Case: a Dynamic Approach Ronnie Cann, University of Edinburgh Abstract Morphological case marking is generally analysed as (principally) performing two functions: to identify arguments of predicates or to specify some more oblique relation between a term and a predicate. In the first function, case is often conflated with grammatical relations and commonly deemed to be induced as a property of the predicate, rather than a property of the term itself. In the second, the case-marked term is generally treated as an adjunct with full semantic properties independent of the predicate itself. As has been noted many times, however, this division is not unproblematic: there are grammatical uses of cases that have semantic effect, as well as adjunct uses where interpretation is at least partly dependent on the predicate. Furthermore, grammatical cases themselves may have different functions depending on other syntactic factors (e.g. accusative and infinitive constructions). It thus appears that the two functions are not completely distinct and separately specifiable or fully internally consistent, but are derived from an interaction between linguistic context and fundamental properties of the case marking itself. In Dynamic Syntax, there is no direct characterisation of the surface structure of strings. Instead, a representation of the propositional content of the string is built up through the dynamics of the parsing process, using general rules of deduction, lexical instructions induced by words in the string and pragmatic actions. The common view of grammatical case as a purely syntactic notion which directly characterises surface grammatical relations cannot therefore be directly encoded. However, the theory does provide explicit means to analyse the interaction between linguistic context and lexical content. This paper exploits this property of the theory to provide an account of the informational content of morphologically marked case and how this contributes to interpretation in context. A. Preamble The term ‘case’ is used to signify a range of concepts within grammatical theory in addition to (and sometimes in opposition to) its traditional reference to the form of nouns or their dependents in different grammatical contexts. Thus, we find that the term may essentially refer to grammatical function, to structural position, to type of participant role, usw. These extensions of case derive from one or another of the common functions it signifies: 1 2 3 g-case: marks a set of grammatical functions (however defined); s-case: marks the semantic contribution of a case-marked term, usually an adjunct; a-case: marks an expression as being dependent on some case-marked term. All of these functions are extendable beyond traditional case to other domains such as linear order, structural position, different categories such as prepositional phrases and so on. However, in this paper I am only interested in the functions of morphological case (although some of what I say may be extrapolated to more general contexts). In particular, I am interested in the information that is projected by a case-marked nominal expression and the way this interacts with context to identify the function being performed by the expression in that context. First of all, however, I just want to clarify what I am referring to by morphological case. There are (at least) two ways of interpreting this notion: 4 5 p-case: the set of oppositions found in nominal paradigms within a language as defined by: m-case: the set of case forms found in a language (which may cut across p-case divisions syncretism). Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann I am here really concerned with p-case, assuming that an opposition realised in one paradigm is indicative of an opposition that is significant within the language, i.e. an abstraction over and idealisation of the more extensional concept of m-case. The reason for this is that syncretism – a common, if not universal, property of p-case systems - may obscure common functions of the pcases themselves. This is not to say that I think m-case is unimportant. On the contrary, I believe that it provides an insight to the way that lexical information is organised and how it is propagated through a derivation, giving rise, for example, to interesting patterns of case matching and mismatching. I am, however, not yet in a position to go into this in any detailed way and will restrict myself to a discussion of paradigmatic case. B. Case functions I have already indicated that p-cases (hereinafter just case) may have (indeed usually do have) a range of functions within a particular language. Classical Greek Accusative: a. O function (‘external object’) Ho anēr typtei ton paida ‘The man beats the boy’ b. Cognate (‘internal’) object Hē aitia hēn aitiōntai ‘The charge which they made’ (Ant.6.27) Lit. The charge which they charged c. Second object Oudeis edidaxe me tautēn tēn tekhnēn ‘No-one taught me this skill’ (X.0.19.16) d. Subject of infinitive Nomizō gar humas emoi einai kai patrida kai philous ‘For I think you are both native land and friends to me’ (X.A.1.3.6) e. Adverbial function Manner Measure Motive: tout’akhthesthe ‘You are vexed for this reason’ (X.A.3.2.20) Time We may classify these functions as follows: 2 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann SEMANTIC (adjunct): Manner, Measure, Motive, Time CASE: Accusative STRUCTURAL: O function, AcI GRAMMATICAL SELECTED: 2nd Object Note that cognate objects do not fit easily into any of these categories: they are sort of adjuncts but the case does not really contribute to the interpretation. Furthermore, there are other ways in which grammatical properties seem to cut across this apparently neat typology: 6 7 Optional: s-case, cognate objects Obligatory: