The 11th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, August 31 to September 2, 2008, Reykjavik, ICELAND METHODOLOGY AND STRUCTURE OF COMPUTATIONAL MODEL TO ESTIMATE ECONOMICAL AND TECHNICAL PROFITABILITY OF SMALL SCALE COMBINED HEAT AND POWER PLANTS E. Latõšov1 A. Siirde1 1 Department of Thermal Engineering Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, ESTONIA ABSTRACT This paper presents a methodology for creation of a computer program to estimate the applicability of combined heat and power plants (CHP) based on renewable bio fuels, recognizing the high primary energy efficiency and low CO2 emission from such plants. In this paper, the main initial data classes and interaction between them as well as economical calculation methods and requirements to modeling principles are discussed. INTRODUCTION This paper is draws on ongoing PhD thesis ‘Analysis on the technical and economical consequences by CHP systems based on renewable energy in new areas with lowered useful heat demand or after energy conservation measures in areas with older buildings’ within the NER’s partly financed project ‘Primary Energy Efficiency’ which contribute to the effort of enhancing the primary energy efficiency PEE and reducing CO2 emissions in the energy sector. The paper considers the model structure, and main model related subjects for a creation of computational program to estimate economical and technical profitability to build a combined heat and power plant based on renewable fuels in Nordic/Baltic Sea Region countries taking into account the local conditions. The paper is structured as follows. After an overview of the methodology and methodology related subjects, the paper will provide an overview of the model main components and their distinctive features in view of composition and usage of the model. The last section will provide an overview of data collecting and interpretation techniques, which will help to estimate the initial data for the program databases and single case calculations. METHODS The calculations are based on a range of initial data classes: local climate data (temperature duration data), local energy prices and forecasts, local indexes and forecasts, consumer heat consumption and forecast, consumer electricity consumption, duration and forecasts, project initial finance data. CHP technologies related data load These data are then used in the main calculations to generate payback times, internal rate of return and other measures for evaluating investments. Data types and interactions between them are given in Appendix B as concept visual structure of a planed computer program. Evaluation of the economical and technical profitability of chosen small scale CHP concept is a complex of optimization processes with aim to achieve an optimum between CHP electrical capacity (technical component) and one of the measures for capital budgeting (economical component). Program has to take into account both electricity based and heat led operation strategies for further calculations. Proposed model is based on assumption that electrical capacity is main technical component and all the other technology related and economical figures are basically in correlation with it. This approach seems approved, because handbooks and studies mainly represent values of CHP typical figures in the same way. Heat load, MW P48 P7 3,5 P36 2,5 P5 P24 1,5 P3 P12 0,5 P1 00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Hours Figure 1 – Typical district heating area heat load duration curve Primary Energy Efficiency (PEE) is a PhD project in Nordic Energy Research The 11th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, August 31 to September 2, 2008, Reykjavik, ICELAND Considering heat led operating strategy, theoretically it is possible to choose CHP nominal heat load capacity, which is evaluating thought the nominal electrical capacity, within the range shown in Fig. 1. Increasing of nominal electrical capacity will have effect on the other CHP technical, economical and operational data. At once it will have an influence on cash flow formation, which is a basis for calculating of NPV, IRR and other measures for evaluating investments (Table 1). Table 1 - Heat led operation strategy; change of calculation components value and its effect on cash flow in case of CHP capacity increase Calculation components Component Effect on cash flow value Fixed O&M costs Variable O&M costs Specific investment costs Heat production Electricity production Fuel costs Technologies for smaller CHP applications are more expensive (specific price) and less efficient than larger CHP, while usage of large scale CHP units is restricted to heat load availability (income from heat and electricity production). The summarized effect of CHP scale factor on project cash flow may be both positive and negative. In Fig. 2 can be seen a theoretically proposed IRR and NPV values of CHP project, where IRR and NPV levels are in accordance to CHP nominal heat production, which is equal to district heating area heat loads shown in Fig. 1. The shape of above shown IRR and NPV curves depends on all the initial data used for calculations