Open Submission Guidance Notes (Word)

January 2015
Open Submission - Guidelines
Closing date: 4.30pm 13 March 2015
Application forms and Guidance Notes for this scheme available in alternative formats,
upon request. Please contact Robert Stephenson on 02890385230 if you require
this document in an alternative format, or if you require any other reasonable
adjustments in relation to the application process.
January 2015
From 1945 to 1995, the Arts Council actively purchased contemporary art from
(primarily) artists from Northern Ireland. In 1999 it undertook a fundamental review of its
collecting policy and decided, due to increasing costs, conservation and storage issues,
to gift the majority of the collection (some 1100 works) to registered museums in
Northern Ireland. Although the Arts Council cannot continue to maintain a large public
collection, it recognises the importance of purchasing contemporary work as a vital
support mechanism for artists.
The Arts Council’s specific objectives with respect to acquisitions are to:
support individual artists
contribute to the development of visual arts practice in Northern Ireland
develop a culture in which visual art is respected and appreciated
foster knowledge and research
ensure that contemporary visual arts are showcased
stimulate the art market in Northern Ireland
Who Can Apply?
Artists of all disciplines and in all types of working practice, who have made a
contribution to artistic activities in Northern Ireland for a minimum period of one year
within the last five years.
Artists from Northern Ireland who are living elsewhere will also be considered. In
exceptional circumstances, artists who are not from Northern Ireland but who have
made an outstanding contribution to the arts in Northern Ireland may be considered.
Who Cannot Apply?
Applicants who have had an artwork purchased or commissioned by the Arts Council of
Northern Ireland within the previous 12 months.
Applicants who have broken the conditions of previous grant awards within the previous
4 years (taken from the date of the letter of offer).
January 2015
Additional Information
Priority is given to artists whose work is both challenging and innovative. We are looking
for the work of emerging as well as established artists.
Works in all media will be considered including painting, sculpture, craft, print,
photography, and digital and video work.
All works must have been completed in the last 3 years and should be the original work
of the artist. The number of prints or copies in an edition should be clearly stated.
Submission process
The submission process will consist of an initial application stage where artists can
submit an application form and details of their work, including an image or a digital video
clip sample of the work to be considered. No original artworks should be submitted at
the application stage. An application can be made online or by submitting a hard copy
application form. Only one artwork from each artist will be considered for acquisition,
and artists should only submit details of one artwork. The Acquisition Panel will select
works for follow up that meet the acquisition criteria based upon the information
submitted. However, please note that no commitment to purchase will be made
without the original artwork having been viewed in person by a member of the
Acquisition Panel.
The scheme will open for applications on 20 February 2015 and the closing date for
applications will be 16:30 on 13 March 2015.
Work will be assessed against the following criteria prior to purchase:
• Quality, innovation and challenging nature of the piece
• Evidence of artistic achievement by the applicant
• The applicant’s contribution to visual arts in Northern Ireland
• Relevance of the purchase to furtherance of the artist’s career
• The relevance of the purchase to the Arts Council’s funding objectives.
January 2015
Online Applications
An online application form for this scheme is available at:
The online application requires the user to upload 1 x digital image of the work to be
considered. The image must be in Jpeg format and can be up to 3 Mb in size. The
online application process also requires the user to upload a History of Artistic Practice
and Artist’s Statement documents in PDF format. There is also a facility to upload two
other documents in support of your application in PDF format. Please note the online
application facility used for this scheme can only accept files in Jpeg and PDF formats.
If you wish to submit support material in any other formats than those stated
above, you should instead submit a hard copy application form with your support
material and enclosures attached. Users submitting an online application will receive
an email acknowledgement within 2 working days of their application. Please only
contact the Arts Council to confirm receipt of an application if you have not received an
email acknowledgement within 2 working days.
Hard Copy Applications
Hard copy application forms are available to download from the Arts Council website at or by contacting Robert Stephenson on 02890385230. Hard
copy applications must be accompanied by 1 x image or digital video clip sample of the
artwork to be considered, a History of Artistic Practice, and an Artist’s Statement.
Enclosures and images can be printed (A4 Size) or submitted on disk / pen drive. Digital
images can be in any Microsoft Windows compatible image file format and no more
than 3mb in size. Film samples or video clips can be in any Microsoft Windows
compatible movie or video file format and should be no more than 2 min in duration.
Hard copy application forms can be delivered in person, or must be posted to the Arts
Council of Northern Ireland, MacNeice House, 77 Malone Road, Belfast BT9 6AQ to
arrive before the closing date.
Any online or hard copy application received after the closing date for this
scheme will be ineligible for consideration.
All applicants will receive a decision letter by 2 April 2015.
January 2015
All applications require you to submit a History of your Artistic Practice with your
application form. Starting with the most recent examples – this should include
exhibitions, awards, commissions, performances, prizes, publications, etc…
All applications require that you submit an Artist’s Statement, to include a full and
detailed description of the artwork and the inspiration behind its creation.
All applications require you to submit 1 x image or sample of the artwork to be
Gifting of works
The Arts Council through its acquisition policy is not intending to develop a
comprehensive collection of art from Northern Ireland. It does not have the capacity or
resources to maintain works on a long-term basis. Therefore, it intends to gift works
after a 5-10 year period to museums or other relevant instutions in Northern Ireland,
through an open application procedure. Artists will be informed of the outcome of the
gifting of their work.
The Arts Council’s acquisitions will be fully documented on its website, they will be part
of the touring shows of new acquisitions, and other measures to promote and showcase
the works will be explored.
Information about all acquisitions is made available on our website. If your work is
purchased for the collection it will be a condition of offer that you agree to a biographical
note, image of the work, and artist’s statement being stored electronically on a database
for the following purposes: Research inquiries; commissioning opportunities; general
inquiries and promoting the arts. Personal contact details will not be given out without
the artist’s permission.
January 2015
Openness and accountability
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 any information held by us (which will
include your application) is potentially accessible by the public.
Information supplied by you will be held in manual files. It will then be summarised and
details transferred to a computer-based collection management system. Reports from
the information you supply and from comments made on your application by external
assessors and staff members are likely to be held on both manual and computer-based
By submitting your application you waive any right to raise any type of proceedings
against the Arts Council of Northern Ireland as a consequence of, or in contemplation
of, any disclosure of the contents of your application in response to an information
request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Data protection
Data held on our collection management system is used for the following purposes;
statistical reporting, accounting purposes and for contacting you. However, your
personal details will be held within our collection management system and our paper
files, and accessed only by our staff, appointed auditors and individuals or organisations
who may help us assess or monitor acquisitions. You have a right under the Data
Protection Act 1998 to access the data held on you by Arts Council of Northern Ireland.