g-case (both selected and structural) Do not vary with GF-changing operations: s-case, selected g-case Ouden allo didasketai anthrōpos ē epistēmēn ‘Man is taught nothing else except knowledge’ (P.Men.87c) Vary with GF-changing operations: structural g-case, cognate objects Polemos epolemeito ‘War was waged’ Lit. War was warred (X.H.4.8.1) It appears, therefore, that There does not seem to be an absolute distinction between g-case and s-case; The properties of a case depends on a range of factors: properties of the predicate, the term itself, or other expressions in the string. Thus, static theories are unlikely to be able to adequately characterise the information projected by p-case, even within a single language. Although I cannot here explore all the different functions of case – even within a single language, what I shall do is sketch a theory that in principle allows different sorts of information – syntactic, semantic, pragmatic – to interact to determine the function/interpretation of a casemarked expression within some context. There are, I am afraid, significant gaps in the discussion as the work is still ongoing and conclusions will often be infuriatingly tentative, but I hope to show that a theory of the sort I propose is both possible and a plausible alternative to static, noncontext dependent theories of the topic. C Dynamic Syntax The framework I shall use is Dynamic Syntax (Kempson et al. 2001). This theory does not characterise the surface (constituent) structure of a sentence, but instead models the process of 3 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann assigning an interpretation to a string of words in a left to right fashion. In other words, taking information from words, pragmatic processes and general rules, the theory derives partial tree structures that represent the underspecified content of the string up to that point in the parse, ultimately giving rise to some propositional representation. Underspecification is the key to the theory and is manifested in a number of different ways. The resolution of underspecification is driven by the notion of a requirement. Requirements determine the process of tree growth and must be satisfied for a parse to be successful. [In some ways, therefore, DS requirements act like feature checking in MP.] The basic –universal requirement – is to build a representation of propositional content, i.e. to build a tree rooted in Ty(t) 8 Requirements drive tree construction. 9 Basic (universal) requirement: ?Ty(t) To satisfy this requirement a parse relies on information from various sources. In the first place, there are general processes of deduction which give basic templates for building trees that may be universally available or may be specific to a language. One of the (universal) deduction rules simply says that you can derive a Ty(t) from a Ty(e) and a Ty(e t) by Modus Ponens. So we can expand (9) into (10): 10 ?Ty(t) ?Ty(e t) ?Ty(e), (pointer) The pointer tells you where you are in a parse and what you may next develop. In general in a functor-argument pair the pointer moves to the argument node first so here we are in a position to develop the ‘subject’. 11 John upset the student. Other information about tree building comes from lexical entries: 12 Lexical Information: John IF ?Ty(e) THEN put(Ty(e),Fo(j)) ELSE ABORT TRIGGER CONTENT (may be FAILURE actions) 13 ?Ty(t) Ty(e),Fo(j) 4 ?Ty(e t), SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann Lexical entries may make reference to nodes in the tree other than its trigger, either building them, or annotating them. To allow this sort of reference, we make use of a number of actions such as make, put, go, and of operators that enable reference to nodes within a tree. The theory uses a Logic of Finite Trees (LOFT) which has a number of modal operators with the following interpretations: 14 LOFT operators From node n: <0>X: X is argument daughter of n <0>X: X is mother of argument n <1>X: X is functor daughter of n <1>X: X is mother of functor n <>X: X is daughter of n <>X: X is mother of n <*>X: X is dominated by n <*>X: X dominates n <1*>X: X is dominated by n along its functor spine <1*>X: X dominates n along its functor spine IF ?Ty(e t) THEN go(<*>?Ty(t)), put(e < now), go(<*>?Ty(e t)), Tense information on top node make(<1>), go(<1>), put(Ty(e e t),Fo(yx.Upset(e,x,y)), Making and annotating the functor node go(<1>), make(<0>), go(<0>), put(?Ty(e)). Making and annotating the argument node 15 upset 16 John upset ?Ty(t), e < now ?Ty(e t) Ty(e),Fo(j) Ty(e e t),Fo(yx.Upset(e,x,y) ?Ty(e), 17 John upset the woman ?Ty(t), e < now Ty(e),Fo(j) ?Ty(e) Ty(cn e),Fo(P.(,z,P(z))) 5 ?Ty(e t) Ty(e e t),Fo(yx.Upset(e,x,y)) Ty(cn),Fo(Woman), SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann The tree can now be compiled and completed through type deduction: here, modus ponens working in conjunction with functional application: 18 a: Ty() b(a): Ty() b: Ty( ) To yield the annotation for the top node: 19 {Ty(t), e < now, Fo(Upset(e,j,(,z,Woman(z))))} The theory allows underspecification that can only be fulfilled by pragmatic actions such as the identification of the term to be substituted for a metavariable provided by a pronoun. The theory of anaphora is thus based on substitution and metavariables are associated with a requirement for a proper formula as annotation: 20 her IF ?Ty(e) THEN put(Ty(e),Fo(U),?x.Fo(x)) ELSE ABORT 21 John upset her: {Ty(t), e < now, Fo(Upset(e,j,(z,Woman(z))))} Structural underspecification is used for accounting for extraction, where unfixed nodes are built that are required to be fixed at some point in the parse. This is not important for this talk so I shall not go into details here. In general, in this talk I am going to skip the technicalities of the theory, except where necessary – I cannot, however, pretend that everything is a smooth technically as I shall imply, but that’s another matter. D Semantic Case So finally to case. Unusually, I shall start with a sketch of a theory of s-case that tries to account for the obvious fact that the interpretation of independent cases is radically underspecified. 