and it may vary significantly. In current example P2 capacity is the most attractive for investor for getting maximum IRR. At the same time maximum NPV is achieved at P5 capacity, but the investor risks are higher. In addition to economical indices during planning of heat supply system based on biofueled CHP some other aspects has to be considered. And of them is a PEE and CO2 emission reduction. Enhancing PEE by expanding the market for district heating based on energy production by CHP has a great potential since a great part of the electricity in the EU is still produced from fossil fuels in condensing power plants. In Fig. 3 can be seen a typical plots of total annual electrical efficiency and PEE potential in accordance to CHP nominal heat productions (equal to district heating area heat loads shown in Fig. 1). Shape of proposed PEE curve is closed to CO 2 saving curve. In this example PEE is calculated as ratio between energy of primary fuel consumed for useful energy production (heat and electricity) in the district heating area and energy of primary fuel used for generating the same amount of heat in the boiler house and electricity in the condensing power plants separately. 0,88 EFF PEE8 0,77 EFF PEE7 0,6 EFF 6 PEE6 0,5 EFF5 PEE5 0,4 EFF 4 PEE4 0,33 EFF PEE3 0,58 IRR NPV8 0,22 EFF PEE2 0,4 IRR NPV7 0,11 EFF PEE1 0,3 IRR 6 NPV6 0,2 IRR 5 NPV5 0,1 IRR 4 NPV4 IRR03 NPV3 7 -0,1 IRR 2 00 1000 P 1 2000 P 2 3000 P 3 4000 P 45000 P 56000 P 6 7000 P 7 8000 P8 Heat load, MW -0,2 NPV2 NPV1 IRR1 -0,3 - NPV - IRR Figure 2 – IRR and NPV curves according to CHP nominal heat capacity 00 0 1000 P 12000 P 23000 P 34000 P 45000 P 56000 P 6 7000 P 7 8000 P8 Heat load, MW - PEE, primary energy efficiency - EFF, annual electrical efficiancy Figure 3 – Annual electrical efficiency and PEE potential (CO2 saving) curves according to CHP nominal heat capacity Fig. 3 indicates that annual electrical efficiency is poor for small CHP nominal capacities and increases up to some optimum level whereupon it begins to diminish, but then PEE factor may still grow up. Primary Energy Efficiency (PEE) is a PhD project in Nordic Energy Research The 11th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, August 31 to September 2, 2008, Reykjavik, ICELAND Taking into account stated above descriptions of the optimum levels between CHP electrical capacity and other figures it is important to mention, that: Since the biomass CHP units are relatively expensive, before making the investment decision the CHP is mainly selected in such a way that its annual utilisation time and working time at nominal load would be possibly long. This approach is the most commonly used for selecting of CHP capacity and the most rational choice for private entrepreneurs, which guaranty higher rate of return. Since the expansion of CHP is limited by the demand for the useful heat it is important to consider for each district heating area maximum PEE and CO2 reduction potential. Mostly it is possible to achieved higher PEE at higher CHP capacities. TECHNOLOGIES UNDER CONSIDERATION There are numerous CHP technologies that can be theoretically used for small scale CHP systems (Fig. 4). Figure 4 – Typical district heating area heat load duration curve Market Demonstration plant Pilot plant Laboratory testing CHP technologies Steam turbine Steam engine ORC process Stirling engine Gas engine (gasification, pyrolysis) Gas turbine (gasification, pyrolisis) Fuel cell (gasification) In this program it is important to consider first of all market ready solutions, such as steam turbine, steam engine and ORC technology. It is reasonable to start preparation of databases for technologies which are close to reach market level, as an example gas engine technology based on gasification or pyrolysis of solid biofuels. Each technology should be determined in model by: capital cost, operating cost per kWh electric produced, fixed operating and maintenance costs of technology (€/kW), overall efficiency, nominal electrical efficiency, electrical efficiency decrease working on partial load. ECONOMICAL CALCULATIONS The revenues of a CHP company are generated from the heat and electricity sales and they must cover the costs of the company completely. The costs include: fuel cost; capital costs (investments made, repayment of loans and interests); variable and fixed operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. For calculating the capital cost, the interest rate, length and terms of repayment and the plant lifetime have to be also considered. The source of financing is not important at the investment appraisal, i.e., from the point of view of project appraisal, it is not important whether the project is financed from the owner’s equity or by a bank loan. The bio CHP investment cost can be input either as a constant or a function of the electrical capacity of the CHP. In small scale CHP plants interdependence between electrical capacity and specific investment cost is considerable. While planning future investments the most complicated item is forecasting the price changes, because the reimbursement of planned investments depends highly on the fuel prices at