CORBY BOROUGH COUNCIL CEMETERIES REGULATIONS 1. These Regulations are made under the provisions of Article 3 of the Local Authorities Cemeteries Order 1977 for the proper management 2. The Regulations replace previous ones published by Corby Borough Council and take effect from 5th November 1997. Interpretation 3. Unless otherwise stated the following words and expressions shall mean:a) “The Council” – Corby Borough Council. b) “Cemetery” – any of the cemeteries now or in the future provided by the Council. c) “Grave” – a burial place formed in the ground by excavation not having an internal wall of brick or stone or any artificial lining. d) “Vault” – includes an underground burial place of every description except graves as defined above. e) “Council Representative” – the person for the time being present at the Cemetery and employed by the Council to undertake duties at the Cemetery, under the control of the Head of Service, Street Scene, Environment and Technical or his contractor. f) “Memorial” – any monument, tomb, gravestone, tablet, flat stone, headstone, coping stone, kerb or border stone, rail, chain, palisade, vase or other memorial; and includes any inscription placed thereon. Notice of Interment (Burial) 4. Notice for interment or burial shall be given on the special form provided (the Notice of Interment) to the Council’s Head of Finance or his appointed representative. 5. The Notice of Interment is accepted only during office hours being between 9.00am and 4.30pm on weekdays and 9.00am and 12 noon on Saturdays. The Council accept responsibility for any delay in notices sent by post. 6. i) Notice of Interment must be given at least two clear days in advance of the day proposed for burial together with all fees and charges incurred; ii) the Council reserves the right to determine the time and date of the burial, the allocation of space for the grave and the depth to which the grave will be dug. 7. The grave may be dug only by a grave digger employed or authorised by the Council. 8. Before the burial can proceed, the Registrar’s Certificate for Disposal (Form 9) or, when an Inquest has been held, the Coroner’s Order must be given to the Council. This may be on the day of burial via the Council’s representative. 9. If mourners wish to have a burial service, they must make their own arrangements. The name and address of any minister or other officiating person should be given to the Council on the Notice of Interment. D:\116102110.doc 10. The deceased must be buried in a coffin made of wood or some other biodegradable material. 11. Cremated remains shall be interred only in an urn of a type approved by the Council. 12. Only Council Officers or people authorised by the Council may subsequently disturb the earth or turf above any grave. 13. Any memorial must comply with the regulations listed under the separate headings below as appropriate. Exclusive Rights of Burial (Private Graves) 14. The Council may grant Exclusive Rights of Burial in any grave space, on payment of the appropriate charge and in accordance with any conditions as the Council may apply. 15. Exclusive Rights of Burial can be assigned or passed on to another person on the production of the Burial Deed or other appropriate evidence from the person owing those rights. 16. On request by the Council, the holder of the exclusive right of burial shall produce proof of ownership (Burial Deeds) at any time. Vaults 17. The construction of a vault must be done by arrangement with the Council, shall be constructed so as to be open at the top and not less than 18 inches (460mm) of earth shall be placed between the top of the vault and ground level. 18. The cost of excavation and building of the vault and the removal of waste and surplus materials together with making good, must be borne by the owner of the burial rights. Memorial 19. A memorial may only be erected with the consent of the Council and in accordance with the regulations and conditions applying to the Cemetery concerned. (Regulations 40 and 41). 20. An application to erect a memorial must be made in writing to the Council, signed by the grave owner and the memorial mason (if applicable), together with a detailed drawing, showing dimensions and the proposed inscription. 21. Each vase integral to plinths and/or foundation stones will be considered as a separate item and will be charged for separately. A permit to allow the erection of a memorial will be issued by the Council upon payment of the appropriate fee. 22. At least 24 hours notice of intention to erect or fix a memorial must be given to the Council and, on arrival at the Cemetery, the appropriate permit must be produced on request of the Council’s representative. 23. Memorials may be fixed or erected on any working day during normal working hours (8.00am – 4.00pm) excepting Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. 24. The whole of the memorial must be of the best natural material such as granite or hardwood. Other than bronze, no metal will be permitted. Soft stone, fireclay, composite materials and softwoods will not be allowed. D:\116102110.doc 25. All memorials, when completed shall be the sole responsibility of the owner at all times, with no liability to the Council. The Council shall not be responsible for any damage to memorials. 