22a 22b 23a 23b 23c Sie studierte die ganze Nacht. she.nom studied the.acc whole night ‘She studied for the whole night.’ Das kostet keinen Dollar. that.nom cost no.acc dollar ‘That doesn’t cost a dollar.’ Er goß ihr die Pflanzen. he.nom watered her.dat the.acc plants ‘He watered the plants for her.’ Er zündete ihr das Haus an. he.nom set-on-fire her.dat the.acc house prt. ‘He set her house on fire.’ Laßt mir den Hund in Ruhe! leave me.dat the.acc dog in peace ‘Leave my dog alone!’ While the accusative can be roughly glossed as denoting ‘extent’, it is clear that the actual interpretation of the relation between the case-marked noun phrase and the predicate is determined by the semantic properties of both the term and the predicate and pragmatic 6 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann properties of the whole clause. Thus, in (22.a) the fact that we have an activity and term denoting a temporal interval yields the interpretation of duration while in (22.b) with a state and money we interpret the extent as an amount. The dative too has a range of meanings that are more or less definable. In (23.a), the interpretation of ihr is most reasonably interpreted as a benefactive while in (23.b) it is malefactive. Note, however, that this could vary depending on context: e.g. is (23.a) is to be assessed in a situation where the plants are cacti and the season is winter or (23.b) in a situation where Marie wants to get rid of the remains of her previous lover … In (23.c), we have another underspecified relation where the dative is usually referred to as the ‘ethical’ dative where the referent of the dative term is marked as somehow being ethically implicated in the event. This may be as the owner of the dog, but need not be. She could be a bystander watching a boy torturing some dog or other, but the use of the dative indicates that leaving the dog alone would be somehow to her advantage or benefit. Whatever the actual interpretation it is clear that what is said underspecifies the relation between referent and event and certainly does not assert any specific relation. So it appears that case gives rise to inferential effects rather than the assertion of some specific relation or property. The question arises how to represent adjuncts within the framework. Within type theory and categorial grammar, adjuncts are typically represented as functors from a type X to type X. 24 25 Adjuncts: Ty(X X) ?Ty(e t) Ty(e t),Fo(x.Water(e,x,(,y.Plants(y)))) die Pflanzen gießen Ty((e t) (e t)),Fo(f(U)) ihr There are a number of arguments in the literature why treating all adjuncts in this way (particularly PP adjuncts) is not appropriate. These generally have to do with the extensional properties of such phrases (the analysis implies that such adjuncts modify the whole of the predicate rather than express a relation between an individual and the event denoted by the verb). But I shall not rehearse the arguments here. Suffice it to say that as far as case-marked noun phrases are concerned there is no morphosyntactic reason to assume that a form like ihr (or any other case-marked term) is ambiguous between two categories, a term and a complex functor (indeed a set of complex functors to allow for NP internal modification as well as predicate modification). There is no significant morphological difference between g-case markers and scase ones (although there may be phonological ones in some languages, E.g. Finnish where scase endings tend to be phonologically complex) and the internal structure of case-marked noun phrases does not vary according to function. A uniform categorial assignment is thus preferable to a polymorphic one wherever possible – as indeed is done in CS analyses where noun phrases are noun phrases (however analysed) wherever they appear (modulo KP analyses, of course …). Other reasons to do with extraction are also pertinent but again I will not go into details here. Suffice it to say that I shall treat all case-marked terms as being of the same type, i.e. Ty(e), an individual term. The question then is how the contribution of such terms as adjuncts is to be analysed. 7 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann I do not want to make the assumption that they are complements and so selected by a verb, as suggested by Lutz Marten or implied by some HPSG approaches, but wish to maintain something of the VP adjunction approach of P&P. I propose that adjuncts are type e arguments under an e t node but are in some sense external to the principal (internal) arguments of the predicate. Unfortunately, the fairly standard VP adjunction structure is not open to us. 26 ?Ty(e t) adjunct ?Ty(e) ?Ty(e t) not a legal deduction: e,e t t However, to maintain the idea that case-marked adjuncts are in some sense built upon a predicate ‘outside’ its internal arguments, I propose a deduction rule that takes a one place predicate (Ty(e t)) and extends it into a two-place predicate (Ty(e e t)): 27 ?Ty(e t) adjunct ?Ty(e) ?Ty(e e t) The resulting two-place predicate is the original predicate extended by a pragmatic variable that specifies nothing more than that some relation or other exists between the case-marked term and the event denoted by the verb (or analogously for nominals between the internal variable of a term). This can be thought of as 'concept strengthening' in the RT literature in that the embedding of a pragmatically extended predicate (involving some extra