Title: Coram Boy: Understanding the Play Created: 25.05.2006 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‘Coram Boy’ Scheme of Work outline This scheme of work comprises five activities that aim to develop understanding of the play ‘Coram Boy’, with some activities which also explore the play as an adaptation of the novel. The SOW could be used at both KS3 and KS4 although is particularly well suited as preparation for the KS4 Modern Drama coursework. Activity Activity Focus Programmes of Study covered by SOW Literacy Strategy National Curriculum Across whole scheme of work: Across whole scheme of work: En1 Speaking and Listening En1 Speaking and Listening 3) Participate effectively as members of groups Yr8: 10) use talk to question, hypothesise, speculate, evaluate, solve problems and develop thinking about complex issues and ideas Yr9: 10) contribute to the organisation of group activity En2 Reading 1f) read and appreciate the scope and richness of complete novels, plays 1h) reflect on the writer’s presentation of ideas and issues, the motivation and behaviour of characters, the development of plot and the overall impact of a text 8b) read recent and contemporary drama, fiction written for young people and adults En3 Writing 9d) analyse, review and comment En2 Reading Yr8: 5) trace the development of themes, values or ideas in texts Yr8: 13) read a substantial text revising and refining interpretations of subject matter, style, technique Yr9: 14) analyse the language, form and dramatic impact of scenes and plays by published dramatists En3 Writing Yr8: 18) write a critical review of a substantial text 1 Detailed Analysis of Act One, Scene 7: considering how character and themes are developed through language En1 Speaking and Listening En1 Speaking and Listening 2f) ask questions Yr8: 10) use talk to question, hypothesise, speculate, evaluate, solve problems and develop thinking about complex issues and ideas En2 Reading En2 Reading Page: URL: 1 http://www.stagework.org.uk Title: Coram Boy: Understanding the Play Created: 25.05.2006 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1d) identify perspectives offered on individuals, community and society 1e) consider how meanings are changed when texts are adapted to different media 1g) understand how language is used in imaginative, original and diverse ways 6) draw on knowledge of grammar to develop understanding of texts and how language works Yr8: 5) trace the development of themes, values or ideas in texts Yr8: 8) investigate how meanings are changed when information is presented in different forms or transposed in different media Yr9: 14) analyse the language, form and dramatic impact of scenes and plays by published dramatists Sentence Yr8 2) explore the impact and variety of sentence structures, e.g. recognising when it is effective to use short direct sentences 2 Detailed Analysis of Act One, Scene7: The effects of dramatic devices or structures En1 Speaking and Listening 4d) evaluate critically performances of dramas that they have watched En2 Reading 1c) understand how ideas, values and emotions are explored and portrayed En3 Writing En2 Reading Yr8 Text: 3) make notes in different ways Yr8 Text: 15) identify links between literary heritage texts and their times, e.g. the social context of a nineteenth century novel Yr9 Text: 7) compare the presentation of ideas, values or emotions in related texts Yr9 Text: 14) analyse the language, form and dramatic impact of scenes and plays by published dramatists 10) use writing for thinking [for example noting] 9d) analyse, review and comment 3 Act 2, Scene 29: Exploring the climax of the play En1 Speaking and Listening 4a) use a variety of dramatic techniques to explore ideas, issues, texts and meanings 4b) use different ways to convey action, character, atmosphere and tension when performing plays 4c) appreciate how the structure and organisation of scenes and plays contribute to dramatic effect Page: URL: 2 http://www.stagework.org.uk Speaking and Listening Yr9 12) use a range of drama techniques, including work in role, to explore issues, ideas and meanings Yr9 14) convey action, character, atmosphere and tension when scripting plays En2 Reading Yr8 Text: 3) make notes in different ways Yr9 Text: 10) comment on interpretations of the Title: Coram Boy: Understanding the Play Created: 25.05.2006 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ En2 Reading 1c) understand how ideas, values and emotions are explored and portrayed 1e) consider how meanings are changed when texts are adapted to different media same text or idea in different media, using terms appropriate for critical analysis Yr9 Text: 14) analyse the language, form and dramatic impact of scenes and plays by published dramatists En3 Writing 10) use writing for thinking [for example noting] 4 5 Exploring alternative interpretations to ‘Coram Boy’. Considering how the different ways of reading a text can create layers of meaning Speaking and Listening activity En1 Speaking and Listening 1) speak fluently and appropriately in different contexts Yr9 13) develop and compare different interpretations of scenes or plays En2 Reading En2 Reading 1a) extract meaning beyond the literal, explaining how the choice of language and style affects implied and explicit meanings 1b) analyse and discuss alternative interpretations, ambiguity and allusion Yr8 Text: 14) recognise the conventions of some common literary genres, and explore how a particular text adheres to or deviates from established conventions En1 Speaking and Listening En1 Speaking and Listening 4a) use a variety of dramatic techniques to explore ideas, issues, texts and meanings 4b) use different ways to convey action, character, atmosphere and tension when performing plays En3 Writing 1a) draw on experience of good fiction and of reading, watching and performing plays Page: URL: Speaking and Listening 3 http://www.stagework.org.uk Yr8 16) collaborate in, and evaluate, the presentation of dramatic performances which explore character, relationships and issues Yr9 12) use a range of drama techniques, including work in role, to explore issues, ideas and meanings Yr9 14) convey action, character, atmosphere and tension when scripting plays