systematic Mineralogy
Relative abundance of different minerals in the earth’s crust (Fig. 1)
Crystal chemistry of different silicates
Coordination numbers of the different cations (Table 1)
Silicate Groups
I- Tectosilicates
Reading: pages 475 - 490
1) SiO2 minerals
There are 9 different polymorphs of SiO2 (Table 2; Fig. 2).
Transitions from one polymorph to another: reconstructive vs. displacive
Tridymite: Orthorhombic, +, 2V = 35°, n<b. Occurs as a secondary mineral in
volcanic rocks.
Cristobalite: Pseudoisometric. n < b, moderate relief. Occurs as a secondary?
mineral in volcanic rocks (particularly in spherulites).
Coesite: Monoclinic, +, 2V = 54°, characteristic of ultrahigh pressure terranes.
Stishovite: Tertragonal, forms in impact craters.
Varieties of Quartz:
 Chalcedony: microcrystalline and fibrous. Secondary mineral in igneous rocks;
also in sedimentary rocks. Principal constituent of chert.
 Jasper: microcrystalline quartz with interstitial hematite. Red in color.
Sedimentary environments.
 Agate: Banded chalcedony
2) Feldspars
Compositions and the ternary system: Ab – Or – An (Fig. 3)
Plagioclase feldspar series:
 albite (0 – 10% An), oligoclase (10 – 30% An), andesine (30 – 50% An),
labradorite (50 – 70% An), bytownite (70 – 90% An), anorthite (90 – 100% An).
 Common properties: Colorless in thin section, triclinic, weak birefringence, low
relief, polysynthetic twinning, 2 directions of cleavage at 83 - 90°, variable
extinction angles, and 2V.
 Optical orientations (Fig. 4).
 Zoning
 Estimating the An content of the Plagioclase:
a) Michél Lévy method (Fig. 5):
Precautions: (i) maximum extinction angles used; (ii) differences between the
2 angles < 4°; (iii) all lamellae should show the same interference color; (iv) if
extinction angle measured is < 18°, use optic sign, 2V, or refractive indeces to
tell the An%; (v) need to carry out on at least 6 grains
Schuster method (Fig. 6): extinction angles measured against cleavage.
Using the Carlsbad + Polysynthetic twins (Fig. 7). Will work with one
measurement only; 2 extinction angles should not differ by more than 15°;
may need to be used in conjunction with the Michél Lévy method.
Relief and refractive indeces (Fig. 8)
2V and optic sign (Fig. 9).
Alkali Feldspars
 Ab – Or solid solution: limited (Figs. 10 & 11).
 Perthite and antiperthite
 Thermal stability of the different species (Fig. 12).
 Common properties:
Monoclinic or triclinic, colorless, low relief, n < b, 2 cleavages (83 – 90°); weak
birefringence; extinction angles are generally small; twinning is very common; 2V
variable, useful for telling the different species apart; optic sign: Albite is positive, all
others are negative!
Optic orientations (Fig. 13).
Twinning: (Fig. 14).
Orthoclase: KalSi3O8
Most common variety in igneous plutonic and metamorphic rocks. Simple twinning is
common. Extinction angle: 5 – 12°, 2V = 69 – 72°.
Microcline: KalSi3O8
Common in plutonic rocks that cooled slowly. Cross-hatched twinning (combination of
albite & pericline). 2V is large (84°). Extinction angle: 5° with cleavage.
Anorthoclase: (K,Na)AlSi3O8
Rare, seen in Na – rich igneous rocks (volcanics as well as plutonics), extinction angle: 1
– 10°, 2V = 43 – 54°.
Sanidine: (K,Na)AlSi3O8
Common in volcanic rocks (rhyolites). Small extinction angle (5 – 15°), very small 2V.
Unlike orthoclase, crystals tend to be clear!
A variety of orthoclase that occurs in veins!
3) Feldspathoids
Common properties:
Isotropic to weak birefringence, low relief, usually colorless in thin section, but a few
species of the sodalite group are either blue or brown. They all occur in silica deficient
rocks, and therefore are never in equilibrium with quartz.
Leucite: KalSi2O6
Low to moderate relief, n < b, pseudoisometric and therefore pseudoisotropic,
multidirectional polysynthetic twinning is very common for coarse crystals, present in
SiO2 deficient volcanic rocks only.
Nepheline: NaAlSiO4
Hexagonal, uniaxial negative, low relief, n < b, lengthfast.
Sodalite: 3NaAlSiO4. NaCl
Isotropic, low to moderate relief, colorless.
Hauyne: 3NaAlSiO4. CaSO4
Blue in thin section, isotropic, low to moderate relief.
Nosean: 6NaAlSiO4. Na2SO4
Brown in thin section, isotropic, low to moderate relief.
4) Scapolite Group minerals
Two end-members: Marialite (3(NaAlSi3O8).NaCl) - Meionite
Tetragonal, Uniaxial negative, moderate to high relief, n > b, colorless in thin
section, yellowish, grayish, or bluish in hand specimen, strong birefringence, 2
directions of cleavage (90°). Indeces of refraction and birefringence increase with
the increase in Meionite end-member.
Common mineral in contact metamorphic aureoles, skarns, and other
metamorphosed calcareous and psammitic sediments. Associated with diopside,
actinolite, garnet, and calcite.
5) Analcime and the Zeolite group minerals
Zeolites are hydrated aluminum silicates of alkali and alkaline earth elements.
They are characterized by open structures with large tubular channels where the
H2O (bonded primarily through H-bonds) and some of the cations reside (Fig. 15).
Different species have different sized channels.
H2O is easily driven off by heating (mostly at T < 350°C). Dehydrated samples
can be easily rehydrated when in contact with water.
Characterized by a large exchange capacity.
Shapes and habits: either fibrous, platy, or equidimensional.
General optical properties (Table 3): low indeces of refraction (n < b), very
weak birefringence (or isotropic).
Composition of different species and Physical properties: Table 4.
Paragenesis: Low temperature environments in (a) basic volcanic rocks filling
amygdules; (b) deep sea sediments, (c) products of diagenesis to burial
metamorphism, (d) hydrothermal alteration of basic to intermediate tuffs (e)
analcime has a higher T stability limit than zeolites, and can also occur as a
primary igneous phase in subsilicic plutonic rocks (e.g. alkali syenites).
Uses: (a) molecular sieves, (b) exchange columns, (c) desiccants, (d) water