relation) into some model is more restrcited than an embedding of the predicate alone. As a straightforward deduction rule this is easy to state (28) although the proposed DS construction rule in (29) is pretty horrid: 28 P: e t yx.P(x) & R(E,y): e e t 29 (29) takes a to be completed predicate node and provides the information that this has two daughters: an argument, Ty(e), daughter, and a two-place predicate functor daughter. The latter has a formula that pragmatically extends a one-place predicate which forms its sole daughter. It is possible that this be better analysed as two rules: one of Introduction (30a) and one of Elimination (30b): 8 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann On the assumption that one or the other of the construction possibilities are technically coherent, this gives us an analogue of VP adjunction within DS without assuming a higher type for the adjunct. But, of course, this says nothing at all about the case-marked adjuncts themselves. The predicate adjunct rule just provides some very underspecified relation between an event and a term without constraint, but, of course, the actual relation, although subject to pragmatic influence, is constrained – by a preposition or a case-marking. To incorporate such constraints I need to extend the notation of DS. Currently, the formula label just contains a lambda expression, something that is asserted and that can input into some syntactic inferencing mechanism to derive the actual proposition expressed by an utterance in context. However, not all lexical content is of this sort. A lexical item may project, e.g., presuppositions that are not directly asserted and do not necessarily directly input into any top level inferences, but which constrain interpretation in other ways. We may treat case as providing very underspecified ‘presuppositions’ which help to constrain some general pragmatic relation associated with some extended predicate. I thus propose that lexical items, in addition to providing some semantic content in the form of a lambda expression, may also provide some sort of context in which the content of the lambda expression is to be evaluated. This is not a discourse context but a clause internal context projected by lexical expressions. The context, which I shall refer to as an L-context, may include things like real world gender, grammatical gender, person and number for pronouns, grammatical gender and possibly person for nouns, perhaps 'thematic role' information, perhaps more general lexical information – information that may not ultimately contribute directly to the truth conditional content of the proposition expressed in an utterance but which may play some other part in determining the content of that proposition. I represent an L-context by a possibly null set of terms or propositions prefixed to the lambda expression. These L-contexts are then propagated up a tree, but have all metavariables instantiated as deduction proceeds (for reasons I won’t go into here): 31 32 Fo(P) for an L-context consisting of a set of terms and propositions and P, a lambda expression. a: Ty() ′b: Ty( ) ′b(a): Ty() For case, I represent the L-context it induces by a proposition with label , a set A of relations that can be associated with some case-marking and two terms, one y is the term expressed by the case-marked NP and x is the thing (event or individual) with which the term is associated. 30 (A,x,y) for A a set of relations, x and y terms (A,x,y): true a(x,y): true for some a A. (dat,e,y): dat = {for_the_benefit_of, to_the_detriment_of, ethically_concerns, …} There may, of course, be some ‘central’ meaning of the dative which might give rise to a singleton set of relations that transparently interacts with properties of the case-marked term and the predicate to induce the required reading (as often asserted in some of the typological 9 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann literature) or it may be that there is a prototypical concept of ‘dative’ that gives rise to metaphorical extensions and an open-ended context set (as in Cognitive Grammar) or it could simply be a closed set of relations that a hearer has already encountered being signalled by the case. I leave these matters open here. What is important is that the case provides a context within which some relation is to be identified but does not itself assert truth-conditional content. So we get representations like those in (36): 36a 36b die ganze Nacht: Fo({(acc,E,(,x,whole_night(x)))}(,x,whole_night(x))) ihr: Fo({(dat,E,U), female(U), singular(U)}U) NB. the dat and acc are not labels themselves, but are strictly sets of relations. This means that certain case-marked nominals potentially project different sets of relations, even if marked with the same case. So, for example, in Modern Greek (and similarly in French, Bernadette Plunkett p.c.) only dative clitic pronouns will project the least specified dative relation, ethically_concerns, while full noun phrases do not. (Note the case is strictly a genitive with which the dative has merged in Modern Greek.) 37a 37b 37c 37c mou arostise to pedi me.gen was.sick the child 'The child was sick (and this concerned me)' *emena arostise to pedi me(strong) arostise to pedi tis Marias the.gen Maria.gen 'My child was sick' (No ethical reading) tis Marias tou arostise to pedi 'The child was sick (and this concerned me)' Interestingly, Clitic Doubling permits the inference of an ethical dative, indicating that it is the clitic that licenses this. (Thanks to Ianthi Tsimpli and Theodora Alexopoulou for this information.) Individual cases may therefore vary in the information which they project depending on the expression with which they are associated. Indeed it may be that certain case-marked expressions come to have a single interpretation. 