the repayment period. The prices on fossil fuels are mainly developed in the international fuel market and for the biofuels also, the international trade is increasingly influencing their prices. The fuel prices are more and more influenced by environmental taxes, but it concerns mainly fossil fuels and improves the competitiveness of biofuels. For the evaluation of the economic feasibility of investments it is useful to consider the O&M costs separately as fixed and variable costs. The fixed costs include costs that do not depend on the heat output, and are approximately proportional to the plant nominal value. The fixed O&M costs include, for example the salaries of employees. Since the heat loss in DH pipelines does not depend on the amount of supplied heat, the heat loss in pipelines can also be considered as the fixed costs. The profit can be understood and treated differently – in many countries the profit is a financial source used for investments, technology upgrading, mitigation of environmental impact and improvement of labor conditions. The owner’s profit from the power company’s activities, i.e., dividends from the shares, may be either allowed or prohibited. In some countries (e.g., in Denmark) the DH companies are usually owned by local authorities and earning the profit for owner is forbidden. In other countries most of DH companies are privately owned and the owners’ interest in earning reasonable profit provides better management. Primary Energy Efficiency (PEE) is a PhD project in Nordic Energy Research The 11th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, August 31 to September 2, 2008, Reykjavik, ICELAND HEAT LOAD SIMULATION AND CLIMATE DATA For the heat load simulation heat demand data and climate data is necessary. An important part of simulating CHP plants is the integration of the temperature duration data to the heat load duration data simulation. In order to provide a realistic picture of temperature duration the trustworthy and up to date source of datasets should be used. One of the sources is data from European Climate Assessment & Dataset project, where part of the dataset is freely available for non-commercial research. The heat demand can be established in several ways. Regarding consumers connected to the district heating (DH) system to which the heat has been supplied for many years already with their actual heat consumption being measured, the heat demand of previous years can be taken for the basis. It is recommended to use the data of the last three years at least. The data on a very long period is not expedient to use either, because in this case the heat supply could be significantly influenced (reduced, as a rule) due to the renovation/insulation work made in the building in the meantime. Thereby, the consumption for heating should be normalized with using the degree hours or degree days calculation methods. It must be underlined that when estimating the future demand based on the earlier consumption level, evident decrease of heat load in the future has certainly to be taken into account. The reason for the reduction can be additional thermal insulation of buildings, more flexible control of heat consumption, introduction of energy saving appliances and changes in the consumption habits, etc. The rising prices (both heat and water) and for example installation of water meters in each flat can also reduce consumption. In order to estimate the heat demand correctly, possible accession of new consumers must certainly be considered too. The respective information should be available in the detailed plans of the district, if these have been developed by local authorities. The situation is even better when a development plan of energy supply is available. For the consumers who are going to be connected to the DH system in the near future, the project documentation related to heat supply can be used for establishing the heat demand in case of a new building. When the new consumer is the one who has used the local heating before, the data on the earlier consumption can be used. For the consumers who are going to be connected to the system later, the demand could be estimated more simply based on the volume of buildings, number of inhabitants, etc. Above mentioned heat load simulation approach is appropriate for planning new district heating areas, and renewing old district heating systems, where no continuous measurements of heat production are executed. Moreover program has to leave opportunities to use continuously collected heat production data, which will more exactly define district heating area heat load and consumption. DATA COLLECTING AND INTERPRETATION Several techniques are available to help to estimate the cost and performance data in the project. Based on the project’s scope, the purpose of the estimate, and the availability of estimating resources, the estimator can choose one or a combination of techniques. Specific Analogy Technique Specific analogies depend upon the known cost of an item used in prior systems as the basis for the cost of a similar item in a new system. Adjustments are made to known costs to account for differences in