Pages 1 and 2 of the SES New Member Application

College of Liberal Arts Student Eminent Society
2015 – 2016 Application and Instructions
What is the Student Eminent Society?
The College of Liberal Arts Student Eminent Society is a select group of Liberal Arts undergraduate
students that serve as the official ambassadors of the College of Liberal Arts. The Student Eminent
Society assists with events such as TALONS day, CLA Scholarship Banquet, Theater Opening
Nights, the Dean’s Advisory Council and much more. The Student Eminent Society is responsible
for assisting the development staff with football tailgates and other development events,
participating in programs involving Liberal Arts alumni and donors, and serving as a liaison
between undergraduate students and Liberal Arts alumni.
What are the benefits?
Significant leadership experience
Opportunity to develop professional and personal relationships with students, faculty,
community leaders, and alumni
Opportunity to develop and cultivate programs and initiatives for the College of Liberal Arts
and Auburn University
What are the Membership Requirements?
The Student Eminent Society meets every other Tuesday from 6:30-7:00 pm of each month during
spring and fall semesters. All meetings are mandatory. There is no application fee, but a one-time
$45 dues fee will apply for applicants selected for membership (in order to pay for name badges and
official SES apparel). Also, all members will be required to attend the annual membership
retreat to be held at a later date.
Who May Apply?
Membership in the Student Eminent Society is open to any undergraduate student enrolled in
the College of Liberal Arts who meets the following qualifications:
Must be enrolled through the end of Fall semester 2015
Must be in good academic standing with at least a 2.5 GPA (your GPA will be verified by
the CLA Dean’s Office)
Must have completed one full semester at Auburn University
Please see next page for application instructions.
Application Instructions
How do I Apply?
Applications will be available beginning Monday, March 9th in the College of Liberal Arts Student
Services Office in 321 Tichenor Hall and from the Student Eminent Society Website (visit, click on Students, then Organizations).
When completing the application, please type or print neatly in black or blue ink. Your
Student Identification Number is NOT your Social Security Number (your SIN is printed on
the face of your student ID). Your cumulative GPA will be verified by the College of
Liberal Arts Dean’s Office.
Please make sure that you answer all questions, including the questions requiring answers on
a separate page. Your completed application should consist of at least three pages–the two
pages of the application and the separate page of answers. Please paper clip the pages
together along with a current picture placed on top of your application.
Turn in your application to the Liberal Arts Student Services Office in 321 Tichenor Hall no
later than 2:00 pm on Friday, March 20th.
After turning in your application, you will receive an email to sign up for an interview time.
Interviews will be held Tuesday – Wednesday, March 31st – April 1st in the Dean’s
Conference Room, Tichenor 310.
The names of those applicants selected for membership will be posted in the Liberal Arts
Student Services Office, 321 Tichenor Hall by 2:00 pm on Friday, April 3rd.
If you have questions, contact Wesley Rhodes, SES New Member Coordinator, at
Application begins on the next page.
Attach current photo here
College of Liberal Arts Student Eminent Society
Application for Membership
Please type or print neatly, in black or blue ink.
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Local Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Apt #
Local Phone: (____)_____________________ Permanent Phone: (____)______________________
Class Year (Circle One): Freshman
Major: ______________________________ Anticipated Graduation Date:____________________
Auburn Email:
Birthdate (MO/DA/YEAR): ______/_______/________
Student Identification Number (NOT Your SSN): ________________________________________
Cumulative GPA: ____________ (Your GPA will be verified.)
How did you hear about the CLA Student Eminent Society? _______________________________
College of Liberal Arts Student Eminent Society
Application for Membership
Please type or print neatly in black or blue ink.
Current Campus Activities and Leadership Positions:
Non-Auburn Activities and Leadership Positions:
Please answer the following three questions on a separate page:
1. Why did you choose your particular Liberal Arts major?
2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
3. Why should you be selected as a Student Eminent Society member?
By signing this 2015 Student Eminent Society Application, I verify that I understand the application
process, meet the minimum qualifications for membership, and am willing to meet the requirements
for membership if I am selected. I also understand that my stated GPA will be verified by the Dean’s
Office of the College of Liberal Arts.
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Applications are due no later than 2:00 pm on Friday, March 20th in the
CLA Student Services Office, 321 Tichenor Hall.
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