38 Accusative: kharin 'for the sake of' (< kharis 'grace', Manner); touto 'for this reason' (accusative neuter of 'this', Motive); tí 'why' (< acc. neut. of 'who/what') Within a derivation, metavariables in the L-context will be instantiated as soon as possible to ensure that the contexts refer to the correct entities when they are propagated through the parse. Notice, however, that there is no need to state separate propagation rules beyond the general rule of type deduction in (32). L-contexts will in general persist (although it is possible to envisage situations where information in a context will be lost as the result clause internal inference – this, however, poses a problem for monotonicity, a central feature of the formalism). The fact that Lcontexts are propagated as part of the deductive process means that there is no real problem with case-markers appearing on different elements in the noun phrase. For example, case may appear on the noun only (e.g. Kannada (39.a)), on the noun and certain modifiers (e.g. determiner and noun, but not adjective, in Yaqui (39.b), on determiner, adjective and noun in Classical Greek (39.c)) or only on some modifier (as generally in Modern German (39.d)). 10 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax 39a 39b 39c 39d Cann naana ellaa maanara janaangaranne priitisattene (Kannada) I.nom all human community.acc love.1sg 'I love the whole human community' ini-e tu?I usi-ta=u noka-?e (Yaqui) this-obl good child-obl=to speak-imp 'Speak to this good child' ho Sōkratēs orgiz-etai tois agath-ois polīt-ais (Greek) 'Socrates is angry at the good citizens' Dem jungen Mann wird vom Lehrer geholfen. (German) man become.3sg by.the teacher helped ‘The young man is being helped by the teacher.’ In all these cases, the case-marking induces an appropriate L-context with respect to the expression on which it appears, and it does not matter on which item or how many times the case-marking occurs: the contextual information is propagated up to the whole case-marked noun phrase without the need for special rules. To indicate how an analysis proceeds, consider (40): 40 ?Ty(t) * * {Ty(e),Fo(U)} {Ty(e e t),Fo(yx.Water(e,x,y))} {Ty(e),Fo({(dat,E,V)}V)} ?Ty(e t) ?Ty(e) {?Ty(e e t),Fo(yx.P(x) & R(E,y))} {?Ty(e t),?Fo(P)} {Ty(e),Fo(,y,plants(y))} ?Ty(e e t) Ty(t),Fo({(dat,e,m)}Water(e,j,(,x,Plants(x))) & R(e,m) (assuming U = j, V = m) E Structural Case So far then we have the makings of a theory of s-case: a notion of an extension to a predicate that appears with an adjunct and a theory of L-context that allows a case to restrict the radically 11 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann underspecified pragmatic relation provided by the predicate extension. What, however, of structural case? I begin by looking at the case which, in Indo-European at any rate, appears to be purely structural: the nominative. In all IE languages that I am aware of, the nominative is never used independently and never contributes real semantic content. (The proto-agent concept of (e.g.) Dowty is not in contradiction of this because Dowty is concerned with how predicates determine their arguments independently of properties of the argument terms.) Its usual function is to mark the subject (A/S) of a predicate it may also be used to mark the complements of copula clauses, independent ‘topics’ and citation forms. All these function are illustrated in Classical Greek: 42 Nominative case (in Classical Greek) a. identifies S/A function (1st argument of predicate) b. marks complement of copula c. marks independent topic d. used for citation 43a 43b 43c ho sos patēr phobeitai ‘Your father is afraid’ (X.C.3.1.22) k h Kleark os p ugas ēn ‘Clearchus was a fugitive’ (X.A.1.1.9) hoi de philoi, an tis epistētai autois khrēsthai, ti phēsomen autous einai; (X.O.1.14) ‘As for friends, if anyone knows how to treat them, what shall we call them?’ to d’humeis hotan legō, legō tēn polin ‘Whenever I say you, I mean the city’ (D.18.88) 43d Furthermore, it appears that nominative is never selected by a predicate independently of one of the functions in (43). This is certainly true of Classical (and Modern) Greek although there are arguments in the literature that there may be nominative selection in German. Be that as it may, the nominative does seem to be the archetypal structural case in Indo-European, as the absolutive may be so characterised in many ergative/absolutive languages. And, of course, these cases are often not morphologically marked. I leave on one side the use of the nominative in its quotative function (as I do not have a theory of such things) and in the complement of copular verbs (a use that should be attributed to agreement since in non-finite clauses the complement will surface in the accusative). The other two functions can, however, be represented as structural requirements in DS. The subject requires the term to be attached as the first argument of the clause while the topic requires there to be no dominating node (It is interpreted as being independent of the clause but LINKed to it): 44a 44b subject function: topic function: <0>Ty(t) [] Note that, although (44) gives constraints on structural position, this is not constituent structure or any analogue thereof. The structure is a logical structure so that the ‘subject’ function is strictly the 1st argument of some predicate, associated with one and only one possible node in a tree – the daughter of a Ty(t) node. It has no other interpretation. Of course, the subject function in all IE languages is not just to be first argument of some predicate but to be first argument of some finite predicate as in German (but not in Classical Greek where subjects of infinitives may be nominative if they are co-referential with the nominative subject of the higher predicate). Thus, we may interpret nominative marking not just as imposing a requirement on its position but also on properties of the predicate, i.e. that it should be finite, however that property may be manifested. 