SOLAR SYSTEM WARM UP: 1. Pass out rolls of adding machine tape. 2. Instruct students to take as much as they need. (about an arms length) This will represent our solar system. 3. Write “sun” at one end. 4. List the planets, in order, and have students approximate where the planets should be. Write the name of the planets in their approximate locations with a colored pencil. Another colored pencil will be used for “actual” locations. 5. Make a key near the end farthest from the sun. (Labeling colors as guess or estimation and actual.) 6. Have students get another colored pencil and label Pluto at the end farthest from the sun. (40 AU) Note: Pluto is a dwarf planet. 7. Label each of the following planets and their distances as the model is created. 8. Students should fold the model in half. At the fold is Uranus at approximately 20 AU. 9. Fold the Pluto end in to the center fold. At the new fold is Neptune at 30 AU. 10. Fold the Sun end in to the center fold. At this new fold is Saturn at 10 AU. 11. Fold the Sun end in to the Saturn fold. At this new fold is Jupiter at 5 AU. 12. Fold the Sun end in to the Jupiter fold. This is the location of the Asteroid belt at 2.5 AU. 13. Fold the Sun end in to the Asteroid belt. This fold represents 1.25 AU. Estimate the approximate locations of Earth and Mars. Earth is located at 1 AU, Mars at 1.5 AU 14. Fold the Sun end in to the 1.25 fold. This fold represents .6 AU. Estimate the location of Venus at .6 AU. 15. Fold the Sun end in to the .6 fold. This fold represents .3 AU. Estimate the location of Mercury at .4 AU. 16. Observe how far off you were! 17. You now have a scale model of the distances of the planets.