Old Major`s Speech and Martin Luther King Speech

Jenny Lei
Period 7
Project 1 Activity 1
Old Major’s Speech and Martin Luther King Speech
Old Major’s strategy of persuasion was to make the animals understand how hard they
work and miserable they are. In the speech, Old Major explains that all animals are equal
and animals need to stick together to reach their freedom. For example, in the speech, it
says, “ Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.” Old Major points out
that the humans are making all the money and humans keep most of the food to
themselves. The humans only gave the animals’ minimum of food for them to survive
and work. The animals are not benefiting anything except for working laborious hours.
The animals decided the rebellion must begin now to be free. If the conditions were fairer
than they are now, the animals would have more food and animals would not work for
laborious hours. Animals decided the only way to achieve fairer conditions was to take
action and overthrow man.
Martin Luther King Jr. ‘s strategy of persuasion starts reminding us of the Emancipation
Proclamation. He believed everyone should be treated equal. America is supposedly to be
guaranteeing unalienable rights of life, liberty, and persuade of happiness but the Blacks
were still being treated unequally. Mr. King’s speech explains and persuades the people
to stick together and not to give up until everyone was equal. His strategy of persuasion
was to make the people understand that the way the Blacks were being treated was wrong
and it could change. He tells the people not to waste their time despairing. He tells them
to try and improve the situation. King tells of his dream that all people are equal. Martin
Luther King Jr. ‘s dream speech encouraged and also benefited people to stand up for
what was right. If the conditions were fairer, children could walk outside and people
would not be judged by their color but by their character. The slaves and the slave owners
could sit down at a table and eat together. The Blacks decided to achieve this; they would
have to keep standing up for what they believed in but not in violent way because that
would make them the same as the whites.
Analyzing Political Speeches
Rhetorical tools
Examples of
repetition of
"May men of merit
I Have a Dream
“ And the fruitful fields of England
shall be trod by beasts alone.”
Old Major's Speech
“Five score years ago, a great
American, in whose symbolic
shadow we stand today.”
be motivated to
Key words or
phrases that are
repeated for
“ All men are enemies. All animals
are comrades.”
“ Comrades, I will tell you about
“ I have a dream today!”
“Free at last!”
my dream of last night.”
“ But no animal escapes the cruel
knife in the end.”
List comparisons
“ I have a dream that one day
every valley shall be exalted, and
that help listeners
“ Rings shall vanish from our
every hill and mountain shall be
noses, And harness from our
low, the rough places will be made
plain, and the crooked places will
be made straight.”
"Let our dreams
soar on wings of
List questions that
“ What is the nature of this
life of ours?’
are for effect
rather than to be
"Will we stand now
on the brink of
history or will we
let the moment
“ Why then do we continue in
this miserable condition?”
“ When will you be
Find historical or
There isn’t any allusions
“ When the architects of our
for this speech.
republic wrote the magnificent
words of the constitution and
literary references.
the Declaration of
Independence, they were
Kennedy once told
signing a promissory note to
us to 'Ask what we
which every American was to
could do for our
fair heir.” “ Instead of honoring
country.' And, now
this obligation, American has
it is the time to
given the Negro people a bad
Project 2
Activity 3
Cesar Chavez Main Points
Cesar Estrada Chavez found and led the first successful farm worker’s union in U.S.
history. In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, Cesar served as CSO national director. He
resigned his CSO job when he failed to convince the CSO to organize farm workers.
Cesar Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA). Cesar’s NFWA
joined an AFL-CIO sponsored union in a strike against major Delano area and wine grape
growers in 1965.Cesar Estrada Chavez led a five year strike- boycott that ratified millions
of supporters to the United Farm Workers Farm. Farm workers numbered in the tens of
thousands were working under UFW contracts. The UFW gave higher pay, family health
coverage, pension benefits, and other protections. In 1991, Cesar received the highest
Mexico award called The Aguilia Azetca (The Aztec Eagle). He also received the highest
civilian honor in the U.S. called the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Cesar Chavez’s
family and officers of the UFW created the Cesar E. Chavez Foundation to inspire the
present and future generations by using the ideals of Cesar’s life in 1994.
Chapter 11
The animals were filled with confusion. The pigs and Mr. Pilkington did not know
how to react. The pigs felt they needed to take action. The pigs were considered the new
comrades, the leaders of Manor Farm. Four pigs ran toward the violent quarrel and the
new creatures were chasing the animals on the farm. Three blue birds and two, wild
horses ran toward the dogs. One of the broad, gigantic horses attacked Mr. Pilkington. All
the animals stood in shock but the pigs shouted out “ ANIMALS OF ANIMAL MANOR
As soon as the animals of Manor Farm heard the pigs, they quickly attacked the birds
and the horses. The pigeons of Manor Farm attacked the invading blue birds and the carthorses of Manor Farm attacked the invading horses. The other animals helped surround
the new creatures. One of the gigantic horses ran away and the birds flew away. They
knew they could not take all of the Manor Farm animals. However, one of the wild horses
fought bravely but lost. Animals in the farm were in victory once more. But the animals
once remembered once more, the rule “ No animal shall kill another animal!” They did
not know whether to celebrate or despair of what they had done.
Mr. Pilkington was fine; the wild horses knocked Mr. Pilkington black out. Mr.
Pilkington did not remember any of the events that had happened. Napoleon called for a
meeting by the farm. Napoleon stood and announced to the farm animals that their hard
work has paid off. Their life will be changing soon towards the new establishments that
were being improved.
Since Mr. Pilkington and the farm animals have come to equal agreements and equal
privileges. They decided obtain report on every injury requiring medical treatment and
they will require aid for animals that get hurt. No animal is expected to undertake a job until
animals have received job instructions on how to do it properly. There is new machinery
work so the animals won’t have to work for laborious and tiring hours.