12 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann This is clearly shown in the analysis of Germ der the masculine singular nominative definitive article: 45 der IF ?Ty(e) THEN put(<0>?Ty(t)), go_first(<*>?Ty(t)), put(<*>?FINITE), go(<*>?Ty(e)), make(<1>), go(<1>), put(Ty(cn e), Fo({3rd(U),masc(U),sg(U)}P.(,x,P(x))), go(<1>), make(<0>), go(<0>), put(?Ty(cn)) ELSE ABORT The finite verb itself imposes a restriction on the subject according to its personal ending, here shown as a requirement on the L-context of the subject: 44 goß IF … THEN go_first(<*>?Ty(t)), put(e < now, <0>?(Fo()) {3rd(U),sg(U)}), … This sort of co-constraint between functor and argument looks very like a process of agreement as has been suggested from time to time in the literature and it is possible that this should be handled by whatever mechanisms determine this relation with DS (possibly as part of type deduction over person values but this remains to be done). In a language like Greek where nominative has more than one function lexical entries will be concomitantly more complex. (46) assumes that the word is functioning as an indefinite term (which is slightly problematic but simplifies the exntry considerably): 46 graus IF ?Ty(e) THEN IF [] THEN put(Ty(e), Fo({3rd((,x,old_woman(x))),feminine((,x,old_woman(x))), sg((,x,old_woman(x)))}(,x,old_woman(x))) Topic ELSE IF <*>?Ty(t) THEN put(Ty(cn), <0>?Ty(t), Finite subject Fo({3rd((,x,old_woman(x))),feminine((,x,old_woman(x))),sg(U)} (,x,old_woman(x))), go_first(<*>?Ty(t)), put(<1*>?FINITE) ELSE ABORT i.e. if nothing dominates my most local dominating term node, then just assert my semantic content. If there is a Ty(t) node dominating that node then put the semantic content and a requirement for an immediately dominating Ty(t) node; then go to the first ?Ty(y) node and put a requirement that somewhere along the functor spine there should be a finite predicate. The nominative term must thus be interpreted as ‘topic’ or the 1st argument of some finite predicate. So we now have a theory of case-marked adjuncts and an idea of how purely structural case is realised as conditions on tree position to ensure that terms are interpreted as the appropriate argument of a predicate. What of cases that may perform a range of functions, both free and structural? Returning to the accusative in Greek, we have already seen that it may be used independently, may mark the DO argument and to act as the subject of a non-finite predicate. The latter two functions may be associated with the two structural properties of the Ty(e) node: 48 13 O function: <0>Ty(e t) SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax S/A function (non-finite): Cann <0>Ty(t) & <0><1*>NON-FINITE Leaving aside the strong possibility that the case-marking of non-finite subjects is the result of agreement, we can postulate lexical entries such as (49) for accusative terms headed by the definite article: 49 ton IF ?Ty(e) THEN IF <*>?Ty(t) THEN make(<0>), go(<0>), put(?Ty(cn)), Subject of non-finite go(<0>), make(<1>), go(<1>), put(Ty(cn e)), Fo({masc(U),sg(U)}P(,x,P(x)))), go_first(<>?Ty(t)), put(<1*>?NON-FINITE) ELSE put(<0>?Ty(e t)), Adjunct & object make(<0>), go(<0>), put(?Ty(cn)), go(<0>), make(<1>), go(<1>), put(Ty(cn e)), Fo({(acc,E,U), masc(U),sg(U)}P(,x,P(x)))), [Note that it is possible to generalise across entries of this sort to extrapolate the information directly associated with case, but for ease of understanding I will not do this here.] Notice here that the first condition (which again for convenience sake I have rather simplified!) does not add the L-context of the case. This captures the fact that case-marking in this context never contributes inferential effect. The participant role of the term is entirely determined by the predicate. [As we would expect if this is in fact the result of an agreement process.] The second condition covers both adjunct and object functions of the accusative. It requires a dominating predicate node and asserts the accusative context. The difference between the interpretations of these two functions is straightforwardly accounted for. In the adjunct case, illustrated in (50), the extended predicate provides a variable relation between the event it denotes and a term that needs to be instantiated for the expression to be interpretable. The accusative context provides a range of possible relations with the same arguments and so is used (necessarily by Relevance Theory) to identify that relation and so identify the role of the term within the event. The case-marking is thus semantically potent. 50a 50b emeinen hēmeras hepta. 'S/he remained seven days.' (X.A.1.2.6) {(acc,e,(,x,7_days(x)),3rd(U),sg(U)}Remain(e,U) & R(e,(,x,7_days(x))) In the object case (51), the accusative term is an argument of the predicate and there is no pragmatic variable to be identified and the role of the accusative is determined by the predicate. The contextual restriction provided by the accusative marking thus does not have to do any work and, again by RT considerations, will not do so: it will not yield significant inferential effects and so is not semantically potent. 51a 51b ton Sōkratē misei. 