26. The upkeep and good repair of the memorial shall be the responsibility of the owner and will be undertaken at the owner’s expense. 27. If a memorial is considered by the Council to be in disrepair, it will give reasonable notice to the owner, not being less than 28 days to have the necessary repairs done. In cases where the disrepair presents a risk to public safety then steps will be taken to remove the danger without any prior notice being given, all reasonable efforts will then be made to notify the owner/responsible person what action has been taken. 28. In the event that an owner cannot, after reasonable enquiries, be traced the Council may:a) display a notice in a conspicuous position in the Cemetery; b) publish the notice on two successive weeks in one or more local newspapers, such notice having the same effect as if it were given to the owner on the date of first publication. 29. If repairs are not done in a reasonable time, the Council may take possession of the memorial and remove it to a place of safe keeping. 30. No memorial or part of a memorial, once installed may be removed from the Cemetery except with the express approval of the Council. (Provision exists for the removal of memorials for the purpose of routine maintenance, additional inscriptions etc. A permit must be applied for in such circumstances together with the appropriate fee). 31. All work done in erecting or removing a memorial must be under the direction of the Council. Vehicles or barrows must be of a type approved by the Council and must not remain in the Cemetery longer than necessary. 32. No hewing or dressing of stone will be permitted within the Cemetery. 33. All rubbish, stone or other surplus or waste materials must be removed forthwith by the person carrying out the work. 34. Any damage caused during such work must be made good as soon as reasonably possible, to the satisfaction of the Council. 35. All works undertaken within the Cemetery shall have regard to the nature of the site and be undertaken with decorum. Work will cease during burials or other ceremonies where appropriate. Inscriptions 36. Inscriptions on memorials must be approved by the Council. A permit will be issued on receipt of the appropriate fee. 37. Each memorial must have the section and number of the grave space cut plainly in letters and numerals 1 inch (25mm) high on the side edge of the memorial, so as to be visible for purposes of plot identification at the expense of the person erecting the memorial. 38. The memorial firm supplying or erecting the memorial may, with the owner’s consent, carve an appropriate inscription on the rear or edge of the memorial, or attach a plate of a size not exceeding 1 inch (25mm) by 2 inches (50mm) D:\116102110.doc on the rear or edge of the memorial in a discrete position near the base of the memorial. 39. Where an unsatisfactory inscription has been cut, or cut without prior approval, the grave owner may be required to have it removed and the memorial made good at his/her own expense. Special Conditions 40. 41. Rockingham Road Cemetery i) Unless the exclusive right of burial has been purchased, the only permitted memorial will be a vase no higher than 18 inches (460mm). ii) In the case of an urn plot, the only permitted memorial will be a vase no higher than 9 inches (230mm). iii) Vases must be placed no more than 3ft 3 ins (1000mm) from the head of the grave. iv) In the case of a private grave, no headstone should extend higher than 4ft 3 ins (1300mm) above the normal level of the surrounding ground, nor be wider than 3ft 3 ins (1000mm) or thicker than 12 ins (305mm). v) Whether or not an exclusive right of burial has been granted, no horizontal memorial may be placed on the grave beyond the lines identified on the plans of the burial ground as the “limit of horizontal monuments”. vi) No trees, shrubs, plants or flowers more than 3ft 3 ins (1000mm) tall may be planted, placed or grown on any grave or vault, and the Council reserves the right to cut, lop or remove such plants as necessary. Shire Lodge Cemetery The Shire Lodge Cemetery shall be managed according to the following regulations:i) Other than headstones, crosses and vases etc referred to in these Regulations, no other memorials are permitted on the graves. ii) It shall be permissible for a grave to be edged by means of fencing, coping, kerbing or railings so long as the maximum height of such structure does not exceed 6 inches above ground level and the external length and breadth does not exceed the plot size. iii) It will not be permissible to lay flat stones over graves. iv) The area of the plot/grave can be personalised by means of planting directly into the ground or by means of plants grown in pots where the pot is no more than 6 inches high above ground level. v) Where a grave is edged by a solid kerb etc it will be permissible to cover the plot with stone chippings or brown, dark green or white in colour. This type of covering is not allowed where chippings are not completely contained e.g. by open railings. vi) Memorial vases etc as already allowed for within the rules and regulations may be used on the grave surface. D:\116102110.doc vii) No plants used to personalise a grave shall be allowed to grow in excess of 24 inches in height from ground level. viii) No artificial flowers, wreaths etc shall be allowed to permanently