Narrative Story Writing:

Narrative Story Writing:
Spooky Story/Fall Fiction
Directions: Write a Narrative Story (1st person) about a spooky/scary experience or a fun fall
story. Do not use excessive violence---a story can be scary without all the details. Be sure to
use lots of descriptions! Make us feel like we are there! *Please attach this paper to your story!
Cover: Create a cover for your story – include the title of your story, name, and period
Story: must be in the 1st person, 3 ½- 5 pages in length, final draft must be typed or written
neatly in black or blue pen. (I prefer typed…) 12 pt. font, Times Roman, Double Spaced.
Presentation: present your cover and title and read your story to the class
Staple and turn in your story is this order: rubric, cover, final draft, rough draft,
brainstorming page.
Grading Rubric:
Characters and
Includes strategies such
as dialogue, suspense,
and narrative action. All
of these are done
strengthening the story
rather than confusing the
Contains very few errors
in spelling, punctuation,
and capitalization. Mostly
all sentences are
complete with subject,
verb, and complete
thought so that reader
can clearly understand
the story.
Includes strategies such
as dialogue, suspense
and narrative action.
Most of the time these
are used correctly and
strengthen the story.
Tries to use strategies
but with limited
effectiveness (dialogue,
suspense and narrative
action.) Includes limited
sentence types and
Fails to use strategies
such as dialogue,
suspense and narrative
action. Does not include
different types of
sentences and limited
Contains some errors in
spelling, punctuation, and
capitalization. Some
sentences are not
complete. (There are
some fragments and runons) but they do not
interfere with the
reader’s understanding
of the story.
Has characters and a
setting with descriptions
that are mostly
described using the 5
senses. Reader can see
scenes in their mind.
Contains several errors
in spelling, punctuation,
and capitalization. There
are several run-on’s,
fragments, and
incomplete sentences.
Errors take up about half
or less of the story and
sometimes confuse the
Has characters and a
setting but author used
very few sensory
descriptions and in some
places, reader can’t get a
picture in their mind.
Contains serious errors
in spelling, punctuation,
and capitalization as well
as sentence structure
(run –on’s, fragments).
More than half of the
story contains errors and
these often confuse the
Has characters and a
setting that are named
and beautifully described
using descriptive
language (sights sounds,
tastes, smells, etc.) so
reader sees a picture in
their mind.
The characters and or
setting are not described
well. Little or no sensory
details are used. Reader
cannot get a picture in
their mind.
Plot Action
Has a well developed
order of events (PLOT)
with a correct beginning,
middle, and end that
flow together nicely.
Contains many transitions
that tie paragraphs and
ideas together.
Includes a clear central
problem(introduced early
on) that every event in
the story builds to ….the
climax moment/
showdown and is then
solved by the character/s
before the resolution.
Has an order of events
with a beginning, middle,
and end that mostly
flow together. Contains
some transitions that tie
paragraphs and ideas
Includes a clear central
idea/problem with mostly
related events leading up
to the climax. Problem is
solved by end of story.
Has minimally developed
order of events that
jump around and do not
flow. May have
ineffective transitions
that do not tie
paragraphs and ideas
Central idea/problem is
not clear or introduced
early in the story.
Problem may or may not
get solved by resolution.
Lacks order of events
and lacks transitions
that tie paragraphs and
ideas together. Story is
often confusing and
jumps around.
Is missing a central