'S/he hates Socrates.' {(acc,e,s),3rd(U),sg(U)}Hate(e,U,s) Of course, there are situations when case does contribute something to the interpretation even when it marks an argument of a predicate. Thus, there are predicates that vary in the case they appear with and the different cases induce different interpretations of that predicate. For example, the verb timōrein means ‘to avenge’ or ‘take vengeance’ but may take either the 14 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann accusative, when it means take vengeance on someone, or the dative, when it means to avenge someone or take vengeance on behalf of someone. The case-markers here clearly determine the sense intended but they appear not to be adjunct uses because the case of the object argument changes in the passive. Hence, the case of arguments may be semantically potent in certain contexts and so the L-context it induces must be available even if not fully independent. 52a 52b timōrein + acc: ‘avenge (self) on someone’ timōrein + dat: ‘avenge someone’ In the entries above, I have indicated the structural conditions associated with g-cases as requirements for the type of their immediately dominating node. However, while this requirement is in a sense satisfied within an appropriate tree, there is currently in the theory no way of actually eliminating the requirement. While it may be fairly trivial to rectify the problem, a more interesting solution poses itself. Rachel Nordlinger (1998) suggests within the framework of LFG that case may be interpreted as building its own functional structure independently of the predicate. While she argues for this position using data from Australian languages (which alas I do not have time to reconstruct), such a process could be postulated for a number of IndoEuropean languages with fairly free word order. Instead of treating Classical Greek as being mostly fixed (like English) or mostly unfixed (as in the Kempson et al. treatment of Japanese), one could treat it as a mixed system utilising unfixed partial structures. These structures will be induced by the case-marking of a term. For example, an accusative nominal may build the appropriate predicate structure which will be merged with the structure projected by the predicate. Part of the entry for ton, the accusative masculine singular definite article would then appear as in (53) (and the common noun entry in (49) would be concomitantly simplified). (53) ton IF ?Ty(t) THEN … (accusative and infinitive) ELSE make(<*>), put(?Ty(e t)), make(<1>), go(<1>), put(?Ty(e e t)), go(<1>), make(<0>), go(<0>), put(?Ty(e)), make(<0>), go(<0>), put(?Ty(cn)), go(<0>), make(<1>), go(<1>), put(Ty(cn e)),Fo({(acc,E,U),masc(U),sg(U)}P(,x,P(x)))) The precise mechanics of this remain to be worked out, but it would seem to provide an account not only of the function of g-case, to construct partial trees, but also of clause internal scrambling. F Selected Case Finally, we need to look at selected case. Unlike structural case, in many languages selected case either cannot be input into GF changing processes or is not affected by such operations. Consider the German data in (54) to (57): 54a Ich wasche den Wagen I.nom wash the.acc car ‘I am washing the car’ 54b Der Wagen wird gewaschen the.nom car becomes washed ‘The car is being washed’ 15 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax 55a 55b 55c 56a 56b 56c 57a 57b 57c Cann Der Professor lehrt die Studenten jede Woche einen neuer Ansatz the.nom professor teaches the.acc students every week a.acc new approach ‘The professor teaches the students a new approach every week’ ?Die Studenten wurde jede Woche ein neuer Ansatz gelehrt. the.acc students a.nom ‘A new approach was taught (to) the students every week’ *Die Studenten wurde jede Woche einen neuer Ansatz gelehrt the.nom a.acc Jemand hilft mir. someone.nom helps me.dat ‘Someone is helping me’ Mir wird geholfen. me.dat becomes help.part ‘I am being helped’ *Ich wird geholfen. me.nom Das Mädchen gedenke seines Freundes. the.nom girl commemorates her.gen friend ‘The girl commemorates her friend’ Seines Freundes wird gedacht. her.gen friend becomes commemorate.part ‘Her friend is being commemorated’ *Sein Freund wird gedacht. her.nom We see in (54) a normal structural accusative object which appears in the nominative in the passive. In (55), there are two accusatives, one ein neuer Ansatz is structural and so may appear in the nominative in the passive, while the other die Studenten is selected and so cannot appear in the nominative.1 In (56) and (57), we have dative and genitive arguments which are not independent of the predicate and which persist in the passive (where they have been argued to be subjects). This pattern indicates that selected case arises as a requirement by the predicate that must be satisfied (and that persists in different contexts). How is this requirement to be specified? It cannot be a requirement for a specific L-context because of the fact that such a context may be projected by an embedded term. For example, the nominative noun phrase in (58a) will have a dative L-context projected by the term that is dependent on the adjective. But as (58c) shows this context does not satisfy the requirement for a dative argument projected by helfen. 58a 58b 58c Der seiner Frauen treue Mann the.nom his.dat woman.dat true man ‘The man (who is) true to his wife’ {(dat,x,(,y,Wife(y))),…}(,x,Man(x) & True(x,(,y,Wife(y)))) *Sie hilft der seiner Frauen treue Mann So a predicate does not select an L-context, but there is nothing to stop it requiring a case label with a particular value independently of Fo. Consider (a simplified!) lexical entry for the verb form hilft: 1 Actually, it seems that many speakers prefer the students to be in dative in which case the passive in (52.b) is fully acceptable (with den Studenten). 16 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax 59 hilft Cann IF ?Ty(e e t) THEN … put(Ty(e e t),Fo(yx.Help(e,x,y)), go(<>), put(<0>(?Ty(e),?(dat,e,U)) ELSE … The requirement for the case label can then be used as a trigger for dative terms which merely annotate the node with the relevant case label and do not project a L-context, as illustrated in the lexical entry for ihm: 60 ihm IF ?