Parkland College Archives INVENTORY/CONTAINER LIST COLLECTION/RECORD GROUP: 15 Litigations and Grievances File SUB-GROUP: -SERIES: 1 Faculty and Staff Grievances DATES (Inclusive): DESCRIPTION & ARRANGEMENT: Any requests for this information must come from or be approved by the President’s office. BOX/FOLDER DESCRIPTION & ARRANGEMENT 3/1 Contents of file dated 9/87-6/88. Allegations and correspondence pertaining to the McGrain and Huff vs. Parkland case. 3/2 Contents of file dated 7/88-1/89. File includes Allegations and basis for the McGrain and Huff vs. Parkland case. 3/3 Contents of file dated 2/82-7/89. File includes copies of the Parkland College Nursing Program agreement, copies of the Appellate Briefs and correspondence all pertaining to the McGrain and Huff vs. Parkland case. 3/4 “Faculty Grievance” Discrimination Complaint by Nkereuwem Matthew; Respondents: Ann Burke and Parkland College. Dated 6/30/89. 3/5 Contents of file dated 5/20/87 . Includes Board of Trustees’ Meeting Information 3/6 Contents of File dated 7/5/88-12/22/88. Includes correspondence pertaining to the Barbara Wilson grievance. 3/7 Contents of file dated 1/10/89-9/14/89. Includes correspondence pertaining to the Barbara Wilson grievance, newspaper article, summons and complaint (July 19, 89) minutes of a special meeting of the Board of Trustees (Aug. 10, 1989) Parkland College Personnel Report (Aug. 23, 1989) Answers to Plaintiff’s Complaint. 3/8 Contents of file dated March 23, 1990-December 20, 1990. Includes correspondence pertaining to the Barbara Wilson grievance, Confidential Memo, Board policies (Parkland College), Request for Production. 3/9 Contents of file dated 1/3/91-5/7/91. Includes correspondence pertaining to the Barbara Wilson grievance, Board of Trustees’ Meeting information (Feb. 15, 91) Memos pertaining to Barbara Wilson, Settlement Agreement 3/10 Contents of file dated November 2, 1992-April 15, 1992. Includes correspondence pertaining to the grievance filed by Vic Cox against Fay Rouseff-Baker, reports from the committee chair, professional Affairs Committee, and the PCA Executive Council. 3/11 Contents of file date Aug. 10, 1981-DEC 16, 1982. Robert Baker vs. Parkland College. Various memos from insurance companies and memos stating correspondence about a lawsuit case that was ordered dismissed. 3/12 Contents of file dated Dec. 21, 1987-July 5, 1989. McGrain & Huff vs. Parkland College. Various memos from insurance companies and law offices concerning the case. 3/13 Contents of file dated Feb. 9, 1989-March 17, 1989 Cecil McCarron vs. Parkland College. Various memos concerning outstanding checks to Cecil McCarron. SENSITIVE 15sg--s1b3