relative complexities of performance, design, and operational characteristics. Parametric Technique Parametric estimating requires historical data bases on similar systems or subsystems. Data is derived from the historical information or is developed from building a model scenario. Statistical analysis is performed on the data to find correlations between cost drivers and other system parameters, such as design or performance parameters. The analysis produces cost equations or cost estimating relationships that can be used individually or grouped into more complex models. This technique is useful when the information available is not very detailed. A critical consideration in parametric cost estimating is the similarity of the systems in the underlying database, both to each other and to the system which is being estimated. A good parametric database must be timely and accurate, containing the latest available data reflecting technologies similar to that of the system of interest Expert Opinion Technique When other techniques or data are not available, this method may be used. Several specialists can be consulted repeatedly until a consensus value of parameter or functional dependence estimate is established. CONCLUSIONS The novelty of planed computer program is an orientation to small scale (under 5 MW el) distributed CHP units, based on existing district heating networks. This paper highlights the importance of initial data which is connected to local conditions of supposed CHP construction place. They are meteorological data, predicted heat demands and types of heat Primary Energy Efficiency (PEE) is a PhD project in Nordic Energy Research The 11th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, August 31 to September 2, 2008, Reykjavik, ICELAND consumers, local economical figures, CO2 emission permit prices, fuel prices, environmental fees, bio fuel prices and availability, electricity prices and taxes. Above mentioned trustworthy and up to date initial data is a strong basis for construction of heat load duration curves and economical calculations in cooperation with CHP technology related initial data. CHP technology-related initial data classes, which include CHP specific prices, electricity and heat efficiencies (also the partial load values), specify conditions for optimization and choice of the most cost-efficient and CHP technology and CHP plant capacity. Computer program have to calculate PEE and CO2 reduction potential at different CHP nominal capacities. This information may be important for CHP developer as well as for institutes for grant setting. Methodology related calculations and initial data handling shall be based on well known thermal engineering and economical principles. The accuracy of received results much depends on initial data values, which is especially important in small scale CHP plant calculation. NOMENCLATURE ………………… REFERENCES ………………… Primary Energy Efficiency (PEE) is a PhD project in Nordic Energy Research The 11th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, August 31 to September 2, 2008, Reykjavik, ICELAND APPENDICES Appendix.1. Concept visual structure of a planed computer program. Location Energy prices and forecasts CHP location DB: Electricity price, €/MWh DB: Heat price, €/MWh Consumer heat demand DB: Steam price, €/MWh Heat consumption for heating and ventilation, MWh DB: Electricity price forecasts, -/+ % year Domestic hot water consumption, MWh DB: Heat price forecasts, -/+ % year Steam consumption, MWh DB: Steam price forecasts, -/+ % year Heat transmision losses, MWh Indexes Heat components forecasts, -/+ % year DB: Inflation, % year Climate data Electricicy production DB: Temperature duration data Annual electricity production duration data Heat consumer annual heat load duration data Electricity production forecasts, -/+ % year Annual heat productions, MWh Annual electricity productions, MWh DB: CHP overall efficiency, % DB: Electrical efficiency drop working on partial load = f (actual electrical capacity), % DB: CHP minimum/maximum fuel load, % CHP DB: CHP nominal electrical efficiency = f (nominal electrical capacity), % Technology DB: CHP specific investment costs = f (nominal electrical capacity), % Nominal electrical capacity, MW DB: Fixed and variable O&M costs Fuel Price, €/MWh Specific CO2 emision, t/MWh PEE CO2 saving Time Begining of the project, date CHP start up, date Project duration, years Economical calculations Loan properties Cash flows, €/year Loan interest, % IRR, % Loan duration, years NPV, € Loan type Payback times, years Sources of Financing Sensitive analysis ... Equity, % of total funding Grant, % of total funding Loan, % of total funding Else Depreciation time, years SPECIFICATION - Initial data, input - Subsidiary intermediate data and calculation results - Output - Optimizing - Direction of components interaction DB: - Database availability Primary Energy Efficiency (PEE) is a PhD project in Nordic Energy Research The 11th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, August 31 to September 2, 2008, Reykjavik, ICELAND Primary Energy Efficiency (PEE) is a PhD project in Nordic Energy Research