(Ty(e),?(dat,E,U)) THEN put(Ty(e),(dat,E,V),Fo({masc(V),sg(V)}V)) ELSE IF ?Ty(e) THEN put(Ty(e), Fo({(dat,E,V), masc(V),sg(V)}V)) ELSE ABORT What (60) shows is that there are two conditions for triggering ihm (and other dative-marked terms) in German: where a predicate requires the case and no context is projected by the term and where there is no case requirement and the term is independently interpreted. Note that in German the actions of the active verb are carried over to the passive. The information projected by geholfen is almost identical to that of the active, modulo the ‘absorption’ of the active 1st argument, as shown in (61). The dative requirement now, however, maps onto the 1st argument, i.e. subject, node and so surfaces in the passive. [The failure of the 2nd accusative argument to passivise in (56.c) is due to the fact that the related action imposes a restriction on the 2nd, object, node.] 61 geholfen IF ?Ty(e t) THEN … put(Ty(e t),Fo(y.Help(e,a,y)), go(<>), put(<0>(?Ty(e),?(dat,e,U)) ELSE … I have already noted that even selected case may be semantically significant. However, this appears to be a property of the predicate rather than the term. Going back to Classical Greek, I have stated that timōrein differs in interpretation when taking an accusative and when taking a dative, a difference that can (at least in part) be attributed to the case marking. The dative is a structural case in Greek but indicates the indirect object or 3rd argument not the direct or 2nd argument. Hence, with the dative case timōrein must select the appropriate label. Greek differs from German, however, in allowing certain (especially human denoting) datives to passivise irrespective of whether the dative is structural or selected (although independent datives never passivise as far as I am aware). In order to maintain the hypothesis that selected case-marked terms do not project semantic information (in general true), for the dative context to be available in this instance it must be projected by the verb itself. So we have the partial lexical entry for timōrein in (62): 62 17 timōrein IF ?Ty(e e t) THEN EITHER put(Ty(e e t), Fo({(dat,e,U)}yx.avenge(e,x,y))), go(<1>), put(<0>(?Ty(e),?(dat,e,U))) OR put(Ty(e e t), Fo(yx.avenge(e,x,y))) SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann We may speculate that idiosyncratic case marking proceeds diachronically from independent use (63a), through selection plus projection of context (63b) to selection without the projection of context (63c): 63a 63b 63c {(dat,e,U)}yx.avenge(e,x,y))) & R(e,U) {(dat,e,U)}yx.avenge(e,x,y))) yx.avenge(e,x,y))) Ergative and Active Languages A. Theory is extendable to ergative/absolutive systems without problems: Absolutive: often not morphologically marked. Projects neither context nor structural restriction. Ergative: projects a context (including ‘agentive’ relations) and imposes a 1-argument condition on position (<0>Ty(t)). In strict ergative languages (where the case only marks A function in structure), the marker will impose a requirement on the most local Ty(t) node to have a local transtive predicate (go_first(<*>?Ty(t)), put(?<1*>Ty(e e t)). Warlpiri: karnta-ngku ka-rla kurdu-ku miyi yi-nyi. woman-erg pres-3dat baby-dat food.abs give-npst 'The woman is giving food to the baby’ Again in strict ergative languages the predicate may have to impose an ergative requirement on its subject (although this requirement could be derived). However, in many languages human or highly animate ‘subjects’ may appear in the absolutive. There are two effects of this: ‘subject’ loses some agentive property: Woman-erg hit child.abs Woman.abs hit child.abs = ‘The woman hit the child (intentionally)’ = ‘The woman hit the child (unintentionally)’ high animacy terms do not receive ergative marking: man.abs hit kangaroo.abs = ‘The man hit the kangaroo’ ‘The kangaroo hit the man’ man.abs hit kangaroo-erg = ‘The kangaroo hit the man’ (cf. Object marking with humans in some Bantu languages) In so-called active languages, unergative and unaccusative subjects are distinguished by casemarking: Unergative subjects in ergative: woman-erg laugh Unaccusative subjects in absolutive: woman.abs is-hungry Notice there is no characterisation of ‘grammatical subject’ so no need to force ergatives into a nom/acc mould – BUT we do keep the intuition that ergative is a 1-argument, the most active participant. 18 SOAS 30/01/01 Aspects of Grammatical Case in Dynamic Syntax Cann Conclusion What I have tried to do in this talk is to sketch a theory of paradigmatic case as being something that projects information from a case-marked term which has different effects in different contexts. In particular, I have tried to account for three specific functions of case: 64a 64b 64c Independent (s-)case: Projection of L-context to constrain interpretation of a pragmatic extension to a predicate. Structural case: Projection of structural requirement and of L-context which may, or may not, be used in interpretation of the role of the case-marked term. Selected case: Projection of case label as satisfaction for some requirement imposed by a predicate. With respect to what predicates project we have: 65a 65b 65c Adjunct extension: Projection of underspecified relation between a term and an event. Structural argument selection: No projection beyond type of predicate. Case selection: Projection of requirement for a case label annotating an argument node. Clearly, I have not given a full account of case in any one language nor have I had time to discuss some of the interesting consequences that this approach to case has for ergative and active languages. 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