remain on a grave as only natural planting is allowed to personalise a grave. ix) The level of any grave surface shall not be built up so as to raise it above the normal ground level around it. x) Memorials erected in the cemetery must be erected vertically, in line with the headstones of adjoining graves, in a position at the head of the grave as prescribed by the Council. Headstones or crosses must not exceed the following dimensions:a) 30 inches in height (760mm) b) 24 inches in width (610mm) c) 4 inches thick (75mm) d) 33 inches (840mm) above the height of adjoining ground (where a mounting plinth is used) base stones (maximum):e) 36 inches wide (915mm) f) 18 inches in depth (460mm) g) 4 inches in height (100mm) plinths (maximum) h) 33 inches wide (915mm) i) 15 inches in depth (380mm) j) 3 inches above ground (75mm) (Isometric diagrams showing sizes are available on request) xi) A vase of natural stone or granite or enamelled metal only may be placed directly in front of the headstone, provided it is set in a stone or precast concrete block, recessed to receive the base of the vase. The following dimensions must not be exceeded:Base Slab: a) 12 inches wide (300mm) b) 12 in depth (300mm) c) 4 inches in height (100mm) Vase: d) 8 inches in height (200mm) e) 10 inches in width (250mm) f) 10 inches in depth (250mm) g) 10 inches in diameter (250mm) OR The top of the base slab shall be flush with the adjoining ground. (Isometric diagrams indicating sizes are available on request). D:\116102110.doc xii) no grave or vault will be raised by turfing, or any other way, above the level of the ground adjoining. xiii) As soon as convenient after a burial the Council will level the whole area of the grave and seed or turf the plot where it has not been personalised. xiv) The Council will maintain the whole of the grassed are and will plant and maintain, as appropriate, trees, shrubs and plants. The Council may remove any plants, shrubs, wreaths, jars, vases or any other objects placed on graves not in accordance with these regulations. Good Conduct and Management 42. Where a grave is personalised it is the individual’s responsibility to properly maintain it, including the cutting of grass and weeding within any edging and immediately around the outside of the edging to every boundary, to the edge of adjoining graves where such boundary exists. 43. Where, in the Council’s opinion, a personalised grave is not maintained then a “responsible person” will be given notice to remedy the situation within 28 days, in the event that a responsible person cannot be contacted a discreet notice will be placed on the grave asking that works be undertaken within 28 days of the dat5e of that notice. In the event of no action being taken the Council will act to maintain the grave in the most cost effective manner, which will usually be returning it to a grassed condition, removing all items of personalisation. No attempt will be made to keep any plants alive that are removed and such will be disposed of immediately, any memorials, edgings etc removed will be kept for a further period of 28 days prior to disposal at the Council’s discretion. 44. No animals will be allowed in the Cemetery. 45. Children under 14 years of age shall be admitted only if accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for their good behaviour. 46. Hearses and funeral corteges on entering the Cemetery must keep to the metalled roadways only. 47. Responsibility for any injury or damage caused in the Cemetery as a result of work done in constructing a vault or erecting, repairing, altering or removing any memorial will be borne by the person carrying out the work or on whose behalf the work is done. 48. No motor vehicles or cycles are allowed (with the exception of invalid carriages, wheelchairs, hearses and vehicles comprising a cortege) access to the Cemetery, other than to and from the designated parking area. 49. Flowers, potted plants, wreaths etc will be allowed to remain on a grave for up to four weeks after a funeral. If after that time there has been no obvious sign of personalisation of a grave then such items will be removed by the Council. Therefore, anything to be kept for sentimental or financial reasons should be reclaimed from the grave within four weeks of a funeral. 50. Wreaths etc placed on graves at Christmas time will be left until the end of the following January with the same conditions regarding removal applying as in the above item. Opening Hours 51. Cemeteries are open to the public every day from 8.00am and close at the following times: D:\116102110.doc December – January 4.00pm February 4.30pm March 5.30pm April 6.30pm May 8.00pm June – August 8.30pm September 7.30pm October 6.00pm November 4.30pm Fees 52. A table of fees for interment, exclusive right of burial, placing of a memorial etc is available for inspection at the Council Offices, Deene House, New Post Office Square, Corby on weekdays between 10.00am and 4.00pm. Variation 53. The Council reserves the right to vary, alter or revoke any of the foregoing regulations at any time. Contact Officer The Council’s Officer responsible for Cemeteries is the Head of Service, Street Scene, Environment and Technical. He can be contacted at Deene House, New Post Office Square, Corby, Northants Telephone (01536) 464052. D:\116102110.doc